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Study of Text, Chapter 11: Introduction, P 2. 7-31-15

Introduction, P 2
2 Yet what would you say to someone who believed this question really involves conflict? If you made the ego, how can the ego have made you? The authority problem is still the only source of conflict, because the ego was made out of the wish of God’s Son to father Him. The ego, then, is nothing more than a delusional system in which you made your own father. Make no mistake about this. It sounds insane when it is stated with perfect honesty, but the ego never looks on what it does with perfect honesty. Yet that is its insane premise, which is carefully hidden in the dark cornerstone of its thought system. And either the ego, which you made, is your father, or its whole thought system will not stand.

“The ego, then, is nothing more than a delusional system in which you made your own father. Make no mistake about this.” Ugh. Here it is again. I made a thought system, a delusional thought system, so that I could make my own father. My first thought is to remind myself this is not cause for guilt. It reminds me of when I was a kid and my friends and I would play at being a family. One of us would be the mother and one the father and the rest would be the children. It was play and it was innocent. My actual mother was not hurt by my play, nor was she angry that for awhile, I usurped her role. Nor is God upset with us for our play.

In another place in the Course, Jesus talks about us taking a detour into fear and guilt, and that is what we did. We made a decision not to laugh and we took our decision to replace our Father very seriously. Thus, fear and guilt were made and experienced. This, necessarily led to projection, and to amnesia. Now Jesus is helping us to understand that the ego is the system that allowed us to replace our Father, with one of our own making.

But now we had a quandary. How can the ego be the maker of us when we made the ego? We seem to have many conflicts in our life, but this authority problem is the source of all conflict, and the conflicts we are aware of are just reflections of that one conflict, just different forms of the same problem. All conflict, all problems, are corrected as we accept that the ego is only a delusional thought system, that we made this thought system to be our father, that this is impossible and meaningless, and that we are through playing and that it can easily be undone as we acknowledge God as our Father.

The solution is so simple and I really think that I am ready for the solution. But then I notice how quickly I turn to the ego for my answers. I want to lose weight so I look for a good diet that will make this happen as quickly as possible. This is asking the ego for an answer.  My friend tells me about being sick and there is an urge to tell her about an article I read about a good way to get well quick. This is asking the ego for answer. I see an article about saving for retirement and I feel stupid because I never thought to make those plans. That decision that I am stupid is the answer the ego gave me when I asked.

My Father has answers to my problems, too, loving answers, but to hear His answers, I must stop asking for and listening to the answers from the ego. This is not hard, but it does take consistent vigilance. I pay attention to what I am doing, and I give my willingness to be corrected when I forget and turn to the ego as if it is my father. I stop kidding myself that the ego could actually be my father when I am the one that made the ego.

I remind myself that not only do I have a Father, but my Father is Love and so can only love me. I read, I study, I do the Lessons, and all of this brings me to the one thing that actually heals my mind; it brings me to desire. I realize that I desire to acknowledge God as my only Father. As my desire for God becomes whole, the ego thought fades from my mind.

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Study of Text, Chapter 11: Introduction, P 1. 7-30-15

Chapter 11: God or the Ego
1 Either God or the ego is insane. If you will examine the evidence on both sides fairly, you will realize this must be true. Neither God nor the ego proposes a partial thought system. Each is internally consistent, but they are diametrically opposed in all respects so that partial allegiance is impossible. Remember, too, that their results are as different as their foundations, and their fundamentally irreconcilable natures cannot be reconciled by vacillations between them. Nothing alive is Fatherless, for life is creation. Therefore, your decision is always an answer to the question, “Who is my father?” And you will be faithful to the father you choose.

Holy cow! Am I choosing the ego to be my father? This is crazy! I pray to God as my Father, but I see that I also pray to the ego as well. This happens when I feel sick and look to the ego for an answer. I ask the ego what caused this sickness and what I should do about it. The ego says that I caught it from someone, making them, not just separate from me, but guilty for giving me their sickness.

The ego says I must go to the doctor who is separate from, and above me. The ego says the doctor will be my savior and I must listen to and obey him. The ego says I need medicine and the medicine will be my savior. The ego says I should not listen to the Holy Spirit who says that the illness is not in the body but in the mind, because if I listen to this crazy stuff I will get sicker and sicker and my punishment for my foolishness will be death.

When I acknowledge God as my Father and pray to Him, I am shown that the problem is not something that happened in the world, but is a mistaken belief within my mind. I am told that I am very holy, that I am powerful, that I made my own problem and with my permission this wrong minded thinking will be corrected. All I am told points to my true nature as an extension of God. It points to my power and my perfection, and my innocence. It points away from fear and guilt. It points to the unity of all things, and our unity with God.

