Pathways of Light Ministers

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Amina Makhdoom, Charleston, IL

Ms. Amina Makhdoom specializes in high performance that focuses on following your inner guidance to achieve extraordinary results. She focuses on lovingly lifting and inspiring others to achieve their dreams thereby contributing their unique talent to support a world that works better for everyone.

Amina’s work focuses on bringing proven success strategies to individuals and companies in order to help them achieve their most important, challenging goals. With her background in business consulting, human performance, and spiritual development, Amina is able to help individuals find their own solutions to complicated situations and resolve them in a way that creates win-win outcomes.

Amina is affectionately labeled “A Ray of Sunshine” not only for her positive attitude and disposition, but for her warmth and ability to connect with each person creating a space that allows for growth. She leads the training team for Jack Canfield, America’s Success Coach and author of the Chicken Soup series as well as The Success Principle, and has been in the Human Development field for 20 years. Ms. Makhdoom resides in Charleston, IL where she is currently writing her first book on living a heart centered life.

Amina offers ceremonies of spiritual transition, such as divorce, blessing space, etc.

Call Amina at 202-425-8302. (Please leave a message.)

Visit her website at

To email Amina, Click Here.

Amina Makhdoom offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:


Ashley Pitcher, Hotchkiss, CO

There was always this feeling inside me that knew that I was something more then what my physical eyes could see. For a long time I searched for what I thought I was. I thought I must become someone by advancing in my life, some how to achieve this grander me. It was a journey of trial and error. Which brought me to a place of complete surrender. I surrendered my plan of achieving greatness and decided to become still and focus more on what I called at the time my intuition. I dove into the study of mindfulness and spirituality.

My mother was also involved in this spiritual development and I watched her blossom with the course material from Pathways of Light. The course material from Pathways of Light also impacted my own connection with Holy Spirit. I could finally see the Truth of who I am. With this inner knowing I am at peace. My journey to discover was not done alone. Holy Spirit brought me to teachers that helped me along the way. We worked together to learn, to grow, and to love.

We all have a journey of self discovery and on this journey we help each other remember who we truly are. I look forward to walking this path with you, to love, to peace, to return home together.

Call Ashley at 970-683-0640.

To email Ashley, Click Here.

Ashley Pitcher offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Ashley Pitcher offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:

908 910


Carolyn L. Goode, Los Angeles, CA

Rev. Carolyn Goode is an Ordained Ministerial Counselor facilitating Pathways of Light courses and workshops focused on awakening peace and love in all people she encounters. In addition she is a Certified Financial Educator Instructor with the National Financial Educators Council teaching with passion how to manage the energy of money for abundance and prosperity.

As a student of the ACIM and being a continual student seeking understanding of what I already know to be true, by embracing the oneness of all true religious beliefs, I realize the unlimited, undreamed of possibilities of living a life of peace, love and abundance is possible for all.

Carolyn’s commitment is to be a beacon of light for the enlightenment of others by teaching and facilitating the Pathways of Light courses, Accessing Inner Wisdom counseling, Spiritual Awakening and Healing Inner Child Programs in person, group workshops, teleconference and webinar.

The Divine assignment that the Holy Spirit has chosen for me is to be a Relationship Enhancement Counselor, guiding and teaching healing tools to enhance relationship experiences in our lives with family, marriage, partners, work and all people we encounter. For this service I am available to facilitate in person, group workshops, one on one by phone, teleconference and Internet webinar.

The additional bonus of my Relationship Enhancement Counseling service is offering; Pre-Marriage Counseling, Wedding Renewal, Holy Unions and Custom Wedding Ceremonies. My services as a Pathways of Light Minister would not be complete without offering Baptisms, Candlelight Services for Meditation and Life Transitions.

My Light is On to Shine the Light On Your Life.

Call: Sacred Spaces by phone or text, 323-937-5052.

To email Carolyn, Click Here.

Carolyn L. Goode offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:


Cindy Lyn Bartholome, Crawford, CO

My passion in life is experiencing and exploring different dimensions of the spiritual realms both physical and nonphysical. I share my passion with others by helping them experience nonphysical dimensions with techniques I acquired as a Monroe Institute Outreach facilitator, SyncCreation Outreach facilitator, Magnified Healing practitioner, Reiki Master/Teacher, student of I Am Source, and student of A Course in Miracles. There will always be new dimensions to experience and explore because life has no boundaries. For me, this is the magic of life.

