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Amina Makhdoom, Charleston, IL
Ms. Amina Makhdoom specializes in high performance that focuses on following your inner guidance to achieve extraordinary results. She focuses on lovingly lifting and inspiring others to achieve their dreams thereby contributing their unique talent to support a world that works better for everyone.
Amina’s work focuses on bringing proven success strategies to individuals and companies in order to help them achieve their most important, challenging goals. With her background in business consulting, human performance, and spiritual development, Amina is able to help individuals find their own solutions to complicated situations and resolve them in a way that creates win-win outcomes.
Amina is affectionately labeled “A Ray of Sunshine” not only for her positive attitude and disposition, but for her warmth and ability to connect with each person creating a space that allows for growth. She leads the training team for Jack Canfield, America’s Success Coach and author of the Chicken Soup series as well as The Success Principle, and has been in the Human Development field for 20 years. Ms. Makhdoom resides in Charleston, IL where she is currently writing her first book on living a heart centered life.
Amina offers ceremonies of spiritual transition, such as divorce, blessing space, etc.
Call Amina at 202-425-8302. (Please leave a message.)
Visit her website at
To email Amina, Click Here.
Rev. Cerese Smith, New Lenox, IL
Cerise Smith, O.M.C., is an Ordained Ministerial Counselor and avid student of A Course in Miracles. She extends to others the opportunity of awakening spiriutally through Pathways of Light Courses, both in person or by phone. Upon request, she is also available to help people access their Inner Guidance to heal their mind through the Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling.
As a minister, counselor and facilitator of courses and groups, Cerise emphasizes what she needs to learn, "the practice of helping people quiet their mind to better hear the truth," and in the process strengthen their connection with God. As a facilitator of mind healing, she creates a warm, supportive, open atmosphere where participants can feel comfortable to explore and share insights.
To email Cerese, Click Here.
Rev. Christine Anderson, Bolingbrook, IL
Christine Anderson, O.M.C., also known as “Happy Woman,” focuses on healing through facilitating Pathways of Light correspondence courses. Christine considers her four-year participation in the Pathways of Light daily on-campus study of A Course in Miracles an important part of her personal transformation process. She is a composer of instrumental music, vocalist and a Reiki Master Teacher. Her purpose is to be happy through letting go of the false ideas of the ego thought system and sharing the joy of oneness as she sees the “Beloved Friend” in everyone. Christine is also a massage therapist.
Christine offers courses one-on-one in person and by phone, group course teleconferences by phone and Accessing Inner Wisdom counseling in person and by phone.
To email Christine, Click Here.
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Rev. David Richter, Blue Island, IL
David Richter, O.M.C., is an Ordained Ministerial Counselor and student of A Course in Miracles. He is founder of Life Horizons, a spiritual and holistic approach to healing. David credits his spiritual growth to stillness, communion with Spirit, reading and an open mind. He emphasizes the practice of helping people quiet their mind to better hear their Inner Guidance, and in the process, strengthen their connection with God. As a facilitator of mind healing, he creates a warm, supportive, open atmosphere where participants can feel comfortable to explore and share insights.
David offers courses and Accessing Inner Wisdom counseling in person. He also offers customized house blessing and cleansing ceremonies. In addition to his services as a Pathways of Light Ordained Ministerial Counselor, David teaches and guides meditations and facilitates regression therapy and psychic healing.
Call David at 708-336-1946.
To email David, Click Here.
Rev. Debra Joy Bredican, OMC, CAP, Huntley, IL
I was guided to POL back in 1990 and attended classes at the Wisconsin campus. I am one of the “originals”, classes back then were done in person. I was in the second group to be ordained. What a gift POL has been for me! No words could ever express my joy and gratitude for Pathways of Light.
I have been a part of Pathways for 27 years. Currently I am the Teleconference Training Director for Steps 4 and 5. I also assist with bookkeeping for the office.
A Course In Miracles has been my life path, and I am thankful every day for the Course! My greatest love is reading, sharing and applying the Course to everyday life.
I love facilitating and traveling the journey with others through the ministerial courses. My heart overflows with JOY as I am blessed to see the transformation they experience from Step 1 through Step 5 courses!
For most of the ACIM courses I also helped with the proofreading. I would anxiously await the release of each new ACIM class and participate in the in-person class we would have (at the Wisconsin Campus).
I am a POL Certified ACIM Practitioner, which means I have completed all 24 ACIM 900-series courses, many of them I have done several times. I love how the Mind Healing classes enable one to focus deeply on a specific topic and really feel the impact of that subject as you take a journey throughout the text, workbook and manual. AND there are the wonderful guided meditations.
My Pathways of Light experience includes:
Completed the Ordained Ministerial Program - Ordination 1991
Completed all 24 900-series ACIM Mind Healing Programs - Certified ACIM Practitioner (CAP)
Facilitated Ministerial Courses - in person and by phone
Facilitated ACIM Mind Healing Programs - in person and by phone
Participated in the Migration to Freedom daily ACIM group - daily for 1 year
Weekly A Course in Miracles Group(s) - in person
It is such a joy to join with others and share the Course. Over the past two decades, I have facilitated several weekly A Course in Miracles groups. I have recently moved and currently do not have a weekly group, so I would love to share the course with others as a mind healing partner.
