Pathways of Light Ministers

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Rev. Nancy Floyd, Lake Oswego, OR

Would you like to experience more joy in your life? Studying A Course in Miracles and related courses from Pathways of Light has helped me on my own journey to joy. Over the past 35+ years I have maintained a spiritual practice with the purpose of healing my life. Besides studying Western and Eastern religions, I have emphasized working with forgiveness and releasing guilt through putting the Holy Spirit in charge of every aspect of my life.

As a facilitator of Pathways of Light courses and groups I offer others the opportunity of awakening spiritually by phone, Internet voice, in person or group teleconference.
Whatever the setting, I am open to creating a warm, open nurturing atmosphere where people feel comfortable exploring and sharing their feelings and insights. My emphasis is always on helping you quiet your mind to access your own Inner Wisdom that knows the truth.

To email Nancy, Click Here.

Rev. Nancy Floyd offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:


Rev. Nancy Moore, Asheville, NC

Imagine living in a continuous flow of joy and peace. What would that feel like? You came into this lifetime softly carried within this state of grace. Let me support you in reclaiming what you know is your natural way of being. As you access this flow of joy and peace, feel it extending out into your relationships, families and communities.

In addition to A Course in Miracles, I am a student of Shamanic practices, Reiki, Ama Deus and Qigong healing. As a watercolor artist, I blend intuitive Light with the colors of Love for affirmations of your Wholeness. As an Ordained Ministerial Counselor and facilitator of courses and groups, I create a warm, supportive atmosphere where you can feel comfortable to explore and share insights. I am committed to serve you in a supportive role as your personal facilitator and minister.

Nancy offers correspondence and Miracles Practitioner courses as well as Accessing Inner Wisdom counseling in person, by phone or via the Internet.

Click here to go to Nancy’s web site about her art. Click here for more information about Nancy’s customized weddings. (A new window will open. When you are done viewing her site, close the window if you want to return to this page.)

To email Nancy, Click Here.

Rev. Nancy Moore offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Nancy Moore offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:



Rev. Nicole Elise Witt, Redding, CA

“…in each the other saw a perfect shelter where his Self could be reborn in safety and in peace.” (ACIM, T-22.I.9:8)

As a Child of God and A Course in Miracles student, my purpose is to listen with Love and speak for Love. As an Ordained Ministerial Counselor, my function extends to holding that Space of Love for others so all can be reborn in safety and in peace.

My journey Home began through music, deepened through the 12 Steps of Al-Anon, and, finally led to a personal relationship with Jesus through A Course in Miracles.

I am located in Northridge, CA and I offer all services in person, by teleconference, or via Zoom.

Call Nicole at 818-271-8065 (Please leave a message.)

To email Nicole, Click Here.

Rev. Nicole Elise Witt offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Nicole Elise Witt offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:



Rev. Paul Schanbacher, Champaign, IL

Rev. Paul Schanbacher, O.M.C., is an Ordained Ministerial Counselor and avid student of A Course in Miracles. He offers partnering and facilitation in the spiritual awakening process using resources offered through the curriculum of the Pathways of Light Spiritual College. He offers facilitation in groups or through correspondence via phone or the Internet. In addition, Paul is available for one-on-one Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling sessions and Relationship Enhancement Counseling, which assists partners who wish to create a more mutually loving and supportive relationship.

Paul has drawn from many of the Wisdom Schools and traditions on his life's journey: Shamanic Healing, Usui Reiki, Oneness Blessing (Deeksha), Sound Healing therapies and the Enneagram. These different practices have all played a part in shaping Paul’s perspective and may be implemented, as the Spirit leads, while facilitating, joining and partnering on the awakening journey.

Rev. Paul is also available for customized, nondenominational weddings, baptisms, memorial services, and other personalized and spirit-guided ceremonies.

To email Paul, Click Here.

Rev. Paul Schanbacher offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Paul Schanbacher offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:

901 911 918


Rev. Paula Meister, St. Charles, IL

Rev. Paula Meister, O.M.C, found her way to A Course In Miracles during a very difficult period in her life over 15 years ago. In that period of time she found the source of all true healing was always within. She experienced healing in every area of her life: emotional, spiritual, relationships, and financial. As a dedicated student of ACIM, she studies the Course daily and finds new inspirations and understandings continuously to apply to her life and assist others with their own transformations. Her journey in understanding has been “a miracle” as Jesus would say! Her greatest joy is now found in helping others understand who they are by overcoming the obstacles in their life that are currently blocking their understanding of who they truly are. In addition to her services as a Pathways of Light Ordained Ministerial Counselor, Paula provides regression therapy and energy healing, is a business owner, wife, mother of two and step-mother of three.

Rev. Paula also offers Spiritual Relationship Counseling.

If you are on a healing journey at any stage, join with her and find a place of safe, non-judgemental communication and connection to spirit.

Call Paula at 630-204-7129 (Please leave a message.)

To email Paula, Click Here.

Rev. Paula Meister offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Paula Meister offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:



Rev. Paula Richards, Green Valley, AZ

Would you like to experience more joy in your life?

