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Study of the Text, Chapter 8: V.The Undivided Will of the Sonship, Paragraph 3. 9-9-14

V. The Undivided Will of the Sonship P 3
3 God’s Oneness and ours are not separate, because His Oneness encompasses ours. To join with me is to restore His power to you because we are sharing it. I offer you only the recognition of His power in you, but in that lies all truth. As we unite, we unite with Him. Glory be to the union of God and His holy Sons! All glory lies in Them because They are united. The miracles we do bear witness to the Will of the Father for His Son, and to our joy in uniting with His Will for us.

A whimsical story of awakening.

I smiled as I read this. I had a vision of a toy I had as a child. It was a colorfully painted egg nested in another egg, which was nested in a third egg. This is how I envision us right now. We are in the third egg. We imagine we are all alone in the egg and alone within the egg. We think that all that exists is in this egg.

There is a Voice, though, that whispers to us of something greater, something glorious. This Voice is waking us up to a different reality, one in which we are not separate. As we start to wake up, the shell of the egg becomes thinner to us and we understand there is something outside the egg and want to join with that. We are calling the second egg, Jesus.

Like newborn chicks everywhere, we are pecking away at the shell that seems to keep us separate from Jesus. We do this as we question the belief that we are separate. We do it every time we doubt the ego beliefs in our mind and every time we use the stories of our lives to cast doubt on our separateness.

As we start to feel that we are joined with all the others within this egg, the shell begins to crack and more light pours in and more of us are now pecking away at the shell. Soon we begin to realize that we are one with Jesus as well and the shell of our separate existence from each other and from Jesus falls away.

From this more enlightened place, we realize there was not actually anything keeping us apart and keeping the light out except for our desire to be separate. It was all in our mind and with the help of our brother, Jesus (who already knew this) we open our hearts to the truth without fear and with total acceptance. As the final shell dissolves, we see that we are united, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

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Study of the Text, Chapter 8: V.The Undivided Will of the Sonship, Paragraph 2. 9-8-14

V. The Undivided Will of the Sonship P 2
2 The undivided will of the Sonship is the perfect creator, being wholly in the likeness of God, Whose Will it is. You cannot be exempt from it if you are to understand what it is and what you are. By the belief that your will is separate from mine, you are exempting yourself from the Will of God which is yourself. Yet to heal is still to make whole. Therefore, to heal is to unite with those who are like you, because perceiving this likeness is to recognize the Father. If your perfection is in Him and only in Him, how can you know it without recognizing Him? The recognition of God is the recognition of yourself. There is no separation of God and His creation. You will realize this when you understand that there is no separation between your will and mine. Let the Love of God shine upon you by your acceptance of me. My reality is yours and His. By joining your mind with mine you are signifying your awareness that the Will of God is One.

Jesus is asking me to understand how important it is that I recognize that there is no separation between his will and mine. I think his wording here is very important. He did not ask me to accept his will or to change my will. He simply pointed out that our will is the same and that it is necessary that I accept this.

The reason I must accept something that is already fact is that I have made up a will to take the place of my true will. This is my ego will, my separate will. It is not truly my will, but it is the will I am pretending is true. To have an experience of separation I had to will it and this is the will I am using now as if it were the truth.

Jesus is actually reminding me that I have a true will and that I want this will, and he is encouraging me to accept it now. He explains that I need to accept my true will because it is only through doing so that I can return to creation and remember God. Here is how my mind interprets this paragraph.

Jesus: Honey, you are dreaming of being separate and being a body that is not joined with anything. You are dreaming of having emotions and of being guilty and afraid and in danger. You have enjoyed your dream and sometimes scared yourself with your dream, but Life is waiting for you. There is so much more to experience, so much more to be. Wake up now and join with me. This is what you yearn for now. You are tired of your stories and you are tired of pretending to be separate. But more than anything you want to recognize God as you have before, to be one in Him again.

Me: I don’t know how to know God and I can’t imagine how to be one in Him. I know you have said that I already am and always have been but I can’t remember that, and I don’t know how you think I can go from this experience to God.

Jesus: You feel very far from God right now. I understand that. You cannot bring yourself to access the memory of your oneness with Him. The idea of joining your will with God’s Will vacillates between disbelief and fear. But that’s ok. You know me now and you know my love for you and you feel safe with me, and so you can accept that our will is joined. In fact, you really want to do that and have been opening yourself to that for awhile now. It is through this step, this acceptance of our joint will, that you will be able to take the next step.

