Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Let the Veil Be Lifted

Today I have the opportunity to practice letting the veil be lifted. The veil of separation blinds me to the truth of everyone’s eternal oneness in God. In truth no one has left God or has become different from his Creator. No one has succeeded in being separate and alone. No one has succeeded in making his little separate kingdom real.

The veil is lifted as I allow the Holy Spirit to transform these thoughts of separation. My willingness to forgive or let go of these false ideas is what is needed today. At my invitation the Light that always resides in my mind gladly lifts the veil and brings false perception to the truth. I was merely mistaken in thinking these images were true. I welcome Holy Spirit’s correction today, and remember again that I do not know what anything means on my own.

Today’s purpose is to let the veil be lifted by the Holy Spirit. Here I am shown that nothing has happened to change God’s one Son. The Light of God is still there to be seen and loved. Innocence and oneness is all I want to see, and I receive as I have asked. As I forgive, every pain and every apprehension disappears. This is my practice for today.

I cannot lift the veil of separation on my own. The belief that I am an individual identity is the veil. My job is to recognize the veil I have made and offer it to the Holy Spirit in my mind. It is He Who will show me its nothingness. As I recognize its nothingness, I easily let the veil be lifted.

Whenever my peace is disturbed in any way, I am believing the veil has substance and has the power to keep me separate from my Source. This then becomes a signal for me to bring that sense of disturbance to the Holy Spirit and ask His help to see that it is truly nothing. It is not cause for fear or guilt because it is nothing.

When I am willing to receive Holy Spirit’s gentle correction, I will be taking another step toward freedom from the veil I made and acceptance of God’s strength and peace and Love. This is my focus for today.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Playing Follow the Leader—Holy Spirit

The lesson that is being reinforced for me everyday is that I am much better off when I step back and follow Holy Spirit’s lead. It seems obvious that this would be the case. Yet clearly I have a propensity to make up my own plans or at least think I know what should happen. It is thinking I know anything that sets me up for feelings of disappointment, frustration and impatience.

These feelings are a warning flag that I need to step back and return my mind to willingness to follow Holy Spirit’s lead. It is clearly to my advantage to follow One Who has total awareness of everything and its effects than it is to follow my limited perception that is carefully confined to show me only what fits with my beliefs. If I don’t want to perpetuate my limited beliefs and sense of isolation they bring, then I need to follow a leader Who does not believe in those limitations.

Today my practice is to step back in peace and follow Holy Spirit’s lead throughout the day.

God has given all of Himself to all of us. We all have been given all that is real. All the power and strength of God is equally shared with everyone. My opportunity today is to let this vision of the truth replace the false ideas I have joined with. The dream of separation is not true. Only Love’s Oneness is true. Allowing myself to remember the truth is my practice for today. This is what brings me happiness. This willingness released me from all pain and suffering. And I give thanks.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Remembering the Holy Instant

Am I willing to remember the truth right now? Right now, am I willing to let my mind be healed? Right now, am I willing to open my mind to Holy Spirit’s healing perception? All I really have is right now.

My practice for today is to pay attention to what I am joining with in each present moment and hand over thoughts that do not reflect perfect Love. I would not keep these thoughts because I do not want to imprison myself or my brother. I let Holy Spirit be the judge of everything I am experiencing.

This is my practice for today. Allowing my mind to be healed is what today is for. I give thanks that I have so much help in each present moment from my inner Teacher.

In the holy instant the past is set aside. Without the past the present moment is recognized for what it is, pure and innocent, whole and complete, with no sense of lack, no need to compare. In the holy instant the inclusiveness of Love is experienced. No one is excluded. Because there is no exclusion, there is no guilt and thus no fear. This is the experience of the Self I share with all, the Self that God created.

Today my practice is to open to the center of timeless peace where the Presence of Love is recognized as all there is to see. From this state of being, all my doing in the world will serve to extend that Love.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Let Go and Let Love in

When I went into a place of quiet, this is what came.

Let go and let God. Open to God’s peace… Open to receive God’s Love… Just relax… and welcome Love into your mind… Rest… and soak in God’s loving Arms… Stay in this quiet place of receiving without judgment… Give God a chance to work through you today.…

Let yourself see the world through the eyes of Love… Let yourself recognize the innocence and peace that lies behind the turmoil of the world… Forgive the world for all you thought it was… Let yourself be taught a new a way of seeing… Let yourself feel the gentleness and kindness that comes with following Holy Spirit’s lead…

Keep practicing this all through the day, and receive the blessings that come with this practice.

I have an image in my mind in which I am seeing through Holy Spirit’s vision. With this vision I see the world as a field of Lights, joined in one Light. This field of Light reaches to infinity. It has no limit. To experience this Light, I must be willing to extend It. When I do this, I see the holiness in my brother and recognize that holiness as my own. There is really nothing else to see.