As an Ordained Ministerial Counselor, I provide Pathways of Light courses to assist others in connecting with Holy Spirit so they can receive guidance, assistance and answers while moving through the physical world. I facilitate these courses in group settings and one on one via phone or in person. My intention in facilitating these courses is to remember and help others to remember that we are all here as the ultimate universal dimension called Love.

Call Cindy at 970-683-8194.

To email Cindy, Click Here.

Cindy Lyn Bartholome offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Cindy Lyn Bartholome offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:

901 902 903 905 912 920


Rev Rosemarie Tropf, Safety Harbor, FL

I have been involved in spiritual pursuits since 1969 approximately. I have a Masters degree in Religious Studies and I have an eclectic background in various spiritual studies so I can discuss and educate how they intertwine their philosophical truths with ACIM.

I am almost entirely focused on ACIM now but I love to facilitate students who have the desire to grow spiritually at their own pace.

I have been an ACIM Pathways of Light Minister since 2015 and enjoyed every minute of it. I am a mother of two, grandmother of 4, who I adore and whom I love, so I am always learning from those life experiences as well. Together we will walk hand in hand the path to God.

I am also a Pathways of Light Spiritual Relationship Counselor and am available for the 12-week Spiritual Relationship Counseling program.

Call Rev. Rosemarie at 727-415-6606. (Please leave a message.)

To email Rev, Click Here.

Rev Rosemarie Tropf offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev Rosemarie Tropf offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:

901 905 906 907 908 909 911 912 913 914 915 916 918 920


Rev. Abbie Cratcha, Plain City, OH

What is the ultimate purpose of life? Why don't I feel a connection to God? Why am I unhappy? These were the questions that started soaring through my mind in my late twenties. 

As a young adult I struggled with accepting death. I struggled accepting a God that would let horrendous things happen to innocent people. I grew up attending a local Christian church that I never felt a connection to. I gave up religion at the age of fifteen. I couldn't make sense of a judgmental God. I couldn't make sense of punishment for mistakes made out of fear. Giving up faith lead me to a search for external happiness. When I have money I will be happy. When others accept me I will be happy. When I find a husband and start a family I will be happy. However, I noticed this was a constant moving marker and whatever was driving this marker had no intention of bringing me happiness. In 2020 I discovered Eckhart Tolle. He spoke a language I could relate to. I was able to identify the driving factor of the tail chase ego lead me on. 

I still had a desire for more answers. In 2021 I was introduced to A Course in Miracles. I knew deep down that this is what I was searching for. For the first time in my life I could feel a presence that I was never aware of.

I am an Ordained Minister through Pathways of Light's Spiritual College. My strongest desire is to lead others towards finding their own Inner Guide, and discover that what they've been searching for all along has always been right there patiently waiting.

Call Abbie at 614-314-8518. (Please leave a message.)

To email Abbie, Click Here.

Rev. Abbie Cratcha offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Abbie Cratcha offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:



Rev. Andrea Sassa Archuleta, Santa Fe, NM

Rev. Andrea, Ordained Ministerial Counselor (O.M.C.), facilitates spiritual awakening for individuals and groups. To Andrea, spiritual awakening is remembering what you truly are — wholly perfect and free — right now. You will remember this innocence when Inner Wisdom guides your life.

Andrea facilitates remembering with methods that relax your mind and body. In a relaxed state, you connect with your Inner Wisdom, your “remembering” guide. Trusting this wisdom, you are guided to joy and contentment and released from stress, anxiety, and worldly expectations. This guiding inner wisdom has many names — Spirit, Source, Buddha, Shiva, God — but regardless of the name, the unalterable truth is that this wisdom, your Inner Wisdom, is with you always waiting to guide you to lasting peace.

