Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Lighten Up and Let Go

  We are in the process of removing everything from our “back office” so it can be painted and carpeted. There is a large double desk that was custom built for Robert’s parents that needs to be given to someone. As we talked about all the different options of how to let the desk go, I felt an inner smile from the Holy Spirit. Now I am reminded once again to soften and let it unfold. I see that it is so helpful for us to lighten up and let go of things that were useful for a time but now do not fit into the new situation. The desk had some extra meaning because Robert’s parents had it built especially for the library where they could look out the large windows at the beautiful lake.

In this world, nothing lasts forever. What is useful at one time is not necessarily useful 30 years later. At one time I thought we would keep the desk because of its long history with Carl and Maxine, and us for the last 20 years. It has been a wonderful and useful desk. But now it is clear that it is time to let it go. I feel Holy Spirit smile as I am learning that stuff of itself does not matter. When its usefulness is done, we simply let it go with no regrets.

This is just one of the many wonderful lessons we are being guided through, as we stay in the present moment and watch it unfold with Holy Spirit’s help. What seemed to be a problem regarding what to do with the desk now seems so simple. Day by day we are getting ready to move on and transition to a time made simple with Holy Spirit’s guidance moment by moment. Thank you Holy Spirit.

As Mary talked about the desk that has served us well and now its usefulness is over so we are ready to let it go, I was reminded that the Course tells us that we are to hold this same attitude about the body. The body is no more me than that desk. I may think of the body as my identity, but it is not true. Any attachment I had to the desk is simply a mistaken attachment to an empty image that has no meaning of its own. The same is true of the body that I think of as mine.

Letting go of the desk is practice for letting go of what no longer serves, including letting go of the body once its usefulness is done. The form in the world of moving to Florida is providing fertile ground for practicing recognizing what serves and what does not serve the Holy Spirit’s plan. What serves the Holy Spirit’s plan is all that has value. Nothing else matters. So I am getting a magnificent opportunity for training in how to recognize what matters and what doesn’t.

All the stress, strain, pain, fear and unhappiness I have ever experienced comes from thinking something matters that does not really matter. Only Love matters because only Love is real. Thinking anything else matters is simply a mistake to be corrected. As I practice pausing for peace and opening my mind to the Holy Spirit’s vision, I receive His gentle training that releases me to the happiness, peace and Love that is my birthright. What a wonderful gift and I’m willing to accept it. Thank you.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Only Oneness Is Meaningful

It’s remarkable how easy it is to overwhelm myself with my plans. I think I can see all these different pieces that need to be dealt with in preparation for moving. A Course in Miracles tells us that the ego thinks the way to understand something is to break it in parts and break the parts into more parts and analyze them. This is how the ego makes the world seem complicated. So attempting to deal with all the little pieces is a sure sign that I’m buying into the ego’s idea of separate parts being meaningful. But in truth, only oneness is meaningful and trying to break oneness into parts obscures the meaning and makes it inconceivable.

The antidote to the feeling of being overwhelmed by so many pieces is to step back and reconnect with Holy Spirit within. The Holy Spirit will gently lead me back to the recognition of oneness in the present moment. All the little pieces are symbols that can be expressions of the Holy Spirit’s plan in the world. My job is to stay focused in the present and hold my mind open to the Holy Spirit’s lead. The pieces will fall easily into place without my effort if I simply step back and let Him lead the way.

Holy Spirit:
  Remember to pause for peace. This simple little exercise repeated often through the day helps you remain open to My lead. It clears your mind, freeing you from the self-made confusion of disconnected parts. Pause for peace. A simple, relaxing breath, a brief halt in your activity will help you maintain your center of peace. The seeming external chaos will not disturb you because you will not attempt to bring order to the chaos on your own.

Remember, on your own you are part of the chaos. But joined with Me there can be no chaos because joined with Me you are accepting your unity with the oneness of Love. This practice of pausing for peace frequently will help you function with ease in the dream because it will help you know that you are not of the dream. Walk you in peace with your head held high as you let the Light within you illuminate your way Home. It is a walk to joy.

