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Over many years of spiritual practice with the purpose of healing my life, I have emphasized working with trauma and using the body to overcome the past and the ego. Also ACA (the 12-step program for adult children of alcoholic and dysfunctional families) has helped me overcome the past and heal my inner child. I’ve done extensive inner child work and family of origin work with emphasis on anger and forgiveness. I read and study the Bible and have also been studying A Course in Miracles for about 20 years and have been leading ACIM study groups at a local spiritual center for over 7 years.
I am a certified Life Coach, certified Trauma Release Facilitator, Reiki practitioner and Tibetan Bowl practitioner. As a facilitator of Pathways of Light courses and groups, I offer others the opportunity of awakening spiritually by phone, Internet voice, in person or group teleconference. My emphasis is always on helping you quiet your mind to access your own Inner Wisdom that knows the truth.
Call August at 619-857-8565.
To email August, Click Here.
Rev. Barbara Adams, Penfield, NY
Rev. Barbara Franco Adams is an Ordained Ministerial Counselor, and a retired educator with over 32 years of experience. Since 2011, Barb has beenactively studying A Course in Miracles with her spiritual mentor. In 2016, she was ordained by the Pathways of Light Spiritual College. Blending her career in education with her dedication to the teachings of the Course, Barb is developing a series of books for children and their parents/caregivers. The Adventures of the Course Kids!TM Through Faith and Grace was the first to be published.
As a facilitator of Pathways of Light courses Rev. Barb offers others the opportunity of awakening spiritually. Sessions are conducted in person individually or within a group; by phone or group teleconference. Her emphasis is always on helping you quiet your mind to access your own Inner Wisdom that knows the truth.
Rev. Barb is also available for customized nondenominational/interfaith weddings, holy unions, same sex weddings, memorial services, baptisms and other life transition ceremonies. She would be happy to hear from you.
To contact Barb, call 585-200-8769.
To email Barbara, Click Here.
Rev. Barbara Sharpe, Dallas, TX
As a Pathways of Light Minister and avid student of A Course in Miracles, Rev. Barbara offers to others the opportunity to awaken spiritually through Pathways of Light courses. As an Ordained Ministerial Counselor, certified Accessing Inner Wisdom Counselor and a course facilitator in spiritual awakening and healing inner child, she provides a safe and compassionate enviroment for insights to be explored and the healing process to unfold.
As a former practicing RN, her work is now focused on spiritual healing, knowing the physical and the spiritual are joined. Barbara believes everyone has the ability to unlock the wisdom and compassion within themselves. She appreciates the privilege of helping others along their spiritual journey.
Barbara provides course facilitation in person, phone or by Skype.
To contact Barbara, call 512-680-5319.
To email Barbara, Click Here.
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Would you like to experience more joy in your life? Studying A Course in Miracles and related courses from Pathways of Light has helped me on my own journey to peace of mind and joy. I have emphasized living the principles found in A Course in Miracles in every aspect of my life. I want to assist others as we both mutually awaken and transform from fear to Love.
As a facilitator of Pathways of Light courses and groups I offer others the opportunity of awakening spiritually by phone, Internet voice, in person or group teleconference.
To view Bev’s website, go to
To contact Bev, call 802-999-3156.
To email Bev, Click Here.
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Rev. Bill Poppa, New Orleans, LA
As a very young boy I believed that life itself was a dream. Yet, I often experienced a total sense of peace and complete harmony with all. With time, I forgot my home as perfect Love and identified with my personality self as my reality. With the sense of separation inherent in the personality self, I like everyone else, pursued the ego’s idea of happiness only to find out that everything in the ego’s world changes. “’Seek but do not find.’ This is the one promise the ego holds out to you, and the one promise it will keep.” (T-12.IV.4-6)
When I first discovered A Course in Miracles, I recognized a deep truth that not only spoke of eternal changelessness, but also a means to express perfect Love as God’s oneness. Through ACIM and the Pathways of Light courses and programs, the perfect opportunity to practice forgiveness and heal the split mind has drawn me into ministry.
In 2006 I joined a 12-step program, and with ACIM, I recognize a God of my understanding. Purpose is everything. Now I am dedicated to practicing forgiveness, looking beyond the seeming differences that the ego thought process projects and protects - with all its defenses - to seeing the Light within everyone and everything. To forgive is to free the mind. “Love waits on welcome, not on time, and the real world is but your welcome of what always was.” (T-13.VII.9:7)
Call Bill at 337-349-6167. (Please leave a message.)
To email Bill, Click Here.
