Together, We Light the Way

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Manual for Teachers: 12. HOW MANY TEACHERS OF GOD ARE NEEDED TO SAVE THE WORLD? P 1. 5-31-18

1 The answer to this question is-one. One wholly perfect teacher, whose learning is complete, suffices. This one, sanctified and redeemed, becomes the Self Who is the Son of God. He who was always wholly spirit now no longer sees himself as a body, or even as in a body. Therefore he is limitless. And being limitless, his thoughts are joined with God’s forever and ever. His perception of himself is based upon God’s judgment, not his own. Thus does he share God’s Will, and bring His Thoughts to still deluded minds. He is forever one, because he is as God created him. He has accepted Christ; and he is saved.


“He who was always wholly spirit now no longer sees himself as a body, or even as in a body.”

I am becoming more adamant with myself as to what I am. I remind myself often that I am not this body, and that I am not even in this body temporarily. This body is an illusion that exists only in the mind. I have used words to refer to my self, words like spirit, pure consciousness, awareness, and the Course says that we are the Son of God and sometimes it says, we are Christ Consciousness or the Mind of Christ. None of these words evoke a sense of knowing in me.

What the Course is very clear about is that I am not a body, and of course, the body is the only idea that seems real to me. I have thought of myself as a body for eons, evidently. But believing something for a long time does not make it true, it simply reinforces a false idea to the point that it becomes a hardened belief. And as Jesus says, what we believe is true for us.

Another thing Jesus tells us is that if we believe we are a body we will suffer when the body suffers. I am especially aware of this right now because this body is sick and so I feel sick, not because I must, but because I am identified with the body. But as always now, I notice this phenomenon and realize it is a form of insanity, and as such, I deny it can be true. It is saner to deny what is not real than to simply accept it, and since it is not real, I can eventually learn to perceive it as not real. Then my experience will be of what is real and will know myself as unlimited, as I truly am.

“His perception of himself is based upon God’s judgment, not his own.”

What I have learned and what I am learning to master is that I cannot judge myself or anyone else. I choose to stop giving any credence to the ego’s incessant judging. How do I know that I am judging? If I am not perfectly peaceful, I have asked the ego for its interpretation. This is not hard to discern, nor is it hard to turn around. I asked the ego to begin with and so with a simple change of mind, I disregard the ego and now ask the Holy Spirit for a different interpretation. The Holy Spirit will teach me God’s judgment, which I will share with everyone else. We will remember our oneness. We will be saved.

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Manual for Teachers: 11. HOW IS PEACE POSSIBLE IN THIS WORLD? P 4. 5-28-18

4 Peace is impossible to those who look on war. Peace is inevitable to those who offer peace. How easily, then, is your judgment of the world escaped! It is not the world that makes peace seem impossible. It is the world you see that is impossible. Yet has God’s Judgment on this distorted world redeemed it and made it fit to welcome peace. And peace descends on it in joyous answer. Peace now belongs here, because a Thought of God has entered. What else but a Thought of God turns hell to Heaven merely by being what it is? The earth bows down before its gracious Presence, and it leans down in answer, to raise it up again. Now is the question different. It is no longer, “Can peace be possible in this world?” but instead, “Is it not impossible that peace be absent here?”

Is peace possible in the world? It depends on what we choose to see as the world. The world that we see with the body’s eyes is a world of war and cannot be anything else. But in T 5:V, Jesus says: “You keep an ancient memory before your eyes. And he who lives in memories alone is unaware of where he is.” What we see with our eyes is just an ancient memory and it is a memory of hell. We are no longer there, we are in Heaven now, but we don’t know we are because we keep the memory of hell alive in our mind.

We can stop believing what our eyes show us and instead ask the Holy Spirit to show us what is really there. Jesus said that God redeemed the world and that it is now peaceful. It has been turned from hell into Heaven by the presence of a Thought of God. Are we not Thoughts of God? Just by being what we are, we transform the world. And yet, we choose to deny our true Self and to dwell in hell a little longer. This can and will change, why not now?

