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Study of Text, C 15: The Two Uses of Time, P 13, 9-29-17

I. The Two Uses of Time, P 13
13 How long is an instant? It is as short for your brother as it is for you. Practice giving this blessed instant of freedom to all who are enslaved by time, and thus make time their friend for them. The Holy Spirit gives their blessed instant to you through your giving it. As you give it, He offers it to you. Be not unwilling to give what you would receive of Him, for you join with Him in giving. In the crystal cleanness of the release you give is your instantaneous escape from guilt. You must be holy if you offer holiness.


Clearly, the way to happiness and to freedom is to give love and forgiveness every chance we have.  If someone says or does something unkind, I can defend myself and join them in a hell of our own making, or I can forgive the entire idea and see them as temporarily confused but unharmed by that confusion. They remain in my mind the holy being they always have been and always will be.

There was a time that this was just a concept I wanted to believe. I did understand why it was true but I wanted to feel that way about everyone. It never quite made it from my head to my heart. In the journey, it got tangled up and turned into something else. I would feel like a victim being trampled because it wasn’t spiritual for me to defend myself, and mostly, I just felt resentful.

Things have shifted since then. For the most part, the distance from head to heart has shortened and is usually almost instantaneous. When I slip into the old way of thinking, I don’t stay there long. I want everyone to be innocent. I want to see the true brilliance of every brother. I am happy to see that they are not affected by their temporary insanity and neither am I.

How long does this take? An instant, maybe. And if it takes longer, I know that each time I choose to see what is real about my brother, I shorten the time it takes and I do this for us all. Here is something that I know Jesus said this was going to happen, but it was still something of a surprise; I love myself more now. I believe in myself, and I believe in my innocence much more than I did before. It seems that it is true, as I forgive my brother, I forgive myself. As I free my brother, I free myself.

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Study of Text, C 15: The Two Uses of Time, P 12, 9-27-17

I. The Two Uses of Time, P 12
12 You will never give this holy instant to the Holy Spirit on behalf of your release while you are unwilling to give it to your brothers on behalf of theirs. For the instant of holiness is shared, and cannot be yours alone. Remember, then, when you are tempted to attack a brother, that his instant of release is yours. Miracles are the instants of release you offer, and will receive. They attest to your willingness to be released, and to offer time to the Holy Spirit for His use of it.


The next time I am tempted to hold a grievance against someone else, I am going to think twice. A grievance is a prison I put them in, a prison of beliefs about them that cannot be undone, and so, in my mind, they must remain condemned.

I remember when I was still working I had a grievance against a coworker. I thought she was the kind of person who would gladly stab you in the back if it was to her advantage. Because I believed that and did not allow that belief to be undone, everything she did seemed to prove I was right. I saw all her actions through the filter of my belief.

I held her prisoner of my beliefs, but I also was prisoner to them. I could not turn my back on her because she might cause me problems with her actions or words. I could not relax around her and my anxiety level was high while we worked together. Through my unquestioned judgment of her, I had taken myself hostage and I could not be at peace.

What a lesson that was! I also had the long-lasting grievance against my son. It didn’t feel like a grievance, but I was judging him and his situation and I believed it was a problem. That is a grievance, too, and confusing it with love didn’t change that. I am getting clearer on that situation, as well. I am learning the difference between love and fear.

Perhaps, having learned from these situations, I will never again do that. I hope not. I know that once in awhile, I get that same feeling of judging someone and believing my judgment, but now I mostly only do that briefly, and then I release the other person and in doing so, I release myself. Ahh, freedom!

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Manual for Teachers 2. WHO ARE THEIR PUPILS? P 3- 9-26-17

3 The world of time is the world of illusion. What happened long ago seems to be happening now. Choices made long since appear to be open; yet to be made. What has been learned and understood and long ago passed by is looked upon as a new thought, a fresh idea, a different approach. Because your will is free you can accept what has already happened at any time you choose, and only then will you realize that it was always there. As the course emphasizes, you are not free to choose the curriculum, or even the form in which you will learn it. You are free, however, to decide when you want to learn it. And as you accept it, it is already learned.

As Jesus has told us more than once in the Course, this world of time is an illusion. It is not really happening. It is not here. There is no ‘out there’ to see. You see it only in your mind. Just as when you dream at night, the things you see are in your mind only. You don’t even pretend to see them with the body’s eyes, and yet, on awakening, you can describe what was ‘seen’ as clearly as you think you are describing the room you sit in now.

The world you are presently witnessing is not real because all of this is passed. We are living in the past, so to speak. It has already happened and has already resolved itself. What if we simply accepted this? What would happen then? Perhaps this uncertainty is why we don’t simply accept what Jesus is so clearly saying to us.