Can be reached via email.
To email Debra, Click Here.
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Rev. Louie Sharp, Island Lake, IL
Louie has been on his journey since he was born. He is passionate about serving, helping and healing others. He has had a wide range of life experiences which helps him bring wisdom, knowledge, patience and most importantly love to all he does.
Call Louie at 847-875-6941. (Please leave a message.)
Visit his website at: The Gifted Leader
To email Louie, Click Here.
Rev. Paul Schanbacher, Champaign, IL
Rev. Paul Schanbacher, O.M.C., is an Ordained Ministerial Counselor and avid student of A Course in Miracles. He offers partnering and facilitation in the spiritual awakening process using resources offered through the curriculum of the Pathways of Light Spiritual College. He offers facilitation in groups or through correspondence via phone or the Internet. In addition, Paul is available for one-on-one Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling sessions and Relationship Enhancement Counseling, which assists partners who wish to create a more mutually loving and supportive relationship.
Paul has drawn from many of the Wisdom Schools and traditions on his life's journey: Shamanic Healing, Usui Reiki, Oneness Blessing (Deeksha), Sound Healing therapies and the Enneagram. These different practices have all played a part in shaping Paul’s perspective and may be implemented, as the Spirit leads, while facilitating, joining and partnering on the awakening journey.
Rev. Paul is also available for customized, nondenominational weddings, baptisms, memorial services, and other personalized and spirit-guided ceremonies.
To email Paul, Click Here.
Rev. Paula Meister, St. Charles, IL
Rev. Paula Meister, O.M.C, found her way to A Course In Miracles during a very difficult period in her life over 15 years ago. In that period of time she found the source of all true healing was always within. She experienced healing in every area of her life: emotional, spiritual, relationships, and financial. As a dedicated student of ACIM, she studies the Course daily and finds new inspirations and understandings continuously to apply to her life and assist others with their own transformations. Her journey in understanding has been “a miracle” as Jesus would say! Her greatest joy is now found in helping others understand who they are by overcoming the obstacles in their life that are currently blocking their understanding of who they truly are. In addition to her services as a Pathways of Light Ordained Ministerial Counselor, Paula provides regression therapy and energy healing, is a business owner, wife, mother of two and step-mother of three.
Rev. Paula also offers Spiritual Relationship Counseling.
If you are on a healing journey at any stage, join with her and find a place of safe, non-judgemental communication and connection to spirit.
Call Paula at 630-204-7129 (Please leave a message.)
To email Paula, Click Here.
Rev. Robin Singler, Huntley, IL
Thank you for visiting my Pathways of Light Ministers page!
I came into this world with a deep inner knowing that things aren’t what they seem; I questioned what was behind the world I saw without knowing what to do about it or who to talk to. The spiritual practices of indigenous cultures around the world have always captivated me, along with the teachings of Buddhism. Paranormal subjects also held my interest growing up as I sought to understand myself and the world. But the search for the teaching that would answer all my questions ended when A Course in Miracles came into my life in 2002. There really is an explanation for the world and how I think and feel, and it’s all in one book? YES!! ACIM has been my life focus and awakening path ever since, and I get so much joy and healing from sharing about this journey and studying this teaching with others.
My relationship with Pathways of Light began in 2014, and I became an Ordained Ministerial Counselor (O.M.C.) in 2015. Pathways of Light courses have been instrumental in my understanding and practical application of ACIM, and I’m delighted to join with others on this joyful healing path. As a Pathways of Light Minister, I am honored to join with you to undo the personal stories of victimhood and abuse, and to release patterns of depression, addiction and anxiety that I’ve experienced myself. There is a way out of these limiting ways of being. I offer myself as a healing partner and allow the Holy Spirit to use my journey for the good of All.
I have learned the value of joining and sharing with others in a safe space of acceptance in order to free the mind of the beliefs that hold it in a state of guilt and fear. No topic or thought is too shameful to be exposed or voiced; I am fully committed to holding space to allow all expressions to rise to the surface without judgment so they can be seen for what they are and released. When we join together in common Purpose, our commitment to forgiveness is used by the Spirit in miraculous ways to bring about profound healing and joy.
I am available to facilitate Pathways of Light courses on the phone, in person, or via Skype or Zoom video conferencing. I also conduct Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling sessions and create and perform customized ceremonies for a variety of life events as requested.
In addition to Pathways of Light course facilitation and counseling, I hold weekly free Mighty Companion group expression sessions via Zoom, and I’m available for private mind healing sessions that are customized to address your specific needs. Using ACIM as the anchor for all I do, I draw on many areas of insight to allow Spirit’s practical guidance to be revealed and applied.
Let’s step back together and let Love lead the way. Bless you!
Call Robin at 224-650-0837. (Please leave a message.)
To email Robin, Click Here.
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