Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Choose Peace

Holy Spirit to Robert:
Let peace lead the way today. Monitor your level of peace and, as soon as you recognize a sense of disturbance, step back and allow yourself to settle into peace again. As you stay in peace, you keep the door open to the inspiration of your true Self. This will always lead you to release from self-imposed limitation and increased acceptance of your limitlessness.

Love created you limitless, being Itself limitless. The full acceptance of this is your return to Heaven. Your practice of letting peace lead the way will take you great strides toward the freedom of Heaven. Have a peace-filled day.

If there ever was a powerful tool that is truly helpful in every situation, it is the consistent practice of choosing peace. Remembering, “I could choose peace instead of this,” brings me back to connecting with my true Source of strength — the Holy Spirit in my mind. Just like an airplane makes constant corrections as it flies to its destination, I need constant correction as I go through my day.

The Holy Spirit’s use of time is to remove the barriers to Love’s Presence. Choosing peace and allowing peace to fill my mind brings a beautiful correction in how I perceive each circumstance as I go through the day.

The Holy Spirit knows how to lead me Home; I don’t. So I need the constant application of peace, the healing antidote to every form of tension or conflict. This is why my practice for today is to consistently step back and choose peace again and again, all through the day. This is how I allow the Holy Spirit to lead me Home. And I give thanks.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Letting the Holy Spirit Be My Interpreter

The A Course in Miracles tells us to ask of everything, “What is this for?” The ego’s purpose for everything that I perceive is to make separation appear real and to reinforce guilt. The Holy Spirit’s purpose for everything is to help us awaken to the truth that we remain Love as Love created us. In every moment we do ask this question. The key is whether are we paying attention to the ego’s answer or the Holy Spirit’s.

The way I keep my attention on aligning with the Holy Spirit’s purpose is to stay in peace. In peace I am receptive to Holy Spirit’s interpretation in the present moment.

Today my practice is to be mindful of my level of peace. And if I observe any disturbance, to step back into peace. As I do this and open my mind to Holy Spirit’s inspiration, my doing will be in the service of Holy Spirit’s purpose. And my experience of peace and happiness will be magnified.

Today it is my opportunity to remember that I rest in God. And because I am one with every brother, everyone rests in God with me.

Everyone is still as God created them, no matter what it looks like in the ego’s world of separate bodies. Everyone is joined in the one Christ Mind, where they reside eternally. There is on life and that is the life we live in God.

My opportunity today is to have an open mind to receive Holy Spirit’s interpretation of everything I see in this world. Today is another opportunity to allow my mind to be healed of all the false ideas that clutter up my mind. If I see anything that disturbs me, it is another opportunity to hand it over to the Holy Spirit to receive a correction in my perception. This is how I wake up from the dream. This is how the awareness of What I am and Where I am returns. And I give thanks for another day of practice in forgiving the world for all I thought it was.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Remembering Our One Self

We are all one Self, united in the Love of God. I cannot see anyone as separate or different from me and see them truly. The practice of joining with the Holy Spirit to see the Christ in everyone helps me recognize that we are one Self. Everything is the same in this one Self. Since only Love is real, this one Self we are is Love.

If I am not experiencing the happiness and peace of this one, loving Self, I am believing that I am not part of this Self. I am believing in a false image that sets me apart, different and vulnerable to other different parts. It is this mistaken belief that must be let go for me to remember What I am. In moments of clarity I feel the certainty and safety, the peace and happiness of changeless Love. There is a joyous, inclusive joining with All That is that leaves nothing out, and there is nothing outside that I need to defend against. This is a taste of Heaven.

My practice today is to remind myself frequently that whoever I think of or talk with or see is united with me in the one Self that is God’s Son. We are joined in Love. There is nothing else.

As I allow my mind to quiet and open to God’s peace, I am given this insight:

“Because you and everyone are still in the Mind of Love, let yourself become aware that you are always immersed in God’s sea of Love… You are always immersed in God’s sea of peace… Let yourself feel this sea of Love, this sea of peace…

“Let yourself accept the truth about Where you truly are and What you truly are… You are one Self, united with your Creator, at one with all of your Creator’s Love and joy and peace. This can never change. You are always completely safe in the Mind of your Creator, no matter what false ideas you may entertain in the false mind. And what is true about you is true about everyone.

“The Christ Mind is one. There is only one Mind that we all share in truth. Today it is your opportunity to let the veil be lifted to see the face of Christ. There is only one face of Christ and It is everywhere. As you let your mind be healed of all false ideas of differences, your healing is shared with the whole Sonship. This is your opportunity today. Let yourself become aware that God’s Will is done. Anything else is just a mistaken thought to be forgiven.”

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Seeing the Light of Love in Everyone

As I go into a place of quiet to receive the truth, I am reminded again that only Love is real… I am encouraged to see past the clouds of uniqueness and differences to the one light of Love that is true about everyone and everything…

I am reminded that the world of separate bodies is just a dream and not real. It is just the result of joining with a mistaken thought system. I am quietly encouraged to look past individuality to the eternal Love that is always present. I’m invited to forgive or let go of the false belief system based on separation. I see that the purpose for today is to forgive the world for what I thought it was. I am encouraged to be as a little child and remember that all I learned from the past within a world of separation means nothing and is nowhere. I see that I have all the help I need as I am willing to step back and be shown the Christ Mind where I once saw separate individuals. I see that this willingness brings peace and happiness. This is my purpose for today. And I give thanks.

