Together, We Light the Way

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Gentle Healing Journal Day 40 10-31-18

Journal for Day 40
I am blessed as a Son of God.

Now, more than ever, I am open to accepting the truth of who I am and what that means. I am the Son of God. How extraordinary that is! I am an eternal, divine being. As such, there is nothing for me to fear, and guilt is a weird concept that has nothing to do with me. As my true self, I can say with absolute confidence that I am happy, peaceful, loving and contented.

The ego, on the other hand, is none of these things. The ego does not feel blessed. The ego is certain of nothing. But I am not the ego. The ego is just a thought system constructed to allow the experience of seemingly being different than I am. For most of my life, like nearly everyone else, I thought I was the ego. I thought I was the thoughts in my mind. I thought I was this body and this story of my life.

Sometimes I still become entangled with the story and believe it is reality. Mostly, though, I know that I am Spirit, pure Light, Awareness, Christ Consciousness, or Love, whatever we choose to call it. I am learning to identify fully with my true nature. I have used the body to act out the ego, but now I want to use it to embody the Divine. Sometimes I do.
Sometimes the Divine moves through this body and speaks through this body.

Thus far, I also sometimes return to ego thinking and living as if I were this body. But that does not mean that I ever become the body, the ego. I remain as God created me. I remain the blessed Son of God. So it is perfectly honest for me to say that I am calm, quiet, assured and confident. Regardless of what is going on in my story, I am, above all else, blessed as a Son of God and so those attributes remain true for me.

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Gentle Healing Journal Day 38 10-30-18

Journal for Day 38

There is nothing my holiness cannot do.

1 Your holiness reverses all the laws of the world. It is beyond every restriction of time, space, distance and limits of any kind. Your holiness is totally unlimited in its power because it establishes you as a Son of God, at one with the Mind of his Creator.

2 Through your holiness the power of God is made manifest. Through your holiness the power of God is made available. And there is nothing the power of God cannot do. Your holiness, then, can remove all pain, can end all sorrow, and can solve all problems. It can do so in connection with yourself and with anyone else. It is equal in its power to help anyone because it is equal in its power to save anyone.

This is one of my favorite lessons because it is so uncompromising. I am not the ego. I am the Son of God. I am very holy and there is nothing my holiness cannot do. It is through my holiness the power of God is made available. I can absolutely trust my holiness to solve all problems to which I direct it.

When I doubt this it is because I am thinking with my ego mind and the ego knows full well that it cannot apply holiness. But I am not the ego and I can apply my holiness as I believe in my self as I was created. Because I am both human and divine at this time, I must still be vigilant for those thoughts that come from the ego mind, and to let them go in favor of the true thoughts such as this one.

Here is an example. I spent time with my son this weekend. I wanted to be sure he was ok. One of the things that can happen when you have pneumonia is confusion. You just don’t think straight. When I got there I saw that he has lost so much weight that he looked really bad. He had almost no energy and his lungs were congested. He was so miserable and in so much discomfort that he was willing to do anything to feel better. On top of that, he couldn’t sleep. So I left there concerned about this. Because I was looking at this through the ego fear filter, I was not being any help at all.

When I realized what I was doing, I changed my focus and started viewing the situation through my holy mind. My holiness can solve all problems, not only in connection with myself but with my son as well. First, I accepted the situation as it is, recognizing that all things are in our best interests and can be used in that way if that is our desire.

Then I remembered who my son really is and I deliberately focused on the truth of his being rather than the story of sickness. When the ego fear thoughts would come into my mind, I dismissed them as irrelevant. I replaced them with the truth. I let my mind dwell on the solution I wanted rather than the solution the ego predicted.

In the situation involving my fear for my son in which I see myself, there is nothing that my holiness cannot do.

In the situation involving my son’s sickness in which he sees himself, there is nothing my holiness cannot do.

© 2018, Pathways of Light.
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Gentle Healing Journal Day 37 10-29-18

Journal for Day 37

My holiness blesses the world.

“Your purpose is to see the world through your own holiness.”

My experience of this has been to recognize when I am using my ego mind to filter my experience and then to release that desire to the Holy Spirit. There are only two ways to look at the world; either I do so with the Holy Spirit or I do this with the ego. There is no third option, not a “me” alone, so when I release the ego interpretation of my experience the only other way to see is with the Holy Spirit.

To view the world from my holy mind is to bless the world. In doing so, I disregard the ego behaviors as meaningless and see past it to the holiness of the other person. I can do this and often do. It blesses them because they are not judged and so they feel safe with me. It teaches them their innate worthiness and helps them to remember who they are. I ask nothing of them, content to let them be. Fascinated by their beingness, actually.

I disregard the world as meaningless and see the real world beneath the form. Well, I will see the real world as I get better at this. Right now, what I am doing is opening my mind to the fact that everything is God. I look at a pencil and remind myself that there is nothing but God and so this pencil is made of the stuff of God. So is my computer and my hand.

What does this mean? What is God? I don’t know, but I know that whatever I choose to make is very holy, not that the form of pencil and computer even exist of themselves, but that they are in my holy mind and so they are holy, indeed. These common everyday bits of our illusion suddenly become wondrous. How extraordinarily powerful we are, and how God must love us!

