Together, We Light the Way

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Study of the Text 8-30-13

VI. The Rewards of God
5 How can you teach someone the value of something he has deliberately thrown away? He must have thrown it away because he did not value it. You can only show him how miserable he is without it, and slowly bring it nearer so he can learn how his misery lessens as he approaches it. This teaches him to associate his misery with its absence, and the opposite of misery with its presence. It gradually becomes desirable as he changes his mind about its worth. I am teaching you to associate misery with the ego and joy with the spirit. You have taught yourself the opposite. You are still free to choose, but can you really want the rewards of the ego in the presence of the rewards of God?

When I read that I have taught myself to value what the ego offers, that the ego brings me happiness and that I associate misery with spirit, I couldn’t see it. How could this be true? So I considered some specific instances and looked at them to see if Jesus was right. I thought about something I had said recently that later came to regret. When I thought about my words I felt foolish and wished I could take them back. It wasn’t really a big deal, but I was concerned about how others would see me.

As I thought about this, I realized that I was being foolish and it was causing me to lose my peace. I asked the Holy Spirit to heal my mind of the belief that I need to look good in front of other people, but I noticed that my heart wasn’t in it. As I wondered about this, I realized that I was afraid to give up the belief that I had to make myself look good to others. I guess my thinking went something like this: If I allow my mind to be healed of the belief that it matters what others think about me, then I will say and do things that are inappropriate and that make me look bad to other people.

It is very circular thinking, and typical of the ego. It reminds me of my fear of heights. I had a very scary experience of being up high and when I wanted to ask that my fear be healed I had this same problem. I was afraid not to be afraid of heights, because if I wasn’t afraid, I would wind up right back in that same situation, and the idea of being there scared me. Isn’t the ego crazy in its logic? So in both instances, I was looking to the ego to protect me and I was seeing the ego as making me happy, and spirit, with its healed mind as being a source of potential misery. Wow! Jesus was right.

The only reason I am not totally buying into this circular reasoning is that I have asked in faith for healing I couldn’t imagine, and let go of my defenses long enough to accept it. In so doing, I have learned to trust spirit, and to value what spirit offers. I have learned to distrust ego and to see that what ego offers is not of value to me. I still fall for the ego insanity sometimes, but I don’t cling to it anymore. It is a thought I believe until I notice that I am no longer interested, and then I let it go.

Here is a favorite quote from Chapter 8 of the Text, it says:

Yet you are not asked to dispel your hallucinations alone. You are merely asked to evaluate them in terms of their results to you. If you do not want them on the basis of loss of peace, they will be removed from your mind for you.

Sometimes when I read this I feel such a sense of relief and gratitude that I cry. I am not alone. I am not asked to do what I clearly cannot do. To be free I only need to want freedom. I don’t have to untangle my mind or stop behaving in a certain way. I don’t have to figure out how to want to be healed while I still believe healing will hurt me. I only have to see that my thoughts have cost me my peace of mind, and to know I want peace more than I want the thoughts. They will then be removed for me. A little willingness, a little trust, that is all that is required of me. Thank You, God.

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Study of the Text 8-29-13

VI. The Rewards of God, Paragraph 4
4 The ego and the spirit do not know each other. The separated mind cannot maintain the separation except by dissociating. Having done this, it denies all truly natural impulses, not because the ego is a separate thing, but because you want to believe that you are. The ego is a device for maintaining this belief, but it is still only your decision to use the device that enables it to endure.

I never thought that the ego and the spirit do not know each other but I see that this must be true. The ego is the device we use to convince ourselves that we are not spirit, so of course the two selves cannot meet. As I write this I wonder how I am supposed to get out of this if ego and spirit do not know each other. But then Jesus also said that I am not the ego, that the ego is just something I use, and I can choose not to use the ego device anymore. If I stop using the ego it will disappear.

I am going to think about how this works. First, I am spirit. Then, because I wanted to experience myself as if I were something else, I made a device that would allow this. It would be representative of that other thing, but the only way it could work is if I completely immersed myself in the other and forgot what I am. I would have to dissociate completely from my true self to have the experience of not being spirit. And so here I am.

The ego allows me to feel as if I am separate, and with separation comes all the drama I thought I wanted. I am having the experience I thought I wanted to have, and I will continue to have it as long as I want it. Because the ego is something I made, it is not something I must keep. I can choose to stop using it anytime I want to. As I let myself notice that the ego experience is not making me happy and as I begin to desire something else, the memory of that something is coming back to me.

