Realizing God's Will Is Oneness

Ode to Holy Spirit

I rely on You, Holy Spirit.  You are my strength and my light.  I totally trust in You.  I see the illusion but I do not trust it.  I trust only in You to be my guiding strength.  You lead me into peace.  You lead me to the still waters of my mind where I can see reflected the truth of what is.  I can give my life to you.  I do not know the way or the meaning of the illusion and so I give it all to you.

I want to be healed.  It is my only desire.  I rely on You to be there for me in every step.  You support my mind with strength and light.  I surrender to You.  I am most willling for You to lead me, to be my only guide and my only support.  I lean on You, giving You the total weight of my burden, knowing that You will take it from me and give me healing in return.

I give You every thing I see and feel and You give me Everything Eternal in return.  I give You anxiety and You give me peace.  I give You worry and You give me joy.  I give You dissatisfaction and judgment and You give me love.  You take all I have and give me salvation in return.  I give you weariness of the world and You show me Heaven in return.  In my gratitude I follow You.

You take my hands and lead me gently away from the oppressive burden of illusion I have made.  You comfort me and heal me.  You take my cares and woes and transform them into glad opportunities to see the power of Your love.  I rely on You.  I rely on Your vision of truth to support me.  In the vastness, there You are with me most gently and caringly.

There, underneath the illusion, lies the truth fully supporting me.  I know I cannot falter or stumble as You are there to place me firmly on the path to God again.  You right my feet and my mind, point me into the direction I am to go and then walk with me holding my hand until I can walk again sure-footed listening only to Your Voice.

When I seem afraid, there You are appearing to me as God’s Saving Grace.  When I am calmed again, there You are as the part of me You always were, not separate but with me still.  How miraculous is this love You bear for me.  You bring miracles of love from Oneness to where I am.  You love me always.  I know I can rely on this.  You show me love and I follow love.  Love can see only itself and so I know again that I am only love.  In my following You am I healed from all illusion.

Holy Spirit, I give you gratitude for Your healing presence, for Your perfect willingness to show me love, for Your role in bringing me to remembering that I can only follow love for love is all there is.  I can be at peace because You help me remember I am one with peace.  This is all there is, just peace.  In my gratitude, in my willingness, I can let illusion slide away and return in this instant to the awareness of what I am in truth because of You, Holy Spirit.  Trust turns to gratitude in the miracle of Your love.

© 2004-2011, Pathways of Light.
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Meditation on Willingness to Listen with Holy Spirit

Today I will hear God’s Voice in the quiet of my mind.  I will listen attentively to His Voice of Love.  He whispers to me of sweetness and light, of my joy in being with Him, and His love for me.  The gentle whispers sing in my mind’s ear, the melody ever calling me to peace, calming me with its presence.  The melody is familiar.  I know the tune well but I have forgotten some of the notes.  As I listen I hear again its beauty.  It haunts me.  It reverberates in my being state.

God loves me and I love God.  God knows I love Him for He created me to be one with Him in love.  I can’t be apart from His love.  I am guiltless.  The song of love sings of my innocence.  Today I hear the song that I am pure and holy with God and never was anything else.  No matter how the dream appears, I am guiltless, and so is my brother and sister.  The song sings of their innocence as well.

When I am quiet today I will hear the melody clearly.  It will rise up in me and fill me with its sound.  I will listen.  I will be glad.  No matter how large the dream appears, it is a tiny insignificant wisp of nothingness - a speck of dust visible only in the light so that it can be healed.  As floating dust is only visible in the light, so my dream can be seen for what it is only with Holy Spirit in true vision.  In my mind is the strength of God.  Only this is important.  Only this is real.  Only in quiet do I hear what the strength of God is communicating to me, the love it shares.

Today in all my activities I will be quiet of mind.  Help me in my willingness, Holy Spirit, to be ever listening for your Voice.  Help me to be truly awake today to listen.  As I go about in body with other bodies, help me to see what is real - Love, Innocence, Honesty, Willingness to be Son of God.  Let me awake to the awareness of love’s presence, truly awake.  Help me to be mindful of God’s Voice which is always speaking to me, singing to me, comforting me, guiding me, filling me, nourishing me.  My hunger for the Voice for God is great.  The hunger is filled by you, only you, Holy Spirit.

