Pathways of Light Ministers

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Bonnie LeClair, OMC, London, ON

Bonnie LeClair, O.M.C., is an Ordained Ministerial Counselor and a student of A Course in Miracles. She has been a hypnotherapist for many years and is directed by a “healer, heal thyself” philosophy. Bonnie’s focus is on healing the mind since only the mind is in need of healing. Through Pathways of Light courses and counseling services, Bonnie offers others the opportunity to “change their minds” and “choose again” to awaken spiritually.

Bonnie offers spiritual dedication ceremonies as well as customized services and ceremonies. She offers correspondence courses and Accessing Inner Wisdom counseling in person, by phone or via the Internet (Skype, including Skype conferences)

To email Bonnie, Click Here.

Bonnie LeClair, OMC offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:


Rev. Aline McDowell, OMC, Barrie, ON

Aline McDowell O.M.C. I am an Ordained Ministerial Counselor and student of A Course in Miracles. I extend to others the opportunity of awakening spiritually through Pathways of Light Courses, both in person or by phone. Upon request, I am also available to help people access their Inner Guidance to heal their mind through the Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling.

As a minister, counselor and facilitator of courses, I emphasize self-empowerment and create a warm, supportive, open atmosphere where people can feel comfortable to explore and share insights. I help people develop trust in a deeper relationship with their true Self.

I am also a Certified Miracles Practitioner.

Call Rev. McDowell at 705-739-7253.

To email Aline, Click Here.

Rev. Aline McDowell, OMC offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Aline McDowell, OMC offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:

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Rev. Deborah Hannaford, Niagara Falls, ON

Rev. Deborah is an Ordained Ministerial Counselor and an active student of A Course In Miracles. She offers the opportunity of awakening spiritually through Pathways of Light correspondence courses and Accessing Inner Wisdom counseling sessions in person, by phone or the internet (Skype). Eight week group programs (Spiritual Awakening & Healing Inner Child) are available as well as A Course In Miracles study groups. Deborah is the Co-author with her husband Bob of Today’s Divine Family; Living in Love, Not Fear which summarizes the key concepts of ACIM and offers additional workshops in meditation, and holistic healing. As a trance channel she offers personalized conversations with “We Are One,” a group consciousness of Angels and spiritual beings who work directly with Jesus to heal the people of this planet.

Through understanding yourself and quieting your mind you will find the inner peace and the loving guidance system you seek. Healing your mind of fear and embracing love is your true purpose.

Deborah offers correspondence courses and Accessing Inner Wisdom counseling in person, by phone or Skype.

To email Deborah, click the link below, or call 905-380-9411.

To email Deborah, Click Here.

Rev. Deborah Hannaford offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Deborah Hannaford offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:

901 902 908


Rev. Diane Bernier, Alexandria, ON

Diane Bernier, Ordained Ministerial Counselor, is dedicated to helping people awaken to their true Self, ”their own Inner Wisdom,” and to discover that they are blessed and worthy children of God in unity with All. Her goal is to help people discover and develop their own innate abilities to bring balance, peace and harmony into their lives. Diane has also received training as a Reiki Master, Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hanna Kroeger Practitioner and Sacred Touch.

Diane offers correspondence courses, Accessing Inner Wisdom counseling and Relationship Enhancement counseling in person, by phone and via Internet voice.

Diane is also a Certified Miracles Practitioner.

Click here to view Diane’s video about looking to answer the calling of our soul.

To email Diane, Click Here.

Rev. Diane Bernier offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Diane Bernier offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:

901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924


Rev. Frederick Thinh-Ball, North York, ON

My family has been my greatest and most challenging spiritual playground, and the healing within has been phenomenal in addressing all “common” and apparent issues with growing children.

My second playground is my corporate job, having led teams of 10 to 40, the spiritually hushed corporate environment has been a beautiful place to practice A Course in Miracles and seeing the effects of my healing journey there.

As a facilitator of Pathways of Light courses and groups I offer others the opportunity of awakening spiritually by phone, Internet voice, in person or group teleconference. My emphasis is always on helping you quiet your mind to access your own Inner Wisdom That knows the truth.
I also offer a very helpful Forgiveness Ceremony and Ceremony of Divorce.

To contact Frederick, click the email link below or call 647-925-3862

To email Frederick, Click Here.

Rev. Frederick Thinh-Ball offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:


Rev. Josée Davis, Cornwall, ON

I am an Ordained Ministerial Counselor and a student of A Course in Miracles. My mission is to help others realize their potential by creating a healthy, balanced, successful life, career, and/or business. I am a Clinical Hypnotherapist, a Shaman, Master Practitioner of NLP and Life Coach. As a therapist I have been helping others for over two decades to create the life they want by guiding them to discover and develop their innate abilities, restoring balance, peace and harmony in their lives. I offer ceremonies for rites of passage, joining of families, house blessing, etc.

I am also a Certified Miracles Practitioner.

Click here to visit Josée’s website.

Call Josée at 613-930-9121.

To email Josée, Click Here.

Rev. Josée Davis offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Josée Davis offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:

901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924


Rev. Krista Kemp, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON

Rev. Krista Kemp O.M.C., is an Ordained Ministerial Counselor and Spiritual Awakening facilitator. She facilitates Pathways of Light courses on an individual and group basis.

