Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Let Me See Truly

This is my prayer today:
Holy Spirit, let me see as You see. Let me see the Love that is everywhere and joins me with all that is. Let me feel the peace that Love brings with it. Let me know the joy that is God’s promise to His Creation. Let me see this in every brother and in every situation, for I would remember my Home. Amen

I join Robert in this one focus for today.

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Loving Transition

We had a significant experience last night and this morning that we would like to share with you. It started with a message that came in on our voice mail at 11:30 p.m. The call was from Bob Thompson, a Pathways minister for many years. In the message he briefly shared that his wife, Rev. Kathy Thompson, had passed on in a one car accident yesterday afternoon. A few minutes later a call came from Rev. Laurie Immekus, another Pathways minister, who is Kathy’s close friend. She told us that she would be going over to be with Bob in the morning and help with whatever needed to be done.

After these calls, as I lay in bed, I joined with Kathy, remembering that all minds that appear separated in the dream are really joined. I asked Kathy what she was learning with her transition experience. The response I received was, “Only Love matters.” I smiled as I heard this because, knowing Kathy, she demonstrated this every day of her life while she appeared to be in a body. The feeling that came with this joining was an expansive sense of peace. She did not feel lost or confused, but became aware of a much bigger and expanded ability to serve the awakening, and “only Love matters” is the central focus.

We talked to Bob by phone early this morning. He had been unable to sleep all night. We joined with him and with Kathy. In our joining, Kathy shared about her purpose now, without the limits of the body. She and Bob joined in one purpose when they first met to focus on awakening to Love and sharing it with everyone. That purpose is now expanded as Kathy joins with us without the body’s limitations. She impressed on us that she is still with us, joined with our minds, following Holy Spirit’s lead. While here in a body, her focus was consistently on “joyning” (as she liked to spell it).

It feels like this is a very exciting time for Bob and Kathy. Together they will be able to demonstrate that there is no death. The only thing that really matters is the Love we extend. While Bob will have to adjust to this sudden change in appearance, his process of moving past focus on appearances to remembering that minds are joined and not limited by the body will be a lesson that extends beyond him and Kathy. Bob shared that he has already had an opportunity to share this lesson with some who have called him expressing their grief.

The message is, “There is no death. The Son of God is free to awaken and be glad. The truth is that nothing has happened to change God’s one Son.” We can witness to truth instead of illusion and extend the happy awareness that everyone is the eternal Spirit of Love. We can shed the old worn out ideas of limitation and loss as a butterfly leaves its cocoon.

In our reading this morning we were led to the beginning of Chapter 26, appropriately titled, “The Transition.” What stood out to us was, “Hear, then, the song your brother sings to you, and let the world recede, and take the rest his witness offers on behalf of peace. But judge him not, for you will hear no song of liberation for yourself, nor see what it is given him to witness to, that you may see it and rejoice with him.” (T-26.I.6:3-4) Kathy is witnessing to the song of liberation on behalf of peace. As we are willing to join with her in witnessing to the truth of oneness, we experience the freedom of the butterfly ourselves.

We are very grateful for this opportunity to join in remembering there is no death, and that we are all free to follow Holy Spirit’s gentle plan of awakening. As we surrender all that we think we know, we are brought to the awareness of our real Life in which we remember that “only Love matters.”

We invite you to join us for the Sunday “Joining with Holy Spirit” teleconference on July 25th, in which we will celebrate Kathy’s transition and expanded service to awakening to the Love we are. Whether or not you knew Kathy, it will be an opportunity to join together and remember our oneness in the one Mind of Love. This is one more opportunity to remember the truth and let go of illusions of limitation and loss. This is a lesson we can all apply to our lives as we willingly wake up from the dream of separation.

The Sunday teleconference begins at 11 a.m. eastern, 8 a.m pacific time. To join the teleconference, call 1-218-339-2699. At the prompt, enter the access code: 293760#.

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Let Go of All Values of the World

Again and again, in many ways, A Course in Miracles tells me that if I want to be happy, I need to let go of all values of the world. When I’m honest with myself, the evidence in my experience is irrefutable that this is true. Yet I seem to so easily fall into mindlessly drifting through the day making judgments about what is valuable and what is not without even noticing. I understand that this is just resistance. The long established habit of identifying myself with a body brings with it the need to see the world as real. Judgment is one of the principle tools of the ego to make the world seem real.

But this is not getting me what I really want. So with gentleness and patience, I need to be persistent in paying attention of when I am falling into judgmental patterns and bring them to the Holy Spirit for His correction. It is worth the effort, for each time I do release my judgments to the Holy Spirit, I experience relief and peace and increased happiness. I am worthy of these gifts because God created me worthy by giving them to me through His creation.

So today is another day to practice; a day to take another step closer to the full experience of the peace of God. Just do it!

In our reading in ACIM this morning I was reminded that all of God has been given to everyone. This ideas is opposite to the world’s perception where if someone gains, someone else must lose. I am willing to let go of the idea that anyone could lose. Loss is impossible if all of God has been given to everyone.

My job today is accept what God has given instead of denying it. Accepting God’s gifts means accepting what God knows about every brother. God knows only of the Christ in them and myself. Am I willing to accept God today as God is and see Him in every brother? This what today is for and nothing more.

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I Want the Peace of God

What do I really want? I want the peace of God.

I am seeing more and more clearly that having opinions about anything, valuing anything in the world of images, is just a recipe for unhappiness and depression. Any time I believe that I would be better off if something in the world were different, unhappiness is inevitable. And unhappiness is just another word for anger. It is basically the effect of rejecting God’s Will, being angry at God for not giving me what I want. It is the denial of God’s Will which blinds me to the fact that God’s Will for me is perfect happiness. So what is happening is that I deny God’s gift of perfect happiness and then blame Him for my unhappiness. No wonder the Course says that believing in this world is insanity.