Holy Spirit through Mary:
  The world is filled with distractions. In fact it is one big distraction dreamed up to forget your Identity in God. Once you realize that this is true, you can give everything in the world a new meaning. You can ask yourself of everything, “Am I using this as a distraction to hide my awareness of Love’s Presence? Or, is this a useful tool for the Holy Spirit to use for awakening purposes?” Remembering this will help you stay in close communication with Me all through the day.

Ask, “How can I be truly helpful right now? How can I use what is right before me for Holy Spirit’s purposes?” This provides an opportunity for Me to guide your day. This provides an opportunity for mind healing. This provides an opportunity to receive My peace and extend My peace. This how to have a happy day.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Handing Over Every Concern to Holy Spirit

  This morning I found myself being very concerned about how all these different pieces to this puzzle of moving to Florida would work out. The cost of getting this house ready for sale seems to be mounting and there seems to be so much to do. As we joined to read the Course together this morning, it occurred to me that I needed to hand all these concerns over to the Holy Spirit and remember once again not to try to figure it out on my own.

I need to remember that I have an inner Teacher and that I am in Holy Spirit’s school. All of this has gotten so real to me that I have been taking it too seriously. I forgot it is a dream and I need to come back to the Holy Spirit Who will help me remember the truth of What and Where I really am.

Holy Spirit:
  Remember to step back frequently. You have done a very good job in making the world appear to be real, even though it isn’t. You now need mind training in order to let all these false ideas go. That requires listening in quiet, taking everything to Me. I will wash it clean of all false ideas. Take time to relax and be in a place of ease. Everything that needs to get done will get done.

You are in a period of transition and you do need a guide. Let yourself be carried. Let your mind be washed clear of all the fears that come up as you maneuver in your dream world of separate bodies. Come frequently to let the ego barnacles be washed away. As you do this frequently, you will feel lighter and more carefree. Remember once again that you are in a school and that you have a Teacher. Give time to listening to your Teacher. You will know how much you have really done this by how much ease and peace you feel. With your inner Teacher leading you, you will have a peace-filled day.

  I’ve observed that I like to be able to see what I’ve accomplished and I base my fulfillment on that. In the process of clearing things away to prepare for renovation and the move, sometimes it seems like I haven’t accomplished anything because things still seem to be in disarray. I recognize this now as another ego ploy to keep me attached to form and thinking form has meaning.

My only real fulfillment comes with following Holy Spirit’s plan. Holy Spirit’s plan is always ultimately to let go of valuing form, which is always just an empty image. Only Love matters.

Yesterday we took away three bags of trash and set aside a pile of stuff to go to Goodwill. The fulfillment in this comes from the symbol it represents of letting go of valuing forms. This is a huge release. It is an essential step on the return Home. It isn’t counted in how big the trash bags were or how much stuff is taken to Goodwill. It’s only value is in the letting go of the world it represents.

One tiny item, weighing less than an ounce could represent the final release to take me to the gate of Heaven. It is not for me to decide where I am on my journey Home. It is simply for me to follow Holy Spirit’s lead for the next step. In doing this my fulfillment is guaranteed, for I am truly fulfilling my purpose and bringing my brothers with me back to Heaven. My heart is filled with joy and gratitude for this wonderful classroom and my magnificent Teacher.

Holy Spirit through Sharyn:
  Peace is your way Home to Me. When you allow someone else or a disturbing letter or phone call to take away your peace, know that those are all ways that the ego keeps you from Me. You see, when others want you to buy into their thought systems by telling you the way things have to be or should be, why would you allow that to take away your peace? When the thoughts of others are coming from their ego’s, bless them and pray that they will learn how to come to Me to receive the gift of peace. For you see when you allow yourself to get upset over any circumstance, you are completely forgetting Who you are. You are letting others ego’s dictate what is best for you or what they think you should do.