© 2018, Pathways of Light.
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Gentle Healing Journal Day 36. 10-28-18

Journal for Day 36

My holiness envelops everything I see.

“If your mind is part of God’s you must be sinless, or a part of His Mind would be sinful. Your sight is related to His Holiness, not to your ego, and therefore not to your body.”

If my mind is very holy, then what I see is very holy. And since my mind is part of God’s Mind, my mind must be holy. So why is it that I do not see holiness when I look around. To the contrary, I see division, anger, frustration, jealousy, and all sorts of emotional reactions from those around me. That happens when I am looking from my ego mind through the body’s eyes.

I have been learning to see differently, though. Sometimes I do first see through the ego mind, but usually, I very quickly shift my sight to vision. I see the holiness before me. I see that these holy beings are confused and lost in their confusion, but no less holy for that. I know what it feels like to be confused and afraid, so I pray for them, which means I envelop them in my holiness. My holiness sees the holiness in them and knows it to be the truth.

This is not to be confused with the ego attempt at prayer and forgiveness. I am not seeing them as if they were less than me and then trying to raise them up. I am seeing that they are the same as me, and I am rejoicing in that we are both blessed with the grace of God. There is nothing that can change that in any way. I know this and will not be influenced by whatever story they are lost in at this moment.

This lesson is the practice I used to get to this holier perception that I now experience. It is not perfect yet and occasionally it takes me a little time to shift from ego mind/body sight to true vision. Sometimes, I jumpstart the process by praying that this one is open and receptive to his highest self. I see him at peace. And what I pray for another is my prayer for myself and generally, this does it for me, and my vision shifts.

At first, this felt like work because it required my full attention and it also required that I relinquish my judgments. Sometimes I didn’t want to do that. But as I continued the practice, it got easier and now it feels natural and when I don’t do it, I feel very uncomfortable. I am diligent in this exercise because I want to feel the joy of true vision all the time.

So what does this have to do with the rug and the wall and the pen and the body? For vision to be true it must be true for all forms of separation. It must be the undoing of separation. It must be an experience of union. God is in everything I see because God is in my mind. God must, therefore, be in that pencil and in that rug and in this body I seem to inhabit. I cannot see anything apart from God and truly see it. When I see with vision, I don’t see just a pencil and just a rug or even just a body. I perceive holiness and wholeness. I perceive the union of all things, the place where all is one.

© 2018, Pathways of Light.
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Gentle Healing Journal Day 35 10-25-18

Journal for Day 35

My mind is part of God’s. I am very holy.

I so love the holiness lessons. They make my heart sing! This is because I know that I am holy and I know that one day I will know only that. Right now, I know I am holy and from the split mind, I believe I am less than that. But even though the split mind believes it is the body in a world of separation, and even though I seem to exist as that, and even though I get lost in one story or another temporarily, I never forget that I am very holy. Part of my mind never forgets and I am in touch with that part.

“2 You will believe that you are part of where you think you are. That is because you surround yourself with the environment you want. And you want it to protect the image of yourself that you have made. The image is part of this environment. What you see while you believe you are in it is seen through the eyes of the image. This is not vision. Images cannot see.”

The split mind that we call ego made an image to represent itself and this image is in the split mind as the world, our bodies, and our personalities. The bodies were given eyes to see what it needed to see in order to protect the image it made of itself. So we use an image (the eyes of a body) to prove to us that images exist. I exist, but the image made in order to experience separation does not.

It’s all a matter of identity. Do I choose to identify with the body, in which case I see myself in a world that doesn’t exist? Or do I identify with my holy mind, in which case I see myself as the Divine Being that I am, forever perfect, forever formless? Even in this illusion, I can identify with my true self and can live in the world without being of the world.

Here is a way that I chose to be in the world but not of it, that is to identify with my holiness rather than with my ego.  Yesterday, I became worried about a problem I was having with my phone. Lots of worry thoughts came into my mind about how inconvenient this was going to be and how much trouble and time it would take to get it straightened out.

Then I realized that these were just thoughts. Thoughts are meaningless unless I pay attention to them and choose to believe them. These thoughts were upsetting because I paid attention to them, so I decided to ignore them.

I let helpful ideas take their place and everything worked out just fine. If I had listened to these worry thoughts things would have eventually worked out but I would have had a very unpleasant experience while it did. I’ve learned to question my thoughts. My first response is to remind myself that it’s just a thought. I’m free to ignore it.

If I was simply living in the world and believing I was part of this world experience and that was all I was, the story yesterday would have played out quite differently. But I don’t do that anymore. The ego thoughts and the things happening around me still distract me, but I also know what I am and I know that my mind is very holy. Using my holy mind, worries fall away and solutions become obvious.

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Gentle Healing Journal Day 34 10-24-18

Journal for Day 34

I could see peace instead of this.

“I could see peace in this situation instead of what I now see in it.”

