Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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My Will for You Is Perfect Happiness

Holy Spirit through Robert:
  Rest in Me… Rest in Me… Rest in Me… I am your strength, your safety, your Source. Trust in Me, Who’s love for you far exceeds your wildest imaginings in the world of separation. My Will for you is perfect happiness, perfect safety. Join with Me and know your Self. I love you as Myself, for We are One and can never be torn asunder. What was created One remains as it was created, indivisible, united with its Creator. I love you with a love far greater than you can conceive of in the world. Rest in My Love. Trust in My Love. Be certain of My Love. My Love is all you have ever wanted because it is what you are. Your true heart’s desire is to be your Self. Think of the love of the most kind and caring parent you can imagine and know that this is but a miniscule symbol of My Love for you, My creation. You are loved. You have always been loved. You will always be loved. That can never change.

You are being asked now to lay down your defenses against My Love and accept My eternal gift. No sacrifice is asked of you. You are simply being asked to give up nothing to gain everything. I placed in your mind a gentle Guide to show you that what you thought had value is valueless so you will easily lay it aside and make room for My gift.

Choosing belief in separation demands the sacrifice of awareness of the gift I hold for you. As you cease to value meaningless, valueless images, you move toward the end of sacrifice and the return to full awareness of the Heaven that is your Home. I call to you now to join Me in the Home I have created for you and held open for your return. In truth, your place has never been vacant. Only in painful dreams did you think that you had left. But dreams are never true. Come rest in Me and share My joy.

Holy Spirit through Mary:
  On this first day of the New Year, let all your concerns about the move and all it entails gently fall away. Let them fall away by handing them over to Me. I know what to do with these concerns. Trying to figure it out ahead of time is not helpful. This is a giant trust walk. Walking through this with Me will strengthen your trust muscles. Give me the reigns. I know the way.

This is how you can tell if you are taking over the reigns. Do you ever feel vulnerable? Are there thoughts that there might not be enough to do what you need to do? Are you forgetting that all your real needs are always being met? Are you relaxed? Do you have a total sense of well being and being cared for in the most perfect way possible? If not, it is time to return again to strengthen your trust muscles in the Holy Spirit.

Trusting in the ego’s solutions has never really worked and has not made you happy. But trusting in the Holy Spirit’s solutions brings you into a state of mind where you have a deep abiding peace. Allow that peace to fill your heart and mind. Allow that abiding peace to be extended to everyone and fill every relationship. Let Holy Spirit’s abiding peace be your foundation. Allow this habit to become stronger each day. Practice choosing peace more and more each hour, more and more each day. It is upon this foundation that Holy Spirit’s pathway to light is formed. On this pathway to light you reach Heaven. You become aware of Love’s Presence everywhere and in every situation. Every situation joyfully becomes an opportunity to join with the Holy Spirit in everyone, which leads the whole Sonship Home. You are alone in nothing.

These Holy Spirit gifts are always right there in your mind, waiting for your acceptance. On this first day of the New Year, join with Holy Spirit by accepting God’s gifts of peace and joy and extending them to the world. Amen.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Do Not Decide Anything On Your Own

Holy Spirit through Mary:
  Remember that you would not decide anything on your own. When you choose peace, it is a form of stepping back from the ego’s thought system, which exudes a constant supply of defenses that seem to be popping up. Say to yourself, “I open my mind right now to receive Holy Spirit’s peace.” Then give yourself time to receive it until you can feel it. The truth is that you are totally immersed in God’s peace always. Your stepping back and opening to God’s peace brings you the awareness of what always is.

The ego would not have peace and resists vehemently the practice of stopping your thinking process and choosing peace. It considers this pause an intrusion and a waste of time. The ego mind thinks it has more important things to do than to pause and choose to receive God’s peace.

This is the practice that is needed the most to bring you to the awareness of Holy Spirit’s insight. This is the practice that lifts the veil and shows you how you can be truly helpful in every situation. This is the practice that brings you the awareness of oneness and dissolves the illusion of separation. This is the practice that truly solves all your perceived problems. Practice this today and every day and watch the miracles as they unfold. Amen.

Holy Spirit through Robert:
  All you really want to do is love, because Love is What you are and Love eternally extends Love. So in all your doing in the world, what gives it meaning is that you use each moment to either extend Love or to let go of the barriers to Love that you have built in your mind. At its core it is very simple. Just Love. Just do it.

What makes this seem difficult is your attachment to images that are not love. In truth there is no harm in these attachments. They just keep you from the joy of knowing the Love you are. So in the dream of separate images, you experience lack of love, though this could never be true. That is why it is so important that you practice stepping back to receive God’s peace. It is this practice that opens the way for you to release the images that are barriers to Love.

As has been said before, let your doing in the world be a means to practice letting go. As you do this, you will find that your serenity increases. Your mind is open to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to guide you and make smooth your way. God’s will for you is perfect happiness and as you live more and more in His peace, the world you see will reflect more and more of His Love and joy. Fear fades into a distant memory and Love becomes your center of strength. Keep practicing.