I never planned to stay in this experience forever and so there is a failsafe built into it. There is the Memory of God, the Holy Spirit, Who will guide me out of the ego when I am ready. He will help me undo the ego when I am through with it. My experience has been that I want to wake up and then I want to stay in the story, then I want to wake up, then I go back to the story. But each time I undo a bit of the ego my memory of spirit gets stronger in my mind. As this happens the belief in ego gets weaker since ego depends on dissociation to exist.

The ego is not a bad thing that I did. It was not a sin and I am not guilty for it. Those feelings are just part of the separation thought. When I choose against the ego, the feelings of guilt and fear will disappear with it. I am having this experience of my own will. I am not being punished even though it sometimes feels like I am. Because this experience is my own choice, I must choose differently if I want to stop having it. The truth will not be forced on me. As I make that choice to remember the truth, I am learning to value the joy and the peace that occurs naturally when I turn from ego to God.

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Study of the Text 8-28-13

VI. The Rewards of God, paragraph 3
3 You have very little trust in me as yet, but it will increase as you turn more and more often to me instead of to your ego for guidance. The results will convince you increasingly that this choice is the only sane one you can make. No one who learns from experience that one choice brings peace and joy while another brings chaos and disaster needs additional convincing. Learning through rewards is more effective than learning through pain, because pain is an ego illusion, and can never induce more than a temporary effect. The rewards of God, however, are immediately recognized as eternal. Since this recognition is made by you and not the ego, the recognition itself establishes that you and your ego cannot be identical. You may believe that you have already accepted this difference, but you are by no means convinced as yet. The fact that you believe you must escape from the ego shows this; but you cannot escape from the ego by humbling it or controlling it or punishing it.

Who am I? I have words to answer that. I am God’s holy Son, His only creation. I have concepts I learned from A Course in Miracles, ideas that I can relate to, but that does not mean I really know who I am. The more I learn, the more I realize that the truth is beyond my understanding while my mind is split. What I can do is form the habit of turning to the Holy Spirit for answers, rather than to the ego mind. In this way I will systematically undo the ego in my mind and what I am will be revealed to me.

For the most part I do this now. I place my awareness on the Holy Spirit often during the day and sometimes I remember doing it even in my sleep. When I am afraid, guilty, unhappy, or in pain, I know I have given my attention to the ego. I don’t fight the ego anymore, nor try to control it; I just ask the Holy Spirit how He wants me to see this. For instance, sometimes I will think about my son being in pain from his back injury and fear for him will flood my mind. I don’t try to stop thinking about it. I don’t try to beat the thought back with positive affirmations. I don’t try to control those thoughts at all. I just look, without guilt, at my fear thoughts and ask the Holy Spirit to heal my mind.

There are still moments when I get confused and live for a bit in the ego mind, but even then I remember to ask for help, and I continue to do so until I have looked away from ego and looked to Spirit. Those moments show me where I still hold onto an ego belief such as guilt or fear. When I get caught up in one, like fear for my child’s safety, it can be like watching a train wreck. It’s awful and I know I should look away, but the mind is just mesmerized. But as Jesus says here, choosing the Holy Spirit often makes it easier to choose His guidance again.

Guilt can still hook me, but that one is easier now for me to release. Once in awhile I will remember something I did in the past and feel my gut clench in regret, but I truly understand that guilt is never helpful, that it only mires me more deeply into the ego, and so I ask for help when that happens. I am beginning to accept that guilt itself is not real. It is just another idea that is part of the separation thought. If it is not real, I can’t be guilty no matter what I seemed to do. I am grateful to myself for allowing this mind healing, and I am so grateful for the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

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Study of the Text 8-27-13

VI. The Rewards of God
2 In learning to escape from illusions, your debt to your brother is something you must never forget. It is the same debt that you owe to me. Whenever you act egotistically towards another, you are throwing away the graciousness of your indebtedness and the holy perception it would produce. The term “holy” can be used here because, as you learn how much you are indebted to the whole Sonship, which includes me, you come as close to knowledge as perception can. The gap is then so small that knowledge can easily flow across it and obliterate it forever.

I gave a workshop this past weekend. A group of people sat all day long and for two hours the next morning and listened while I taught myself. Between teachings they shared with me and with each other their lessons, the ones they learned and the ones they are still trying to accept. I know my debt to these brothers and sisters, and I am so grateful to them.