Me: Ok, so you are saying that I am not really living a life right now, but am dreaming of something different in which I am alone and not connected to everything. And you say that this dream isn’t anything like my real life, and that I can have my real life back just by wanting it. You already did it and you know the way Home so all I have to do to return Home is to accept that you and I share the will to return to God. I just have to accept that your will and my will are the same. This is a step I can take and want to take.

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Study of the Text, Chapter 8: V.The Undivided Will of the Sonship, Paragraph 1. 9-5-14

V. The Undivided Will of the Sonship
1 Can you be separated from your identification and be at peace? Dissociation is not a solution; it is a delusion. The delusional believe that truth will assail them, and they do not recognize it because they prefer the delusion. Judging truth as something they do not want, they perceive their illusions which block knowledge. Help them by offering them your unified mind on their behalf, as I am offering you mine on behalf of yours. Alone we can do nothing, but together our minds fuse into something whose power is far beyond the power of its separate parts. By not being separate, the Mind of God is established in ours and as ours. This Mind is invincible because it is undivided.

We are one whole and part of God, but we will not know this or experience it if we prefer separation. Where is your mind right now? Is it focused on the truth of your being, or is it focused on defending your small self? Earlier today I was occupied with separation thoughts. I was worried about work and time and getting things done. All of these things are part of the separation idea. I do my work. I get my things done. Time doesn’t exist except where I believe I need it.

There are things I must do in the illusion, but I can do them with grace or I can worry and fret over them. I have done it both ways and I know the difference. Several times this week I have become concerned that I will forget something or not find time to do it, then realizing what I was doing I stopped. I reminded myself that Spirit will bring it to mind if it needs my attention. Spirit will guide the project and keep it simple and joyful if I allow this.

When I make the second choice, when I lay aside my desire to do this on my own, make my own decisions and plans as a separated self, there is no anxiety. In turning to Spirit I am laying aside the idea that a little me has goals that are mine alone and that the little me must accomplish them on my own. In choosing Spirit as my guide, I am choosing wholeness. I am being one with All That Is. And there is no fear in God.

I watch my mind and my words for the tell-tell signs that I am falling into the old habits of seeing separation everywhere. I watch for those beliefs that someone is guilty or that I am afraid. I ask for the Atonement. I ask that these thoughts be removed from my mind. I am learning not to insist on a separated self. I am learning that I prefer to join my mind with Spirit. Alone I can do nothing but weave stories, but in God we are powerful beyond anything we can imagine. In God we are vast and unlimited.

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Study of the Text, Chapter 8, IV. The Gift of Freedom, P 8. 9-4-14

IV. The Gift of Freedom P 8
8 Freedom is the only gift you can offer to God’s Sons, being an acknowledgement of what they are and what He is. Freedom is creation, because it is love. Whom you seek to imprison you do not love. Therefore, when you seek to imprison anyone, including yourself, you do not love him and you cannot identify with him. When you imprison yourself you are losing sight of your true identification with me and with the Father. Your identification is with the Father and with the Son. It cannot be with one and not the other. If you are part of one you must be part of the other, because they are one. The Holy Trinity is holy because It is One. If you exclude yourself from this union, you are perceiving the Holy Trinity as separated. You must be included in It, because It is everything. Unless you take your place in It and fulfil your function as part of It, the Holy Trinity is as bereft as you are. No part of It can be imprisoned if Its truth is to be known.

When I think of freedom, I think of being free of the belief in me. I am not this body of Myron and as long as I believe that is what I am, I will feel imprisoned and I will imprison others in their body/personality. I imprison myself when I judge my actions and think my actions define me. Last night I was thinking about this and asked the Holy Spirit to help me detach from this story and see it as the illusion it is.

This story of Myron is a great opportunity to learn what it is I came to learn. It can be painless if I remember that I am not the story. When I think about something I did that was unkind and I feel ashamed, it is because I believe I am my actions. I don’t have to suffer shame, and I will not suffer shame if I detach from the story.

One time when I was a young woman my mom called to tell me she had burnt herself badly. I hardly reacted to her story at all because, though she didn’t know it, I was really high on some drug or another. To this day, even as I write this, I feel awful about it. My mom was always there for me and so many times I was absent to her when she needed me. When I think about it I feel ashamed and regretful. I cry and wish I had behaved better.

There was a lesson in this story of Myron, but the self imposed guilt that I continue to harbor even to this day prevents me from accepting my true self. The guilt ties me to the idea of Myron and I can’t experience the brilliance of the Self that I am. If I cannot see past the guilt in my mind to the truth of my being, then I will not be able to do so for others either. And it works the other way as well. If I refuse to look past the guilt I see in others, I will not be able to see them as they are.

