Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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The Holy Spirit’s Job Is to Separate Out the Real from the Unreal

  This morning as thoughts come in to my mind about all the things that need to be done, what I think is happening or what I think is not happening, I remember it is my job to hand these thoughts over to the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit’s job to separate out the real from the unreal. It is the Holy Spirit’s job to purify or shine away all that is not true. As I hand these thoughts to the Holy Spirit for purification, it is like a burden has been lifted off my shoulders. In the past I have not done such a good job of deciding what things mean on my own. It has not worked out so well. It has not brought me happiness.

So as I begin my day today and think that there are so many things to do, or think that I know what is most important, my real job is to step back and open my mind to receive the Holy Spirit’s gift of peace. As I do this, the angst seems to fall away easily and it is replaced by a feeling of gentleness and trust. The thought comes in to my mind that everything is all right. The feeling of simplicity and ease is there. I am reminded that nothing has happened to change God’s one Son, no matter what appears to be happening in the dream. I remember the whole Sonship remains safe in the mind of God. All the crazy dreams mean nothing. I can relax now. I am not a body. I am free. I am still as God created me. The body is just an instrument, a helpful tool in the process of waking up from the dream.

I am reassured that no dreams really happen in truth. Love is eternal and changeless and so the whole Sonship is eternal and changeless. What a relief to remember this. I can let go of my silly worries or concerns about the future. I remain safe in the mind of God as pure Love, as does everyone else. God is. Love is. Anything else is just trying to be something that we are not. In peace I allow myself to remember the truth.

Holy Spirit through Robert:
  There appears to be much to do in the world. The ego would interpret this appearance as an indication of your inadequacy, of lack, too much to do, too little time. But as you let Me be your guide in all your doing, I will use your doing to teach you that only Love is real. Your doing under My guidance will always be an expression of Love, of wholeness and abundance. When I am guiding your doing, you will be in peace. Your heart will be filled with quiet joy. Follow Me and learn of your Self.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Trusting In God’s Plan

  When I look through the body’s eyes, the world is incredibly complex. It seems almost overwhelming to try to understand or plan. Thinking about moving to Florida can get my ego mind swirling with questions.

In the practice of following Holy Spirit’s plan, it is not a goal to be without questions. But to maintain peace of mind and be aligned with Holy Spirit’s plan, it is essential that I bring each question that comes to mind to the Holy Spirit with an open mind and willingness to receive His guidance. Only with this practice will I know the peace that Holy Spirit offers.

The practice of taking each question to the Holy Spirit does not necessarily require that I make a ritual of taking each little nitpicking question to the Holy Spirit, but that I hold the attitude of not thinking I know any answer on my own. The moment I start trying to figure out an answer, I have excluded Holy Spirit’s guidance. Since this has been the habit of most of my life, it is easy for me to fall into that pattern. So vigilance is necessary to break the habit.

The moment I recognize a sense of concern or lack of peace, I need to step back and return to an open mind with willingness to receive wisdom from beyond the separate mind. This is the attitude and practice that will lead me Home to the quiet joy of Heaven.

Holy Spirit through Mary:
  Trust that God’s plan for you is perfect happiness. Trust that God’s plan for you is perfect peace. Give time now to accept these gifts. Allow a clean and open space in your mind where nothing interferes with the awareness that God gives you. Practice being open and receptive to receiving God’s peace. Let it fill every nook and cranny by simply being willing to allow it to fill every part of your mind.

Let yourself rest in this inner sense of well being. Hand the reigns over and follow. Let the burden of trying to figure it out on your own be lifted from your mind. Give thanks that all your real needs are being met.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Following Holy Spirit’s Lead In Every Moment

  I really appreciated both Myron’s story about the rabbit hole and Mary Ellen’s comments about it. How I am applying this in my life is that recently we found on the Internet what seems to be the perfect location for Pathways of Light in Florida.

The property is just 30 minutes south of Orlando and has 10 acres of land with a building that has room for all our printing equipment, computers, booklet maker, bookstore, chapel, guest rooms, etc. The residence is set way back on the property, so there is plenty of parking for when we have group activities. There are plenty of hotels close by for people to stay during our weekend events. The property is listed as a short sale and the price seems within reach.

Where I have jumped down into the rabbit hole are my concerns that we have not finished the renovation of the residence here in Wisconsin and the Florida property may not be available when we are ready for it. I really love the property and fears come up that we might not get it. Like Myron said, my job is to observe those thoughts and then hand them over to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit guides me to take care of the present moment and not be concerned about the past or the future.