I am experiencing increasing happiness and I see that it is a direct result of letting go of opinions and judgments more and more. The presence of unhappiness is a sure sign that I am choosing against God’s Will for me — I would rather have a fantasy of images than accept the gift of perfect happiness.

So there is a very simple means to reach my goal of happiness: Loose the world from all I thought it was. As I let go of judgment, I make way for the Love of God to return to my awareness. With the awareness of God’s Love comes perfect happiness, because that is God’s Will for me. Along with forgiveness comes the recognition that I also love my brother who is one with me. I do not love the appearance of a body or what it does, for that is not my brother. I love the light of Love in him because it is the one Love we all share.

I want the peace of God. Today I focus once again on bringing all my judgments, all my opinions, to the Holy Spirit with an open mind to receive His gentle correction. This is how I will experience God’s gifts.

It is the Holy Spirit in my mind That leads me Home. It is the Holy Spirit in my mind That goes with me wherever I go. As I wander in dreams of separation, it is the Holy Spirit That shows me the difference between the real and the unreal. It is the Holy Spirit That lifts the veil that helps me see past bodies to the one Christ Mind that is truly there. My practice today is to step back consistently and let my mind be corrected. This practice of stepping back always leads to peace and happiness.

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Release from Fear

In our reading in A Course in Miracles this morning, this is what stood out to me:

The guiltless have no fear, for they are safe and recognize their safety. They do not appeal to magic, nor invent escapes from fancied threats without reality. They rest in quiet certainty that they will do what is given them to do. They do not doubt their own ability because they know their function will be filled completely in the perfect time and place. (W-pI.98.3:1-4)

This was the perfect message for me to hear. Fear thoughts came up for me last night and they seemed very real at the time. This reminds me that I need not ‘invent escapes from fancied threats without reality.’ This reminds me that we are all safe in the Heart of God and have not left God’s Mind. Once again, I willingly open my mind to Holy Spirit’s healing Light because keeping fear thoughts is not the answer. Quiet openness to my inner Teacher is the answer to every fear thought that comes up. I continue the practice through the day to accept my part in God’s plan for salvation by letting go of the insanity of belief in separation from God.

When I believe I am separate and alone, I am denying the strength of God in me and fear is inevitable. Because the body’s eyes were made to make the appearance of separation seem real, it is essential that I learn not to believe what the body’s eyes see. This is not a lesson I can teach myself because when I believe I am separate, all I can teach is separation.

But my inner Teacher is ever present in my mind and does not believe in separation at all. This is the teacher I must pay attention to if I would learn of my real strength, the strength I have in God. The daily minute-by-minute practice of paying attention to the Holy Spirit’s lesson in each situation is the way out of hell. It is the way to learn of the safety, happiness and peace that is God’s eternal gift to all.

I am grateful for the moments when I do remember to pay attention to the Holy Spirit’s vision. My attention still gets attracted to the world’s images but I more quickly now bring my attention back to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit always guides me with gentleness and patience and always shows me that I am safe and innocent and loved. He always shows me that I remain at Home. And I give thanks.

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Overlook the World

What do I want to see? What do I want to be real? These are the same question. Do I want a world of separate bodies that are vulnerable and must inevitably die? Do I want a world where happiness depends on fleeting images and temporary relationships that never last? Or do I want a world that is changeless, eternally loving and safe, where happiness is constant and peace is eternal? This is reality, but it escapes my awareness when I deny it in favor of a world of images I make up that seem to separate me from my Source. It all comes down to what I think has value.

I seem to be in this dream of a world because I thought it had something I wanted. I am learning that the appearance of value was simply smoke and mirrors, a sleight of hand that denies What I am and makes the joy of Love invisible to me. This illusion of a world can never bring me the happiness and Love I seek.

To return to what I really want I must practice questioning every value I see in the world. I need to take every perception to the Holy Spirit in my mind with a willingness to see it anew. When I am willing, the Holy Spirit will return my perception to me washed clean of false ideas and shining in the reality of Love. The Light of Love will show me the Light that is everywhere to be recognized. This is what I really want. This is how I will awaken. Today is another day of practice bringing all my perceptions to the Holy Spirit that I may see as He sees.

What is today for? Today is another opportunity to forgive the world for all I thought it was. In A Course in Miracles Text, Chapter 9, Section IV we are told, “To forgive is to overlook. Look, then, beyond error and do not let your perception rest upon it, for you will believe what your perception holds. Accept as true only what your brother is, if you would know yourself. Perceive what he is not and you cannot know what you are, because you see him falsely. Remember always that your Identity is shared, and that Its sharing is Its reality.” (T-9.IV.1:2-6)

My brother is still as God created him. My brother is the one Christ Mind Which we all share. I have an opportunity today to practice overlooking illusions and allowing the truth to be shown to me by the Holy Spirit. If I am willing to be honest, the Light of God is all there is to see. I choose to see the truth in every brother today. I choose to practice overlooking illusions in order to see the truth about every brother today.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Transcending the Laws of Time

Mary & Robert:
This morning we were guided to a prayer in A Course in Miracles that states perfectly our practice for today:

Father, I wake today with miracles correcting my perception of all things. And so begins the day I share with You as I will share eternity, for time has stepped aside today. I do not seek the things of time, and so I will not look upon them. What I seek today transcends all laws of time and things perceived in time. I would forget all things except Your Love. I would abide in You, and know no laws except Your law of love. And I would find the peace which You created for Your Son, forgetting all the foolish toys I made as I behold Your glory and my own. (W-pII.346.1)

We can accept God’s peace all through the day as our willingness permits. This is our focus for today.

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