Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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See the World with Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit to Mary:
Forgiveness means letting go of what is not real. Forgiveness means letting your replacements for Love go. God is Love and Love creates like Itself.

As you go through your day, look at your replacements for Love with Me, and let me show you their unreality. Let Me show you what matters and what does not matter. Let Me bring you to the truth. That is the real purpose for today — to be awakened to the truth. In truth, you rest in God. In truth, you have never replaced God with images of separation. Relax and let Me return your mind to the truth.

Holy Spirit to Robert:
Walk with Me today. Check in with Me frequently. I will guide you in the way that not only serves the whole, but serves you. What truly serves you serves all because you are one with all. There is no division. The world appears to be filled with images. Let Me interpret those images for you and I will show you the Love that is everywhere.

While you believe you are in the world of images, Love must be expressed through symbolic images. On your own you do not know how to use images lovingly. In fact when you think you are on your own, you are using images lovelessly. Let Me guide you in all your doing and I will use all worldly forms as expressions of Love through you. This is how you will learn to recognize the Love you are. This is how you will learn to recognize the Love beyond all forms. Together we will have a happy day.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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God Is in Everything I See

Yesterday I had a great experience as I was making the Pathways of Light Miracles News magazines. We have a machine called a booklet maker. It’s old and the day before it was having problems with jamming. I had to throw away more than 10% of the booklets I ran through. But yesterday I practiced a new way of working with it. I started by asking Holy Spirit to help me not see the machine as an image of attack and loss.

Then, as I watched the machine working, I affirmed in my mind, “This machine is just an image. Beyond it is the Love of God.” I repeated this like a mantra. As I repeated it, my heart was filled with gratitude and joy. Occasionally the machine had a minor jam, but it did not disturb my peace and no booklets were made unusable.

But more important than there being no “loss” of booklets, I had the deep enriching experience of the joy that comes with looking past the image my body’s eyes showed me to the Love that is eternal. After an hour of working with the machine I felt more energized than when I began. And I had a wonderful experience that taught me the value and gift that comes with letting Holy Spirit guide my perception. Today I will continue the practice in all my doing.

There is a place in A Course in Miracles where it tells us that this world is not our home and that we are an alien here. As I get quiet and go to Spirit, I am reminded once again not to take the myriad stories of this world too seriously. I am reminded to be lighthearted and laugh with the Holy Spirit at the absurdity of thinking that these stories are real.

In the story I am experiencing now, we are in the process of mailing the Miracles News and then we will be moving to Sanford, Florida, toward the end of the month. With moving it seems like there are a million things to do. I now have the opportunity of practicing stepping back and remembering that I am being carried. I need not make any decisions on my own or be in a place of effort or strain. This is a good opportunity in the practice of following instead of deciding on my own what needs to be done. The Holy Spirit uses everything in the dream to lead me Home to the awareness of Love’s Presence. So I take this move as another opportunity to reinforce stepping back and letting Holy Spirit lead the way with every detail.

One helpful hint I get from Holy Spirit is to check in often during the day and observe how relaxed I am. Am I efforting in any way? If so, I need to strengthen my surrender muscles and step back once again and allow myself to be carried. This is my opportunity today and I grateful that my inner Guide is always there helping me every step of the way as I am willing to accept His help.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Return to Center

My heart is filled with gratitude. I am grateful that I have the means within my mind to see past the images of the world to the presence of Love that is everywhere, always. I am grateful that I have the means to stay at peace when the well pump doesn’t work and there is no water pressure. I am grateful that I have the means to return to peace when I forget and feel frustrated because my plan is not working out as I think it should. I am grateful that I have the means to remember the Love that created me as Love, and that I remain unchanged and unchangeable.

This Love remains my Center, my Self. In every moment I can return to that Center and remember the gift of peace that comes with Love. I am grateful that, no matter what images I conjure up, they have no effect on the truth and I remain as God created me.

Holy Spirit to Mary:
There is no Love but God’s. God’s Love is all there is and nothing else is real. This is the lesson you came to learn as you allow the Holy Spirit to return your mind to the truth. All the false ideas you are now holding the Holy Spirit will undo as you step back and allow Him to purify your mind of all that is not true.

