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Gentle Healing Lesson 120, Manual for Teachers, Text.  4-5-19

Lesson 120
(109) I rest in God.
(110) I am as God created me.

It is very comforting to know that I am not the one who has to wake me up, that God is working in me and through me. My only part is to rest in Him and that seems to me to mean that I cast my attention on only the thoughts that are loving and peaceful. I am also asked to be perfectly certain that I am being healed. I think that for the first time ever, I am perfectly certain of that. My awareness is being brought back to the remembrance of my Self.

I am as God created me, I am His Son is also more meaningful to me now than ever before. I gladly put aside all sick illusions of myself and I am going to be alert to old thoughts of illusions that catch my attention so that I can change my mind. I want to be available to God as He works through me. I want to hear Him as He tells me Who I am.

Regina’s Tips

In summary, here are the keys to contemplation.

• When you contemplate the written word, read slowly and repeatedly with long silent pauses.

• Toss out your beliefs, preferences and all prior knowledge as you enter the sacred ground of contemplation.

• Listen or feel inwardly for some stirring that might be the birth of insight.

• Be like an explorer and follow what comes to see where it goes.

• Use inquiry to invite wisdom. Even “What does this mean for me?” can invite powerful personal insights.

• Reserve judgment and let the value of the contemplative experience reveal itself in its own time.

• Receive your daily bread with gratitude no matter how simple it may appear to be. Review it and practice it throughout the day. It is a step on your own personal stairway to heaven.

Manual for Teachers
“There can be no order of difficulty in healing merely because all sickness is illusion.”

This makes so much sense. An illusion is an illusion regardless of the form it takes and so healing is simply choosing to disregard the appearance of the illusion and to insist on the truth being made manifest. Maybe, like this: There is no headache, just the appearance of a headache, and I’m not interested. There is only Love and Love doesn’t hurt. Love is joyful and peaceful and that is all that is really going on right now and all I care to have in my awareness.

So if it is so simple and so easy, why does healing often feel so hard? Why is pain, physical and emotional, so persistent? I have let go of the belief in a number of different pains and after I worked my way through the first one, just being vigilant and persistent in what I knew must be true, the rest have been a lot easier. But, sometimes, I can’t do it. Why is that?

Here are some of the reasons that I have noticed.
I do believe that some hallucinations are harder to dispel.
I still identify with the body to such a degree that I can’t quite believe that the pain is not there, that the pain is actually in my mind as a belief in pain.
Sometimes I still value the sickness. I think the sickness has something to offer me.
The belief I am guilty and guilt calls for punishment.

It is helpful to note those beliefs that block healing. They are all just false ideas that the ego mind clings to and can be dispelled as I lose interest in them. Having owned up to them, I can look at each one with the Holy Spirit and let them be undone in my mind and thus weakened in the entire Sonship. Some of these ideas are very deeply rooted in the mind and thus take time to undo. I have gone back over them multiple times and will continue to do so until I have completely released them.

One thing I have discovered is that the whole process is easier if I don’t allow guilt to enter into it. I am not guilty for ego thoughts. That is just part of the human experience. I have also discovered that they weaken as I continue to release them. For instance, I still notice that I value sickness sometimes for what it can get me, but now the idea is just a vague thought in my mind and easily released.

The belief I am guilty and deserve punishment is a more subtle thought and I deal with that in many ways all the time. Eventually, the belief in guilt will be undone completely and then all the rest will go with it, I think. I have let go of so much guilt that this belief is becoming weaker now, but it still shows up either as a memory of something I did that I regret or as a projection on someone else. It is happening less often and I catch it more quickly now. It is good to see progress.


“First, you believe that what God created can be changed by your own mind.

Second, you believe that what is perfect can be rendered imperfect or lacking.

Third, you believe that you can distort the creations of God, including yourself.

Fourth, you believe that you can create yourself, and that the direction of your own creation is up to you.