The only thing that keeps this world before our eyes is our desire for it to exist. There must be something of this world that we value or we would have already turned from it as others have done. Let those ideas rise up in your mind so that you and the Holy Spirit can look at them together and see that they have no value after all. As you let them go, the real world, the world that is actually here now, will be revealed.

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Study of Text, C 15: VIII. The Only Real Relationship, P 5. 5-25-18

VIII. The Only Real Relationship, P 5
5 The Holy Spirit is God’s attempt to free you of what He does not understand. And because of the Source of the attempt, it will succeed. The Holy Spirit asks you to respond as God does, for He would teach you what you do not understand. God would respond to every need, whatever form it takes. And so He keeps this channel open to receive His communication to you, and yours to Him. God does not understand your problem in communication, for He does not share it with you. It is only you who believe that it is understandable. The Holy Spirit knows that it is not understandable, and yet He understands it because you made it.

God does not understand our problem with communication but He understands that we think we have a problem and so He supplies the Answer to that problem. The Holy Spirit can correct this for us because while He knows it is not understandable He understands it because we made it. That is what the Holy Spirit is for and we make use of the Answer when we call on Him to correct our thinking.

Jesus says that the Holy Spirit asks you to respond as God does, for He would teach you what you do not understand. My first thought was that I don’t know how God responds so how can I do that. Then the next sentence answered my question. Jesus says that God would respond to every need, whatever form it takes. I think that I am being told to be as open and responsive as God is.

Let me repeat that. God responds to my every need, whatever form it takes. What a wonderfully loving and reassuring sentence that is! I believe this is true and yet, sometimes I fail to receive His response. This is part of my communication problem. I ask for a need to be filled and then I fail to accept the answer and so even though God keeps the communication channel open between us, I cannot take advantage of that channel because I block it on my end.

The real question is why on earth would I ever do this? Why would I ask and then refuse to accept? Part of the problem, I think, is that I have chosen to experience myself as separate from God and this separation is so strongly reinforced in my mind that I no longer even realize how I communicate with my Father.

Sometimes I ask in words for what it is that I think I need. But mostly, it is my heart crying out for help and I may not even be aware on a conscious level that it is happening. My heart, the center of my being, knows what is needed, but my conscious (mostly ego) mind thinks it knows what is needed but is often completely wrong. No wonder I have a problem with communication.

If I ask for help but have already decided what the answer should be, I will not recognize I have been answered with that which is in my best interests. I am learning to ask for help with my heart and to let go of all expectations so that the answer, when received, will be recognized and appreciated, and thus accepted. My prayers now are more like this: “Here is my problem as I see it. Thank you for your answer.” Now, I am much closer to keeping the channel open to receive His communication to me, and mine to Him.

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Manual for Teachers: 11. HOW IS PEACE POSSIBLE IN THIS WORLD? P 3. 5-23-18

3 The text explains that the Holy Spirit is the Answer to all problems you have made. These problems are not real, but that is meaningless to those who believe in them. And everyone believes in what he made, for it was made by his believing it. Into this strange and paradoxical situation,—one without meaning and devoid of sense, yet out of which no way seems possible,—God has sent His Judgment to answer yours. Gently His Judgment substitutes for yours. And through this substitution is the un-understandable made understandable. How is peace possible in this world? In your judgment it is not possible, and can never be possible. But in the Judgment of God what is reflected here is only peace.

Jesus gives the Holy Spirit different names in the Course depending on His particular function in a situation. Just as He is the Voice for God He is also the Answer and is God’s Judgment.  He is the Answer because through the power of our belief we have made problems that need an answer, and because we believe in what we make, we cannot answer our own problems. This conundrum is something Jesus speaks of more than once. We cannot heal ourselves, for that we need the Holy Spirit Who is God’s Answer to our self-made problems.

I had one of those problems recently that triggered feelings of unworthiness. I know this is the ego mind that is judging the situation. What happens is that a particular thing occurred that reminded me of something from the past, and without giving it thought, I automatically ask the ego what this means. The ego reminded me of my unworthiness, and as I accepted the ego’s judgment, I began to feel bad about myself. I then projected this feeling onto the one that triggered me because I had asked the ego what to do about this feeling and projection is the ego’s advice.

