Pathways of Light Ministers

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Rev. Jaya Sarada, Gleneden Beach, OR

Jaya Sarada, a Pathways of Light Minister and author of many books on Spiritual Healing, brings to her work over 30 years experience, as a teacher, guide and energy healer.

Jaya offers her services remotely or in person. She also conducts personal healing and awakening retreats at her center on the Oregon Coast, called Divine Light Ocean Retreat. Her ministry, Circle of Light Ministry is founded in "Bringing Divine Light to all life celebrations and transitions." Circle of Light Ministry offers ceremonies for all occasions and services to facilitate Spiritual Awakening.

I would be honored to guide your awakening process. I offer Accessing Inner Wisdom counseling in person, over the phone, or Skype. I also offer a Healing Inner Child 8-Week program and Spiritual Awakening 8-Week program, along with facilitation of courses and counseling through Pathways of Light.

Visit Jaya’s website at

Call Jaya at 971-313-2383.

To email Jaya, Click Here.

Rev. Jaya Sarada offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:


Rev. Jennie Anahata, Columbus, OH

Deep suffering as a catalyst, Jennie Anahata, O.M.C., has spent decades on a devoted spiritual and personal development journey. She is an Ordained Ministerial Counselor and Certified Relationship Counselor with Pathways of Light, based on the principles of A Course in Miracles. Her purpose is to be of service, and her mission is to guide and support people to remember the Truth of their Identity and live authentic, fulfilling lives for greater freedom, peace, and well-being.

Jennie facilitates spiritual counseling sessions, correspondence courses, and eight-week programs via Zoom or telephone. 

Visit Jennie's website here.

Call Jennie at 614-344-6966. (Please leave a message.)

To email Jennie, Click Here.

Rev. Jennie Anahata offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Jennie Anahata offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:

901 908


Rev. Jessica Joy McNeil, Cape Canaveral, FL

Reverend Jessica Joy McNeil, O.M.C. Jessica’s pathway to God is fully realized by embracing and extending joy. Jesus came to her about five years ago in a vision and opened her heart to the Light within. She was shown how to use this Light to heal false perceptions of the past and shine this Light into the collective. Not long after this, Jessica was brought to A Course in Miracles, and ultimately felt called to become a Pathways of Light Ministerial Counselor. Her wish is to help others rekindle the light within by connecting them with their own inner wisdom and joy, especially through a remembrance of the childlike wonder that many have lost along the way. As a kidnapping survivor and PTSD eradicator (through Jesus and the Course), she deeply desires to facilitate other women in releasing their fear and embracing the love that is our birthright.

Jessica is also a homeschooling mom to three wonderful souls and has a strong desire to help heal the collective by facilitating the rebuilding of connections and unconditional love between parents and their children through the Holy Spirit, adventure, teamwork, and play.

Rev. Jessica also offers Spiritual Relationship Counseling.

Call Jessica at 321-468-0051. (Please leave a message.)

To email Jessica, Click Here.

Rev. Jessica Joy McNeil offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Jessica Joy McNeil offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:



Rev. Jim Peterson, MSW, Portland, OR

I am a spirit-based intuitive coach and Ordained Ministerial Counselor who utilizes "Heart Directed" strategies in helping others remove the barriers to fully manifest their intuitive abilities, access their spiritual helpers, and connect with their true spiritual selves.

From early childhood we are taught to find the meaning of things (Truth) "in the external world” through our five senses. Thus the meaning of our life, our purpose, who we are seems to be a matter of external validation. In reality “Truth” is not something that can be experienced through our five senses. Rather “'Truth' lies within us“ within our Heart Center. This Inner Wisdom is there waiting to be rediscovered. We all have "a sixth sense,“ an intuitive pathway to our Inner Wisdom. Thus my practice is exclusively focused on helping clear away the barriers to this pathway and fully accessing the Inner Wisdom which awaits.

I come from a professional background of over 30 years in public health, mental health and substance abuse treatment/prevention. I have advanced training in the intuitive arts including certification as a Six Sensory Advanced Professional Practitioner from Sonia Choquette PhD. Additionally I have advanced certification from the Santa Rosa School of Alchemy in Alchemical Hypnotherapy and in 2017 completed the course work from Pathways of Light and was ordained as a ministerial counselor. What ties all these experiences together are my studies and experiences as student of A Course In Miracles. These programs and studies along with my life experiences have provided me a solid foundation upon which my spirit based intuitive work has emerged.

All work with Spirit springs from our heart center. Within the physical world our heart comes closest to the representation of the mind of God we all share. It is a place from which true wisdom is known in the moment. Thus our connection to spirit represents an intuitive rather than analytical process. It is a process of quieting the mind and letting our heart (Spirit) speak.

Visit Jim’s website at

Call Jim at 503-407-6403.

To email Jim, Click Here.

Rev. Jim Peterson, MSW offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:


Rev. Joanne Kraenzle Schneider, Festus, MO

Rev. Joanne Schneider was ordained in 2009. This was a natural step in her spiritual journey. Since that time, she has officiated several wedding ceremonies. She sees these ceremonies as her way of being Spirit in the world. She has continued her spiritual journey through spiritual mentoring and coaching courses. She enjoys partnering with others along their spiritual paths.

To email Joanne, Click Here.