What a good reminder. Yesterday, my daughter and I went to Sam’s to buy me a new phone. My kids had pitched in to pay for most of it as a birthday present. It was a little hectic. The sales person I got was in training and had to repeat the process several times because she kept making mistakes. If I had been alone, I would not have cared, but my granddaughter is 19 months old and has limited patience when she gets bored. I started feeling the stress, which showed up as a headache.

Because we needed to speed this along for my granddaughter’s sake, I had them do just the bare minimum. After we left, I began the process of setting it up and I made a mistake that I didn’t know how to undo. I started to get stressed about that but remembered that stress is a self-imposed discomfort. I stopped for a moment and just rested in God. I knew that this would all work out in the end and that I could see peace instead of this and it would work out more quickly and painlessly.

All the tension fell away and I tried a few more things. Then I decided to go back to Sam’s and get them to help me straighten it out. The young man who was there this time was knowledgeable and friendly. He is one of those people who sincerely like to help. Because I did not have all my passwords with me, he could not fix it right on the spot, but he showed me how to do it once I got home. He also gave me his cell number and told me to call him if I had any problems at all.

When I got home it took a few different tries, but I was able to get it done and remain peaceful throughout. I still have a problem but I know that the answer will reveal itself. I joke that just as I have a wonderful parking angel, I also have an electronics angel. I seem to just stumble onto whatever it is that I need, the answer showing up in the most surprising ways. The only thing that interferes is anxiety. Once I let go of the stress and call on the peace that is always within me, everything falls into place.

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Gentle Healing Journal Day 33 10-23-18

Journal for Day 33

There is another way of looking at the world.

“There is another way of looking at this.”

When I heard on the news that Donald Trump was our elected president, I was in shock. I couldn’t believe it. I tried to tell myself that the damage he could do was limited and that it would be OK, but with the passage of time, I was to discover that it was worse than I imagined. Children being torn from their parents were the worst so far and my constant struggle to release the anger and resentment, and let me be honest, the growing hatred I felt toward him, got trampled under this new outrage.

Even so, I knew that how I felt had to change. I was hurting myself, and all of the Sonship with my attitude. I was reinforcing rage, hatred, disdain, and disgust; I was reinforcing separation, fear, and guilt. My thoughts and beliefs affect all of my life because they are not discreet and they are not discreet to my personal story; they affect all of us. I was polluting consciousness with these beliefs and these runaway emotions.

So what I did was to ask for another way of looking at this. I realized that the only thing happening in my mind, and in my mind is where my business is, the only thing happening there is that I made a judgment. It was really that simple. I made a judgment and that judgment fueled everything else that came after. We make judgments all the time and we change our minds all the time so this should be simple and easy, I thought. But as it turned out, simple as it was, it was not so easy.

The reason it was not easy is that having made the judgment, I now believed it and when I went to the Holy Spirit, I was asking for help but asking amiss. I was asking how to forgive this terrible man because that was my judgment and so my belief about him. The Holy Spirit was answering me but I wasn’t hearing the answer because it didn’t make sense according to what I thought I knew. That is why Jesus tells us not to make a decision and then ask for help. But he knew we would and so he gave us a process to use to turn it all around. (See T 30, The Rules for Decision.)

Because of my judgment, I was suffering. This motivated me to do what needed to be done regardless of how impossible it seemed to me. I accepted that I don’t know what anything is for and that I don’t want to make decision on my own (with the ego). I willingly let go of my judgment and I asked the Holy Spirit to show me another way of looking at this. I did this because I remembered my function, my one goal and my purpose, which is the peace of God.

My anger began to fall away. It did this in jumps and starts for a while, but pretty quickly, I was feeling quite neutral about the whole thing, so that was good, but not enough. I needed to feel only love toward Donald Trump and that still seemed impossible. But in God, nothing is impossible and so I went back to the Holy Spirit and asked for a different way to see this. Again, I put aside my judgment that I could not love this man, and I opened my mind and heart to another way to see.

A true miracle occurred at that point. All separation thoughts fell away and I was filled with love when I thought of Donald, my dear brother and part of my Self. I began to pray for him every day. I prayed that he would be open and receptive to his highest guidance. I prayed for his happiness and for his peace of mind. This doesn’t mean that I agree with his policies or that I would ever vote for him, but I don’t wish him any ill will, and I love and appreciate him.

That was an attitude that I felt but didn’t understand, even myself, but there it was. Since then, I have come to see the whole situation differently. I see his part in our story as essential. He represents a part of our shared mind. He tweets his outrage at someone disagreeing with him, and I see my outrage that he didn’t agree with me, or I remember my outrage that my boss blamed me for something I didn’t do. I mean, who has not felt outrage when they felt threatened.

I have been accepting the gift of detachment lately, and this has allowed me to see things on different levels. I see how situations affect the story of Myron and how they appear on the world stage and how different they look when seen from the imagined distance of the effects on the awakening Sonship. I see my part. I see how I affect all of us through my choices.

This detachment helps me to recognize that there is always another way of looking at the world, a way that is encouraging and helpful and loving and that I can see it if I choose to. I can see through fear or I can see through love and this is true in every circumstance. How I choose to see is going to help lift us all out of suffering or it will bring us all deeper into the illusion. It is a big responsibility, but it is simple and easy to make the right choice.

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