When this happened, I knew that I had been listening to the ego and I knew that I must stop listening to the ego’s judgment and turn my attention to the Holy Spirit. Even knowing this, I wrangled with it for hours, going back and forth between asking the ego for help and then asking the Holy Spirit instead. It is such an odd place to be, sitting there on the fence, leaning first one way and then the other, knowing this isn’t helping and yet somehow compelled to do it. It can sometimes take a little while for me to come down on one the Holy Spirits side because I made this problem and so believe in it.

I was on Lesson 142. This lesson begins with the reminder that my mind holds only what I think with God, and when I finally decided for the Holy Spirit, reminding me of this lesson is how he helped me to accept His judgment. I was walking on a track for my daily exercise listening to a book to keep me distracted because walking is something of a chore for me. Suddenly, I felt Holy Spirit telling me to stop the story and contemplate on the lesson.
I did as was asked and let my mind rest on the idea that my mind holds only what I think with God. It seemed an absurd statement considering what a messy place my mind was on this day. I asked the Holy Spirit how this could be.

Holy Spirit: This is merely a fact. When it seems to not be true, you may rest assured that you are dreaming of other things. You are dreaming that you can change the nature of God. You are dreaming that you are a human being rather than a Divine Being. But dreams do not change reality. Your mind holds only what you think with God.

Wake up, my sweet sister. Let me show you your real thoughts. You have been searching in dreams for these thoughts and that is not where they will be found. Even as you remember what you have read in the Course and recite these very true words to yourself, you do this alone within the ego mind made to give you the illusion of aloneness. There is no power in decisions made alone.

Now you are changing your mind in union with Me and that is power indeed, power that will move mountains. This seeming problem you have made within your dreaming is the mountain we are interested in today. Give me your wholehearted desire for the solution and I will be your Solution.

Me: Holy Spirit, I give you this problem, this belief that God could have ever created a Being that was unworthy, the belief that any Being could make of itself something that God did not create. I am ready to remember my true Self, to know myself as the magnificent creation I am.

Oh my gosh, Holy Spirit, I can feel the ego mind rushing in to save me from God.

Holy Spirit: Do not be afraid of the ego mind that continues to chatter away and makes futile efforts to keep you involved in this story. It is nothing, a collection of beliefs from which I will relieve you. It has no power to contain your glory unless this is your desire.

Me: I give You my ego; it knows not what it does.

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Study of Text, C 15: VIII. The Only Real Relationship, P 4. 5-21-18

VIII. The Only Real Relationship, P 4
4 Think but an instant on this: God gave the Sonship to you, to ensure your perfect creation. This was His gift, for as He withheld Himself not from you, He withheld not His creation. Nothing that ever was created but is yours. Your relationships are with the universe. And this universe, being of God, is far beyond the petty sum of all the separate bodies you perceive. For all its parts are joined in God through Christ, where they become like to their Father. Christ knows of no separation from His Father, Who is His one relationship, in which He gives as His Father gives to Him.


“God gave the Sonship to you, to ensure your perfect creation.”

God gave me all of Himself and all of His creation. I am profoundly touched by this gift. I am also strongly motivated by it. How can I look on a brother in judgment, now? He is a gift from God to me to ensure my perfect creation. I have so often made the mistake of viewing with my eyes the image of what I think my brother represents. In my confused mind, I have believed in that twisted image of my own making. “God, grace me with true vision,” I pray.

“Your relationships are with the universe.”

Clearly, I don’t understand what the universe really is. Perhaps I will have to wait for that understanding. Perhaps I will have to experience it before I understand. Jesus tells us only this, the universe is of God and it is far beyond the petty sum of all the separate bodies we perceive. I suspect it is beyond all form as we know it.

“For all its parts are joined in God through Christ, where they become like to their Father.”

I don’t know what all the parts are. I am going to assume he is not talking about bodies. It seems to me that when he says the separate bodies we perceive, he is inferring that they are not real and so are not included in the universe that God created. What is clear is that all parts seen as separate are joined with God through Christ and in this joining they become like God. This joining is through Christ because He knows His Father and is not separate from Him. In fact, Jesus says that God is Christ’s one relationship.

