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Rev. Julie T. Piek, Waukesha, WI
Julie Piek, O.M.C., offers the opportunity of awakening spiritually through Pathways of Light Spiritual College Courses, both in groups and by correspondence. She also helps people access their Inner Guidance to heal their mind through the one-on-one Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling. Julie is a Reiki Teacher/Practitioner and the owner of Rei Essence in which “The purpose of Rei Essence is to heal, with sincerity and compassion and to inspire a sense of balance.” She also provides Energy Medicine experience/certifications and mindfulness workshops which help people access answers within and embrace their true Essence. In addition to the ceremonies listed below, Julie offer “sacred” ceremonies customized to each individual’s requirements.
Julie shares that “Throughout my journey I have grown spiritually with the intention of understanding my true purpose on this earth as a spiritual being living a human experience. There are many areas that I have emphasized in my spiritual growth which I have found have a "common thread” - healing my inner child, which led to awakening to my true Self and then to surrender and trust that my Higher Spirit is there to provide guidance and perfect Love.
Click here to visit Julie’s website.
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