Only Love is real. Only God’s perfect, united Love That is shared with all is real. This what you came to learn. This is what heals your mind. Returning to the truth is all you really want and all you really need. Let today be a day of stepping back, remembering that on your own you know nothing. Let today be a day of quiet listening as you open your mind to what is real. Only God’s perfect Love is real. This is what you are learning today.

You are learning to let your mind be purified of all false ideas. Only the truth is true and nothing else is true. Herein lies your freedom from the ego’s false ideas. Let today be a day of freedom and of joy.

This morning as I go to my quiet place, I meet Jesus. As we stand facing each other, holding hands, these are his words to me:

Let’s pray together — Dear Father, please helps us today to remember the perfection of Your plan, to know that everything that happens is a piece of Your perfect puzzle. Please help us today to remember no effort on our part to change anything is ever needed. Only the acceptance of “what is” and remembering to love is our only job.

Today we ask You, Father, to please reinforce that in our minds. Today as we go along, let us remember that we are being carried by You. It is as if we are floating on a cloud, observing and watching all the experiences that are happening. We ask You, Father, to help us watch those experiences with detachment. We are grateful for Your peace that You so lovingly have bestowed upon us. Please have us remember the peace that we really are.

Help us also remember that we are Love, just as You created us. Above all, as we walk today on our path, please help us to remember that every brother we look upon is one with us. We ask that You help us to remember the oneness that we are with You. We ask You to please help us to forgive our mistaken thoughts and forgive what we thought we saw in our brothers and sisters if it was not of Love.

As we all walk our path Home to You, Father, we thank You for Holy Spirit’s Help in getting there. We realize today that that help is so strong and Jesus is right here helping us, walking with us, talking with us, loving us every step of the way. Thank You. Thank You. Amen.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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I Will Step Back and Let Him Lead the Way.

Whenever I have my own ideas, my own goals for what I think should happen and when, I am not at peace. My mind jumps in many directions trying to figure out things to do to make the goals happen. But these are exercises in futility because they are exercises of illusions playing with illusions.

I was reminded today by the lesson that tells me I do not perceive my own best interests. This being the case, I have no business trying to make anything happen. I really have only one business and that is to let myself be led by the Holy Spirit in my mind. When I step back and let Him lead the way, turning over my goals and wishes to Him, then I return to peace. I am relinquishing my investment in illusions and opening to the clear vision of Spirit.

All I really want is the peace of God. Today I reaffirm this one goal and commit to the practice that will let it happen — I will step back and let Him lead the way.

This morning I go through a surrendering process of remembering that I know nothing. I see myself standing under Holy Spirit’s shower of Light, shower of peace… I breathe it in… I practice letting go of everything I think I know… Who do I think I am? Who do I think my brother is? I just let it all be washed away by the Holy Spirit’s healing Light… I just let it be washed away… I ask for the peace of God and open my mind to receive Holy Spirit’s gift of peace…

What comes to me as I continue accepting peace is that the life I appear to be living is just a story. It’s just a story. Very quietly, I am asked not to take it so seriously. I hand it all over to the Holy Spirit. As I truly do this it feels like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. The heaviness is just a signal that I was taking the story too seriously once again. I was trying to solve things on my own.

Once again, I am shown that this does not work. This is not the answer. It is only the Holy Spirit that knows what is in my best interests and everyone’s best interests. It is only the Holy Spirit That knows how to lead us all out of the dream stories we are making up of being separate and alone.

The Holy Spirit reminds me once again to let go of the reins and let myself be carried. My job is to place my trust in the Holy Spirit and not myself alone. The truth is I rest in God along with everyone in the dream of separate bodies. Waking up from the dream is the one goal the Holy Spirit has for us. I wake up as I am willing to follow and let go of the past. It is through accepting the gift of peace that I can hear Holy Spirit’s inner direction. Accepting peace brings me what I really want and helps to lift the veil, showing me the truth about everyone. I will step back and let Him lead the way.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Walking with Christ

I choose to walk with Christ today. I choose to let His vision show me the Love that is my brother, show me the Love beyond all the images of the world. I choose to let the vision of Christ show me that only innocence is real. I choose to let Christ’s vision help me experience the unity of Love and the blessing Love gives in every moment.