I give my life to you today in the light.  Look at my speck of dust and help me to see it rightly, as only a help to me to see where my mind yet needs healing.  Give me healing new perspectives on which to base my life, my existence.  For this is all I truly desire, all I truly want.  Only this - to walk in step with the Divine Melody that is my oneness in God, my part of the whole.  Today I listen for its refrain to be made known to me. 

Today I walk in willingness to hear, and confidence that I shall hear God’s Word.  It is promised and so shall it be accordingly.  Chords of sweet songs, love songs, shall fill my ears and my mind.  I will sing them.  I will walk joyfully.  I will smile on the sweetness and love in my brother as I listen.  I will listen to the symphony of love in each moment.  I will open my heart to it and let it sweep me away to the world of pure joy which is my home, my true home.  My true home is here right now and I open to it with your help, Holy Spirit.

© 2004-2011, Pathways of Light.
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Ending the Sickness of Specialness

The ego is all about special relationships.  The ego makes a body and has the body form attachments so that the body has special relationships with almost everything, places, things, music, titles, buildings, countries and the list goes on and on.  The most important special relationships are reserved for other bodies.  The ego even forms them with dead bodies for we have memorials to the dead of wars, accidents, terrorists and even sunken ships like the Titantic, all carrying an emotional charge for the “special” dead.

These special relationships of the ego often are so subtle we don’t think anything of them.  One politician gets our goat while another seems a hero.  The ego especially loves heroes and saviors, so some bodies play that role, like doctors and firefighters.  The ego body likes certain drugs and medicines that it feels it can’t live without.  The body likes substances and experiences that induce euphoria.  There are certain special places to pray that make the prayers exceptional.  There are certain special people that we feel must be part of our lives in order to be happy.

What does all of this get us, this quagmire of specialness?  Certainly not happiness because the ego does not see the world as a happy place.  For the ego, the world is a place of constant struggle and strife to make sure that specialness in some form is present, and then there is the tremendous fear of its loss and the accompanying depression.  It is perhaps the most challenging obstacle to overcome for the ego tries to keep specialness hidden from us by calling it other names.  And there is the world we seem to live in with its constant ego chatter and distraction pulling us in different directions.  There seems to be many choices to be made and that must be made.  Where does the bewildering quest to be and acquire the extraordinary all end?

It all ends with one choice, the only choice that means anything at all.  And that choice is to take all meaning to the Holy Spirit.  It is the choice to ask Him for truth in all things, all circumstances and events, and all relationships.  It doesn’t matter if its brand new or long standing, seems simple and easy or confusing, seems good or bad, important or inconsequential.  It’s the choice to see all relationships in the world as the same - all based on ego.  It is the choice to acknowledge that there is only one relationship and that is with God.  All the rest are to distract us from seeing this truth.  There is only Oneness.  This is the only true choice.

Holy Spirit uses all specialness we have made to help us awaken to the truth, but only if we are willing to give it up in all the forms we have made.  We cannot give Him some special relationships and keep others because they seem harmless enough.  Surely these small desires can’t make any difference, the ego says in its best cajoling voice.  Sometimes the smallest specialness seems the hardest to give up just because it seems so innocuous, just so convenient that we don’t recognize we are choosing the ego’s interest.  But all specialness is the same, it separates, it singles out, and it sets apart one from another in importance.  We need to come to recognize that it’s all unimportant and all the same in unimportance.

Only Holy Spirit can help us see the importance we have given to the unimportant.  In the measure of our willingness can He begin to do this.  Holy Spirit never forces us to look at our special relationships, never forces us to sacrifice them while we are still believing in the ego drama of sacrifice.  When we are willing to look at specialness, Holy Spirit will respond.  After all, He has been quietly calling us to do this in every instant.  When we begin to listen to this call, and give Him our willingness, He will do the rest. 

He will show us our attachments and help us to see clearly that instead of making us happy, they are robbing us of our joy and peace.  We then willingly let go of attachments as gently as letting go of dried rose petals, remains of a flower we once treasured for its beauty but now is dead, its color and fragrance gone.  It is easy to let the dead petals slip from our hand.  Just this easy will be the letting go of special attachments after we truly see they are of death, not life.  Special attachments do not serve us, they serve only the ego.  We did not see the rose was poison for our mind.