These related distortions represent a picture of what actually occurred in the separation, or the “detour into fear.” None of this existed before the separation, nor does it actually exist now. Everything God created is like Him.”

I like the way Jesus phrases our present experience. He calls it the separation and the detour into fear, and later he calls it the tiny mad idea. I am relieved Jesus doesn’t call it the unforgivable sin or the betrayal of God, or the last straw. However he describes it, he reminds us that in spite of how real it feels to us, it is only an illusion and never actually happened. He says this over and over in very clear and direct terms. It’s amazing really that we can read it over and over and still think it must mean something else.

I certainly spent a lot of time reading right over those words. Maybe I didn’t want to embarrass Jesus by pointing out his obvious error. ~smile~ I continued to look at the seeming proof that my story of pain and suffering was reality and that Jesus was delusional. Happy to say that my apparent mental confusion is a temporary illness and I seem to be recovering. I have not flung God from His throne, and reality has not abdicated to fantasy.

No matter how long I sit huddled within myself, quaking in fear and planning my defenses, God is still love, and nothing else exists except in my fevered imagination. I detoured into fear, but I have an internal guide to direct me to the straight and narrow path Home. Thus forward when I speak of being afraid or of anger and guilt, and when I am uncertain or doubtful, when I shake at the thought of death, could one of you give me a gentle shake? I still tend to fall back to sleep now and again.

When my mind is clear, I know I am the Son of God, the Son of Love. I know that only Love exists and so I must be Love as well. I know that I am whole, complete, and lacking nothing. I know that I have never left this state and that there is nowhere for me to go, nothing I need do, and no effort is needed to be me. Does an apple try to be an apple? God help me to obtain the clarity of an apple.

In spite of the clarity that I have gained, periodically my mind clouds and for a bit I think Reality has been set on its head by my imaginings, and momentarily I become confused and frightened again. The lovely thing is, once the awakening begins, the forays into darkness are shorter and less frightening because the light I have uncovered never completely dims and I see my way back so much more quickly.

Holy Spirit, I know I am the one wandering off the path, but I am also the one calling for salvation. When I become confused, please give me clarity. When I become afraid, please help me to see there could never be anything to fear. When I feel anger or disappointment at someone or something, point me inward. When I forget that eternal life is the only truth and I feel loss, comfort me and help me regain my vision.

Now that I have opened my eyes and see the words you gave me, Jesus, I can never again be entirely blind. I see, if only dimly, and the joy of that vision will not be denied. God created me and creation moves in one continuous line. I am like my creator and my creations. When my mind is healed, my creations are like my Father’s creations.

There does not in all of creation exist anything that is not Love. Whatever I see or think I see can be easily categorized as real or not real. No other description need concern me. No other action needs my attention. “Here it is, Holy Spirit, this belief, this seeming thing, or person or situation. Is it true? If not, please heal my vision.” How free I am! Thank you, God. I love you, God.

© 2019, Pathways of Light.
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Gentle Healing Lesson 119, Manual for Teachers, Text.  4-4-19

Lesson 119
(107) Truth will correct all errors in my mind.
(108) To give and to receive are one in truth.

I have thought that I am in danger nearly all the time. Every time I get in a car, I could be in a wreck. I could have a sudden heart attack or maybe that mole on my back is cancer. But I am mistaken that I could be hurt because the only thing that can be hurt is this body and I am not that. I think my feelings can be hurt or that my heart could be broken, but I am mistaken about that as well since this kind of suffering can occur only to what can be separated and I am not that either even if I pretend I am. My safety and my happiness are dependent on the truth and truth will correct these ideas in my mind as I am ready for it to be done. Without the false beliefs in my mind, I will no longer dream of danger.

Today, I will forgive all things. I will forgive the ideas in my mind and forgive their manifestations in the world, and do so as quickly as they come to my attention. In so doing, I will make room for the truth that sets me free. I will remember that I am sinless because I will no longer be dreaming of sin. I will remember that I am in God because I will no longer believe in the idea there is anywhere else to be. As I give up the ideas of separation and bodies and a world that exists outside of God, I will remember that I am His Son.