We are on this particular path with A Course in Miracles, a curriculum designed to bring us to an awakening to the truth. Is it so hard to learn that it should take all of our life or even longer than a life to learn it? Jesus says that all we need to do is to accept it and it is already learned, so no, it is not hard. It is just frightening to us and so we resist accepting it.

This morning, I am questioning what it is that I would lose if I lost this world as I see it. I would lose sickness, pain, suffering, and death. I would lose all sense of being Myron. I would never again have a child who is sick and suffering. I would never again be afraid of anything, nor have regrets and would not even remember what guilt felt like.

What would I gain? I can’t really know this, but I can share what those who have accepted their awakening report. They say that they feel a constant and unwavering joy. They have no fear and no guilt. They see God in everything and see no separation at all. They see that everything is part of the one whole. Some have reported a state of bliss that does not end.

Admittedly, I don’t know too many awakened beings, but of those I know and those I have listened to or read, not one seems to regret their awakening. Not one has anything negative to report about living in that state, not even the slightest complaint. Not one has said that they lost anything that matters. I remind myself of this as often as I can. It is helping me to loose my grip on the illusory story of Myron.

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Study of Text, C 15: The Two Uses of Time, P 11, 9-25-17

I. The Two Uses of Time, P 11
11 If you are tempted to be dispirited by thinking how long it would take to change your mind so completely, ask yourself, “How long is an instant?” Could you not give so short a time to the Holy Spirit for your salvation? He asks no more, for He has no need of more. It takes far longer to teach you to be willing to give Him this than for Him to use this tiny instant to offer you the whole of Heaven. In exchange for this instant He stands ready to give you the remembrance of eternity.


Have you ever looked at a menu and thought that a sandwich would be good, then before you ordered, changed your mind and decided that a bowl of soup was what you wanted? How long did that take? How hard was it? We all know we can change our mind; we do it all the time. I’ll park here. No, wait; there is a better place. I’m going to do some writing, or no, I’m going to take my walk first. Easy peasy, just change your mind.

But suppose you love the sandwich and you love the soup. You might go back and forth for awhile. It might be hard to decide which one, but eventually you will make a choice. Until you do you will be hungry. This is what happens when I decide that I am tired of being fearful and decide I will give my problem to the Holy Spirit rather than the ego. It is no different from deciding between the sandwich and the soup, and no harder. If I put it off and sit in indecision, I will hunger for peace, but eventually, my hunger will drive me to a better decision.

I don’t keep up with the news too much, but today my wandered to something in the headlines and then to the next thing. I felt an emotional reaction to what I was reading. Instead of letting that emotion pass on through, I fed it by thinking about the story, making judgments, projecting blame. I wanted to tell someone how I felt about it, I wanted to take sides and present a reasoned argument against the other. As I did so, I stoked the fire of my indignation and then the emotions were running high.

How long will it take the Holy Spirit to turn this around for me? How long will it take Him to heal my mind of the beliefs that were triggered by those stories? No time at all, it is done in the blink of an eye. The only thing that takes time is for me to decide if I want to add to the illusion of hate and fear, or do I want an awakened mind? Do I want to live in the peace of God, or do I want to be part of the problem? It took me only a few minutes to make that decision.

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Study of Text, C 15: The Two Uses of Time, P 10, 9-20-17

I. The Two Uses of Time, P 10
10 Time is inconceivable without change, yet holiness does not change. Learn from this instant more than merely that hell does not exist. In this redeeming instant lies Heaven. And Heaven will not change, for the birth into the holy present is salvation from change. Change is an illusion, taught by those who cannot see themselves as guiltless. There is no change in Heaven because there is no change in God. In the holy instant, in which you see yourself as bright with freedom, you will remember God. For remembering Him is to remember freedom.


We experience time because of guilt. Guilt requires change and change requires time. As I think about this, I understand why we have time in this world and why it is not real. In Heaven, there is no change and so no need for time. There is no guilt and so no need for change. There is no guilt in Heaven not because all has been forgiven, but rather because guilt is inconceivable in Heaven. What could there be to feel guilty for when there is only God and the extension of God?

I have thought of many examples of guilt that I have experienced, and every one of them required more than one. There had to be someone or something to call guilty as opposed to something or someone else. For instance, I used to have a lot of parental guilt. In Heaven, there is not parent and child. There is only God. I have thought that an ex-husband was guilty for his behavior. In Heaven, there is no ex anything and there is no husband. There is only God. We are encompassed by God and there is nothing outside God.