I understand both systems and I now accept that this is true. The only problem I have is that I am still trying to use both systems, and as they are diametrically opposed, my mind is conflicted. Conflict causes suffering. In conflict there is no resolution and so I am sick and I am healed and I am sick again. This applies to all areas of life. My relationships, my finances, my health, all suffer from conflicted beliefs, from my desire to live in both worlds.

The solution is simple and obvious. The ego is insane and not sustainable. The ego is suffering. I am learning that the ego is not my father, and in fact I am the maker of the ego. I guess you could say that I parented the ego. It is crazy that I should listen to the ego as if it had power over me, rather than the other way around. As the maker of the ego, I can choose to reject it as an interesting experiment, but one which fell short of the expected results. Clearly it is time to let it go.

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Study of Text, Chapter10: V. The Denial of God, P 14. 7-28-15

V. The Denial of God, P 14
14 Arrogance is the denial of love, because love shares and arrogance withholds. As long as both appear to you to be desirable the concept of choice, which is not of God, will remain with you. While this is not true in eternity it is true in time, so that while time lasts in your mind there will be choices. Time itself is your choice. If you would remember eternity, you must look only on the eternal. If you allow yourself to become preoccupied with the temporal, you are living in time. As always, your choice is determined by what you value. Time and eternity cannot both be real, because they contradict each other. If you will accept only what is timeless as real, you will begin to understand eternity and make it yours.

Yesterday went pretty well. We had our Monday meeting and I wondered if I had forgiven all the drama inherent in these meetings lately. I guess I have, at least to a great deal, as everything went pretty smoothly. As the day went on, I noticed friction between parties, but I just watched my mind and chose not to take part of it.

On my way home, I was listening to a book as I drove, and I kept getting distracted from what was being read by attack thoughts in my mind. It was kind of funny in a way. I had one attack thought after another directed at the people at work. It was like, suddenly, I let the dog off his leash and he was running wild.

For a few minutes, I was focused on hearing my story and kept bring my mind back to it. Then I stopped myself, turned off the story and looked at these thoughts. As I paid attention to my feelings I realized the real problem was that I was dreading going to work this week in this extreme heat, and that I was projecting my unhappiness with the situation onto my co-workers.

I knew immediately that I was not interested in this, and released it all to the Holy Spirit. It all happened very quickly and I was back in peace, listening to my story. Forgiveness is easy when that is what you really want. I wanted peace more than I wanted to feel sorry for myself, and more than I wanted to blame anyone and so it was just done.

I got to the place where I wanted peace more than I wanted the ego drama of the day by making that choice over and over. While I still get entangled in a drama from time to time, I usually choose to focus on Reality rather than on the illusion. I can believe only one or the other in any moment, so the more I believe the truth, the easier it is for me to make that choice.

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Study of Text, Chapter10: V. The Denial of God, P 13. 7-25-15

V. The Denial of God, P13
13 Do not perceive anything God did not create or you are denying Him. His is the only Fatherhood, and it is yours only because He has given it to you. Your gifts to yourself are meaningless, but your gifts to your creations are like His, because they are given in His Name. That is why your creations are as real as His. Yet the real Fatherhood must be acknowledged if the real Son is to be known. You believe that the sick things you have made are your real creations, because you believe that the sick images you perceive are the sons of God. Only if you accept the Fatherhood of `God will you have anything, because His Fatherhood gave you everything. That is why to deny Him is to deny yourself.

As I read this I wondered how I could perceive nothing God did not create, and then I realized I was thinking of perceive as “see.” I could not imagine how I could look around with my eyes and see only the real. Of course that makes no sense, because the eyes show me only the ephemeral and what is real is eternal. The eyes show me only illusions.

Obviously, Jesus is telling me not to believe what I see, not to believe it is real and valuable, and something I would long for and give to myself. I will still need a house and a car and money, or at least something that passes for these things, depending on my circumstances. But they are not gifts to myself. I used to long for a special car, a special house, a lot of money, and now I expect to receive all that I need. If I don’t have it I must not need it.

Jesus says that I believe the sick things I have made are my creations, and while this is true I will not remember my real creations. The thought given me as I read this passage is to return to Lesson 325,  “All things I think I see reflect ideas.” The world is filled with images of the ideas in my mind. I think I want something and I make an image of it and project it outward and value it.

This is where the idea of positive thinking and The Secret come from. We have made an image of a world and then we go another step and try to make an image from within that world. I think that as we recall some vague memory of how we made this world, we try to duplicate it, and we “discover” that what we want very much, we tend to get.