Rev. Joanne Kraenzle Schneider offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Joanne Kraenzle Schneider offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:

901 911 918


Rev. John Vise, Hot Springs, AR

Rev. John Vise is an Ordained Ministerial Counselor, Spiritual Relationships Counselor, and also has a Masters degree in Metaphysical Science. John is a retired United Methodist minister and is also an Ordained Minister with International Metaphysical Ministries. John has been a dedicated student/facilitator of A Course in Miracles since 1978 and currently facilitates a weekly ACIM group at Garland County Library every Wednesday in Hot Springs, AR. John believes that A Course in Miracles is the greatest Spiritual tool we have available to us today for our Spiritual Awakening, as its Thought Process shows us that the way to Love and Inner Peace is through Forgiveness.

Rev. John Vise is available to officiate wedding ceremonies, spiritual/holy union ceremonies, baptisms and spiritual dedication ceremonies and memorial services plus other ceremonies of life transition.

Call John at 501-276-6984.

To email John, Click Here.

Rev. John Vise offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:


Rev. Julie T. Piek, Waukesha, WI

Julie Piek, O.M.C., offers the opportunity of awakening spiritually through Pathways of Light Spiritual College Courses, both in groups and by correspondence. She also helps people access their Inner Guidance to heal their mind through the one-on-one Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling. Julie is a Reiki Teacher/Practitioner and the owner of Rei Essence in which “The purpose of Rei Essence is to heal, with sincerity and compassion and to inspire a sense of balance.” She also provides Energy Medicine experience/certifications and mindfulness workshops which help people access answers within and embrace their true Essence. In addition to the ceremonies listed below, Julie offer “sacred” ceremonies customized to each individual’s requirements.

Julie shares that “Throughout my journey I have grown spiritually with the intention of understanding my true purpose on this earth as a spiritual being living a human experience. There are many areas that I have emphasized in my spiritual growth which I have found have a "common thread” - healing my inner child, which led to awakening to my true Self and then to surrender and trust that my Higher Spirit is there to provide guidance and perfect Love.

Click here to visit Julie’s website.

To email Julie, Click Here.

Rev. Julie T. Piek offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:


Rev. Kalen Delaney, Anacortes, WA

Rev. Kalen Delaney, O.M.C., is an Ordained Ministerial Counselor and a student of A Course in Miracles for over 10 years. She has been searching her whole life for the answers to the basic questions of truth and life’s meaning, and found it in A Course in Miracles.

Kalen extends to others the opportunity to awaken spiritually through Pathways of Light courses and one-on-one Accessing Inner Wisdom counseling in person and by phone. Her focus is to help people quiet their minds to better hear the guidance of the Higher Power within.

Kalen is also available for customized weddings, holy unions, baptisms, memorial services and other ceremonies of life transition.

Call Kalen at 253-245-3221.

To email Kalen, Click Here.

Rev. Kalen Delaney offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Kalen Delaney offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:

901 902 904 905 906 907 909 910 912 914 916 918 920 922


Rev. Karin Lee, Wenatchee, WA

Rev. Karin Lee, O.M.C., is an Ordained Ministerial Counselor and devoted student of A Course in Miracles. She extends her life's dedication of the study and practice of A Course in Miracles to her ministerial counseling clients.

Karin is dedicated to receiving guidance from her true Self and opening her mind and heart to Love. She emphasizes quieting the mind to hear Inner Guidance and healing relationships as a spiritual growth path.

Karin is a natural intuitive healer and guide whose passion and commitment to the healing process comes from her own personal experience and life journey, allowing her to serve with a deep sense of compassion and understanding. To contact Rev. Karin, send an email using the link below or call 206-365-1882.

In addition to facilitating Pathways of Light courses and groups, she offers one-on-one Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling and Relationship Enhancement Counseling, assisting couples and friends who want to create a more mutually loving and supportive relationship.

To email Karin, Click Here.

Rev. Karin Lee offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Karin Lee offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:

901 903 905


Rev. Kate Hawkins, Oxnard, CA

As an Ordained Ministerial Counselor for Pathways of Light, my focus is on facilitating inner healing and spiritual awakening for those who choose it. By emphasizing the principles of forgiveness and release, as delineated in A Course in Miracles, the path for healing and awakening is clear and assured.

Having come into this life with a keen sense of Divine energy, I have spent over 50 years accessing it and researching Eastern and Western philosophies, together with the newer quantum physic's discoveries. Synthesizing what I researched over the years allowed me to really understand and align my life with the Divine Energy and A Course in Miracles.

As a skilled Spiritual Counselor for over 35 years, I have found that the Course is not the only way to God, but it is a quick way. By forgiving and releasing, energy is freed up to be more expansive and loving which, in turn, allows for more love and Light to come into one's Being.

Pathways of Light has put together courses and programs that beautifully guide one through the processes of awakening and healing. Their methods are powerful and practical for real life experiences. I offer counseling through Pathways of Light in Spiritual Awareness, Spiritual Awakening, Healing the Inner Child, Accessing Inner Wisdom, and Spiritual Relationships.

I invite you to feel free to text or call 805-280-2560 to determine if you feel guided to proceed with any of these wonderful and miraculous programs.

To email Kate, Click Here.

Rev. Kate Hawkins offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:


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