Krista is available to gently guide you with your inner awareness based on the teachings offered in the book, A Course in Miracles. She also is happy to offer wedding and ceremonial services.

Krista holds a B.A. in Psychology, and a Social Service Worker Diploma having focused her attention in the field of partner violence and child protection. During her 15-year career as a front line social worker, she offered counseling and support to children and parents facing challenging life situations. Her background along with her own spiritual growth and healing as a student of A Course in Miracles and Pathways of Light Minister has prepared Krista to be of service in your personal healing journey.

“Who walks with me? I walk with God in perfect holiness, I light the world, I light my mind and all the minds which God created one with me.” A Course in Miracles, Workbook, Lesson 156, 8:1 & 5-6.

Krista’s invitation to you: “Walk with me, we will walk together in light…the path of love.

To email Krista, Click Here.

Rev. Krista Kemp offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Krista Kemp offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:

901 908


Rev. Laurie J. Nevin, Lucan, ON

Living the role of an Ordained Ministerial Counselor while continuing to devote my life to the teachings of A Course in Miracles, is living authentically from my True Self. I’ve chosen A Course in Miracles as the path Home for me and Pathways of Light offers further illumination on this journey. This path involves mind healing, miracles, and awakening to the Truth; the return to one’s Holy Self… the return to Love (God).

As a result of the turbulence I caused for myself in this illusory world, my seeking for answers from the outside naturally changed to going within where Truth resides. It’s as if some cracks were made for the Light to shine in. The ego mind was in control far more than the Christ Mind. A silent yet nagging desperation ran through my entire being and the “search for meaning” began at a young age. I feel extremely thankful for the miracles I’ve received and continue to receive on this gentle awakening journey “home.”

I AM in Love with God and so are you! “Together we are ONE in Love in God.” I believe the reason I am still walking this planet is to be an extension of this Love and healing to all. I made the decision to turn my life and will over to the care of God. I ask God to use me every day and for the Holy Spirit to lead the way. It is my mandate to live from my Holy Self, which in turn allows me to be a part of your healing and awakening. As I heal and awaken, the world I see heals and awakens too. This makes my heart sing as I witness and receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit; knowing that it is always an equal healing affecting everyone.

My services include weddings, spiritual ceremonies, counseling, public speaking, group facilitation, and writing. I’m passionate about facilitating spiritual care within psychiatric services and allowing the deep healing of Holy Spirit to lead the way.

Rev. Laurie is also a Pathways of Light Spiritual Relationship Counselor and is available for the 12-week Spiritual Relationship Counseling program.

“Heaven is neither a place nor a condition. It is merely an awareness of perfect Oneness and the knowledge that there is nothing else; nothing outside this Oneness and nothing else within.” ACIM, T. Ch.18

Click here to visit Laurie’s website.

Call Laurie at 519-854-8541.

To email Laurie, Click Here.

Rev. Laurie J. Nevin offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:


Rev. Sharon Oliver, Toronto, ON

Sharon is dedicated to helping others heal and to experience the knowing of Holy Spirit within. After graduating with a Psychology Degree from the University of Toronto, she began a quest for effective healing tools and techniques and a greater understanding of who we really are. Along the way Sharon was given a copy of A Course in Miracles. As a Single Parent, Sharon had to study little by little, but knew for many years that this was a huge part of her solution. Sharon has worked for 30 years counseling others. Sharon lives in Toronto, Ontario with her two daughters.

Sharon is an Ordained Ministerial Counselor and applies the principles of A Course in Miracles to Spiritual Ministry. Sharon offers Accessing Inner Wisdom Spiritual Counseling as well as facilitates Pathways of Light 8-week programs, and Pathways of Light Spiritual College Courses.such as Spiritual Awakening and Healing Inner Child, by phone, teleconference, zoom or in person.

Sharon is also legally qualified to perform weddings, baptisms, funerals, memorial services and other ceremonies of transition.

Contact Sharon by TEXT only: 647-997-6993

To email Sharon, Click Here.

Rev. Sharon Oliver offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Sharon Oliver offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:

901 905


Rev. Vicki Rostant, Toronto, ON

Vicki Rostant, O.M.C. is an Ordained Ministerial Counselor and an avid student of A Course in Miracles. For 25 years Vicki has served others as a Shiatsu/Acupuncture Therapist.

As a pathways of Light minister and counselor and facilitator of courses and groups, Vicki’s approach is: “You are welcome here.” She emphasizes what she also needs to learn from A Course In Miracles: the practice of quieting the mind to better hear the voice of The Holy Spirit in all that we do. As your companion on the journey of healing the mind, she provides a welcoming, supportive, open space where you can feel comfortable to explore and share insights.

Vicki facilitates courses by phone, in person and in a group setting in the Toronto area. She also offers Accessing Inner Wisdom counseling in person or by phone, and conducts ceremonies for baptisms, spiritual dedication, memorial services and life milestone events.

To email Vicki, Click Here.

Rev. Vicki Rostant offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Vicki Rostant offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:

901 904


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