Every time I do a root cause inquiry it takes me to one of two places. Either I believe that I am unworthy and therefore unlovable, or I believe that I am not safe. Both of these false thoughts are the effect of believing in separation. I forgive the idea of separation, the idea that I still want that experience, and I forgive the idea of something less than perfect safety and the idea of unworthiness and a state in which love is unavailable. They are all mad ideas that lead only to suffering.

Regina’s Tips
The words are no more than signposts. That to which they point is not to be found within the realm of thought, but a dimension within yourself that is deeper and infinitely vaster than thought. A vibrantly alive peace is one of the characteristics of that dimension, so whenever you feel inner peace arising as you read, the [written word] is doing its work fulfilling its function as your teacher; it is reminding you of who you are and pointing the way back home. … Allow [it] to do its work, to awaken you from the old grooves of your repetitive and conditioned thinking. ~ Eckhart Tolle

My Thoughts
Even though words are necessary in the dream, and even though I use a lot of words, I am so tired of them. They never paint the picture I have in my mind. They never really express the idea I want to impart. This is why I have to be quiet sometimes and let the Holy Spirit do Its wordless work on me. The ego resists this so strenuously that I have to take this healing in small bits. The ego loves words and hates silence because there are no words. I have for a long time now realized that the words are hardly important at all and that the real healing takes place within me without my help or my wordy clarifications. My only part it seems is to want the healing.

Manual for Teachers
“It is in the sorting out and categorizing activities of the mind that errors in perception enter.”

It is so easy to fall into the ego’s trap of categorizing and sorting. I have a tendency toward the left in my politics. I have all sorts of reasons for this choice and even try to justify it through my spiritual beliefs. The problem with sorting ideas in this way is that in doing so I do not allow the Holy Spirit to guide me in this area. I think I know what is in my best interests when I go to the polls to vote, or when I encourage others to see it my way.

Another thing that happens is that I tend to think in terms of them and us when it comes to politics. This will reinforce the separation idea and make it stronger in the mind. If the difference in opinion is strong as it has been lately, I find myself demonizing the other side. I remind myself of one of my favorite and often quoted passages from the Course. I cannot enter the presence of God if I attack His Son. I can’t afford grievances.

Here is what I am discovering as I watch my mind during this political climate. There is still a strong desire in my mind to decide what things mean and what they are for. On the other hand, there is a stronger desire in my mind to stop thinking with the ego mind and to allow the Holy Spirit to inform me.

Another thing that I have discovered is that once I release the need for others to agree with me, and once I let the Holy Spirit correct my thinking, I can look at the issues involved without judging them or the people involved. Without judgment, I can look at the facts of the issues without attachment, so I am no longer outraged and no longer projecting onto others.

Another thing we can do is to notice how we feel when we see political posts. Does it make us feel angry, outraged even? Do we feel separate from those who designed them? Do they make us feel angry at the “other side”? This is a chance to allow the mind to be corrected, to choose love rather than fear.

Do we feel reluctant to give up our anger or do we justify our right to argue our point? Do we still feel like someone is guilty? Do we feel resistance to the idea of not following the posts we agree with? This is just another opportunity to be healed. All these things we want are just a matter of faulty categorizing and they are costing us our peace of mind. Instead, we can decide that being right is not worth it. We can stop keeping this dark place in our mind away from the Holy Spirit and give it to Him to heal, instead. Then we will be free to follow His guidance instead of being slave to our ego thinking.

Regardless of what is going on in the world, my purpose is clear now. I am to choose between love and fear in every situation and allow the Holy Spirit to do the sorting and categorizing. He has only two categories and they are not right and wrong. He sees only that it is either true or is it false.