Holy Spirit through Sharyn:
  A teacher of God teaches only Love, for that is what they have come to remember. In the remembering, they come to realize that spreading His word and teaching His Love is their only purpose. A teacher of God knows the safety that comes with defenselessness. A teacher of God knows that the extension of the Love they are to others is an extension of God’s Love. Teachers of God knows that their safety comes from the one Who knows all. The teacher of God knows that stepping back and allowing His words to come forth is his only job.

Be the teachers of God that you were chosen to be. Know that He is with you every moment during your teaching and know that when you step back and listen and follow His guidance, there can be no mistakes. There is no right or wrong. There just is His word and nothing else.

© 2007, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Lesson In Trust

Holy Spirit through Mary:
  There is nothing that can stop you. The decision has been made and you are willing to implement Holy Spirit’s plan. Once the decision has been made, all events unfold in perfect timing, better than you can possibly imagine. There are no stones that will trip you up. The path is smooth and lined with flowers. You need not hold on to fearful limiting thoughts that something would hinder your progress. The way has been made clear. The Holy Spirit is in charge. Remember this when doubts creep up about how this could unfold so easily. This is a lesson in trust for you and a lesson in strengthening your habit of choosing God’s peace above all else.

Through the gateway of peace, Caminos de Luz (Pathways of Light in Spanish) is born with many helpers and many witnesses. It is like the metaphor of the Christ child being born in a manger in Jerusalem. Both kings and shepherds come to assist this little babe and welcome it into the world. The Christmas star lights the way for Caminos de Luz. Its message is peace on earth and good will toward all men. At that is the message of Caminos de Luz.

Through the gateway of choosing God’s peace, the Holy Spirit is activated to do Its healing work through all who came to help this tiny babe and parent it through its early years so that it can be of service to thousands.

Holy Spirit through Robert:
  The ego fears change. So when outward circumstances appear to be changing, the ego moves into defense mode. It throws up its defenses in all directions. Sometimes these defenses manifest as anger or irritability toward a situation or person totally unrelated to the changing circumstances the ego fears.

Remember the ego’s mechanism for getting rid of what it does not like or fears is projection and denial. So it will project its fear on any target as long as it seems to provide a means of escape from the fear harbored in the mind. So if you experience yourself making judgements, being irritable, wanting to withdraw, recognize these as symptoms of the ego’s defensiveness. Then simply turn them over to the Holy Spirit and ask His help in letting them go and seeing past them to the truth of God’s strength in you and the presence of His Love everywhere. As you practice this, your resistance and defensiveness will subside and you will once again see the clear path prepared before you.

What makes the path seem rocky and difficult is only your judgments, your defenses. So when you feel yourself struggling or pushing or withdrawing, use these as reminders to turn to the Holy Spirit and ask for His vision. The path before you has always been clear and smooth. Your diligence in practicing keeping your mind aligned with the Holy Spirit’s is what will help you recognize this clear path before you.

© 2007, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Give the Present Moment to Holy Spirit to Lead

Holy Spirit through Mary:
  You can relax now. As you go through these days of transition, check in frequently with your level of peace. Is your mind filled with doubts or concerns? Are you trying to figure out how all this can happen on your own? Remember, “In my defenselessness my safety lies.” Remember you are being carried. Don’t try to figure out the future. Give the present moment to the Holy Spirit. He knows what to do with it. And the future will take care of itself better than you can possibly imagine. Give your life over to your true Self. Your true Self will transform your “life” so that you are of service to the whole. Thoughts of individuality and specialness get gently erased from your confused mind. Stay in a place of trust and the perfect circumstances will unfold.

When you find yourself jumping into the future, use this as an opportunity to practice stepping back and letting the Holy Spirit take all the thoughts in your mind. You would not hold on to them and make them real. This is perfect practice for you right now in your schoolhouse of planet earth. Ask yourself, “Where am I placing my trust, in the world or the Holy Spirit?” Give thanks in gratitude for the true Help that you have available to you at all times right in your mind. Choose peace always and the Holy Spirit says, “I am here. Let’s do a little mind cleaning.” Then Let the Holy Spirit erase or clean up all those thoughts of doubt and weakness.

Practice accepting the happiness that the Holy Spirit brings as It gently erases all the fear thoughts that pop up. Let yourself remember that you are safe and that you are still in the Mind of God eternally and no false images can alter that. Place your trust in God, that everything is unfolding in the most perfect way for your awakening. Relax. Trust. Step back and listen for inner direction, moment by moment. You are in Heaven now and you can be brought to that recognition by your willingness to step back and listen.

