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Study of Text, Chapter 12: !. The Investment in Reality, P 8. 2-5-16

III. The Investment in Reality, P 8

8 I said before that God so loved the world that He gave it to His only begotten Son. God does love the real world, and those who perceive its reality cannot see the world of death. For death is not of the real world, in which everything reflects the eternal. God gave you the real world in exchange for the one you made out of your split mind, and which is the symbol of death. For if you could really separate yourself from the Mind of God you would die.


The world we made is a projection from the split mind. As Jesus has been explaining to us, it is a reflection of our untrue thoughts. It is representative of the ego thought system. Though we are conflicted about it, we hate the thought system that opposes our reality and so frightens us. We project it outward in a failed attempt to get rid of it. This is the world we see and think of as reality. We then pretend the problem is out there and we suffer eons of time in useless attempts to fix it.

The real world is a gift from God. It comes from our true nature, our Self as created by God. There is no conflict, no separation, no suffering and no death. There is only beauty, love and peace. There is only unity. There is only a reflection of God. We will experience the real world. Can you imagine it?

No one will ever consider doing anything unkind to another because they will know there is no “other” only another part of the one Son. No one will be sick, no one will lack for anything, there will be nothing to fear, and guilt will be unheard of. No one will get old and die. It will be a world of form and so not reality, but it will be a beautiful reflection of love in form.

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Study of Text, Chapter 12, II.The Investment in Reality, P 7. 2-4-16

III. The Investment in Reality, P 7

7 If only the loving thoughts of God’s Son are the world’s reality, the real world must be in his mind. His insane thoughts, too, must be in his mind, but an internal conflict of this magnitude he cannot tolerate. A split mind is endangered, and the recognition that it encompasses completely opposed thoughts within itself is intolerable. Therefore the mind projects the split, not the reality. Everything you perceive as the outside world is merely your attempt to maintain your ego identification, for everyone believes that identification is salvation. Yet consider what has happened, for thoughts do have consequences to the thinker. You have become at odds with the world as you perceive it, because you think it is antagonistic to you. This is a necessary consequence of what you have done. You have projected outward what is antagonistic to what is inward, and therefore you would have to perceive it this way. That is why you must realize that your hatred is in your mind and not outside it before you can get rid of it; and why you must get rid of it before you can perceive the world as it really is.


Jesus has done a really good job of explaining how it is we have made this world as it is. To recap this as I understand it, the mind is split because it believes two opposing thought systems. The mind finds this intolerable and so projects the split. We have projected what we hate and what feels hostile to reality, and so the projected world we experience is hostile.

In the meantime, reality remains in the mind, but we are so intent on our projection, so involved with it, that we have become identified as it. We have lost touch with our real mind because all our attention is on maintaining our projection. A Course in Miracles is helping us to remember that the hatred and the danger we perceive is not really out there. It is in our mind and this is where it must be relinquished if we want to see the real world.

Today’s lesson is very helpful for this purpose at it reminds us of our true self. Our mind is part of God. We are very holy. As I remind myself of this today, I am choosing to relinquish attack on an outside force that doesn’t really exist outside the mind. Instead, I am choosing to accept my true nature, the real me.

For instance, there is someone in my life that seems to be hateful to others a lot of the time. Interestingly enough, she thinks I hate her. This makes sense in light of what Jesus is explaining here. She is projecting hatefulness from the mind and seeing it in others, and seeing it projected back onto her.

I told her that I did not hate her, but it felt wrong in my own ears and yet I know I don’t hate her. I actually appreciate her in spite of my frustration with her. What has actually happened is that what I see when I look at her is the split mind, the part of the mind I hate. I don’t hate her or her actions; I hate that part of my mind.

So now I know what to do with this confusion in my mind. Using today’s lesson, I am withdrawing my projections onto her and I am choosing to focus on the truth in us both. I think I hate, but my mind is part of God’s. I am very holy. I don’t feel holy, I feel hateful and guilty for being hateful, but this can only be the split mind and I am tired of defending it. Instead, I am going to let it go.

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Study of Text, Chapter 12: !. The Investment in Reality, P 6. 2-2-16

III. The Investment in Reality, P 6
6 To identify with the ego is to attack yourself and make yourself poor. That is why everyone who identifies with the ego feels deprived. What he experiences then is depression or anger, because what he did was to exchange Self-love for self-hate, making him afraid of himself. He does not realize this. Even if he is fully aware of anxiety he does not perceive its source as his own ego identification, and he always tries to handle it by making some sort of insane “arrangement” with the world. He always perceives this world as outside himself, for this is crucial to his adjustment. He does not realize that he makes this world, for there is no world outside of him.