To walk with Christ I must let go of all attempts to interpret anything on my own. My interpretations are always some form of judgment or evaluation based upon the past. Christ’s vision has no condemnation. It sees only what has always been — Love and nothing else. To see with Christ’s vision, I hold Christ’s Hand in my mind, remembering our oneness. The moment by moment practice of stepping back from the images of the world is how I hold my mind open to seeing the truth in place of the self-deception of images.

Today I choose to step back and let Him lead the way.

With our reading of A Course in Miracles this morning, what stood out to me was: “The Christ in you is very still. He looks on what He loves, and knows it as Himself. And thus does He rejoice at what He sees, because He knows that it is one with Him and with His Father.” (ACIM T-24.V.1:1-3)

What will I identify with today, the Christ in me or the image of being a separate individual? What do I wish to see? What do I wish to experience? This is my opportunity today: To forgive the past images of individuality I have made up and, like the prodigal son, return to my Father’s Home. It is the Christ in me that returns me to my Home. The Christ in me is very still and so my opportunity today is to open my mind to the stillness that is eternally there. It is from this Source that I am brought to the awareness of Love’s Presence, which is everywhere at all times. This is my opportunity today.

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Come Often to Me

Holy Spirit to Mary:
Let go and let God… This means relax your hold on the body. Let your mind be quiet… Be open to receive God’s peace which automatically melts away any sense anxiety or fear… Just focus on allowing My gift of peace into your awareness… It has always been there but your barriers have not allowed you to be aware of it. Hand over everything; keep nothing… Relax into My gentle healing touch… Let go… Hand the reins over to Me…

Rest in My Love… Rest in my peace… Let everything melt away that is not of Me… Let your mind still… Let yourself be carried to an even deeper level of peace and quiet…

Know that this inner journey is safe and brings you only happiness… Rest in this inner quiet… You are being led from time into the eternal Present, the holy instant… Here the world falls away… Here you find the rest I bring, your inner Comforter…

Come often to Me and I will give you rest from the turmoil of the world… Here you are brought to an experience that is beyond words…

Holy Spirit to Robert:
If you want to have a happy day, do just one thing: Follow Me. My only purpose is to bring you God’s gift of perfect happiness. The gift is already yours. I am here to help you remove the barriers that shield it from your awareness. Step back in each moment today. Let My peace flow through you. Let My Love guide your vision.

Thus will you learn to see as I see and recognize your Self. You will see your Self in everyone as you allow My vision to be your guide in every moment. In your Self is the joy of God. Let Me lead you Home in each moment today. Together we will have a happy day.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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God Is the Strength in Which I Trust

This morning as I go to Spirit, the first thought that comes to me is, “God is the strength in which I trust” (from A Course in Miracles). This helped straighten my mind because before I was finding myself thinking about all the details of moving, including where to put the trash can in the small kitchen that we are moving to.

God is the strength in which I trust reminds me once again to take all things to Him instead of trying to figure things out on my own. This is my practice today: Letting “God is the strength in which I trust” be my response to every worldly concern the ego mind comes up with. As I say, “God is the strength in which I trust,” repeatedly there comes with it a feeling of softness, a feeling of gentleness, a feeling of inner comfort. “God is the strength in which I trust” brings with a feeling of peace and quiet that stills the ego’s constant chatter.

I have an important job to do today and that is to place my trust in God instead of the ego’s problem-solving schemes. I just have one thing to remember today, again and again: “God is the strength in which I trust.”

Today we read A Course in Miracles Workbook lesson 152, “The power of decision is my own.” This lesson makes it explicitly clear that everything I experience in the world is the effect of my decision. To the ego this is a radical thought that brings up fear because the ego equates responsibility with guilt. But ACIM makes it clear that the perception of separation in any form is not cause for guilt, but simply an indication of a need for correction. It also makes it clear that correction is not punishment but a change of mind.

We each carry in our minds the great Corrector, the Holy Spirit, that is ready and willing to offer us the correction we need. We need only be willing to bring our thoughts and beliefs to the great Corrector to receive the clear vision that shows us the truth and shines away the false. I am grateful that, no matter how many times I revert back to making decisions on my own, the Holy Spirit patiently waits for my willingness to let Him decide on my behalf. His decisions are always loving and always lead me toward the full recognition of the Self that I am, along with all my brothers.

Today is another gift, an opportunity to practice following Holy Spirit’s lead. With this practice I will learn to see a world forgiven, a world that reflects the changeless Love of God.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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