It is easy for me to see myself indebted to my brothers when I think of this weekend, but sometimes I forget my debt when the circumstances are less pleasant. When someone seems to be attacking me, when someone’s problem triggers my own stuff, when someone seems to be placing demands on me; in these kinds of situations, I tend to forget my indebtedness to my brother. Instead, it seems as if my brother is now my enemy.

And yet, these moments of frustration, anger, or fear, these moments when the person in my awareness seems to bring up all the ugly stuff I normally keep buried, these moments are my way home. And these brothers are giving me exactly what I need to take the next step in that direction. When this happens I have a choice. I can accept the ego interpretation of the situation and defend myself against attack. Or I can accept the Holy Spirit’s interpretation and realize that my dear brothers are presenting me with a chance to heal my mind.

The next time I feel attacked, instead of defending myself from my brothers I can ask that I be shown another way to see this. As my perception is healed, the one I only a moment ago felt resentment for, now feels like my friend, my helper. Our hands are (metaphorically) clasped as we help each other undo the ego through our forgiveness.

Holy Spirit, I felt like I was in rarified company this weekend, and today as I prepare to go to work I feel a bit of dread. It feels like I am arming myself for battle. I see that I have been looking at my brothers as enemies to be overcome. I have seen them as competitors and even the ones I like and depend on, I see as potentially disappointing. It seems I can’t tell a friend from an enemy as they switch places depending on how I perceive them in any moment. Please heal my mind.

Holy Spirit: Thank you for asking for my help. This weekend you saw your brothers as your helpers and you were grateful to them. Now you can see the contrast between how that feels and how it often feels when you see the people in your life as enemies instead of friends.

Me: I do. I am really surprised that I do this so much. I would have thought that it was rare for me to see others as enemies, but with Your help I can see what is really happening. I was thinking of going to work and felt anxious about it. I have a report due and I should have done it before I left; now I will have to go into the office and face my boss. Normally, I think of her as a friend and ally and now I think of her as someone I must defend against. I now see that I do this a lot. How do you want me to see this, Holy Spirit?

Holy Spirit: This boss of yours is no different than the people this weekend who gave you the opportunity to join for the purpose of awakening. The reason you think it is different is because you have given today’s circumstances a different meaning. But you have also chosen to look at what you have done and accept healing. This weekend you talked about healing the mind. Today you practice healing the mind. Every person who is involved in these two moments is your mighty companions. They are equal in their value to you and you are equally in debt to them for this opportunity.

Me: I see that! Thank you! Thank you for correcting my perception. I feel gratitude and happiness as I realize that every one I meet today is my helper regardless of what seems to be happening. No wonder I often experience a vague sense of anxiety. I have failed to see my brothers as my helpers and so have not recognized my indebtedness to them. Instead of seeing my boss as someone to defend against, I am going to see her as the one who may offer me an opportunity to forgive. I owe her a debt of gratitude either way.

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Study of the Text 8-23-13

VI. The Rewards of God
1 The ego does not recognize the real source of “threat,” and if you associate yourself with the ego, you do not understand the situation as it is. Only your allegiance to it gives the ego any power over you. I have spoken of the ego as if it were a separate thing, acting on its own. This was necessary to persuade you that you cannot dismiss it lightly, and must realize how much of your thinking is ego-directed. We cannot safely let it go at that, however, or you will regard yourself as necessarily conflicted as long as you are here, or as long as you believe that you are here. The ego is nothing more than a part of your belief about yourself. Your other life has continued without interruption, and has been and always will be totally unaffected by your attempts to dissociate it.

It was necessary for me to know about the ego, to recognize it and understand it. Jesus will continue to coach me about the ego. I must see the ego and choose against it if I am to wake up and return to God. My part is so small, but it is absolutely essential. I must look with the Holy Spirit, and I must choose, unequivocally, to let go what I see. The rest is done for me, but I must do my part. This is why I must learn to recognize the ego wherever I see it. And this is why I must learn that I don’t value what it has to offer me and so choose against it.

When I first started this it seemed very hard. I wasn’t sure what was ego and what was Spirit. I had convinced myself that ego provided protection and so it seemed my friend. Here is an example. When I was married my husband and I argued over how to discipline the children. I would try to see this with the Holy Spirit but I would become confused as the ego mind would warn me that I had to protect my children, that my husband was the enemy in this case. My fear was blinding me to the truth and the ego was offering to protect me from what I feared.

From where I stand now, after years of watching my mind and asking for clarity, I see how the ego worked in this situation. I know that there is no one guilty in that scenario, and if I see guilt I am looking with the ego. That is always true, and there is never a situation in which it is not true. The ego jumps up and down when I say this, even now. It warns that without my outrage and my protection my children would have been hurt.