Studying A Course in Miracles and related courses from Pathways of Light has helped me on my own journey to joy. Now, as a spiritual artist, author, speaker and ordained ministerial counselor, my greatest joy is sharing what I have learned with you.

Whatever the setting, I have been praised for creating a warm, open, nurturing atmosphere where people feel comfortable exploring and sharing their feelings and insights as, together, we return to our natural state of love, peace and joy. You need to know the truth:

You are the joy you seek.

I recently published The Journey of Spirit Rising, A commoner’s journey to uncommon joy. I also write a bi-weekly blog dedicated to helping us return to joy. Both can be accessed at

Call Paula atl 508-517-9361.

To email Paula, Click Here.

Rev. Paula Richards offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Paula Richards offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:

901 904 912 914


Rev. Peggy Booth, Minneapolis, MN

Rev. Peggy Booth, O.M.C., is an Ordained Ministerial Counselor who has been an avid student of A Course in Miracles (ACIM) since 1994. She sees each of us as pilgrims on a spiritual journey together. She is grateful for the teachers who have helped her gain insights along her path, including her Methodist minister father and her three children. Peggy particularly extends gratitude to her teacher-learner husband who rekindled her spiritual urge, introduced her to ACIM, and stimulated her to pursue spiritual direction leading to the Pathways of Light curriculum. She retired in 2018 from a 30+ year career in natural resource conservation.

Peggy invites fellow pilgrims to seek her assistance in doing Pathways course work, counseling and in creating personalized ceremonies. Peggy's intention is to be truly helpful and encourage people who come to her to make their own journey. Her ministry is dedicated to listening to others and the Voice for God as we join and walk together.

Peggy offers one-on-one correspondence courses, 8-week Healing the Inner Child program, and 8-week Spiritual Awakening program in person, by phone, Skype, Facebook Messenger or any combination of these.

To email Peggy, Click Here.

Rev. Peggy Booth offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Peggy Booth offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:

901 905 910 918 920


Rev. Peggy Rivera, Palm Bay, FL

Peggy Rivera, O.M.C., LMT, is a Licensed Massage Therapist, certified hypnotherapist, certified Kinesiologist and Touch for Health instructor. She has been a student of holistic care and metaphysics for over 20 years and has a Bachelor of Metaphysical Science degree from The International Metaphysical College. Peggy focuses on seeing the Divine in all things and has a passion for helping people transform their lives.

Peggy offers correspondence courses and Accessing Inner Wisdom counseling in person and by phone. Additional custom ceremonies she offers include house blessing, office blessing, and divorce ceremonies.

For more information about Peggy’s massage therapy practice, click here.


Call Rev. Peggy Rivera at 305-322-6610. 

To email Peggy, Click Here.

Rev. Peggy Rivera offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Peggy Rivera offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:

901 904 905 909 910 918


Rev. R. Ryann Lavelle, Ph.D., FAAIM, Scottsdale, AZ

R. Ryann Lavelle, Ph.D., FAAIM Diplomat American College Pastoral Counselling; Diplomat American Psychotherapy Association; Certified Cognitive, Behavioral, Addiction Therapies. Ryann is committed to the emotional, physical, spiritual and relational health and well being of those she hopes to inspire. She respects and embraces people of all emotional and physical abilities, economic backgrounds, ethnicities, sexual orientations and faiths, to accomplish enhanced vitality, integration and rejuvenation of mind, body and spirit. She is founder and CEO of not-for-profit sexual health centers, reproductive health centers and an evolving rejuvenation, sexual and vitality practice.

Ryann facilitates correspondence courses in person, by phone or via the Internet and offers Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling in person or by phone. She also offers “Healing Our Past” and “Embracing the Present” as well as other customized ceremonies.

In addition to the services Ryann offers as a Pathways of Light minister, she also offers Life Skill Coaching & Personal Growth; Sobriety counselling for those living with addictive illness; Intimacy & relationship skill building; Heart and Mind Healing, and Self care for those with chronic illness. You may call Ryann at 1-734-717-7178

To email R., Click Here.

Rev. R. Ryann Lavelle, Ph.D., FAAIM offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:


Rev. ReBecca Ebat, Spokane, WA

Studying A Course in Miracles and related courses from Pathways of Light has helped me to experience a deeper peace and joy in my life. After being led to take the self-study course “Listen and Receive,” I found that I could communicate and receive the help, assurance and healing from Holy Spirit that I wanted and needed.

After completing the Pathways of Light ministerial training program, I am passionate about our mission at Pathways of Light, which is to join with people around the world in awakening to the Love and peace of God within us all. As your facilitator, I offer you loving and nurturing support for gentle spiritual awakening.

My focus is on helping you access your own Inner Wisdom/Inner Teacher/the Holy Spirit rather than seeking outside yourself. As we are willing to look at our barriers to love, together with the Holy Spirit and let them go, we experience a happier and more fulfilling life. I offer you the opportunity of awakening spiritually by phone, Internet voice, in person or group teleconference.

Rebecca is part of the Pathways of Light Prayer Ministry. To submit a prayer request to the Prayer Ministry, click here.

To email ReBecca, Click Here.

Rev. ReBecca Ebat offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. ReBecca Ebat offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:

901 902 903 904 905 906 909 912 918 920


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