Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Love and Perfect Understanding

Holy Spirit to Robert:  Sadness is a disguised form of rage. You experience sadness when a situation is not the way you would have it be. What can this be but anger? Sadness is a sign that you are hanging on to the past. In the past you decided that you wanted something in a certain way and because the present does not seem to meet this expectation, your peace is disturbed.

Beneath the form of the specific situation is anger towards God. You wanted special consideration which God could not give, for He could not see you as different from Himself or His creation. Because you did not get what you thought you wanted, you made up a world that would seem to satisfy you. Yet because it is a world of images you made up that seem to change at the slightest whim, you can never be satisfied with this imaginary world.

The key to release from sadness is the same key that would release you from rage: Let go of the past; forgive. Only full release of the past will bring you the exquisite happiness, gratitude, Love and peace that God gave you in His creation. Dear Child of God, let go. You do not really want anything the past has seemed to offer. What you want is now. Love is now. There is nothing else. Accept it and be in joy.

Self to Annie:
  Let Love and Perfect Understanding dissolve all thoughts you have been holding on to that have caused you pain. Give them all away to the Light Force in you that can do something about it. Let your mind be emptied of all past thoughts that have limited you. Only this needs to be done to recover the remembrance of true Love and the Peace that surpasses understanding.

Holy Spirit to Mary:
  The way to receive the Light is to relax and let go of your hold on the world. As you relax and let go you are opening the door to receive the river of peace that is God’s Gift to you. This river of peace gently washes away all the false ideas you have been holding on to. This is letting go and letting God. Only this will bring you the happiness you so deserve. This is the answer to every problem that confronts you. Relax. Let go and let God’s river of peace do its healing work in your mind. As you do this, you share peace with every mind.

Holy Spirit to Sharyn:
  Extending your Love, the Love that you are, is all that is important. Sometimes it isn’t so easy to see the love in everyone and in every situation, but this is your challenge. This is your job. When you see the Love in every situation and extend this Love in every situation, your mind is healed. The part of your mind that used to get angry or upset or impatient will heal each time another is blessed and offered Love.

Even though this may not seem easy at times, just do it. Practicing this will bring you peace of mind knowing that you have help every minute of every day in healing all those mistaken thoughts is wonderful news. Accept the Help. I am here for you always. I can never leave. It is impossible. Let’s do God’s work together by extending Love to all our brothers and sisters. Remembering that there is no specialness is important here. There is only oneness. All are part of the one mind of God.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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My Function Is to Be Happy

Mary:  This morning we read A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 65, which is “My only function is the one God gave me.” What struck me is that I have the choice to accept what is eternal or focus on the forms within the realm of time that are constantly changing. My only true function is to accept the eternal.

That does not come in words. That comes in the awareness of peace, oneness and Love. My function is to accept the eternal and let go of the false idea of anything within the realm of time. Right now that seems like a pretty big order, but as I am willing to practice this hour by hour I will find that eternal peace always is there in my mind. When I am willing to accept this, peace will lead me in how to be truly helpful in every moment. Today my practice is to accept eternal peace.

  We went on to read lesson 66, which tells us that our happiness and function are the same. If I want to be happy, I need only accept the function that God gave me, which is to accept Love. If I’m not happy then I have chosen not to extend Love in some way. I have valued something other than God’s gift.

Unhappiness is self-imposed. Happiness is God’s eternal gift. Happiness is ever present and needs only my acceptance. Any experience that is less than happy tells me that I have denied God’s gift and chosen instead a false image that is transient and unable to offer me lasting happiness.

So it is very simple. Do I want to be happy? If so, I need only let go of any thought that is not an expression of Love. To do this I need to walk with the Holy Spirit. Having already identified myself as an individual, I need help from outside that belief system to know how to extend only Love. Today I will practice letting Holy Spirit guide my thoughts and actions. This is the means I choose to accept my function and to be happy.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Receiving the Gift of Peace

Robert: If I want the peace of God I must be willing to look past all the forms of the world. I need to recognize that no form in the world has value or meaning. The ego calls this sacrifice because, ultimately, it is the end of the ego. To want the peace of God I must value God’s Love and peace and nothing else. That means giving up believing that there is any reality in the forms of the world.

I am free to hang on to belief in the value of any form. But as I am willing to let the Holy Sprit teach me where real value lies, where real meaning lies, the forms of the world will have less and less appeal and their seemingly temporary benefits will be replaced by the experience of the eternal blessing of Love. Eventually the value of Love will have more appeal than the images I made up to take its place.

Today I choose to hold my mind open to the Holy Spirit’s gentle teaching that will help me recognize where real value and lasting peace lies.

  Today is an opportunity to practice taking many intervals out of my activities, stepping aside to join with the Holy Spirit. Today is a day to practice letting myself be led by my inner Teacher. Today is a day of receiving and extending the Holy Spirit’s gift of peace. This is my practice today.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Invite Peace

Holy Spirit to Mary:  Watch your thoughts today. Observe if they are coming from the thought system based on separation. Are they judging or analyzing? Just watch these thoughts and turn them over to your true Self. Let the Light of Love flow through these thoughts and see how meaningless they are. Once you see how meaningless they are, you will easily let them go.