For a little while I became inflamed by the situation, then I asked for healing. Now, I feel differently. I am no longer categorizing with the ego and so I have stopped looking for who is right and who is wrong. I will not try to influence the outcome through manipulation of emotions or arguing, but through accepting the Atonement for myself in this situation and thus strengthening the choice for God within the mind. This will lead to the peace of God, which will not be affected by what happens in the world. Once there is enough healing within the mind, the world itself will be at peace and we will experience the real world that is promised us.

“There is nothing they (miracles) cannot do, but they cannot be performed in the spirit of doubt or fear.”

I was reading this in my journal from a few years ago. I had forgotten about this and it was nice to revisit it.

When Jesus says miracles cannot be performed in doubt or fear, I understand the reason that sometimes it seems I cannot perform them. When I see that physical healing is needed and I wonder if I am supposed to do this, or if I just cannot believe that this can be healed, at least by me, this blocks the healing.

Yesterday, I got the chance to witness what happens when fear is removed. I have talked about the house I bought and the work being done. As I mentioned in before, the roofing materials were stolen, so I had to buy them all over again. I did not go into fear about this, and I trusted that all would work out exactly as it should.

Since I was not fearful, my mind was clear when it came to the thieves. I did not feel angry or resentful of them, and instead, I realized how painful it must be to live with such fear of lack that you think your survival depends on taking what others have. I pray for their healing as I pray that my mind be healed of any such beliefs. Their healing is my healing because healing spreads throughout the mind. If I were fearful about the loss myself, fear would block love and defensiveness would make the belief in separation stronger within the mind.

Yesterday, I realized I was out of money, and I still have a lot to be done. When I saw the numbers, I felt a moment of panic. Not only was I short of money to finish the project, but also I didn’t have enough money to pay for what was done already. In spite of the panicky feeling, I also felt that current of truth that flows unchanged and unimpeded by ego. I knew that the panic was not the true thought in my mind, and when I asked for help, the Holy Spirit reminded me that there were other thoughts in the mind that I could look at.

So I turned my attention to those thoughts. I remembered that this script is written and my job is to see it with Christ Vision. The only purpose of the story is to show me where there is still a need to heal my mind. Other true thoughts were there, and the panic quickly faded away. I wanted to know how I could use this situation to heal our mind. I also needed to know how to deal with it in the story.

As I sat there in peace, I remembered that I have some money in a vacation account that I could use. Then I remembered another way I could get some money. During the day, money began to flow into my life in the most unexpected and remarkable ways. I didn’t do anything to create most of this flow; it just came into my life. I don’t know if it will be enough, but I trust that flow. Why should it stop before the project is complete?

One of the things I was to learn from this situation is that fear blocks the flow of love, and removing fear allows it to move into my life in whatever way I think I need it. In this situation, the most useful way for love to show up was as money, and so that is what happened. I will use the money to finish the project because that is what’s needed in this story of Myron’s life, but what I felt was love washing over me just because I allowed it. It was an incredible feeling.

© 2019, Pathways of Light.
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Gentle Healing Lesson 118, Manual for Teachers, Text.  4-2-19

Lesson 118

(105) God’s peace and joy are mine.
(106) Let me be still and listen to the truth.

Again, I am reminded that peace and joy are mine and all I have to do is accept them in exchange for what I chose instead. So, just as I have been doing for years now, I notice what I have chosen to believe that is opposite to the beliefs in peace and joy. I then choose to let those beliefs go and instead to accept new beliefs, beliefs that are true rather than false.

As I read this and contemplate it, I am drawn to the realization that I made substitutes for happiness and peace. This infers a deliberate act and I choose to own that decision so that I can decide again with confidence that my decisions have power and they affect me in profound ways.

I do not have an abundance of choices. Either I decide for God or I decide for the ego. When I decide for God, I receive all that is attributable to God, love, peace, and joy because they are also attributable to me. They are mine and I claim them now.

I am forming a helpful habit of stopping in the midst of my day of doing to just be. I stop the ego voices in my head and simply rest in God for a moment or two. This gives the Holy Spirit a chance to get a word in edgewise. Its message is always some form of reassurance that I am God the Son and I am perfect just as I am.