I want desperately for my mom to be here so that I can hold her and tell her how sorry I am for all the times I failed to be the daughter she needed. I want her forgiveness. But really, it is my own forgiveness that I need. No doubt she forgave me the instant it happened, just as I forgive my own children everything. But I am so attached to “Myron” and her story that I can’t forgive me. I think I am that person who failed to love in that moment. And that is painful to think about.

As long as we continue to see ourselves as the character we play in the story and fail to see that we are the watcher of the story, we will suffer and we will block the vision of ourselves as one with God. We are part of the Holy Trinity. We are the Son. That is our truth, and so we cannot really be the person we are playing in this particular story.

If I am not really Myron, then there is no reason to feel guilty about anything that happened in the story of Myron and Mom. If I am not really Myron then Mom was not really Mom either. We were just both dreaming of separation and watching it played out on the screen of our mind. There was a lesson to be learned, but it was not a lesson in guilt. Quite the opposite. Perhaps I can release myself from the prison of that guilt now so that I can take my proper place in the Holy Trinity and remember what I am. It is bereft without me.

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Study of the Text, Chapter 8,IV. The Gift of Freedom, P 7. 9-3-14

IV. The Gift of Freedom P 7
7 If your will were not mine it would not be our Father’s. This would mean you have imprisoned yours, and have not let it be free. Of yourself you can do nothing, because of yourself you are nothing. I am nothing without the Father and you are nothing without me, because by denying the Father you deny yourself. I will always remember you, and in my remembrance of you lies your remembrance of yourself. In our remembrance of each other lies our remembrance of God. And in this remembrance lies your freedom because your freedom is in Him. Join, then, with me in praise of Him and you whom He created. This is our gift of gratitude to Him, which He will share with all His creations, to whom He gives equally whatever is acceptable to Him. Because it is acceptable to Him it is the gift of freedom, which is His Will for all His Sons. By offering freedom you will be free.

I don’t think I have ever really understood the concept of free will. At first, I thought it was some kind of boon that I was free to decide between unlimited options, even though I didn’t understand the far-reaching consequences. I was like a child let lose in place with many sharp objects among the toys.

As I began to understand how little I know and how much I have hurt myself in the past with my choosing, and as I began to understand that exercising my “free will” was keeping me in hell, I became afraid of it. “You decide for me, God,” was not a prayer of thanksgiving as it should have been, but a prayer of fear, asking to be relieved of free will because I didn’t know how to use it.

Now I am beginning to understand that what I thought of as free will was my will imprisoned. When I imagined I could will for something outside God, I entangled my will with idle wishes that hurt me. Could it be freedom to be separate from my true nature, to be separate from absolute and unending peace and joy? Is it freedom to be separate from unlimited strength and power? Is it freedom to be fragile and weak and to suffer and die?

Now I seek true freedom as I disentangle my mind from the separation idea. I ask frequently, “What am I?” Slowly, my mind is opening to the reality of my being. I am being revealed to my self. I have periods of time when I almost know what it is to be spirit rather than body, to be one rather than separate. I feel like Jesus is my beloved brother and gratitude overcomes me as I think of that. I feel joined with all my brothers, and they feel precious to me. My will is free to remember what we all are to each other and so to remember God.

Then the ego mind tries to reassert itself and I sink back into the story I made up. This is very uncomfortable because in those time when I am tasting my freedom, I am. I am so much closer to knowing my free will, then I am back into ego and I am Myron. It is starting to feel claustrophobic. Maybe I am reaching the tipping point and soon my will will be completely free.

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Study of the Text, Chapter 8: IV.The Gift of Freedom, Paragraph 6. 9-2-14

IV. The Gift of Freedom P 6
6 Nothing God created can oppose your decision, as nothing God created can oppose His Will. God gave your will its power, which I can only acknowledge in honour of His. If you want to be like me I will help you, knowing that we are alike. If you want to be different, I will wait until you change your mind. I can teach you, but only you can choose to listen to my teaching. How else can it be, if God’s Kingdom is freedom? Freedom cannot be learned by tyranny of any kind, and the perfect equality of all God’s Sons cannot be recognized through the dominion of one mind over another. God’s Sons are equal in will, all being the Will of their Father. This is the only lesson I came to teach.