My practice today is to hold my mind open to Holy Spirit’s vision, to see with Love. It is Love’s reflection that teaches me the truth of What I am. This is how I set aside the veil of the world and remember Heaven.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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The Light Within

When I let the Love of God in me shine upon the world, I see Love everywhere. I see innocence everywhere. I see kindness everywhere. The Light of Love is reflected back to me. I feel Its blessing and it adds to the Love I feel which overflows to all that is.

But if I choose to believe I am in a world of separation, the Light of Love is hidden, though it is ever present. In the darkness of that separate world, I see images of guilt and fear, loneliness and loss. It is a world where chaos reins. Nothing is predictable and so I fall into making efforts to plan for the unpredictable.

I am grateful that within my mind there is a Part, my true Self, That has not forgotten where the Light is, and does not believe in the dark world of separation I have gotten caught up in. I can call upon this Self by being willing to rise above this dark world through allowing peace to return to my mind. Peace opens the door to the truth that is remembered for me by the Self which God created. This Self sees my confusion but does not believe it is based on truth. Thus this Self will gently lead me out of confusion and help me open to the Light that has stayed with me.

Today I will practice rising above in peace so that I may open the doors within to let the Light of Love shine forth.

There is a place in my mind that is very quiet. There is a place in my mind that is filled with peace. I am willing to go to this quiet place to let my mind be healed. I bring all the confusing, conflicted and fearful thoughts with me to let them be transformed by the Light that resides in this quiet place. I trust in the strength of God to heal these conflicted thoughts.

I rest a while in this sacred inner place. I know that if I am willing and open, the thoughts that I bring here will be transformed in the Light of Love. This inner place of mind healing is always there, waiting for my willingness to be healed. And I give thanks.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Holy Spirit’s Classroom

Sometimes I am aware of an aspect in my mind that has its gavel raised, ready to pass judgment on whatever crosses its path. It should wear a sign, “Here comes da judge.” When this aspect is noticeable in my mind, it puts me on edge. Sometimes I tolerate its presence for a while, but the split it causes can lead to a headache.

The only resolution for this is to bring it to the Holy Spirit. That means I must be willing to go to peace and accept peace in my mind. The degree to which I am willing to tolerate “da judge” is the degree to which I am unwilling to accept Holy Spirit’s help. Fortunately my tolerance for pain is much less that it used to be. I much more quickly recognize that my mind is disturbed and become willing to do what it takes to return to peace and let Holy Spirit’s Light shine away the false idea that judgment is possible.

Today my practice is once again to be vigilant for peace. Peace is my one goal and the Holy Spirit, my true Self is where it is. I am willing to accept it.

Today, let me remember that I am in Holy Spirit’s school. The purpose of Holy Spirit’s school is to awaken me from the false dream of separation. The Holy Spirit’s purpose is to awaken me to my true Identity as Love.

It helps me learn my lessons if I remember in each moment that I am in a class and my Teacher is right there with me, waiting to use the circumstances of each present moment to help me awaken to the truth. When I remember what everything is for according to the Holy Spirit, my lessons become easier to learn. The barriers that I put up are noticed more easily. I can recognize the false beliefs that show up in my mind more easily.

I can remind myself, “This moment is here for my awakening. Am I willing to receive the correction of my perception from the Holy Spirit? Am I willing to let the veil of separation be lifted right now, wherever I am, whatever I am doing?” When I remember this, of course I say yes. Fortunately, the Holy Spirit waits patiently when I forget, remembering that nothing could ever really happen but Love. The Holy Spirit remembers God IS, and there is nothing else.

So today is devoted to remembering I am in Holy Spirit’s classroom. My job as the student is to pay attention to my inner Teacher. I may wander off several times during the day on my own, but the more I pay attention to why I am here and what this day is for, I more willing I am to come back to Holy Spirit’s classroom and receive the lessons that bring me a greater awareness of the peace, joy and Love of my true Identity.

Thank God we are all in Holy Spirit’s classroom. As soon as we are willing, we see that the lessons are right before us and the answer is plain as day. And for this I give thanks.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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The Gentle Flow of Spirit

I had an image in my mind of being in a canoe, gliding gently down a stream. I did not need to paddle. The current carried me effortlessly at the perfect speed. As I was carried along, I saw that everything is in perfect order. I did not need to paddle and hurry along. In fact, if I tried to set the pace, I simply threw the timing off. What would occur naturally of its own would instead become complicated and difficult.

This image is a great reminder to allow myself to be carried in the gentle flow of Spirit. This is my practice for today.

I move into Holy Spirit’s gentle flow with the consistent practice of pausing for peace. Pausing for peace helps me remember that I will be carried if I give my consent. Today my practice is to pay attention to my willingness to be carried, instead of trying to decide what anything means on my own. With this practice, a beautiful, peaceful day of blessings will unfold. And I give thanks.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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