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Study of Text, Chapter10: II. The Decision to Forget, P 3. 5-18-15

II. The Decision to Forget
3 To remember is merely to restore to your mind what is already there. You do not make what you remember; you merely accept again what is already there, but was rejected. The ability to accept truth in this world is the perceptual counterpart of creating in the Kingdom. God will do His part if you will do yours, and His return in exchange for yours is the exchange of knowledge for perception. Nothing is beyond His Will for you. But signify your will to remember Him, and behold! He will give you everything but for the asking.

Evidently, just saying I am willing to remember is not the same thing as being willing to remember. If that were so, I would be doing this work from a whole other place. As I watch my mind I see what it is that I am choosing instead of God. This morning I had thoughts about not wanting to go to work. I spent many minutes rewriting history as I imagined a confrontation and this time I seemed to win.

I worried about my weight for awhile. I thought about something smart I did and congratulated myself for it. I imagined ways I could tell that story and in each way I just got smarter and smarter. There was a lot of other nonsense as well, including my lifetime favorite; I’ve got to hurry, I’m running out of time.

When my mind got especially busy I finally noticed and reminded myself that I was using the ego mind to think. I chose to use the God-Mind instead. I watched as the mind slowed and I felt peace take the place of the mindless chatter. I looked at the time and saw that I had time to write this, after all. I asked Spirit to guide me at work today, to help me be the love that I am meant to be.

I stepped away from the desire to make things happen, to choose what is important and what isn’t, to defend myself. I stepped into love and trust and peace. It was simple and seamless. It is a perfect way to start the day because I have made a decision for God that will serve as a constant reminder of what I want and how to achieve it. I did my part. I chose God and the Holy Spirit did His part and showed me what was there all along, peace, love, happiness, and that it is mine for the asking.

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Study of Text, Chapter10: II. The Decision to Forget, P 2. 5-14-15

II. The Decision to Forget
2 Yet to give up the dissociation of reality brings more than merely lack of fear. In this decision lie joy and peace and the glory of creation. Offer the Holy Spirit only your willingness to remember, for He retains the knowledge of God and of yourself for you, waiting for your acceptance. Give up gladly everything that would stand in the way of your remembering, for God is in your memory. His Voice will tell you that you are part of Him when you are willing to remember Him and know your own reality again. Let nothing in this world delay your remembering of Him, for in this remembering is the knowledge of yourself.

The memory of God is in my mind and waiting for me to accept it into my awareness. The only thing that prevents that from happening is that I want something else instead. We are so steeped in separation thinking that it is hard for us to understand wholeness. God is Whole and Complete. There is nothing in God except God. So in order for me to know God, I must put aside the desire to know something that is not God.

Since there is nothing except God, I am actually putting away nothing, but if I value it I will not put it away. I have these special relationships that I think are valuable, but in God nothing is special. Everything is equal in importance because everything is equal in reality. I am reading a book called “Lunch with Buddha.” In it the teacher helps his student understand a different kind of love than he presently knows.

He tells him that within his precious daughter there is a jewel and this is something he can accept, because he sees that jewel. He knows the reality of the perfection that she is. He points this out in each of his special relationships. Then he explains that the same jewel is in each person and that he can learn to see it there, so that his love for everyone is the same as his love for his children. (Mostly my words, but that was the concept.)

This is what I want. I want to see each person with the same vision I see my children. No matter what they do or say, I know they are wonderful. I know they are perfect beneath their behavior. Their behavior is an illusion based on false beliefs and has nothing to do with who they are. It is insignificant next to their reality.

If they behave badly, I disregard it, and continue to see only the love that they are. Now that I have become very good at this, I am learning to see others in the same way. This is one of the ways that I am removing the blocks that keep me from remembering God and remembering my Self.

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Study of Text, Chapter 10, II. The Decision to Forget, P 1. 5-13-15

II. The Decision to Forget
1 Unless you first know something you cannot dissociate it. Knowledge must precede dissociation, so that dissociation is nothing more than a decision to forget. What has been forgotten then appears to be fearful, but only because the dissociation is an attack on truth. You are fearful because you have forgotten. And you have replaced your knowledge by an awareness of dreams because you are afraid of your dissociation, not of what you have dissociated. When what you have dissociated is accepted, it ceases to be fearful.

I don’t think about it often, but once in awhile I have the disturbing thought that maybe I chose to be something else because I didn’t like what I was. I think, “Why would I have left Heaven if Heaven is wonderful?” I don’t let myself dwell on this too much because it feels a little scary to me. Now it seems that Jesus is confronting this idea. He is also explaining why I have this mostly unacknowledged fear.