There is no change in Heaven either. Heaven Is and that is all. Here I can be a good parent sometimes, but circumstances change, I change, my children change, and then I might see myself as a good parent or a bad parent depending on those changes. The change might be that I see myself as failing as a parent, or I might see my child as failing me. I might see my ex-husband as being a bad partner or parent, and later, with enlightened understanding, I might see him in a different light. In Heaven, there is no different light. There is only unchanging certainty.

Jesus says that in the holy instant, we remember God. Is this permanent, I wonder? If I remember God, I would think the world would fall away. I suppose that I have experienced something akin to the holy instant. I have had moments of knowing myself differently, of loving completely, of non-judgment, of freedom. So I suppose I could say that I have tasted this holiness, and so I believe in it. But to know God! That would change everything forever.

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Manual for Teachers, WHO ARE THEIR PUPILS, P 1, 9-19-17

1 Certain pupils have been assigned to each of God’s teachers, and they will begin to look for him as soon as he has answered the Call. They were chosen for him because the form of the universal curriculum that he will teach is best for them in view of their level of understanding. His pupils have been waiting for him, for his coming is certain. Again, it is only a matter of time. Once he has chosen to fulfil his role, they are ready to fulfil theirs. Time waits on his choice, but not on whom he will serve. When he is ready to learn, the opportunities to teach will be provided for him.

I teach as all teach, through my life. Those who will be influenced by me will show up. They show up as relationships, husbands, children, siblings, parents, and many other people. Some show up for a specific lesson and others for a lifetime of lessons. Some of these lessons are uplifting and some are challenges, but they are perfect for all involved however they occur.

My story also involves teaching on a more formal level. I have students who study with me, people who come for spiritual counseling, and those who want a mentor. I don’t seek them out. I make myself available. I present at conferences and workshops. I write. I post a lot of what I write. In this way, I let people know I am here. And when they approach me, I make myself available.

When I first began to have students, I was nervous about it. I was afraid I could not do what I was given to do. I was afraid I would fail, or worse, that I would somehow make things worse. But that cannot happen. The students that are for me have been waiting for me to say yes to God and become His teacher. Therefore, they are perfect for me, and I am perfect for them. We help each other and grow together.

As with those who show up to share some part of my life, sometimes they come for a single lesson and sometimes they come to stay awhile. None of that is any of my business. The classrooms occur without my effort or influence. At my best, I simply wait for instructions. And if it seems the relationship takes an unexpected turn, I trust that even that is perfect and contains the lesson we both needed.

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Study of Text, C 15: The Two Uses of Time, P 9, 9-18-17

I. The Two Uses of Time, P 9
9 This lesson takes no time. For what is time without a past and future? It has taken time to misguide you so completely, but it takes no time at all to be what you are. Begin to practice the Holy Spirit’s use of time as a teaching aid to happiness and peace. Take this very instant, now, and think of it as all there is of time. Nothing can reach you here out of the past, and it is here that you are completely absolved, completely free and wholly without condemnation. From this holy instant wherein holiness was born again you will go forth in time without fear, and with no sense of change with time.

Right now as I sit here in front of my computer reading this paragraph it is 11:30 at night. I thought I was going to sleep, but that didn’t happen so I got up to do this instead. I had stayed in bed for thirty minutes but I disliked just laying there so I noticed the thoughts in my mind. I had thoughts that I needed to go to sleep and that I have to be up for a student in the morning. I noticed thoughts that I would be tired and not clear headed. But I am learning that these thoughts are not true.

This has been happening a lot lately and I am fine with it. I wake up with no trouble and I enjoy my day. I have observed that thought without belief has no power to do anything. I questioned the thoughts that how much sleep I get determines my day and saw that they were not true. And now I am free of it unless I choose to believe it again. If I start thinking about how I reacted to sleeplessness in the past, or if I start worrying about tomorrow, then I won’t be doing so well.

This applies to everything. Sometimes I will remember a time when I said the wrong thing and I will feel guilty and maybe embarrassed thinking about it. The mind is in the past. Perhaps I will start to worry that I will do that again and then I will feel even worse. The mind is in the future. But if I notice this and stop a moment to ask the Holy Spirit for a different way to see, then it all turns around.

I am reminded that I am innocent and I forgive myself for thinking otherwise. In that moment, I am absolved, free, and wholly without condemnation. As long as I stay in the moment, this state will remain constant. It is only when I let my mind stray to the past or the future that I perceive problems, regret for the past and worry for the future.

Right now, life is good. I am enjoying this moment and when I realize it is time to go to sleep, I can continue in this good moment, and that is what I want to do. I have started making it a habit to ask the Holy Spirit what to do when I am not at peace. I tell Him that I am not sure what the problem is, or if I know what the problem is I might ask him how to deal with it. He is my constant Companion, my Friend and my Helper. I ask in complete confidence that the answer will bring me back to the holy instant where I want to live my life.

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