Opening the mind to the possibility of looking at specialness in all its forms is all that is asked of us.  Just this little willingness.  Holy Spirit’s willingness is perfect and He will help us see truly in the way that is perfect for us.  Let us leave the worldly flowers of poison and join with the Holy Spirit in the spiritual garden where the One Flower is pure and sweet and never dies, but lives in its eternal beauty.  We cannot breathe in the beauty, joy and peace of the One Flower until we let go of the poisonous bouquet we clutch in our hand.  Holy Spirit will heal us of the sickness of specialness if we allow Him to gently take this bouquet from us.

© 2004-2011, Pathways of Light.
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In Defenselessness Is Safety

If I defend myself against sickness, I am attacked.  If I defend myself against terrorists, I am attacked.  If I defend myself against fire, flood, insults, any potential supposed tragedy large or small, I am attacked.  I make my fear real in my defenses.  This does not mean acting foolishly by ignoring the conditions ego has made in the world.  This does not mean recklessly courting danger or harm in rebellion.  Thinking the body is invincible is the same as thinking it vunerable, because they both make the body a center of focus, important, real.  The body is none of these things.

In defenselessness my safety lies.  I can walk in the body life while being at peace, feeling safe, not anticipating harm in fear.  And if harm comes, what matter does it make in truth.  In truth there is no body to be harmed or injured.  There is nothing to protect.  My true life is only of Spirit.  In Spirit I walk only in wholeness and peace.  I can choose this awareness and live from this perspective.  This means I live in healing no matter what physical conditions surround me or appear in the body.

From my subconscious I may be projecting attack onto the body, but I do not need to defend my body against it.  Fear attacking the body is as nothing attacking nothing.  I can observe it, acknowledge the ego mind at work, and give it all to Holy Spirit for healing.  I do not need to feel guilty that I caused the attack from fear, especially when my conscious giving symptoms over to Holy Spirit does not make for immediate change in a body condition.  The place where I live in my mind is being healed and that is all that is important.  There is much fear and guilt in the subconscious mind, and if I defend myself against its manifestation, I am attacked.

With Holy Spirit’s help, I can see that the subconscious fear is not real, it is nothing to concern myself with.  I merely give all I see with body eyes over to Holy Spirit for healing.  I let Him guide me to the truth, the healing perspective, that I am in reality healed, whole, peace and nothing else.  In this I find the strength to walk unafraid of all I experience in the body life.  I accept the ego thought as false, that is all.  It is as simple at that.  I remember that I am peace and perfection as God created me and nothing can change that.  The rememberance alone brings the awareness of peace and wholeness.  There is no other way to achieve peace than to remember its presence and live in that awareness.  There is nothing I can do or say to get peace in the world.  All I can do is remember it is already mine and already there for everyone.  My remembering helps others to remember.

As I read of government defense bunkers of information gathering, defense bunkers against bombs and chemicals, defensive economic strategies, weapons of mass destruction, I see the madness of the ego at work generating more layers of fear.  Fear spinning farther reaching webs of fear to catch us and roll us in a paralyzed ball of confused thought.  All to defend the body which doesn’t exist except in illusion.  We do not have to fly into this web.  We can affirm the truth for ourselves and our brother.  My remembering that I am peace and only peace, safe and only safe, helps my brother to remember as well that this is his truth.

I may not see a physical change in circumstances or events immediately, but this does not mean that healing is not occuring.  I leave to Holy Spirit the fulfillment of God’s plan of Atonement.  I am willing to do my part by remembering who I am and who my brother is.  We don’t need to defend ourselves because we are not attacked.  We remain one in God.  We live in peace.  We only love all we are.  We share our experience of God and we know Him in perfect confidence of our safety always.  This is our true reality and when we dwell in this thought, this reality is ours.  It will live for us.

© 2004-2011, Pathways of Light.
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The Power of Creation

Meditation on Lesson 112. Light and joy and peace abide in me.  I am as God created me.

I am the mind God created.  I am God fulfilling Himself through me.  God IS fulfilling Himself through me.  I have no power to stop this.  My little mind feels weak and powerless about so many things and yet so powerful this regard, that it is separate from the power of God and can choose separately.  This is laughable.

The power of God is so great, so vast, so unstoppable, because it is all there is.  I am light, joy and peace.  It flows from me, through me to the world, to our solar system, to the galaxy in which little me lives.  It is the power of God so vast it travels all time and space.  There are no words.  There is no direction.  Who tells the power of God what to do? to be? to accomplish?  The power of God goes forth, there is no need and no lack.  There is only total abundance.  There is only goodness, harmony, gentleness, and patience.  There is only God fulfilling Himself as He chooses.