Let these thoughts be replaced by the feeling of peace and sense of well being. Soak in this feeling of peace. Peace is your friend. Invite it in often. It will draw to you all that you really want.

  I can do all things through the strength of God in me. When I let all my doing be directed by Love, I have all the strength I need. If I try to make my own plans and act on those plans, I am separating myself from the strength of Love. This can only be tiring. Today I would let Love guide me in each moment and know the strength of God in me.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Seeing Beyond Appearances

Mary: There is a sentence in A Course in Miracles that really means a lot to me:  “In quiet is every problem quietly resolved.” We recently completed a big project and I feel that allowing time for quietness would be very helpful right now. The Holy Spirit knows what would be most healing for my mind. My job is to be quiet and give the Holy Spirit the time. The Holy Spirit will do the rest. I can relax now.

The Holy Spirit reminds me that nothing has changed God’s One Son. There is only one, united Love that we all are. I am encouraged to see that united Love everywhere because it is everywhere. If I see something else, I am reminded that I am seeing through the ego’s eyes and it is not really there. I am reminded that I do not have to defend against what is not really there. Everything is still safe, still as God created It. My job is to relax and allow the truth to return to my quiet, open mind.

Holy Spirit to Robert:
The world you see is a world of change. It was made in opposition to the changelessness of Love. As long as you perceive the world, the appearance of change is inevitable. How you interpret this change is determined by what you choose as your interpreter. The ego will always interpret change as threat, raising its defenses to protect the illusions it has made. You will know when you have chosen the ego as your interpreter by the disturbance to your peace that comes with its interpretation.

When you choose the Holy Spirit as your interpreter, you will not be disturbed. The Holy Spirit knows that an appearance can have no effect on you, the holy Son of God. The Holy Spirit will show you how to look past the ego’s interpretation to the changelessness of Love. the Holy Spirit will guide you how to respond in the world of appearances in a way that reflects the changelessness of Love and is truly helpful. With the Holy Spirit as your guide in all interpretations, you will stay centered in the peaceful presence of your Self. Let today be guided by the Holy Spirit.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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The Happy Dream

Holy Spirit to Mary: Rest in God today where He would have you be. Step back and let yourself be carried through this day. Be still and listen. Follow as you are guided. Relax and receive the Gifts of God today.

Holy Spirit to Robert:
  God’s gifts are everywhere. But if you judge the wrappings, you do not recognize them. God’s gifts are not contained by form. To receive them you must allow them into your experience. His gifts are always Love. They bring with them deep peace and quiet joy. Today allow yourself to be shown the gifts of God that are ever present. You will see them walking down the street, in the store, in your thoughts. To recognize them, lay all judgement aside. Thus you remove the veil that has hidden the gifts that are always there.

After we read about the happy dream this morning, Spirit reminded me of a song from our childhood, as if to tell me that it was also a message about the happy dream. The song is, “Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.” It made me smile to think of this and I think I’ll smile all day.

Holy Spirit to Dorie:
  Reach out today. Extend the hand of peace with a heart full of joy. Know that in all things Holy Spirit supports your very being. You are the Love. You are the Daughter of God. Be confident in this and extend Love fearlessly. Give without judgment of any kind. Give freely, knowing that giving and receiving are one.

Holy Spirit to Sharyn:
  Love and oneness are one and the same. So when you realize that you are only Love, you also must realize your oneness. Not only is your oneness with God, but it is with everyone, as everyone is Love. Love always extends. It never clings to or hangs on to anything. It is a constant flow. When you are extending Love to a brother, remember you are also extending it to yourself, as you are one with everyone. The more you extend Love and Light, the brighter your world will be, the happier your world will be. You will feel the happy dream.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Receiving God’s Grace

Holy Spirit to Robert:  Rest in the grace of God’s Love. He has not changed His mind about you. He knows you as the Love He is. By His knowing you remain changeless as God. You remain invulnerable to mistaken ideas and false concepts.

No matter what you may believe you are, His grace holds you in the certainty of Love. Be grateful this is so. It is your salvation. Lay aside your weird imaginings that you could be anything but Love. His grace has given you the means to do this. You can return to full awareness of the Home you never left.

Holy Spirit to Mary:
  You are in the process of letting go of your belief in individuality and differences. I am leading you to the awareness that only God is. Your job now is to step back and receive the truth instead of deciding what you see with your body’s eyes means on your own. Your job is to surrender, let go of the reins, and listen. This requires a willingness to let your mind quiet and be still. This is your learning now. As you are willing to learn this lesson, peace grows stronger and joy fills your heart. Let this time be now.

Self to Annie:
  You have been given all the help you need to awaken. Accept this grace now. It is yours by divine assignment.

Holy Spirit to Sharyn:
  Love is the only Answer that there is. There is nothing else. In every situation, see only the Love and let the rest fall away. Any opinions, judgments or thinking you know what is best in situations is all false ideas and of the ego. Listen in quiet to My voice and remember to ask Me. If you ask me how I would see it through My eyes, I will gladly share it with you. Take time today ask Me to bring you clarity, to give you answers from Truth. The answers will not bring you pain but peace of mind.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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