My thinking mind is left with questions. It wants to understand the universe as described here. It wants to understand the difference between the Sonship and Christ, if there is a difference. But there are also some very important take-a ways. The most important for me is that my brothers are my gifts from God and that I want my vision of them to always reflect that. Another is that God gave me all of creation. And another is that I am in relationship with the universe, and the universe being of God means that there is nothing that is outside this relationship. This understanding is the closest I have come to understanding oneness.

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Manual for Teachers: 11. HOW IS PEACE POSSIBLE IN THIS WORLD? P 2. 5-17-18

2 Again we come to the question of judgment. This time ask yourself whether your judgment or the Word of God is more likely to be true. For they say different things about the world, and things so opposite that it is pointless to try to reconcile them. God offers the world salvation; your judgment would condemn it. God says there is no death; your judgment sees but death as the inevitable end of life. God’s Word assures you that He loves the world; your judgment says it is unlovable. Who is right? For one of you is wrong. It must be so.

“This time ask yourself whether your judgment or the Word of God is more likely to be true.”

The ego has an interpretation for everything, but it is always going to be in direct opposition to the Word of God. When I am not at peace, I look to my thoughts for the cause of my distress. Realizing that I must have asked the ego what something meant, I change my mind and ask the Holy Spirit to interpret for me. When I do this my mind returns to peace.

Do I feel sick? If so, I ask the Holy Spirit to heal my mind of those thoughts that manifest as sickness. If I am worried about money, I ask that the Holy Spirit correct my thinking because it cannot be that I lack anything. These days, if I have a problem, it tends to be centered around my uncertainty about the Course. Not that I ever doubt the Course, but that I become uncertain about what is meant about specific things.

I think that this is understandable. Before the separation, there was only God in our mind and therefore there were no choices to be made, no uncertainties. There was absolute clarity. Then we decided to experience the idea of differences and it all got muddy. Suddenly there were possible meanings and outcomes rather than certainty. Our experience with this has not been positive because it costs us our peace of mind.

The ego says my solution is to use the thinking mind to figure out what the Course means about everything and then to defend my interpretation as right, which means someone else is wrong. You can see where this is taking us… deeper into separation. The only true solution is to give every question to the Holy Spirit and let Him interpret for us. Then let us realize that the truth does not need our defense and that the only thing our brothers need from us is our love and trust.

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Study of Text: C 15, VIII. The Only Real Relationship, P 3. 5-18-15

VIII. The Only Real Relationship, P 3
3 Relate only with what will never leave you, and what you can never leave. The loneliness of God’s Son is the loneliness of his Father. Refuse not the awareness of your completion, and seek not to restore it to yourself. Fear not to give redemption over to your Redeemer’s Love. He will not fail you, for He comes from One Who cannot fail. Accept your sense of failure as nothing more than a mistake in who you are. For the holy host of God is beyond failure, and nothing that he wills can be denied. You are forever in a relationship so holy that it calls to everyone to escape from loneliness, and join you in your love. And where you are must everyone seek, and find you there.

I am God’s Son and in the knowledge of this, loneliness is impossible. I am one with All That Is. How could I be alone or lonely? Loneliness can only be the result of identifying with something I am not. When I think I am a body, an ego, I know loneliness because to be a body is to be alone. Even when another body is with me, I am still alone because communication is thwarted. What does the other feel? What is in her heart? What are we hiding from each other? This can’t be communication because we are not communicating anything real. Of course, I would feel lonely.

What would never leave me, what would I never leave? It can only be Love. We tend to think of love as a verb, but what if love is the substance of all things? What if Love is just another word for God, and, therefore, another word for me? What if I really am Love and nothing else? The feeling of loneliness is caused by the belief that I am separate from love. How could I be separate from love if love is all about me and in me?

My prayer is that I live in the awareness of love, knowing that my relationship is with all and none are missing from that relationship of love. I pray today that every thought of another, every encounter with another be blessed with the knowledge that I am in love. I am in love with everyone and everything, no one more and no one less, just love meeting love. I pray for this and I cannot fail to receive it and I cannot fail to live it because of who I am as the holy host of God.

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