I have become very aware of this split in my mind. I sometimes identify with my true self and when I do, I see the world as perfect. No matter what seems to be happening, I see it as perfect. I am happy and I am at peace and what is happening around me has nothing to do with that state of mind. It does not encourage nor discourage it. At those times I am experiencing my mind and it is a lovely thing to experience.

Other times I identify with the ego mind. When that happens it seems to me that the world is frightening. I see people filled with terror and rage, and they seem to be all around me, a threat to me that must be defended against. I feel confused and depressed. This is true no matter what is actually happening in the world. Whatever is going on is perceived as a threat, and everyone as my enemy. At those times I am experiencing my mind and it is a dark place.

Usually, the darkness is not so dark as it used to be. And even in the dark I perceive the light and move toward it. This was not always so. I used to live in that dark place a lot. When that was true, I was always at war with someone or something, or I was self medicating to dull the effects such a world induced in me. I used relationships in an effort to gain some kind of relief, or at least so I would have someone to suffer with me. These were some of the arrangements I made with the world in an effort to survive it.

Now, I understand that there was never anything out there, no world at all. It was and still is, only in my mind. I am still coming to terms with this, and can be drawn back into the illusion of a world outside myself, but I cannot be lost in it now. I know too much to go back. I also know how to find my way out of the dark now. It is my mind and I can allow the light to shine away the darkness. I simply choose light. Who would have thought it was so simple?

Yet it still feels difficult at times, even knowing that the answer is always the same because the problem is always the same. I only have to accept the Atonement for the false thoughts that are making the world (my mind) seem dark. When I fail to do that it is because I still imagine I need to be the “me” I made through the ego.

When I resist the light, it is because I imagine I am guilty and need the darkness in which to hide. If I resist the joy and the peace of reality, it is because I don’t feel worthy of it. I believe in the world I imagine, and am afraid of what I have done. At those times I find it intolerable to accept responsibility and so I pretend it is outside me and I am the victim.

Thank God that A Course in Miracles is helping me to accept my innocence. That is what happens when I accept the Atonement for the ego thoughts in my mind. My innocence is revealed and I am able to accept responsibility for what I made, knowing that it is nothing. I remain as God created me. My mind is perfectly protected and completely unassailable.

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Study of Text, Chapter 12: !. The Investment in Reality, P 5. 2-1-16

III. The Investment in Reality, P 5

5 Salvation is for the mind, and it is attained through peace. This is the only thing that can be saved and the only way to save it. Any response other than love arises from a confusion about the “what” and the “how” of salvation, and this is the only answer. Never lose sight of this, and never allow yourself to believe, even for an instant, that there is another answer. For you will surely place yourself among the poor, who do not understand that they dwell in abundance and that salvation is come.


My screensaver says this: The peace of God is everything I want. The peace of God is my own goal; the aim of all my living here, the end I seek, my purpose and my function and my life while I abide where I am not at home. The peace of God is my mantra now, it is the words I turn to when the mind becomes confused about what is wanted and needed. It is a simple declaration of intent and the only prayer I need.

With the idea of retirement approaching, next year, probably, I have noticed the ego mind sending messages of doom and gloom. It will appear as thoughts like, “I won’t be able to afford this when I retire,” and “What if I get sick and need an expensive medicine?” It comes up with many little concerns, chipping away at my happiness if I listen to them.

My response is usually that the peace of God is everything I want. Do I want to get my hair done at the stylish shop where I go now? Or is the peace of God everything I want? How about the medicine scare tactic? Maybe I will need some new medicine that is very expensive and I won’t be able to afford it. If I need something it will be available, and if it is not available I don’t need it, the other Voice tells me. The peace of God is everything you need, it says.

I was thinking about something after I heard this. When I was first married my husband had a good job with excellent insurance. All doctor’s visits were fully reimbursed. I spent a lot of time at the doctor’s office with one little thing after another. I never thought much about it. Then when we were divorced I didn’t have a job with good insurance. I didn’t go to the doctor often. Both ways I seemed to be fine. I just couldn’t afford to be sick without insurance so I wasn’t. There was a good lesson in that.

Anyway, I really believe that the peace of God is everything I want and when I get confused about that, I return to my mantra and the fear falls away. The words aren’t magic, but the belief that this is really everything I want, fills my mind and there is no room for fear, nor any desire for it. When I get tired of peace and decide I want a little drama, I “forget” my mantra. I have to because otherwise the drama can’t get a foothold. But always, I return to my senses and I remember what it is that I truly want.

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