He is telling me that I am afraid, not of what I have dissociated, but that I did dissociate in the first place. I decided to forget what I am and where I am, and that decision scared me. It is frightening to me because it is an attack on the truth. This is a relief because it means I don’t have to be afraid of what I forgot. I am not really afraid of my true nature, and thankfully, I am not really afraid of God.

In my fear, I replaced the truth with illusions and that is where I am now, dreaming of something to distract me from my unease. But I can stop any time I want to. I don’t have to keep up this distracting story because there is nothing to fear. This is why Jesus spends so much time in the Course reassuring us that God loves us and that we love Him. I chose to forget and now I must choose to remember. As Jesus talks to us about our true nature and the nature of God, I feel a memory beginning to make itself known to me.

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Study of Text, Chapter 10: THE IDOLS OF SICKNESS, I. At Home in God, P 4. 5-12-15

I. At Home in God P 4
4 You will remember everything the instant you desire it wholly, for if to desire wholly is to create, you will have willed away the separation, returning your mind simultaneously to your Creator and your creations. Knowing them you will have no wish to sleep, but only the desire to waken and be glad. Dreams will be impossible because you will want only truth, and being at last your will, it will be yours.

I feel like saying, “the trick is,” to desire to be at Home in God you have to desire it wholly. Of course it is not a trick, it is simply necessary. I cannot be at Home in God if I am not the same as God. I cannot keep anger, fear, guilt, sadness, blame, suffering and death and expect to be in God. These are not God and so they cannot be in God. I must leave them behind to return to God.

It would not seem to be such a difficult choice and yet, here I am with my grievances. Everyone in my life, even those most “special” to me, the ones I claim to love more than myself, become repositories for my guilt. I could easily release guilt and fear as well, but I hold onto it as if it is my very salvation. I have whittled this stuff down as I have looked at it with Spirit, but I have not released it entirely, and I cannot enter the Kingdom with even a very little of what is not God.

Today, as I write this, my lesson is, “I loose the world from all I think it is.” This lesson tells me that there is no world. The world I think I see is just an out-picturing of my desires. It is a great big theater that is always showing, The World According to Myron.” I re-write the script as my mind is healed because the world is nowhere except in my mind.

It is nothing except my thoughts and my thoughts change when I change my mind about the source of those thoughts. When I choose to think with the ego mind I will have an ego experience. I cannot bring the ego into the Kingdom, so I remain in the world I made up until I change my mind. When I decide to think the thoughts I think with God, my dream becomes a happy dream and the world reflects that change until it disappears.

It is all up to me. It is my dream and I must decide the direction that dream will take. As I change my mind, the dream changes and it is better. But do I want a better dream? Or do I want the Kingdom? Do I want to return to eternal bliss and to full creation, or do I want to play around in the muck some more? If I choose to relinquish the ego mind completely, in that very moment, I will remember everything! It is just that simple.

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Study of Text, Chapter10: I. At Home in God, P 3. 5-7-15

I. At Home in God
2 You are at home in God, dreaming of exile but perfectly capable of awakening to reality. Is it your decision to do so? You recognize from your own experience that what you see in dreams you think is real while you are asleep. Yet the instant you waken you realize that everything that seemed to happen in the dream did not happen at all. You do not think this strange, even though all the laws of what you awaken to were violated while you slept. Is it not possible that you merely shifted from one dream to another, without really waking?

This morning, I lay in bed thinking about my dream. I remembered it clearly, but I did not for a moment become confused about it. It was a dream I had while asleep, and while it sure seemed real, now I am not asleep and I know it wasn’t real. It was kind of interesting to think about but I am not going to suddenly believe it actually happened.

How do I know for sure it wasn’t real? For one thing, it violated all the laws of the world. In it gravity was only a suggestion and easily ignored. I was driving a car and then I was still moving along, but there was no car. I was me, then I was someone else.

Jesus is asking me to consider this: what if I didn’t really wake up at all? What if I just went from one dream to another? I am pretty certain now that this is all that happens. I am dreaming right now as I write in my journal. How do I know I am dreaming even while I tell myself I am awake? My experience of being awake ignores all the laws of Heaven.

In this story I am separate from my brothers; I am not perfectly happy: I suffer and I die. None of this makes sense in Reality, so I must be dreaming. Have you ever experienced lucid dreaming? A lucid dream is any dream in which one is aware that one is dreaming.

