Realizing God's Will Is Oneness

I let the Light do the work.

Let the light shine forth.  Be My love always, at every moment, in every hour, in every way.  Be in it.  Rest in it.  Ease forth from it.  Relax and let it do the work.  In this there is nothing to fear and everything to gain.  Fear not the words, actions and results that come from the light.  These shall mind themselves from the Mind of God.  Relax and let the love and light flow like a river from you.  Let it wash the world clean of unfaithfulness and forgetfulness.  Let it wash all darkness away.

Let the light bring My presence to all, to those who would listen and to those who know not to listen.  For in the path of love and light, they cannot help but be healed in a way I direct.  Your only task is to let it flow and be unconcerned with process, effects and results.  This shall all be minded by Me for the One.  My mind is your mind.  My heart is your heart.  My love is your love.  My light is your light.  There is nothing else.  Trust in this.  Live this, and paradise is yours.  I give it to you freely.  All you must do is to claim it as your own is to recognize that it belongs to you for you are already there with Me.  See this and you see all that is.  Feel this and feel My love for you is boundless.  There is no measure of love for you.  You have all there is.  Accept this gift.  Unwrap it and accept it.  Take it to your heart, and your healing shall know no bounds.  All else will follow.

The light shines even when the body’s eyes do not perceive it shining.  The light simply shines.  It shines on what we want to see and what we don’t want to see.  It shines on successes and failures alike, treating them all the same.  It lets go of all other seeking for truth and justice.  It rules supreme.  It guides the way through roses and rubbish.  The light merely seeks the truth of what is, but what we often cannot know.  It is a light that shines even in the dark, where it would seem to be quiet and silent, no where to be seen and appreciated.

Yet in quiet, silent times does it shout from the Heavens - See Me -  Hear Me -  Love Me -  Let Me Shine -  Let Me Live.  Let Me cast forth light upon the waters, upon the land, upon all that is there for you be be as I am.  Trust Me as the light.  Trust Me as the Guide.  Trust Me as the way to see.  Trust Me for the light to your way to be.  For I am all there is to see.  I am all there is to know and to love.  See Me only.  I am the light and the light sees only Me.  I am the light and the seen.  Focus not on the light as light.  Focus on Me.  I am there even beyond the light and yet closer than the light.  The light focuses on Me, yet I am not limited by the light.  The light is for you to see, not Me.  I see all without need of light, for I created the light for you.

There is Me even in the dark.  There is Me even in the midst of it all.  For there I am in it all, all there is and ever will be.  You are part of this.  You are part of the light and yet more than the light.  Vaster than the light.  I am not the light.  I am to be seen in the light.  Let the light show Me to you.  Point to others to where the light shines to show Me, so that others may see Me, too.  Be the light.  Shine it to show Me, where I am.  And they will see Me also.

© 2004-2011, Pathways of Light.
You may freely share copies of this with your friends, provided this notice is included.

The Joy of Kindness

There is a certain joy in showing kindness in the little things - the everyday things that make up our lives.  Jesus does not ask for grand gestures.  He asks us to be as spiritual children.  Children show kindness in small ways - smiles, giggles of delight, enthusiasm, shining eyes and being quick to show joy and approval for the little shows of love for them.

When I am focused on asking what can be truly helpful in any situation or circumstance, it is mainly in the little things where I can be of service.  When someone is having a hard day, perhaps I cannot make their problems go away, but I can be understanding and offer a smile, a word of encouragement about their ability to meet the challenge, or perhaps just listening.  I can offer this kindness instead of going into my ego story of a hard day.  I see this happening so often.  Stories of computer problems, mechanical problems, health problems, you name it, are met with equally dramatic stories of similar or worse problems. 

The Course talks about defending truth instead of error, and the way to do this is to ask what something is really for.  Everyone defends what he treasures, and one must ask what is treasured and how much it is treasured.  These are the real questions that bring us to clarifying how we respond to everything.  If I treasure the error of form and ego drama, then life is a series of contests about who has more error.  More complications, more difficulties, more drama pain means I am the winner.  My life is harder and I deserve more consideration and attention from others.  If I treasure the body, and problems get attention and validation, then my body must have problems to get what it wants.

If I treasure love and peace, however, and it is my only treasure, then I am looking at everything as an opportunity to be loving and see the loving, and to do this in the midst of the everyday, right where I am.  I look at the people I find myself with and the circumstances I find myself in as being the right ones for me to see what I truly treasure.  If I truly treasure love, then I will give it.  But I don’t have to give it in grand gestures, in “big ways” that expect visible “big differences.”  The ego cherishes its own dramatic gestures.  Love cherishes little loving gestures. 