I am still and I listen to this truth and apply it as my day goes on. Sometimes it shows up as a reminder that I can choose happiness right now. Sometimes it is a reminder that I am loved and that it is safe for me to love in return. It is truly a might Voice for Truth and it is mine.

Regina’s Tips

~ When nothing was coming right away, the thought would be, “I’m not going to get anything out of this quote. It’s too straightforward. There’s nothing more to be had here.” Or maybe the thought would be, “I don’t understand this quote at all.

How am I supposed to get something out of this?” (How is what I am thinking now helping to block contemplation and serve the ego illusion?)

~ When something came very quickly, the thought would be, “That came too fast. That’s just me, not wisdom.” (How is what I am thinking now helping to block contemplation and serve the ego illusion?)

~ When flowery poetic language came, the thought would be, “I’m just writing this to impress others. It’s not genuine.” (How is what I am thinking now helping to block contemplation and serve the ego illusion?)

~ When plain and simple language came, the thought would be, “This isn’t anything. I’m just not good enough to receive something real.” (How is what I am thinking now helping to block contemplation and serve the ego illusion?)

~ When something came through feeling or a silent knowing, and I came up with the words to describe it, the thought would be, “I should hear words.” (How is what I am thinking now helping to block contemplation and serve the ego illusion?)


You get the point. In order to allow contemplation, you need to be able to ignore the ego’s attempts to block contemplation, regardless of what those attempts look like.

My Thoughts

I sometimes wonder if I am listening to a higher voice than my ego, but I just stop for a moment to reestablish my intent to hear the Voice for God and then I go on.

Manual for Teachers
As my eyes show me the world, I see nothing but differences. For instance, people are different colors. But what does that mean? It could mean anything or nothing. It could mean that I find it delightful to see these various shades of color, much in the way I love planting different flowers of many colors. Someone else might see different skin tones as threatening, not like them and so that person might be uncomfortable around so much variety. Someone else could have no feelings about it at all.

What it means is up to the one looking. We decide with our mind what it means and then the world seems to show it to us according to our desire. I think it would be a very distressing way to live if I felt threatened by everything that wasn’t like me. I also think that I would find the proof I was looking for if I believed that people of different color or cultures or countries were threatening. I would find that proof, not because it was inherently true, but because I put it there.

I put it there with my beliefs. The eyes don’t really see at all, they simply report to us what we want to be there. Things in the world do not have meaning except as we give it meaning. Our mind evaluates the message and so only the mind is responsible for seeing. I can change my mind about what I want to see and I will start seeing differently. I wonder what it would be like to see through the eyes of Christ, to see what is truly there. Of course, the eyes can’t show me this, but my mind can.

8:III “If you want understanding and enlightenment you will learn it, because your decision to learn it is the decision to listen to the Teacher Who knows of light, and can therefore teach it to you.”

I was telling a friend recently, that sometimes I know what I am. And then sometimes, I feel like Myron, this body, this personality, and when that happens, I feel like a beginner. I feel like I am in first grade and will never get to second grade. But how could that be true? No matter what I feel like I must be as God created me. I must be what God Wills for me.”

What I see is that the only difference between the two states, feeling like I am the Will of God and feeling like I am my ego self, is the teacher I am listening to. When I feel lost or hopeless the only thing wrong with me is that I am listening to and believing the ego thoughts in my mind. The truth doesn’t go anywhere just because I am not paying attention to it.

I will have enlightenment if enlightenment is what I want. I will have it because it is always there waiting for me and because I have the Holy Spirit Who was made for this. He teaches perfectly and continuously because it is His function. He teaches joyously and I can learn joyously, as well. As I remind myself of the truth and turn my face toward the light, the very idea of failure becomes ludicrous. I remember to ask that my perception be corrected, and I see that was the only problem, my perception was out of alignment with the truth.