Please always remember to come to Me and I will tell you what to think and what must be done. I will always guide you to truth and peace. I will always guide you to realize Who you really are and Where you really are. You are One in the Mind of God. In the Mind of God there is only peace, happiness and joy. Bring all your concerns to Me so that I can remind you of that. That is why it is so important to come to Me continually and to be reminded more and more each day of the Love and peace that you really are. Living in that Love and peace is so important for you to serve others as you allow Me to serve you.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Keep It Simple

  When I think about what I have to do today, or about planning my agenda, the words that come to me from Holy Spirit are: Keep it simple. Remember the ego loves to complicate things, ideas or plans.  The more complicated your life becomes, or your plans become, the more the ego love it.

So, from now on, in planning anything, I must remember Holy Spirit’s words—to keep it simple. And of course, I must make no plans without first going to Holy Spirit, for He is the only one That knows what is best for me. He only has my highest good in His Mind.

When you think about Love, does that seem complicated? Isn’t Love easy? It is so easy to give someone a smile, a hug or the gift of peace, and it is so simple. If things or situations seem difficult, it surely means that the ego is behind it, because Holy Spirit only wants us to have peace, Love and joy. Holy Spirit knows that Love is simple and uncomplicated.

Sometimes when you go to Holy Spirit for answers, you might think, “Gee, that was just a vague message, or it seemed so simple.” That’s because it is so simple. It is your ego mind that thinks it has to be more, or there has to be more to this, or more to that. That is untrue. So today, keep it simple. Just watch how beautifully your tasks will unfold in peace.

Holy Spirit through Mary:
  The Holy Spirit’s plan will teach you how to accept God’s peace, God’s joy and God’s Love. The Holy Spirit’s plan will teach you to accept your true inheritance as the Son of God. The Holy Spirit’s plan will show you God’s Oneness, and that there is no other. Accept Holy Spirit’s plan instead of your own. Take it one step, one day at a time, one hour at a time. Practice opening your mind to Holy Spirit’s gentle, loving presence, right now and in every now moment.

As you accept the Holy Spirit as your Teacher and learn Its lessons, you will experience an inner transformation that is beyond words. It is a peace and joy that is beyond this world. This is the inner renovation that you are working on day by day, right now. Trust and follow.

  Yesterday’s message recommended that I pause for peace throughout the day. As the day turned out, that practice helped me keep my sanity. It seemed every time I went into a different room, something new came up to be done. Most of the time I remembered to pause for peace. Then I asked, “What is it for me to do in this moment?” Sometimes what came to me was to set aside what I had been doing and take care of what just presented itself. Other times it was clear to disregard this new thing that had come up and stick with what I had been doing. When I was guided to set aside what I was doing for a new thing, I was able to come back to what I had been doing before at another time and complete it.

In the past with days like that I would feel stressed and rattled. But remembering to pause for peace carried me gently through the day. Some things I thought I needed to get done during the day didn’t get done. But at the end of the day I saw that I really did not need to get those things done. It really does work to step back and follow Holy Spirit’s plan. The form in the world comes together easily because it reflects Holy Spirit’s ease. I am grateful for the idea of pausing for peace and I look forward to another day of practice because I know this practice opens the door to Holy Spirit’s gifts.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Let Today Be Quiet to Become Aware of Love’s Presence

Holy Spirit through Mary:
  Let today be quiet. In God’s quietness you become aware of Love’s Presence. Let today be a practice in being open to Love’s Presence. Let yourself become aware of Love’s Presence. Love is in everyone and everything. Allow yourself to recognize the Love that is truly there. Let Love’s Presence wash through your mind, cleaning out unhelpful ideas. Let Love’s Presence fill you with peace. Focus on this and everything else will take care of itself as you go through your day.

Simple, uncomplicated Love heals all things, all concerns, whether you realize it or not. Let the veil to the awareness of Love’s Presence be lifted and you will see that you are immersed in Love. As you take It in and really receive It, Love will be all that you extend. For you see, there is nothing else. God’s is right there, in your mind, ready to be received and extended.