In giving a loving smile in return for a criticism, a little thing perhaps, but in it I affirm that I treasure love and see only its presence.  In keeping silent when another is stuck on repeating a complaint over and over, but seeing when I do this myself at times and overlooking the ego illusion, may not seem like it makes a big difference, but it is loving and kind.  When I offer my sincere gratitude to someone who has helped me, even in a tiny way, I find joy.  Offering love and kindness in simple little ways is doable.  In this I can heal in the world as it is, as it has been given to me.

If I follow the ego voice and body sight, love is not attainable.  The ego looks to the physical level to judge effectiveness.  Everywhere around us we see the ego mind not content with anything as it is, everything must get bigger and better, more advanced, more complicated.  And even then the ego is not content.  Life seems to be an endless circle of increasing grandiosity in the ego world.  Simplicity is seen as a sign of regression, not progress.

There is a certain joy in simplicity - simple loving acts of kindness that come spontaneously from opportunities to extend love in the right now.  Right where I am is where I extend love, to those given me in the lesson plan of love by Holy Spirit.  Ego cannot find love anywhere and looks to a world of impressive form as a substitute.  Holy Spirit shows me love in all the little everyday parts of my life.  No detail is too tiny or too special to escape His awareness.  If I give as I receive, then I can give the little kindnesses to others.  This is not too difficult for me.

If I listen to the ego and think kind gestures must be grand and noticeable, then they seem beyond me.  When I see the beauty in giving the small kindnesses, I am grateful because I know I can do the small things with Holy Spirit.  I have come to treasure the small acts of kindness because I can do them, and I can see the powerful healing that comes from doing just the little things.  I find joy in giving a smile and a kind word.  I find joy in extending a kind thought, unspoken but sincerely felt.  I find joy in giving a glass of water to someone who is thirsty.

It is my ego that wants to keep tiny details in my tiny kingdom, those deemed too special to bother Holy Spirit with, so that they can be made large and important in the world.  It is in seeing that there is a better way than the upset that comes from doing this that has taken me past a turning-point.  It is in coming to not want even tiny intrusions on my peace, that I am now willing to give as I receive.  As I receive continuous droplets of light-filled kindness from Holy Spirit in His infinite care and love for me, so I can give droplets of kindness to others.  As I give small acts of kindness, I affirm the importance of those I receive contantly from Him.  As Holy Spirit finds joy in helping me in the everyday, so I find joy in helping others in the ordinary things.

The Course says that God’s children are entitled to the perfect comfort that comes from perfect trust.  I find perfect comfort in perfectly trusting in the spiritual grandeur of extending loving kindness in little ways to the life that fills my day.  These are the little gifts that I place on my inner altar every day because I can carry them.  Holy Spirit shows me that small kindnesses are not too heavy a burden.  I can carry them easily and gently and lay them before God with a joyful heart knowing that He appreciates them.  As He gave Holy Spirit to me to help me without pretension in each small step, so I can give to others.  As I lay each humble gift on the altar, my awareness of joy grows.  The act of kindness was small, but the gift of joy to me in return is great.

© 2004-2011, Pathways of Light.
You may freely share copies of this with your friends, provided this notice is included.

The Promise of Healing

I am in touch with this vast underlay of fear.  It seems to reside underneath my skin, my body shell, supporting it.  It is like an undercurrent - there just beneath the surface of my body/mind.  It is a feeling of despair, hopelessness, disappointment.  It can seem almost overwhelming at times.  This must be why many people take anti-depressants, to get rid of it, to hide it.

But I cannot hide from it.  It has been an awareness for some months now.  It is something I have tried to hide from because I do not like the feeling.  I am afraid of the feeling, but at the same time I know it isn’t real.  It is a barrier I have made to the experience of love.  I know I cannot get through it by myself.  I need the help of Holy Spirit.  It may not be real but it seems real.  One would think that going under the surface of the conscious mind, one would find only Spirit.  But there underneath the surface is the vast barrier of fear.

It is no doubt very good to have this feeling rise up to the level of conscious awareness.  I do work at present with the intent that I release all barriers to the presence of love.  I think about this as I go about my life’s duties.  I am willing to let go of this barrier, or to walk over it because the Course says on T.Pg. 340, the Holy Spirit is the bridge over the illusion of fear.  The sea of fear is a mirage like sun on the hot dry desert which makes the sand look like water.  The mirage isn’t real, its just a perception.  So is this fear just a perception, not real, not there.  It just looks like it is there.

