Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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I Rest in God

I Rest in God
As I went to Spirit this morning, the thought that was given me to remember throughout the day is: I rest in God.

When it seems like there is a lot to do and I find myself getting wrapped up in the hustle-bustle of the world, I’m being asked to remember this simple statement, I rest in God, and accept the feeling of peace that comes with it. My practice today is to repeat this to myself again and again to help me remember Where I really am and Where everyone really is.

What a blessing to remember that everyone in this world rests in God along with me. During this Christmas season, part of my service is to remember that we all rest in God. It brings peace to my mind and, because all minds are connected, it brings peace to every mind.

What a joy to remember that we are all the same united Love that God created us to be. This is the true meaning of Christmas — the remembering of the Christ in everyone. We all rest in God right now and for eternity. And I give thanks.

When I remember that I rest in God, I am content. I make no demands of the world, knowing I rest in God. I am patient because I trust in God’s sure protection. Remembering that I rest in God, there is nothing I need to defend. With defenses laid down, I welcome all my brother’s into my heart and remember that together we rest in God. I am content as I rest in God.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Opening to Love

Holy Spirit to Robert:
There is no one in the world who is not your Friend. You will not recognize this if you see anyone as an individual personality, including yourself. The truth in you is the same Self that is the truth in everyone. It unites you in God’s Creation.

If you are disturbed by anything you perceive in anyone, you are responding to a false image. This is simply an indication that you have forgotten your Identity and believe you are a separate self image. When you believe this, you experience it as true, although it is nothing more than a self-deception. Let it go. It is not worthy of you. The grandeur of your Being, given you by God, is worthy only of your limitless Love. It is this Love that unites you with everyone in your Creator.

Do not interpret any behavior or appearance in the world without My guidance. Of yourself, you have no meaningful basis on which to interpret. I never loose sight of What you are in truth and My interpretations are always based on this truth. When you let Me guide all your interpretations, you will recognize your Friend in everyone. You will recognize the Love they are and you will recognize their calls for Love and answer their requests with Love.

Practice this with Me today. It will be a happy day indeed.

Holy Spirit to Mary:
What is your function as a Child of God? Your function, as Love’s extension, is to extend Love as your Creator does. Relax and extend Love. Relax and open to the truth that only changeless Love is real. Identify yourself as the Love you are and see that this same Love is what everyone else is. Nothing has happened to change God’s one Son. This helps you see past the stories of separate bodies to the truth. This is what forgiveness brings. Relax. Open to the Light and you will see only Light.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Seeing Past the Dream to Oneness

This world is an outward picture of an inward belief that I have succeeded in separating myself from God’s infinite, eternal gift of everything that is Real, of Love. It is inevitable, then, that the world would reflect images of limitation and lack. If I believe these images, I will respond with defense because I see them as proof that I am limited and lacking.

Yet A Course in Miracles reminds us that “I am God’s Son, complete and healed and whole, shining in the reflection of His Love.” (W-pII.14.1:1) Since this is true, I can be lacking in nothing, being complete and whole. So the antidote to perceptions of lack and loss is to open my mind to God’s Voice, which reminds me of What I am in truth.

Nothing in the world can do anything to take away the sense of limitation and lack. But if I loose the world from all I thought it was, the recognition that I have everything, that all my needs are met, will dawn upon my mind. When I remember this, all my defenses are laid down.

Knowing I have all Love, I see with the vision of Christ, the Love that is everywhere around me and in me. I know that I am complete in God’s completion. And I give thanks.

This is my prayer today to the Holy Spirit today:

Thank You for hanging in there with me when I forget. Thank You for the peace I receive when I remember to let go and accept Your gift of peace. Thank You for helping me let go of the meaningless and remember the Light of truth.

I remember that You are always with me as I am willing to step back and listen. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for helping me see past the dream of separate bodies to the truth of our oneness in the Mind of Love. Amen.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Only Love Is There

Holy Spirit to Mary:
Today your practice is to remember that behind every image, only Love is there. Practice this today and apply it to every situation… Step back and allow the truth be be shown to you… Behind every dream of separate images, only Love is there.

You want to remember the truth. You want to be happy. Consistent practice in remembering only Love is there will bring you the consistent experience of inner joy. As you observe your practice today, you may find that you forget many times. Instead of blaming yourself, return once again to remember that only Love is there… Let Love fill you up completely… Let Love carry you through the day… Let Love inspire you in how to be truly helpful…

Let yourself remember all through the day that only Love is there, because only Love is in your mind.