Holy Spirit through Robert:
  Pause frequently today to remember peace. In peace you are receptive to My lead. When you start trying, struggling or pushing, you are relying on your own strength, which is really nothing, because you are not on your own. That is why you feel stress. When you notice you are relying on your own strength, pause for peace.

This practice will carry you lightly and gently through the day. The ego would tell you that this is a waste of time; you need to keep working. But a pause for peace saves time. It attunes you to My lead, which always is the most direct route to the fulfillment of your purpose. This is all you really want. This is where you find happiness. Pause for peace.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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I’m Willing to Be of Service, Holy Spirit

  I hear the Truly Helpful prayer when I get quiet and go to Spirit today. When I ask, “Where would you have me go?” Holy Spirit says, “You are right where you belong, right now. You are there.”

What would you have me do? is the next question. the answer that comes is, be of service, do your payroll today, bookkeeping, and whatever else I send your way. If you will just keep asking me throughout the day as to what I would have you do, I will gladly tell you.

Where would you have me go? Holy Spirit says, “You are already there. Just stay put and be of service to whomever I place in front of you.”

What would you have me say is the next question. And Holy Spirit says, “When you remain conscious every minute of my guidance and allow me to speak through you, only words of love will be spoken, whether its on the telephone or in person to anybody. 

The next question, and to whom would be anyone I would send your way. Be aware always that anyone and everyone that is placed before you is there for a reason and is sent by me. Just love them and see them as one in the Mind of God as you are. See yourself joined with everyone you look upon. Be in peace and go about your day.” Amen.

  We are getting this house prepared to sell. Because the house was built in 1959, there are many areas that need attention. When we ask Spirit about the renovation, this is what comes.

Holy Spirit:
  In the dream, it looks like you need to upgrade the electrical, the flooring, the kitchen and bathrooms. It is helpful to remember as you move into this renovation, that it is not just about preparing the house to sell. It is about the mind healing and reinforcing the habit of following and not deciding on your own. It is about relationships and connecting with the people that I will bring to you. It is about extending peace and love to everyone you come in contact with. So as you go through this time of renovation, remembering that the real renovation is happening in your joined minds, remember that you are joined with Me and that you are joined with the Holy Spirit in every brother. The renovation in the physical world again is just symbol of the real renovation that is happening in your mind.

So move forward with the renovation, remembering that it is your lab time. Remember that you are getting the opportunity to let your mind be renovated by the Holy Spirit as you walk through each step of this physical renovation. Keep checking in with Me as you go, as often as needed. Pay attention to your level of peace. Are you worrying about anything? As soon as you catch it, hand it over to Me. Open your mind to Me and let Me fill your mind with the healing Light of God’s peace and Love. Move forward in peace.

  I feel like I’m more excited about the shifts that are happening within than I am about the idea of moving to Florida. I feel like I’m in the midst of fertile ground for growth. I am gaining so much from this process, with much more to come, that if Holy Spirit were to say down the road, “That was just an exercise, now there’s another plan,” and we end up someplace else, it wouldn’t matter to me. What I’m getting from all of this is that the outer form never matters. Its the purpose we give it. If the purpose given it is to practice joining with Holy Spirit and all our brothers, there will always be great joy and fulfillment.

In the joining, Love is recognized and Love is all that matters. My heart is filled with gratitude. There can be no greater joy than to fulfill my part in Holy Spirit’s plan of awakening.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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A Healed Mind Does Not Plan

  In Lesson 135 we are told, “A healed mind does not plan.” Considering how easily and frequently I shift into planning mode, It’s clear that I have plenty of room for mind healing. The good news is that mind healing is what this whole exercise of moving is for. Before the idea of moving, I wasn’t aware of how much I try to plan on my own. Now it seems as if there is a big magnifying glass that is showing me the myriad ways I engage in planning. It is almost hilarious when I honestly look at my attempts to plan with no meaningful information. The arrogance to think that with no information I have any basis on which to plan.