The problem with this idea is that we have many ideas in our mind. We have the idea of love and joy and happiness, and we also have the idea of guilt and fear, suffering and death. On both levels, as the maker of our experience, and as the conscious manipulator of that experience, we make images from a grab bag of beliefs and thoughts.

We don’t understand anything and we don’t know what anything is for. How could we be surprised at the resultant mess? It is at this point that we pretend it all just showed up and we don’t know where it came from. We pretend that we are just victims of circumstance and of unkind and sometimes vicious people. We give away our identity and with it our power and hide in the closet afraid to come out, afraid that the Creator of Reality is offended by our dream world.

We need not be afraid to acknowledge our Father. He is no more offended by our fanciful play than we are offended by our children as, when in play, they pretend to be something they are not. And we must acknowledge our Father if we are to remember who we are, if we are to reclaim the memory of our power and our place within Him.

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Study of Text, Chapter10: V. The Denial of God, P 12. 7-24-15

V. The Denial of God, P12
12 If God knows His children as wholly sinless, it is blasphemous to perceive them as guilty. If God knows His children as wholly without pain, it is blasphemous to perceive suffering anywhere. If God knows His children to be wholly joyous, it is blasphemous to feel depressed. All of these illusions, and the many other forms that blasphemy may take, are refusals to accept creation as it is. If God created His Son perfect, that is how you must learn to see him to learn of his reality. And as part of the Sonship, that is how you must see yourself to learn of yours.

I haven’t taken part in traditional religion in so long that I had to look up blasphemy to remember what is typically meant by the word. This is what I found.

Blasphemy is the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for God, to religious or holy persons or things, or toward something considered sacred or inviolable.

In this paragraph, Jesus is telling us what truly constitutes blasphemy. When we see anything that is not in alignment with what God creates, and believe what we see, this is blasphemy. While I was looking up the religious definition of blasphemy, I saw that some religions take this idea very seriously, indeed, even calling it a religious crime. Jesus tells us that it is blasphemy to deny God, but He does not tell us that we are guilty for doing so. We are just confused and our confusion is hurting us, so he wants us to see what we are doing so we can change our minds.

At first it seems the impossible is being asked of us. We are to see no suffering, no depression, neither in others or ourselves. How the heck are we supposed to do that? Everywhere you look someone is suffering. I remind myself that when Jesus says we are not to see, what he means is we are not to perceive. We are not to look at apparent suffering, believe what we see and thus strengthen the belief in suffering for all of us.

Sometimes this is easy to correct. I see in the news that people have died in a fire. I say a prayer that they will transition gently, and their loved ones will know the comfort and love of God in this difficult time. I know that it seems bad, especially to all involved, but I know it is all right, that everyone involved is innocent and deeply loved by God. I know that what is happening is not real. I know that when someone “dies” the only thing that has changed is that they have ceased to animate this body with their awareness and that it has been placed elsewhere.

When a friend or family member dies, it feels different to me. It is harder to remember the truth. I feel shock and grief. The truth did not cease to be the truth; it is just harder for me to remember the truth. The emotions seem to temporarily overwhelm what I know to be true. It helps sometimes to have others, who are not so directly involved, to remember the truth for me. This strengthens my own ability to remember.

Always, however I feel when I see and believe what is not truth, I ask for the Atonement. I ask that the Holy Spirit correct my thinking, that He give me a different way to see the situation. He never fails to fulfill his function, and even when I have to return again and again for correction, He is always there, always ready to heal at the slightest invitation from me.

When someone is suffering, if I see their suffering as real and as justified I am not helping them. I am just making it worse for all of us as I make it real within the mind. But if I see that they are suffering without believing in their suffering or in the reality of the situation, I can be helpful. I can strengthen the light within their mind, with the light in my mind.

Just because the woes of the world have no reality, doesn’t mean we should fail to respond to a need. I send my condolences, I give a hug, I cry with my friend, I become the quiet listener. I can ask Holy Spirit if there is some way I can be helpful. He might ask me to do something, or to say something that encourages and lets them know they are loved and cared for. I could even be the answer to their prayer.

Taking these actions doesn’t mean that I am joining them in the error of believing in the problem. It means that I have compassion for their confusion because I have suffered the same confusion. It means I love them and care for them, just as God loves and cares for me even though He does not believe in my problems.

Today, Holy Spirit, help me to be aware of what I am giving my faith to. I want the peace of God and I cannot have that if I perceive suffering to be real. I open my mind to You, and ask that You remove those thoughts that justify the belief in what could never be true because it stands outside creation. Help me to do that for myself and for everyone else you send my way. Thank you.