But I want it to go.  I no longer want to see the mirage of fear.  I want to see only the presence of love.  I give it all to Holy Spirit, my Helper, my Teacher, my Trainer.  I no longer wish to try to hide the mirage or hide from the mirage of fear.  I want to walk through it, over it, to the presence of love, so that love is my only current.  I want to be in touch with my Source, my Reality, my Truth.  I want to walk courageously with Holy Spirit through all illusion of fear and love. 

I have lived in the illusion of love for so long that I fear I cannot recognize the real thing.  I have made special relationships in looking for love but I see that these were bargains I made to get by, to stave off despair, fear, guilt and anxiety.  It was not True Love present but a means to push fear away so I wouldn’t have to face it.  The fear was too frightening.  “What if I am utterly alone and adrift?” it said.  And I could not face that supposed reality, alone, adrift, without love.  And so I made up an illusion of love with my husband, children, certain friends and spiritual teachers to comfort me. 

These relationships were to be different somehow, “special.”  They would feed me, complete me, make me whole, but they did no such thing.  They only hid the fear awhile.  The fear poked through many times and I was afraid and angry, and disappointed.  Disappointed for so many reasons.  I feel disappointed that all I have made doesn’t work.  I feel disappointed that all I have tried spiritually has not yet taken me totally beyond the fear, that it is still there.  I made in my spiritual journey another special relationship, another deliverer, another savior, an illusion of love.  Think this, do this, do that, all will be well.  No need to look at the fear because it is not real.  Look only at love, but it was not real love.

Today, right now, I feel that in this I have perpetuated the illusion of love.  Perhaps I have made strides.  I am not sure.  I hope I have and that is why the fear can no longer be hidden or pushed away.  It is time to confront the illusion of fear.  It is time to look at it, acknowledge it, take responsibility for making it so that I can take responsibility for letting it go.  But first I must look at what I have made without shirking, without shrinking away.  I can no longer deny what I have made.

As I look at it, I think first of forgiveness.  I want to forgive myself for making it and making it seem so real, so vast, so impenetrable, so great a barrier.  It has done its job well for a long time.  In that respect I want to bless it before I let it go.  I thought it served me, protected me, saved me, but it didn’t.  I was mistaken.  It served me not at all.  It is fear and fear does not serve me.

Help me, Holy Spirit.  Help me, Teacher of God.  Help me walk over and past this illusion I have made real, a barrier, an obstacle laid between me and God, me and love.  I am willing to look at it with You.  I am willing to follow Your lead to love.  I think this is still part of the Course, to learn how to get beyond the illusions.  The Introduction says the Course aims at removing the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence which is my natural inheritance.  The Course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love for it says that is beyond what can be taught.  I am square at the block to the awareness of love’s presence.  I am squarely at what I am to learn. And so I turn to You, the Teacher, to help me learn.  Show me the way.  I follow You.

Holy Spirit:  Fear not, My child.  I will help you.  I am helping you, and that is why you have come to this point.  You are doing a fine job of learning.  The obstacles to the awareness of love’s presence will fall away.  Do not doubt this.  This is My promise to you and I always keep My promises.  You will feel whole and well again.  The last vestiges of fear will dissipate and you will again see only the shining light of love everywhere.  It is who you are and you will know yourself.  Stand with Me.  Know that I am by your side in every step you think you make alone.  You are not alone.  I am always with you.  Look at the barriers you think you made with Me and see that they are only wisps that can be gently blown away.  This is My promise.  Hold fast to the promise and healing is yours in each moment until the moments stretch into the One Moment.  There is no need to hide or push away what you feel.  Merely rest with it, confident that My Word is kept.  My bond with you cannot be broken.  Soon you will recognize this is so for nothing else can be.  Patience.  Practice fearlessness.  Stand tall with Me.  Do not shirk.  Together we go forward and all is well.  Step by step we will go.  Step in confidence that the end of the bridge is near.  You see clearly now the illusion.  The end is not far.  Walk on in joy that your delivery is at hand.  I guide you gently with a sure hand at your back leading you in the dance across the bridge with care and precision.  There are no mistakes. Everything is in perfect order and timing.  The music plays.  The dance continues.  Move to the rhythm of healing as I pace it.  This is best.  Trust Me in each step and we dance together the healing for you.

© 2004-2011, Pathways of Light.
You may freely share copies of this with your friends, provided this notice is included.

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