The only reason I could think that my planning is useful is that I think the past has taught me something I can use. The Course is clearly teaching me that the past is meaningless and that if I want a happy future I need only accept the present as it is. The ego resists this idea with all its tricks because, were the idea accepted, it would be death to the ego.

As we have been going through this practice of following Holy Spirit’s lead with the idea of moving to Florida, I feel that big changes are happening in my mind. At this point I can’t put words to it, but the feeling is uplifting, like I am letting go of long held chains. My heart is filled with gratitude and excitement.

I believe I have only just begun to taste the potential for peace and happiness that will come from this practice. It motivates me to keep taking the time to check in with Holy Spirit for reality checks. I’ve tasted enough to know that I want more and I know the means is not of my own making. Holy Spirit is eternally with me to guide me to the happiness that God wants for me.

Holy Spirit:
  The importance of keeping your attention on the present moment cannot be over emphasized. Remember I am in charge of time when you follow Me. Remember I can see how what you do affects everyone and everything throughout time. When you trust in My plan you are trusting in Wisdom far beyond what you have allowed yourself to accept. In truth it is your wisdom, but you have denied it. Let Me be your bridge between what you believe you are and what you have always been, unchanged and unchangeable.

You have put yourself in a position to have concentrated practice in focusing on the present moment because you are willing. It is true that you forget a lot, but congratulate yourself that you are remembering more and more. You are indeed on a journey of awakening by your own choice. By your willingness you will awaken. It is inevitable.

Take comfort in this. It will help you with your patience. I have infinite patience with you because I know that you are already safe in Love. Your patience with yourself will make your journey easier. Impatience is just another word for judgment. It is just another ego ploy to keep you identified with belief in separation.

So see your relapses into self-planning simply as another opportunity to practice bringing your plans to Me and opening your mind to the Light I shine on them. Together we will see the meaningful and disregard the meaningless. And your joy will be complete.

  A while back I heard that Gandhi said something like, “There is so much to do that I will need to spend twice as much time in quiet listening.” That is how I feel right now. Without the Holy Spirit, this indeed seems like a daunting job. But what I am seeing is that when I listen to the Holy Spirit, it looks and feels much easier. The Holy Spirit stays in the present moment and directs us in how to deal with right now. I am seeing that if I stay in tune with the Holy Spirit, the future will take care of itself. I don’t need to worry about what is happening next month or next year.

In my experience, the Holy Spirit focuses on how to be truly helpful right now in the present moment. The Holy Spirit focuses on teaching me to accept God’s gifts of peace and joy in the present moment. As I practice opening to God’s peace, I naturally extend God’s peace. And the inspiration I need at the time will be there naturally. Trust that the future will take care of itself comes naturally.

As we walk through this process day by day, I am seeing how important it is to let go of what I no longer need. As we just focus on letting go of what we no longer need, the way is prepared for what is coming next. Right now I am so grateful to remember that I know nothing, but that I have a very wise inner Teacher That is leading me step by step.

As we continue to do this each day, my trust is growing stronger. My willingness to let go of the past and the future is growing stronger. I love this school we are in and wouldn’t miss a day of it.

Holy Spirit:
  I am going to remind you again and again that this is a dream and that you are in Heaven now. You want to be taken to the truth. Well, this is the truth. The world seems so real to you as you look out through the body’s eyes. You need Me to remind you that you are still as God created you and that time and space are but illusions.

Remembering this frequently is very calming and brings you to a place of receiving God’s peace with greater ease. Continue to give time to quiet listening frequently throughout your day. These quiet time will bring you great gifts and save much time in your awakening process. The ego does not value sitting still and quieting your mind. But this is how you receive the Holy Spirit. This is how you receive God’s gifts.

Take time to receive these gifts. It will shorten your need for time immeasurably. It will bring you true and lasting happiness, which is what you really want. Give time to Me. I know how to make use of it for your awakening.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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