Rev. Billy Colón, Vero Beach, FL
Would you like to experience more peace and joy in your life? Studying A Course in Miracles and related courses from Pathways of Light have helped me on my own journey. Over many years I have maintained a spiritual practice with the purpose of healing my life. I have emphasized working with forgiveness and releasing guilt through putting the Holy Spirit in charge of every aspect of my life. As a facilitator of Pathways of Light courses and groups I offer others the opportunity of awakening spiritually by phone, Internet voice, in person or group teleconference. I also offer one-on-one Accessing Inner Wisdom counseling.
I am also available for customized wedding ceremonies and holy unions. Whatever the setting, I am open to creating a warm, open nurturing atmosphere where you feel comfortable exploring and sharing your feelings and insights. My emphasis is always on helping you quiet your mind to access your own Inner Wisdom that knows the truth.
Call Billy at 954-232-5777.
To email Billy, Click Here.
Bob Loder, O.M.C., is an Ordained Ministerial Counselor and a devoted student of A Course in Miracles. As a Pathways of Light minister, counselor and facilitator of courses and groups, Bob is an open-minded individual who offers unconditional love and open arms to all. As a facilitator of mind healing, his goal is to support, inspire and empower others on their path.
Rev. Bob, who resides in Culpeper, VA, facilitates correspondence courses by phone or Skype, including group teleconference courses, as well as in person. Rev Bob offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister: Correspondence Courses, Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling, Relationship Enhancement Counseling, customized weddings, same-sex wedding ceremonies, holy unions, baptism and spiritual dedication ceremonies, memorial and other ceremonies of life transition, Spiritual Awakening 8-Week Group, Healing Inner Child 8-Week Group, and all ACIM Practitioner courses.
Visit Rev. Bob’s website at
To contact Bob, call (904) 325-1168.
To email Bob, Click Here.
Rev. Cathey Jo Tomilenko, West Bloomfield, MI
Cathey Jo Tomilenko, O.M.C., is an Ordained Ministerial Counselor and student of New Thought and spiritual growth for 10 years. In addition to being a minister, counselor and facilitator of courses and groups, Cathey Jo owns and facilitates “Partnerships in Healing,” where she has coached participants in how to create partnerships to achieve spiritual and physical healing. As a facilitator of mind healing, she creates a warm, supportive, open atmosphere where participants can feel comfortable to explore and share insights.
Cathey Jo facilitates correspondence courses in person, by phone and via the Internet, and offers Accessing Inner Wisdom counseling in person or by phone. She also offers customized ceremonies such as renewal of vows.
Visit my website at:
To phone Cathey Jo, call 248-661-3345 or 248-877-0361 (cell)
To email Cathey, Click Here.
Rev. Cathy Silva, Punta Gorda, FL
As a Spiritual Life Coach since 2001, Relationship Enhancement Counselor, Certified Discover Your Sacred Gifts Guide, A Course in Miracles Student/Teacher/Author, Rev. Cathy has served people from various walks of life and all around the United States and internationally.
With her powerfully loving, insightful and honest style of facilitating and spiritual counseling she will inspire and guide you to greater heights in your relationships, career and life. Cathy’s Gifts of Encouragement, Facilitation and Wise Insight especially, equip her to help anyone who has even a little willingness to grow and transform.
“Through my work and life I came to realize we all share the same basic desire for Peace and Happiness; but there seems to be much happening in our world that can create blocks to achieving that. We are hearing a collective wake up call and searching for a better way.”
Rev. Cathy is ordained and certified with Pathways of Light and facilitates Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling, ACIM-based courses, 8-week programs, and Creating Spiritual Relationship Course.
Her emphasis is always in meeting you where you are to help you find the way that works best for you in hearing your own Inner Wisdom; to find the answers that are right for you.
Cathy has a natural way of creating a safe, open and comfortable space for you to explore and share.
She is also available for your customized weddings ceremonies, memorial services, and other ceremonies of life transition.
Click here to view Cathy’s video about healing relationships.
Click here to visit my website.
You can call me at 941-626-5551. (Please leave a message.)
To email Cathy, Click Here.
Rev. Cerese Smith, New Lenox, IL
Cerise Smith, O.M.C., is an Ordained Ministerial Counselor and avid student of A Course in Miracles. She extends to others the opportunity of awakening spiriutally through Pathways of Light Courses, both in person or by phone. Upon request, she is also available to help people access their Inner Guidance to heal their mind through the Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling.
As a minister, counselor and facilitator of courses and groups, Cerise emphasizes what she needs to learn, "the practice of helping people quiet their mind to better hear the truth," and in the process strengthen their connection with God. As a facilitator of mind healing, she creates a warm, supportive, open atmosphere where participants can feel comfortable to explore and share insights.
To email Cerese, Click Here.
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