Wow! Did you read that last sentence? “This is the only lesson I came to teach.” I am going to pay close attention to this paragraph. I have always loved the sentence where Jesus assures me that he will help me be like him and if I want to be different he will wait for me to change my mind. That has brought me so much comfort. It made me realize that it is inevitable that I will be like Jesus (because we are alike) and he is not going to give up on me. He is just going to wait patiently until I am ready to wake up.

I feel like the only lesson Jesus came to teach is that we are part of God’s Kingdom and that is our freedom. We are all equal. I am equal to Jesus and I am equal to the Holy Spirit. How else could it be since we are all equal parts of the one Whole? There will never be a time when we will be coerced by Jesus or by the Holy Spirit because that is just not possible. If it were possible then I would not be free and God’s Kingdom would not be free because I am God’s Kingdom.

I have often had the thought that I want someone to just heal me and get it over with. “Jesus, just shake me awake, would you?” But that can’t happen because it would prove that I am not free to wake up on my own. It would make me something I am not. It would make Reality something it is not. Jesus will teach me but only I decide if I want to learn.

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Study of the Text, Chapter 8: IV.The Gift of Freedom, Paragraph 5. 9-1-14

IV. The Gift of Freedom P 5
5 Healing reflects our joint will. This is obvious when you consider what healing is for. Healing is the way in which the separation is overcome. Separation is overcome by union. It cannot be overcome by separating. The decision to unite must be unequivocal, or the mind itself is divided and not whole. Your mind is the means by which you determine your own condition, because mind is the mechanism of decision. It is the power by which you separate or join, and experience pain or joy accordingly. My decision cannot overcome yours, because yours is as powerful as mine. If it were not so the Sons of God would be unequal. All things are possible through our joint decision, but mine alone cannot help you. Your will is as free as mine, and God Himself would not go against it. I cannot will what God does not will. I can offer my strength to make yours invincible, but I cannot oppose your decision without competing with it and thereby violating God’s Will for you.

I am glad that Jesus reminds us that healing is the way the separation is overcome, and that separation is overcome by union. In other words, we must unite. We unite with our brothers and we unite our will with God’s Will. Sometimes this is done in a single prayer. When I am angry with someone, I ask that my mind be healed of this wrong-minded belief. In this prayer I am asking that the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence be removed from my mind. This joins me with God. At the same time it makes it possible for me to join with my brother, which joins my will with God’s Will.

For this to be effective, my uniting must be unequivocal. If I am forgiving my brother (forgiving my projections onto him) I must do so with no caveats. Here is an example. In the past I have held a grievance against a fellow worker. When I became uncomfortable with my judgments, I asked that my mind be healed. I really wanted to be free of my discomfort, but I didn’t want to let him off the hook. I wanted him to change. There was no real joining intended in that request.

Then I finally reached the point that when I said I wanted to be free of my judgment, I meant it, but when he did something else, I saw his behavior this time as different than it was before, so I went right back to judging and to my own discomfort. I had to recognize that these were just different forms of the same problem and I let go of them so that I could be at peace. Every time I see him now, I ask the Holy Spirit if there is forgiveness to be done. I want our joining, and the only way I can have it is if my desire is unequivocal, no exceptions.

And that is just the one person. I cannot enter the presence of God if I attack His Son. This, too must be an unequivocal decision on my part. I must be willing to give up judging everyone including myself. That seems like a tall order sometimes, but it is my only real choice. Nothing else will restore my mind to God; nothing else will return my will to God’s Will. Nothing else will heal.

Jesus tells us that our mind is the means by which we determine our own condition, because mind is the mechanism of decision. Returning to God is simply a matter of deciding to do so. But again, the decision must be unequivocal. This means I must decide against anything that would keep me in the illusion. That is why I ask for mind healing all day long. It is the reason I ask the Holy Spirit to remove from my mind the thought that is blocking my return.

Only I can decide for God, this cannot be done for me. Once I make that decision, the Holy Spirit becomes the mechanism that makes it possible. But only after I decide. Jesus says he cannot overpower our will because it is not God’s Will that we be forced into peace and happiness. It is always going to be our choice. It would seem like an easy choice and I have often thought I made that choice only to discover there was still something I wanted more than Heaven.

What helped me get this far is that I have so much help. Jesus offers me his strength to make mine invincible. He says he I can imagine holding his hand and then he assured me this would be no idle fantasy. He said he is with me always. He says he will help me or he will wait until I am ready for his help. The Holy Spirit responds quickly and fully to my slightest invitation. I have unseen help and present help. How could I fail except it be my decision to do so.

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