Holy Spirit through Robert:
  The ego loves to analyze, scheme and plan ways to resolve perceived problems. It can appear to be very clever and ingenious. But hidden beneath the planning and scheming is the goal of seek and do not find. The ego is terrified of real solutions, for real solutions will always lead to the recognition of your total safety and oneness in Love. This recognition is the end of the ego so the ego sees it as death, to be avoided at all costs.

This is why it is essential that you let go of your own propensity to plan and defend. It only keeps you in bondage. As you practice stepping back each time you observe yourself in the planning mode and moving into a place of peace, you open your mind to the Holy Spirit’s solutions, which will free you from the ego’s bondage. You are bound by the ego only by your allegiance to it. The ego has no power to hold you in its grasp without your allegiance. Each time you practice stepping back, going to peace and opening to Holy Spirit’s vision, you are softening your allegiance to the ego. Inevitably the ego will dissolve with this practice. Withdraw your allegiance and the ego is gone. It ceases to seem to exist.

The practice of stepping back is a process of forgiveness. Forgiveness is letting go of your investment in separation. Stepping back and letting the Holy Spirit guide transfers your investment from the ego to truth, from nothing to Everything. In every moment you choose nothing or Everything. Your vigilance to recognize when you are choosing the ego’s plans and to step back and turn to the Holy Spirit is the means to total freedom and to return to full awareness that you are at Home in Heaven. Practice. Practice. Practice. The dividends that are returned from your investment in Everything are infinite and eternal.

© 2007, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Service to the Great Awakening

Holy Spirit through Mary:
  You are indeed leaving one step and stepping onto the next. You are being lifted to the next step by angels. Be aware that there are Pathways of Light angels. Of course it is all the Holy Spirit but within the dream script there are those that are more aware of the truth than you are and are assisting you from the other side.

Earlier we told you that the Holy Spirit has an “inner net,” bringing those who it is appropriate to receive Pathways gifts of awakening. Pathways is a school of awakening. In this school, your thoughts are purified of mistaken ideas that limit and hinder your awareness of your true Identity. This school is ready to move into a larger classroom where many more students are ready to learn how to awaken to their true Identity.

Many are ready and willing to be reconnected with the Holy Spirit. Many are willing to serve the Holy Spirit’s plan. Holy Spirit’s “inner net” will bring those to you who are to serve the Holy Spirit’s awakening in this new way. The way will be made clear day by day. Caminos de Luz is about to become known. And it will bring you great joy. It will also bring great joy to those connected in service to this great uniting with one purpose. The one purpose is allowing the veil to be lifted so that God’s Light and Love and peace can shine through.

Those willing to be of service to this great awakening will find their lives transformed in ways they cannot even imagine now. God’s Love will flow through them, touching everyone they meet and soothing discouraged hearts. Remember you are being carried and everything you need will be provided. Everyone who joins in serving this joined purpose will find their minds purified of the ego’s destructive thought system. The prison doors will be opened. The dark root of the ego will be dissolved.

To make way for this new service, consistently choose peace. To pave the way, consistently choose God’s Love. Consistently choose to become aware of oneness instead of differences and division. Desire to be brought to the Truth and you shall have it. Your honest desire to be of service to the truth is what draws it to you. Trust. Help with this new chapter in your lives is coming in a thousand ways. Once you have made the decision to serve Spirit, doors open that were closed before. Circumstances and events unfold at the proper time that make way for the realization of this decision.

God Is. There is nothing else.  Your decision to let the veil be lifted will show you that this alone is true.

Holy Spirit through Robert:
  God’s Will for you is perfect happiness. Unhappiness comes from rejecting God’s Will. There can be no sacrifice in accepting God’s Will. Sacrifice is an idea of the ego. It could be said that the ego is the idea of sacrifice. Because the ego is the rejection of God’s Will, it is the sacrifice of perfect happiness. The ego thought system offers many substitutes for God’s eternal joy. But looked at honestly, these substitutes are recognized as valueless, empty images. The ego will never look at the images it made with honesty. You can rely on the ego’s dishonesty. But you can rely also on the Holy Spirit’s perfect honesty. As you let the Holy Spirit guide your perception, you will clearly see the emptiness of the ego’s images.

The ego teaches that happiness lies in its special relationships, in family and blood relatives, in friendships with certain individuals, in special cars and houses and decorations of these houses and bodies. But none of these is eternal and somewhere in your mind you know this. And when you place your happiness on these special relationships, there is always an underlying fear, because no matter how well you have hidden it from yourself, you know that the happiness found in these special relationships cannot last.

Brotherhood is not limited to those who share your genes. As you learn to accept everyone equally as your brother, who is one with you, you will find peace. You will experience happiness. No longer will you fear the loss of happiness, for as you recognize your brothers everywhere, you will recognize your happiness everywhere. You see your brothers everywhere by seeing the Truth in them, which is Love and nothing else. When you see your brothers everywhere, you see God everywhere. When you see God everywhere you are perfectly happy because you have accepted God in you. You have accepted God’s Will for you. God’s Will for you is perfect happiness.

© 2007, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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