Yesterday while I was printing envelopes, those thoughts about the property in Florida came up again. I had the Course next to me so I asked Spirit to guide me to a page that would help me clear my mind. I opened to Lesson 47, “God is the strength in which I trust.” I smiled as I read the first paragraph: “If you are trusting in your own strength you have every reason to be apprehensive, anxious and fearful. What can you predict or control? What is there in you that can be counted on? What would give you the ability to be aware of all the facets of any problem, and to resolve them in such a way that only good can come of it? What is there in you that gives you the recognition of the right solution, and the guarantee that it will be accomplished?”

It goes on to say, “God is your safety in every circumstance. His Voice speaks for Him in all situations and in every aspect of all situations, telling you exactly what to do to call upon His strength and His protection.” Reading this helped me let go of thinking that I know anything. This location may or may not be where Holy Spirit wants us to go. Right now I am guided to stay in the present moment and do what is right before me. At that moment it was to print envelopes for mailing the Miracles News magazine.

I think a big part of my lesson in this process of moving to Florida is for me to strengthen my vigilance to stay in the present moment and remember that God is the strength in which I trust. In my right mind I remember that if that property is truly right for Pathways, the way will be made with ease and peace. I need only focus on following Guidance in the present moment and the future will take care of itself. God’s plan is the only plan I want. In Holy Spirit’s hands it will unfold in a way that is perfect for the good of everyone.

  Like Mary, I too am working with staying in the present moment and doing what I am guided to do now. Thoughts of the past or the future simply fragment my attention and bring confusion because they divide my thoughts.

In the renovation many things needed to be taken apart or moved to make way for painting and putting in new carpeting. Now that areas are being completed, some of those things are ready to be put back in place. Right now I cannot find one of those pieces. In the ego mind that upsets me. If I were to follow the ego, I would turn the house upside down and shake it by its feet until that part fell out. That is not a peaceful approach and obviously not Holy Spirit’s guidance.

When I step back I am reminded to follow Guidance in the present moment and do that only. I do not need that part now. Turning the house upside down to find it is not necessary. Following Holy Spirit in the present, I will get done what needs to get done in perfect time. When the part is needed, it will either show up or an easy way to replace it will be presented. It is not for me to be concerned about now.

These “little” lessons in letting go are great training and practice in remembering I know nothing and in following Holy Spirit’s lead in every moment. So I am grateful for the wonderful lesson offered by the “missing” part.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Learning to Ask With Everything, “What is the true meaning here?”

Holy Spirit through Robert:
  In this world nothing is as it seems because the world was made to deceive. it was made to give the appearance that separation is real, but this could never be in truth. Learn to disregard any meaning from the past that you have given to appearances. The past is over and you retain in your memory only illusions.

Learn to ask of the Holy Spirit in the now moment, “What is the true meaning here?” The more you remember that of yourself, you have no basis to determine the meaning of anything you see, the more you will walk in peace. Because your images of the past are images of separation, they carry with them fear. But as you practice disregarding these images and false meanings, the fear fades away. You let the present moment be as it is in truth. And only Love is true. Where there is Love, there can be no fear. Let Love show Itself to you in every now moment and there will be no fear, no guilt.

Because you have built an image of yourself based on the past, you cannot disregard the past without help. But I am always with you, waiting for your willingness to open to My perception. Each time you disregard the past and open your mind to Me, I will show you the Love behind all appearances. I will show you the innocence behind the facades of guilt and anger. This practice will teach you of the Love you are, of your innocence and of your invulnerability. Let us walk together in each now moment and we will journey Home to Heaven.

Holy Spirit through Mary:
  Your job now is to let go of the past and the future and open to My guidance in the present moment. As you allow yourself to open to Me, your only purpose becomes one of helping the one Son wake up from the dream of separation.

The world is a dream and with My help, you become aware of dreaming. You become aware of the only purpose that matters. You become aware of the peace that flows through your mind like a river and extends throughout the whole Sonship. You become aware that there is no reason to fear. Your trust is placed in My guidance, not in the world.

All the dream images come and go, but you are not concerned about them. Through Me you see that only one united Mind is real and that all the thoughts that are constantly changing in the illusion of separated minds do not matter. Only staying connected with Me matters.

So when you find yourself becoming concerned or apprehensive about anything, remember to step back and allow My peace to fill your mind. From there you will be led in a way that helps the whole Sonship awaken. So today, remember your true purpose. Remember that there is no past and no future. There is only the eternal now. In that state of mind, you will be truly helpful.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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I Rest In Love

Holy Spirit through Robert:
  Rest in Me. Rest in Me. Hold this thought in your mind through the day: “I rest in Love. Love leads me in peace. Love blesses me and the world as one. I rest in Love. I rest in Love.” Should your peace be disturbed, return to this thought, “I rest in Love.” Let this thought be the antidote for any disturbance of your holy mind.