Our mind is part of this.  It is a beautiful, lovely, vast mind.  It is a great gift.  It is a mind of great power as it extends the power of God.  There is nothing beyond the power of God.  Nothing is impossible.  Everything is possible.  There is only choice.  The power is so vast, but there is no power to be separate or to do separate.  There is no power like this.  There is only that part of the mind, and the ego mind is not exactly like part of the mind, that thinks it can have such a power.  Its a delusion.  There is no power to override God’s Will.

The power is so vast in my mind that its almost incomprehensible.  It’s what keeps the galaxies in motion and all life present.  It keeps everything in order, in harmony.  I sit in it and let it extend itself.  I do not direct it in any fashion for what would I say that is best.  The power of God minds itself, directs itself.  I merely extend it.  I sat like a beacon of every virtue and power, like a vast force that need do nothing else but extend the energy - just a being state.  I can understand how after a time, one would want to be in a position to be able to do something with the powerful energy, to create with God something beautiful.  There is creation in the being state but it is vast, abstract, almost impersonal.

The mind generates emotion.  It does not need the body to generate emotion.  The mind chooses the emotion and manifests it.  The mind of God generates only love and all emotions of love and goodness.  It is not possible to generate something else from the mind of God.  We come to a point where we want to create in a more personal way.  We want to create something.  Perhaps that is why we choose “lives” or “existences,” to create and to see what we create.  If we come to a point where we think we can create separately from God, we are in delusion because there is no creation separate from God.  This is where we find ourselves when we are in the ego mind, total delusion.  There is no power to create separately from God.  There is no power to stop God from constantly fulfilling Himself.  This just isn’t possible.  We are powerful but not this powerful.  Our only power comes from God.  When we use the power of God with God, then we are creating.  This is being in and from the mind that we share with God.

We let the power of God lead the way.  We let the power of God direct.  We flow with the power of God, in harmony with it, when we create.  We are mindful of God.  We are full of God because that is what we really are and we can create only from this place, this mind-set.  It is so vast, this power, and there is no need, no lack.  So where does one begin to create?  Our minds are so in tune with creating from need to need on earth, but this is not true creation.  It is something making something concrete or physical from an idea, but can we call it true creation?  It is helpful.  It furthers life.  There is creativity in making something materialize from an idea.  There is creation of sorts in this.

God’s creation is from abundance to abundance.  There is no need to materialize anything.  There is only choice from love to love for the highest good.  We have no power to be apart from this.  Why do we even try?  Because behind it all there is the somewhat altruistic desire to create personally that which is beautiful, fulfilling and powerful, just like God.  We yearn to do it like God only in a little way that we can see.  We would like our own little kingdom that is manageable, for God’s kingdom is so vast, so all encompassing, that one cannot get one’s mind around it.  One must be totally in faith, trust, patience, and open-mindedness to be in God’s kingdom.  Being in God’s kingdom is ever-present joy, but then eventually comes the desire to “see” creation up close and personal.

Is this the mad ego desire at work or is this the natural progression of learning?  We attempt to co-create.  We attempt to create apart.  We learn to express the power of God that we are.  We learn to extend the power of God in ways that are one with God’s ways.  In this there is true happiness.  There remains that little nagging desire of personalization to contend with, even there.  There is choice even there in God’s kingdom.  There is always choice.  We just choose in “bigger” ways when we are in this being state, but there is really no order of difficulties in miracles, in choices.  We can choose the same here on earth as in the being state - we can choose true power, true creation, true love, of that which is always present anyway - constantly choosing trust, faith, and patience.  Or we can choose the delusional and the possibility of getting lost in the delusional for a long time before we reawaken to love.

The choice is always ours.  We can choose delusional attempts to create a little kingdom of personal desires that seems separate and just ours.  Or we can choose to co-create with God the majesty of Love as we were created to do.  Today I choose to let God fulfill Himself through me as He chooses.  Today I choose to let the power of creation extend through me as God Wills for the Whole of Creation.  Today I choose to be as God created me to be, and to let go of judgment about what that must seem to be in my little kingdom.

© 2004-2011, Pathways of Light.
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