Let me say that my husband was not physically abusive and on looking back on the situation he was probably sometimes right when I thought he was wrong. But he disciplined from a place of fear using guilt and shame and I thought that was completely wrong and potentially damaging. The interesting thing is that when I tried to stop that behavior I did so from a place of fear using guilt and shame.

It is always my job to heal my own mind. If I had been clearer I would have done that. I would have ignored the ego and focused on healing my mind. Then from a place of love I could have been a positive influence for everyone. I can still get lost in the ego story and become momentarily confused, but less so now because the Course has helped me to recognize the ego when I see it.

Now that I have a clear understanding of how the ego works and how to recognize it, and now that I know I don’t want the ego’s “help,” I am ready to understand what ego really is. Jesus says that the ego is nothing more than a part of my belief about myself. The ego is not a thing, or a being, and has no reality nor power outside of my belief in it. It is just something I believe about myself. Because it is just a belief system, I can dismantle it easily by choosing against it.

This is why I am vigilant for my thinking. I see signs of the ego thought system at work in my mind, and I ask the Holy Spirit to correct my thinking. I no longer value that belief and don’t want to be influenced by it, so I want it gone. The reason I need help is that I believe in it. Though I hide the memory from myself, I made it and I believe in it, so I can’t teach myself not to believe in it.

Try and teach yourself that blue is not blue, that it is not really a color. You can tell yourself over and over that it is not really blue, but you believe it is and reason keeps bring you back to what you believe. That’s the problem with the ego. We can try to reason our way out of this and we can really want to, but we can’t. It is a closed system, and we need something from outside that system to help us.

The Holy Spirit is our help. The Holy Spirit understands our belief in the ego, and even understands our confusion as we identify with it and think we are the ego. But He also knows that the ego is not real, that it is an untrue thought system, and so while He understands it He doesn’t believe in it. This is why He can heal our minds, and thus free of us from our delusions.

The ego includes our bodies, our life, and all the world we see. It is all an illusion. We are not living, but dreaming we live within this illusion. But outside the ego illusion our life continues as if we were not dreaming. We have a real life! And we can become aware of that life as we move our awareness from this dream. We do this when we see the ego thinking and choose against it by allowing the Holy Spirit to choose for God for us. Does your heart sing just a little as you think of your real life? That is your mind waking up!

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Study of the Text 8-22-13

V. The Ego-Body Illusion
6 The ego thinks it is an advantage not to commit itself to anything that is eternal, because the eternal must come from God. Eternalness is the one function the ego has tried to develop, but has systematically failed to achieve. The ego compromises with the issue of the eternal, just as it does with all issues touching on the real question in any way. By becoming involved with tangential issues, it hopes to hide the real question and keep it out of mind. The ego’s characteristic busyness with nonessentials is for precisely that purpose. Preoccupations with problems set up to be incapable of solution are favorite ego devices for impeding learning progress. In all these diversionary tactics, however, the one question that is never asked by those who pursue them is, “What for?” This is the question that you must learn to ask in connection with everything. What is the purpose? Whatever it is, it will direct your efforts automatically. When you make a decision of purpose, then, you have made a decision about your future effort; a decision that will remain in effect unless you change your mind.

I was thinking about this. Does the ego avoid the subject of the eternal? I guess it must. I can’t think how to be ego and still be eternal. Ego always ends my story with death. Rather than looking at this question it keeps me busy with other things. It gives me problems with no solutions so that I will never get to what really matters, or notice the ego fails to answer the question of eternalness.

The body will not last, but the ego keeps us distracted with making the body seem young for as long as possible. We invent wrinkle creams and hair dyes. Our doctors open anti-aging clinics and weight loss clinics. We create newer and better supplements meant to stop the aging process. And I can assure you, some scientist somewhere is right now trying to figure out how to keep the body going forever.

In a desperate bid for preserving the body for eternity we invented cryogenics and are working on cryonics in the hope of freezing bodies. The idea put forth is that if the body succumbs to an incurable disease, just freeze it until science finds a solution. This is so funny because we are actually already immortal. It is only the ego body that dies. But the ego distracts us from noticing that it is unable to make even its home eternal, by keeping us busy trying to achieve the impossible, making it seem that it is just a matter of time till this is done.

I want to stop this cycle of wasting time trying to answer impossible questions, and turn my mind to the real solution. Jesus says the question I need to ask to get out of this confused state is, “What is it for?” If I spend time and money trying to preserve a youthful body, then I can ask, “What for?” What is the purpose?