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Study of Text, Chapter 10: IV. The Denial of God, P 11.7-23-15

V. The Denial of God, P 11
11 Out of your gifts to Him the Kingdom will be restored to His Son. His Son removed himself from His gift by refusing to accept what had been created for him, and what he had created in the Name of his Father. Heaven waits for his return, for it was created as the dwelling place of God’s Son. You are not at home anywhere else, or in any other condition. Do not deny yourself the joy that was created for you for the misery you have made for yourself. God has given you the means for undoing what you have made. Listen, and you will learn how to remember what you are.

The way I am learning to remember what I am right now is by becoming more aware of the attack thoughts in my mind, and asking the Holy Spirit to remove them for me. It is amazing how many they are and how many forms they take. I see that I have attack thoughts directed to others. For instance, I might feel sorry for someone and that is an attack thought. It says that they stand outside the Kingdom.

If I think I need to correct someone or give them advice, that is an attack thought that says they are not capable of finding their own path, which is not true. I was listening to Byron Katie this morning. She was saying that she never gives advice, and for this very reason. When her kids ask her what they should do, she tells them she doesn’t know. She might tell them what she has done in similar circumstances. But she trusts them to find their path, just as she did.

Of course sometimes my attack is more overt. I become angry and defensive and this is an attack. I feel like someone is treating me unfairly and this is an attack on them, too. It is an attack on myself as well. When I think I am a victim to someone else, I have attacked myself. I attack myself every time I feel unworthy or fearful or guilty. I have made the choice to see myself outside the Kingdom all over again, just as I did in that tiny mad moment in which I detoured into fear in guilt and dreamed up this bit of hell I call the world.

It can be very uncomfortable looking at these attack thoughts and taking responsibility for them. It is tiring and sometimes discouraging, but it is what we must all do if we want to be free of them. Yesterday, I did the work and sometimes I cried in sheer frustration that I cling so tightly to these defenses. But I did the work. Today, I will continue it. I want a clear mind, a free mind, a happy mind. I am happy to face what my attack thoughts try to hide, to see that I am not a victim and I am never unfairly treated. I am ready to accept the Atonement for this. It is worth all the effort that is required of me to do this.

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Study of Text, Chapter10: V. The Denial of God, P 10. 7-21-15

V. The Denial of God, P 10
10 You do not realize how much you have denied yourself, and how much God, in His Love, would not have it so. Yet He would not interfere with you, because He would not know His Son if he were not free. To interfere with you would be to attack Himself, and God is not insane. When you deny Him you are insane. Would you have Him share your insanity? God will never cease to love His Son, and His Son will never cease to love Him. That was the condition of His Son’s creation, fixed forever in the Mind of God. To know that is sanity. To deny it is insanity. God gave Himself to you in your creation, and His gifts are eternal. Would you deny yourself to Him?

I used to think that if God really loved me, He would just wake me up, pull me from this dream and take me home. This thought was a fear thought, fear that I was trapped here and couldn’t get out on my own. I was frustrated and feeling like a victim of the world I made, and even a victim of my own stubborn denial. It seemed cruel that He would leave me stuck here when it would be so easy for Him to save me.

I can see how I used to mirror that thought in my behavior with other people. I would see them acting in a way that was self-destructive and I would try to save them from themselves. I used to think A Course in Miracles was for everyone and for them right now, and I would try to make them see this was true… for their own good. ~smile~ My behavior was just a reflection of my own fear that I couldn’t wake up on my own, and I needed someone (God) to do it for me. Maybe I was showing God how He should be waking me up.

When I tried to fix others I was saying that I didn’t trust them and didn’t believe in them, and that they are not free. And this was a reflection of how I felt about myself. God does not interfere in us because we are free. He does believe in us and He does trust us. He knows we are trustworthy and free because He created us like Himself. To think we are less than free, less than perfect, would be to think He is less than free and perfect and that would mean God is insane. He is not. We, however, are.

It is insane for a Divine being such as we are, to think we are helplessly trapped in an illusion of our own making. The mind that made this elaborate illusion is capable of using that same power to disentangle from it. God is not afraid for us, and so we should not be afraid either. God does want us to remain as He created us and so we will, and that means we are perfectly safe.

We are, however, suffering from the belief that we are not safe, that we are not wholly perfect and perfectly free. And as Jesus has pointed out, what we believe is true for us. Not true in reality, but true in our mind, so in our mind we suffer. God would not have us suffer, and so He calls us to Him. He calls us out of our insanity. We are reminded that, “God will never cease to love His Son, and His Son will never cease to love Him. That was the condition of His Son’s creation, fixed forever in the Mind of God.” I will remember this today, and I will return to sanity.

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