Partnering with Andrea, you awaken by experiencing Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling, completing Pathways of Light correspondence courses, and by participating in spiritual awakening groups. You can receive reiki healings for physical challenges such as surgery, chemo-therapy, or birthing; and for emotional/spiritual growth in relationships, careers, or life purpose. With Andrea, a Usui Reiki Master Teacher, you can be certified in Reiki levels I, II, II-Advanced, and Master. You can also experience music-guided imagery, practice yoga, and learn relaxing breath exercises.

Connect with Andrea to co-create ceremonies for your celebrations and life transitions including non-denominational weddings and unions, baptisms, healing rituals, and any occurrences you want to honor.

Andrea makes her home in the mountains of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Andrea joins you in awakening either in person, on the telephone, and through the internet via Skype.

Contact Rev. Andrea for Spiritual Counseling and Unique Ceremonies at Awakening JOY Ministries, LLC, at

To email Andrea, Click Here.

Rev. Andrea Sassa Archuleta offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Andrea Sassa Archuleta offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:



Rev. Anita M. Ottley, Newark, NY

Anita M. Ottley, OMC is an Ordained Ministerial Counselor and has been a student of A Course in Miracles since 1982. She will soon have her A.A.S. degree in Social Science. For the past 3 years Anita has been leading a group for ACIM study. She extends to others the opportunity of awakening spiritually through Pathways of Light courses and helps people access their Inner Guidance to heal their mind through the Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling in person, by phone or via the Internet. As a minister, counselor and facilitator of courses and groups, Anita emphasizes self-empowerment and creates a warm, supportive, open atmosphere participants can feel comfortable to explore and share insights.

To email Anita, Click Here.

Rev. Anita M. Ottley offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:


Rev. Aracelly Torres-Champagne, Winter Park, FL

As a Pathways of Light ordained minister, it is Aracelly’s goal to inspire spiritual awakening in others by providing one-on-one coaching and classes based on A Course in Miracles. It is her true belief that students can access their inner spiritual healing to heal their minds with these sessions.

Rev. Aracelly was born and raised in Colombia, South America and has been living in the United States for over 30 years; She has an extensive background and experience in international business and is an entrepreneur with powerful leadership coaching expertise. She is currently living in Texas where she provides Sunday services in the area and leads students seeking to learn more about A Course In Miracles class.

Personal Statement:
As an Ordained Ministerial Counselor and avid student of A Course in Miracles, I want to offer the opportunity of spiritual awakening through Pathways of Light courses in both English and Spanish by conducting workshops and facilitating groups in both Spanish and English. I have decided to devote my life to following Holy Spirit’s lead and helping others heal their minds through spiritual teaching.

Call Aracelly at 954-557-7209.

To email Aracelly, Click Here.

Rev. Aracelly Torres-Champagne offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Aracelly Torres-Champagne offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:

901 902 903 904 905 906 907


Rev. Ashley Rose Legrand, Metuchen, NJ

Since I was a young girl, I felt that there was more to me and more to the world than just what my eyes could see. Looking back, I can see that God had called me, so long ago, to be one of His teachers. I have been a student of A Course in Miracles for many years, but it wasn’t until finding Pathways of Light that my spiritual practice took on a new depth. I have experienced countless everyday miracles through a change in perception that has come from living the principles of the Course. It has changed my entire life and transformed my whole being - mind, body and spirit.

My spiritual ministry inspires me to live life with a fierce devotion to love. My heart longs to be of service and I know it is my purpose to help others awaken to their own Inner Guidance and remember their innate love and innocence. I strive to uplift, nurture and love all those who cross my path. I believe that we all have gifts to give and by joining we can make them materialize in this physical realm we temporarily call home. As the Course says, “When I am healed, I am not healed alone.” I wish to continue to bring my limited, false ideas to the Holy Spirit for correction and to serve as a resource for others who wish to do the same.

Ashley Rose is a Summa Cum Laude graduate of Rutgers University with a dual degree in Public Health & Psychology and a minor in dance. She is a former Pro body builder and still serves as a coach for those looking to improve their overall health and fitness. She works in the aviation industry and loves to travel, exploring new countries, cities and cultures all around the world.

To email Ashley, Click Here.

Rev. Ashley Rose Legrand offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Ashley Rose Legrand offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:

901 902 909 915


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