Why would I be interested in making the ego’s home last longer? What is the purpose in doing this? I am searching my mind for a good reason and can’t come up with one. I want to feel good and have energy while I use this body. The Course tells me the way to do this is to let go of judgment and grievances and to use the body only for communication. If I do that I will have a healthy serviceable body for as long as I need it.

So really, what I want to do is to become clear on my purpose for the body. Am I trying to keep it youthful to impress people, to attract people? This would make it a separation device, not a tool for awakening. If I want to use it as a tool for awakening, then I know how to do that and it doesn’t require any help from science or doctors. “What is it for?” That is a good question to cut through the ego subterfuge.

I am going to expend a certain amount of time, money and effort on the body on my way to enlightenment. I am going to wear makeup and get my hair done and buy flattering and pretty clothes. But I know what I am doing and as long as I am doing it I am going to enjoy it. This means I am going to do it in a sense of fun and without guilt.

At the same time, I have asked that question. I know what the body is for, and I know the way to achieve a strong, healthy and energetic body. I am learning how to actually accomplish that. I am watching my mind for ways I use the body for separation rather than for communication and I am giving my willingness to be healed.

I am not wasting my time trying to achieve immortality for the body, which is impossible, but I am learning to use the body to remember that I am already immortal. Asking what it is for, I have already learned that it has no intrinsic value in itself; its only value to me is to use it to help us all wake up. And when I no longer need the body I will just set it aside because it will no longer be of use.

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Study of the Text 8-20-13

V. The Ego-Body Illusion, Paragraph 4
4 The body is the ego’s home by its own election. It is the only identification with which the ego feels safe, since the body’s vulnerability is its own best argument that you cannot be of God. This is the belief that the ego sponsors eagerly. Yet the ego hates the body, because it cannot accept it as good enough to be its home. Here is where the mind becomes actually dazed. Being told by the ego that it is really part of the body and that the body is its protector, the mind is also told that the body cannot protect it. Therefore, the mind asks, “Where can I go for protection?” to which the ego replies, “Turn to me.” The mind, and not without cause, reminds the ego that it has itself insisted that it is identified with the body, so there is no point in turning to it for protection. The ego has no real answer to this because there is none, but it does have a typical solution. It obliterates the question from the mind’s awareness. Once out of awareness the question can and does produce uneasiness, but it cannot be answered because it cannot be asked.

I used to think that death was the answer to my crazy life, my ego confusion, my pain and suffering. I never examined this idea before; it was just in my mind. When I went to Nouk Sanchez’s retreat and heard her talk about death as simply another ego dream, I realized my error. I dream of life right now, and when I “die” I will dream of death for awhile, then I will pop back into the dream of life. Dreaming of death isn’t going to solve any problems for me, and that is so obvious to me that I feel like I must have been living in some kind of stupor before to have missed it.

Why did I think death would free me? I believe the answer to that is the body. Whether or not I was ready to question the body phenomena, I knew that this body was at the bottom of my unhappiness. It seemed reasonable that being out of the body would make things better. The reason I never thought this through is because the ego mind has shut off that line of inquiry in a bid for self-preservation.

I am going to look closely at the idea of the body right now. Here is what the ego offers me if I go along with its view of life. First I get a body to play in. At first this seems like a pretty nifty gift. My body is youthful and strong. I have vivid memories from my childhood of delighting in my body, at how good it felt to run really hard and fast, at what it felt like to lay in the sun and let it tan my skin.

There were many such experiences that I enjoyed and never guessed that they would be short lived. I experienced countless sensations through the body and more and more were added as I got older including some pretty intense feelings after I reach puberty. Sex, drugs and rock and roll seemed like such a good idea and I experienced them all in my body, never realizing there would be a price to pay.

But the ego gives only to take. This is because it is the polar opposite of God in all things, and God simply gives. So even in the glory days of my body I was beginning to experience loss. It was small at first, little blips in my joy at being young and exuberant. There were those times when the sun burned me, and there were hangovers from the alcohol and side effects from the drugs. There was sickness and pain. Still for a while, the good definitely outweighed the bad, but that ratio started to shift the older I became.

It didn’t take long for another benefit of the body to become apparent, though it would be a long time before I could put that into words and make sense of it. The body became the barrier that kept me in and others out. As life grew more complicated this became a favored gift of the ego. Sometimes even as a child I would feel attacked by playmates or adults and I would take my body and go home. I would withdraw from everyone and contract around myself.