This thought reminds you of what and where you are. You are Love in Love. Your right mind has never forgotten this. Only in delusion do you seem to forget. Reminding yourself, “I rest in Love,” brings your attention back to the truth of your Self. With this thought, this can be a day of busy doing while being a day of rest. Rest in Love and be your Self.

Holy Spirit through Mary:
  Remember it is not your job to decide anything. It is not your job to analyze and figure it out on your own. It is your job to relax, open your mind to peace, and follow My lead. I am not tied to the ways of the world. I will bring you to the truth of our unity. I will help you see your barriers to Love. And once you are willing to see them and hand them over, I will shine them away.

False ideas do nothing but create angst and conflict. These false ideas that remain hidden in your mind will come up to be seen as you are ready to look at them. When we look together following My lead, it becomes painless. Looking at these thoughts with the ego only brings more guilt. You always have a choice. Today practice choosing with Me guiding the way.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Death Is an Illusion

Mary & Robert:
Yesterday, our dear friend Brenda Eden who lives in Iowa called us to tell us her husband, Rev. Robert Mills, passed away Monday morning. She and Robert are long time students of A Course in Miracles and they both are very aware that death is an illusion. She related to us that the transition was peaceful and full of love. She said it was a profound experience for everyone concerned.

We would like to express our gratitude for Robert Mills in our lives. He and Brenda came here to Pathways many times over the past few years and we enjoyed many wonderful times together. If you would like to communicate with Brenda, you can email her at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

Yesterday Minnie Degnitz, whose husband passed away recently, visited us. After lunch, we joined together with the purpose of opening to the Holy Spirit to receive Its healing peace and insights. What came from this time was the understanding that our purpose was to become like an empty chalice. As we allow the chalice to be filled with Holy Spirit’s love, peace and joy, it infuses all our thoughts and everything we do. As we allow our minds to be filled with Spirit, we find that Spirit sees only the Spirit in everyone. And all our thoughts and actions stem from seeing the truth about everyone. This is our purpose now: To accept the truth and see the truth in everyone. We will still do the mundane things of the world as needed, but we know that the reason why we are here is to accept Holy Spirit’s peace and love and joy into our minds and find that peace and love and joy in everyone. This is how we see that we are one. This is how we heal and are healed.

Minnie came to a place where she saw herself sliding down a hillside of brilliant white snow. She was filled with joy and a sense of ease as she saw how easy it was to be carried by the Holy Spirit. She knows that Richard is with her in Spirit and that she still has a job to do to serve Holy Spirit’s extension of peace, love and joy.

What an opportunity we all have to do the same thing. No matter what we do in the physical world, our true purpose is to accept Holy Spirit’s peace and be carried as we are willing to follow Holy Spirit’s lead. Our true purpose is to let go of our belief in a separate self with separate interests and to accept Holy Spirit’s one purpose of seeing unity where we once saw division and differences.

Because in truth we are one Self, we only have one purpose. As we allow ourselves to be filled with Holy Spirit’s peace, we know that the understanding will come as we are ready. What a wonderful opportunity we all have right now to follow Holy Spirit’s lead, moment by moment.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Allowing Mind Healing

  Today we are meeting with a dear long time friend, Minnie Degnitz, whose husband has passed on. Minnie and Richard were married for over 70 years and so it is very natural that she feels a void right now.

Today we will take time join with her and remember the truth about her and her husband. Today we will take time together to join with the Holy Spirit, our true Comforter, and listen to our one true Self. Today we will remember that there is no death and that the truth about Richard, her husband, is eternal. We will use our time today to practice being brought to the truth. We will practice forgiving the ego’s false ideas. We will practice taking each moment to the Holy Spirit to be led.

We understand now that on our own we do not know anything. We have bought into confusion and now in true humility we would let it go. We would step back and listen to our true Authority and not try to be the author of our dream. We would allow our minds to be healed through the comforting touch of the Holy Spirit. We would remember, “Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.” We would practice accepting peace today.

  I know that when I let Holy Spirit lead, the path is always smooth and flows in gentleness and peace. Yet I see how frequently I think I can lead myself using what I have “learned” from the past. Eventually I do get where I need to go. But when I try to lead myself, the path meanders and many obstacles make the way more difficult.

When I step back I can see the insanity of trying to lead myself. Only insanity would ask confusion to lead. Yet that is what has been familiar. And so it seems to be easier to fall into the old habit of relying on my own confused devices for maneuvering in the world.

I am willing to be happy. I am willing to be in peace. I am willing to step back and let Holy Spirit lead the way, for only by doing this can I be truly happy and at peace. I would step back and let Him lead the way.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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