Several years ago I had a very bad dream, a terrible nightmare. Since then I have had that dream try to replay, but when it does, I either wake myself up or I redirect the dream. I say no, and the dream changes. That is an example of lucid dreaming. I have also had a simple awareness that what is happening is a dream. I have told myself in my dream that I am just dreaming.

This is beginning to happen in my waking dream, that state that I call life. I am dreaming this story of Myron and it is becoming a lucid dream. Not all the time, but sometimes. And if it is happening sometimes, I know that it will begin to happen all the time. I encourage that progression as I practice the Course.

Doing the Lessons this year is extremely helpful. I seem to have shifted into a sharper clarity and the lessons are clearer and more meaningful than ever before. Reading “The End of Death” by Nouk Sanchez has helped a great deal. Now I am also reading “A Course of Love” and that is helping as well. The Holy Spirit is leading me to whatever will help me realize that I am dreaming and it is time to wake up.

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Study of Text, Chapter 10: THE IDOLS OF SICKNESS, I. At Home in God, P 1. 5-6-15

I. At Home in God
1 You do not know your creations simply because you would decide against them as long as your mind is split, and to attack what you have created is impossible. But remember that it is as impossible for God. The law of creation is that you love your creations as yourself, because they are part of you. Everything that was created is therefore perfectly safe, because the laws of God protect it by His Love. Any part of your mind that does not know this has banished itself from knowledge, because it has not met its conditions. Who could have done this but you? Recognize this gladly, for in this recognition lies the realization that your banishment is not of God, and therefore does not exist.

My ACIM group and I were discussing our creations, and as most of us do, wondering about them. In one section of the Course they are referred to as our Extensions. So we decided that since God is Love and He created us through extending Himself, we are Love and we created through extending ourselves. Our creations must be Love also.

To be honest, it is hard to relate to this because I don’t know what I am, really. I can say I am Love, but what does that mean? I have read in the Course that my creations love me and I love them, and this touches something in me and feels true. It makes me want to remember them and return to them. But as long as I am attached to the illusion I made, which is the opposite of Reality in every way, I cannot know my creations because I would reject them as I do all of Reality.

To reject is to attack and Jesus says that it is impossible to attack what I created. This is why I cannot know my creations now. My creations are perfectly safe because they are part of me and it is not possible for creation to be harmed. Just as I cannot harm my creations, God cannot harm me. This alone, if I could completely accept it, would undo guilt in my mind, and undo the fear of God, which keeps us bound to this illusory state.

It is important for me to know that I but do this to myself. I choose what I believe, and I have chosen a belief that I am banished from God. The reason it is important to know that I did this to myself, is that as long as I think God banished me I will be reluctant to accept that He loves me. I will remain afraid that I did something unforgivable and the idea of returning to God will be a fearful thought in my mind. The truth is, God could not have banished us, and therefore we are not banished. We only dream of banishment. It is time to wake up.

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Study of Text, Chapter10: THE IDOLS OF SICKNESS, Introduction P 3. 5-5-15

Introduction P3
3 God does not change His Mind about you, for He is not uncertain of Himself. And what He knows can be known, because He does not know it only for Himself. He created you for Himself, but He gave you the power to create for yourself so you would be like Him. That is why your mind is holy. Can anything exceed the Love of God? Can anything, then, exceed your will? Nothing can reach you from beyond it because, being in God, you encompass everything. Believe this, and you will realize how much is up to you. When anything threatens your peace of mind, ask yourself, “Has God changed His Mind about me?” Then accept His decision, for it is indeed changeless, and refuse to change your mind about yourself. God will never decide against you, or He would be deciding against Himself.

I, as Myron, cannot actually wrap my mind around the idea that I am like God, and part of God. But I, the I that is not the ego, is beginning to accept this. No matter how much sense this paragraph makes, the thinking mind can only understand the concept, but cannot know it. I am beginning to know it because I open my heart to it. I step back as a thinker and I allow the Holy Spirit to awaken me. I am beginning to remember.

I still fall back into the ego. In fact, I feel like I jump back and forth all the time. But I know something monumental is happening. I read a paragraph like this and I believe what it says and I feel joy rising up in me. I go into the world and I fail to live it, but I am aware of it and that awareness changes everything. I get angry, but only briefly. I get worried or upset, and then I laugh at myself. So I know the healing is taking place.

I love the idea that today I am going to question anything that I allow to rob me of peace. “Has God changed His Mind about me?” That is all I need to do, I just question and choose to be wrong about whatever it is I brought into my life that threatens my peace of mind. Because I know now that I am the cause of all that happens in my world, I know that I am the one that chooses against it. Then the Holy Spirit can then undo what I have done.

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