Holy Spirit to Robert:
Let all your doing be inspired by Love. In Love you remember that your brothers’ and your interests are the same. Because you recognize this, there is no need to defend. Instead your wish is to join. Inspired by Love, you recognize the Love in your brother. It is clear that you share one Self. In oneness, there is no need to compare or compete. There is nothing to judge and no thought of loss.

Let Love inspire your doing today and you will learn to recognize your Self.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Wanting Peace Above All Else

All any of us really want is to be happy. What keeps us in the dream of separation and limitation is the mistaken belief that something here will make us happy. A Course in MIracles and our Inner Teacher are here to help us see that nothing in the world of images can bring us lasting happiness.

The dream is a dream of illusions, held in place by belief. But beliefs can change and therefore all illusions are temporary. By definition what is temporary does not last. And so no illusion can bring us lasting happiness.

Beneath all the striving to find something in the world that will comfort us and make us happy is the recognition that it will never succeed. Thus there is always an underlying depression that comes with seeking for happiness in the world, even when there are temporary moments of satisfaction because part of us knows that it cannot last.

The good news is that there is another way that does lead to lasting happiness. And the Guide to help us find that way is ever present in our minds. We need only be willing to step back from our striving in the world to let ourself be led to the peace of God.

The peace of God is all I want. Today I will step back and let my inner Teacher show me the way to peace. As I accept His guidance, I will recognize that peace is mine.

As I daily strengthen my willingness to awaken, what comes with it is the willingness to accept God’s gift of peace. As I accept God’s peace, that which is not of peace falls away automatically.

The experience of peace leads to the awareness of what is eternally true… Oneness replaces thoughts of differences… Love’s unity replaces thoughts of conflict… Knowing that all is perfect Love replaces thoughts of separate bodies… Joy replaces fear… All this comes with wanting peace above all else. Letting this be my top priority is my opportunity for today. And I give thanks.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Perfect Safety and Perfect Peace

In truth, the Light of God is all there is to see. The peace of God is all there is to feel. Let me focus on the truth today and be happy.

All I really want is the peace of God. To have it I simply need to stop defending against it. Identifying with an image of a body as what I am is a defense against God’s peace. The body is a wall made to keep God out. But I do not have to accept this limitation. It is not what I am and is not real.

Today I ask the Holy Spirit’s help to look past the temptation to perceive myself as a body and see the loving one Self that I share with All That Is. In the oneness of Love I will find perfect safety and perfect peace. With the help of the one Self, I will see this safety all around me today. And I give thanks.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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The Power of Gratitude

This morning we were guided to read A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 123. What stood out was,

We sing the song of thankfulness today, in honor of the Self That God has willed to be our true Identity in Him. Today we smile on everyone we see, and walk with lightened footsteps as we go to do what is appointed us to do.

We do not go alone. And we give thanks that in our solitude a Friend has come to speak the saving Word of God to us. And thanks to you for listening to Him. (W-pI.123.4:2-3,5:1-3)

This lesson brings to mind the power of gratitude to bring us the blessings that come from our inner Teacher, Who brings us to the truth. The gift of gratitude brings us “…to gentler pathways and smoother roads.” (1:2)

It is such a blessing to remember that we have never left God’s holy Mind, and that He showers us with gifts of peace and joy whenever we are willing to receive them. This is my opportunity today — to be thankful for the wonderful gifts we are always receiving from God.

We welcome what we are grateful for. Our ingratitude for God’s gift of all His Love, all that is Real, led to the making of a dream that seemed to offer us what we wanted and welcomed. Ingratitude for God’s gifts led to the denial of our Home and our Self and the making of an image of our self that keeps God out.

But through all that denial and ingratitude, God’s Voice remains in our mind, always offering God’s gift of all of Himself, all of His Love. We need only be willing to listen to this Voice, to accept Its message, and we will once again remember that we are loved, that we are one in innocence, that we have never left our Home. We have taught ourselves to believe that we are alone, but the means to undo that mistaken lesson is ever present in our minds.

Today I am willing to listen to that lesson. I am grateful that my Source has never left me and unceasingly offers me the gift of all that is — of perfect peace, changeless joy and eternal Love. I welcome His gift today.

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