It was like my body became the blanket I pulled over myself to hide from the world, to hide the world from me and me from the world. So the body became the way I expressed the idea of separation more fully, and it became the tool I used to cut off communication. This is, again, typical of ego thinking. God is whole and so ego offers fragmentation, the body being the best example of this. God is communion, and the ego offers the body as a way to avoid true communication as we learn to keep our thoughts private and share only the little bits of our self we feel safe sharing.

As I grew up I began to question the ego’s choice of homes. This body proved to be vulnerable to attack from enemies. Other people hurt it, bacteria and virus’ invaded it and made it sick. Age reduced it and distorted the youthful beauty, strength and stamina I had so enjoyed. I began to realize how fragile the body is and so much of my time, money and effort went into keeping it safe and trying to stave off the ravages of time.

Part of the package deal of getting a body is that I agree to move in completely. That is I think of the body as me. It is the ego’s chosen home and I have to buy into it if I want to play the game. So as all of this is happening, it feels like it is happening to me. I am weak and vulnerable. I am isolated within my body and my secret mind. I am fragile and in need of constant care and upkeep. I am losing the battle against time and I am becoming old and tired. I am also learning to regret taking the ego up on its deal.

Before I found A Course in Miracles, all this seemed perfectly normal and natural if fairly depressing. I didn’t question the idea of the body as being me. Of course it was me. And the little ego voice kept offering me fixes for all the problems I was encountering with its home of choice. It offered medicines and surgeries, miracle foods and supplements. Clever cuts, styles and colors for clothing to hide what it couldn’t offer a fix for. Hair coloring, make up, products to camouflage the outward signs of aging.

When I noticed that I felt alone in my body it offered clubs and other social outlets to give an illusion of being with others and a part of something. It offered an endless list of distractions. Nothing works. I get old and die. If it takes too long I lose all my friends on the way to death. So the ego offered me a body for a home, offered to protect me with this body, then when the body began to show signs of wear and tear offered me solutions to keep its home going.

None of this has been a good idea and it has not worked as promised. No wonder the ego hates its own home and wants to kill it. And no wonder the mind becomes dazed. There is no answer, and so the ego’s solution is to not question it. And so around and around we go, dreaming of life until the body wears out or is hurt beyond the ego’s fixes, and then we dream of death for awhile before dreaming of life again. It’s a never ending, awful cycle.

The ego paradigm is a closed cycle that cannot be looked at too closely because there is no answer within the cycle. The only solution must come from outside this cycle. Thank God that we have a failsafe, a secret door that takes us out of this depressing state of affairs. Our way out is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, at our request, slowly and gently guides us to undo what we have done. He knows how to break the contract we have with ego and needs only our consent to do so. I am giving my consent now because once exposed, the ego can no longer convince me that I am what I could never be, and that there is some value in continuing to pretend.

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Spiritual Counselor Training — based on principles of A Course in Miracles, including ordination. More….

24 ACIM Practitioner courses including 50-page study guide, CD's or MP3s, with facilitator. More….

Listen & Receive 30-Day Home Study Listen & Receive 30-Day Home Study Learn to receive insight for your life in a form that is perfect for you …heal fears, find joy & peace. Learn more.

Hey, Holy Spirit, It's Me Again by Rev. Myron Jones. An indispensible guide for anyone on the path of ACIM with insights on the 1st 90 lessons. More…

True Forgiveness True Forgiveness by Rev. Jennifer McSween. The Proven Path from Pain to Power and personal happiness in 5 Simple Steps. Learn more.

From the Christ Mind From the Christ Mind scribed by Darrell Morley Price. A simple, yet profound message that you can immediately apply to current circumstances. More….

Eternal Life and A Course in Miracles Eternal Life and A Course in Miracles by Jon Mundy, Phd. A Path to Eternity in the Essential Text. Sale, 32% discount. Learn more.

Forgiving KevinForgiving Kevin Audio book by Rev. Larry Glenz. A moving and inspiring true story of a father/son relationship that withstood seven years of addiction, recovery, and relapse. More….

Healing Family RelationshipsHealing Family Relationships Applying the Principles of A Course in Miracles 6 CD audio book by Rev. Myron Jones. Learn how family relationships offer fertile grounds for forgiveness and healing your judgments of the world. More.

Tru Live Your Happy by Rev. Maria Felipe. Find the Love Within. A real-world approach to living happily, based on A Course in Miracles. Learn more.