Peace and happiness come from within. They are attributes of the Love that is the truth of What I am. If I do not experience peace and happiness, it is because I am denying What I am. I open the door to the recognition of What I am as I am willing to see the Christ in all my brothers. This seeing comes through inner vision, not the body’s perceptions. Having denied this inner vision, I need the Holy Spirit’s help to bring it back to my awareness.

Today I ask the Holy Spirit’s help to see the Christ in everyone. This is how I will have a day of peace and happiness.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Resting in the Truth

Holy Spirit to Mary:
Let go… Let go… Let go… Let go of your belief in a world of differences, of unique bodies and different times and places…

Breathe deeply… and let go of it all… Let the Light of truth replace these images of differences… Let all images fall away… 

Let your inner Comforter bring you to a state of deep peace… to an awareness beyond words… Give time to resting in this quiet awareness…

In this place of quietness you receive inspiration in a way that is most helpful to you now… be open and receive…

Holy Spirit to Robert:
The Christ is in you. It is the truth in you. It is the one Self you share with everyone. When you identify with It as What you are, you rest in stillness, certain of your safety and overflowing with the joy of extending the Love you are.

When you do not feel the quiet stillness of peace, it is because you are not accepting your Self. Let your Self show you the Christ that is your brother and you will learn that It is you. Your Self is ever present, offering you the vision of truth, offering you the gift of peace. Accept It. Accept your Self, and you will remember your place in Heaven. You will remember you are Home.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Choosing Holy Spirit’s Vision

No one can disturb my peace of mind unless I see them as a body and myself as a body. The body is the ego’s mechanism for making it appear that my brother is separate from me and capable of harming me. Put another way, the body is the ego’s mechanism to make separation seem real.

The antidote for anything that disturbs my peace is to shift my allegiance from the ego’s investment in the body to the Holy Spirit’s certainty that I am God’s Son, along with everyone. When I choose to accept the Holy Spirit’s purpose, He will show me the vision of Christ, which sees all my brothers and me as one, wholly innocent in God’s Love. It is an exchange of the limited seeing of the body for the unlimited vision of Christ. Christ’s vision sees only Love, for only Love is real. The ego and its instrument, the body, cannot see Love because the ego is the denial of Love.

When I choose to align with Holy Spirit and accept His vision, the body becomes an instrument to serve Holy Spirit’s purpose of joining instead of the ego’s purpose of separating. The body then is used by the Holy Spirit as a means of communication in the world of form.

Today my practice is to hold my mind open to see with Christ’s vision and learn of the Love that is the Self I share with my brother. This vision will bring me joy and peace, for they are attributes of Love. 

As I open to the quietness of God’s peace, I am led past the world of separate bodies to the formless world where all is One. I am shown that in Love’s oneness there can be no conflict, but only peace and joy.

Which world do I want to see? Where would I reside in my mind? I make the choice each moment and receive as I have asked. My practice today is to open to the way the Holy Spirit sees, where fear is impossible. The Christ is all there is to see. And I give thanks.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Seeing Past Time to Eternity

Today we read the following in A Course in Miracles: “There is but one [holy instant]. The little breath of eternity that runs through time like golden light is all the same; nothing before it, nothing afterwards.” (T-20.V.5:7-8)

When we read this, an image came to mind that helped me understand. Imagine two parallel tracks. One is the track of time, broken into separate moments that seem to be different from all the other moments — everything changes in time. The parallel track is the golden light. It is one and changeless and so it is the same at any point along the line.

A holy instant occurs when we open our minds and allow the seeming gap between the line of time and the line of golden light to disappear. In that moment we experience the oneness and eternal changelessness of the golden light. Fear and guilt still held in our mind keeps us from keeping our full attention on the light so the connection seems to be broken and we return to the line of time. We again become unaware of the line of golden light that is still beside us.

As we move along the line of time we always have the potential to open our minds and let the connection come back into our awareness. The circumstances in the line of time seem to be different, so this holy instant seems to be different. Yet the golden light we connect to in that instant is still unchanged. It is still really the same holy instant, though it appears to be in a different setting in time.

Each time we allow ourselves to connect with the golden light of changeless, eternal Love, we bring back with us the experience of that connection. Being an experience of great peace and joy, it motivates us to clear away the barriers that limit our experience of this eternal Love. The more we clear away, the more we open to the connection that is always available to us. When we have let all judgment go, the line of time fades and we join the golden light of Love that is our true Self.

The practice of joining with the Holy Spirit to see the Christ in anyone and everyone opens our minds to the holy instant. Today my practice is to focus on the light of Love in anyone I meet or think of today. This is how I will learn of the Love that is my true Nature along with everyone’s.

I love the image that Robert received from Holy Spirit showing us the difference between time and eternity. The eternal Love of God never changes. The good news is that I can choose to let the remembrance of the eternal return at any point in my experience of “time.”

My practice for today is to allow the Holy Spirit to remind me of the eternal truth in everyone. This helps me remember that the constantly changing stories found in time are not true and the eternal Love in everyone is true. Allowing this holy instant of truth brings me peace. It brings me joy. If I want to be happy today, I will allow the Holy Spirit to return me to the awareness of the eternal truth. Love is. God is. There is nothing else. And I give thanks.

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