It requires practice to learn to ignore the thinking mind, but it can be done. I practice every day. To the degree I am successful, I am happy and peaceful. Don’t believe your ego thoughts!

© 2019, Pathways of Light.
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Gentle Healing Lesson 117, Manual for Teachers, Text.  4-1-19

Lesson 117

(103) God, being Love, is also happiness.
(104) I seek but what belongs to me in truth.

There is only love as there is only God. Everything else is an illusion. Knowing What Is brings joy, knowing what is not real brings temporary pleasure at best and suffering is a certainty. I have one foot in humanity, but that is not my reality. I have the strength of God in me because that is my reality. I can choose to live as if I am only human, or I can choose to live as close to my true nature as is possible.

I choose love in every moment and I am choosing happiness and I am moving closer to Who I Am. In seeking joy, I am seeking my own true nature. In this practice of deciding to be happy and deciding to love everything and to be love in every way possible, I am merely being my Self.

The self I thought I was could not make a decision for happiness because she thought that her feelings were out of her control. Because she believed this, she would not even try. But I have transcended that self at least enough to do this one thing, to decide for happiness regardless of circumstances.

I still have to choose and then choose again at times, but mostly, it only requires that one thought, I decide. Not only is my life better, but I am aware of myself in a different way now. I am not learning to control anything or to become something else, I am simply accepting what was mine and what I always have been.

Regina’s Tips

Regina shared an article called “How I Discovered Meditative Self-Inquiry” by Adyashanti

In this article he explains the steps he takes in contemplation. He begins with a question. He writes only what he knows then he stops and waits for more to come. He never writes a word he does not absolutely know to be true.  He starts out writing as if he were teaching and he would write until he had exhausted what he knew from his own experience on the subject.

He said: Sometimes I would sit right at that place for many minutes, sometimes half an hour, sometimes two hours … but I would not write the next word until I knew that it was true and it was accurate. What I found was that the only way to move was to hold still, right there at the edge of my knowledge, and feel into my mind and my body at that threshold. Not to think about the question. Not to go into a lot of philosophizing in mind. But literally to kinesthetically hold at that boundary between what I knew and what was beyond what I knew. And what I found was that by holding at that boundary … by feeling it, by sensing it, by knowing that I wanted to move beyond it … that eventually the next word or sentence would come. When it did, I would write it down. Sometimes I would write no more than half a sentence before I would know, right in the middle, that I had hit the boundary again. I would stop again and I would wait. I’d hold at the boundary.

He went on like this until he had his answer.

My Thoughts

This feels very familiar to me. This is similar to what I usually do. I begin by writing what I know and I try to stick to my experience of it because how do I know what is beyond my experience? If I don’t feel complete, I ask for clarity. My asking is directed at the Holy Spirit, or to say it differently, to my Higher Self.

I know that all understanding is available to us, but it is obscured if we are trying to use our thinking mind to access it. I think the difference between what I do and Adyashanti is that he is probably a lot more careful when he questions himself. I am looser about it, doing my best to write from within rather than to write from my thinking mind, but I am not sure I always succeed.

Manual for Teachers

“The mind therefore seeks to make it true out of its intensity of desire to have it for itself.”

What do I want that is so intensely desired that an entire world was imagined to satisfy this desire? It seems that the wish was for a separate self, independent of God and my brothers. So, what do I gain for my efforts? I get to be different and special. I get needs that must be met and I get to decide how to do that, all by myself.

I have been watching TV lately. I acquired an Amazon Fire Stick, which gives me a lot more options for the types of shows I can watch. What I have noticed is that I like mysteries. I like them in my books as well. I like to unravel or even watch the mystery unravel.

It occurs to me that this mirrors part of the appeal of the world we made. It is filled with mysteries I get to unravel, some as simple as deciding on the brand of toothpaste is best and as urgent as deciding how to deal with a serious problem. In fact, the world presents me with an unending stream of problems for me to solve.

Sometimes I am the hero and sometimes I am the failure. But it is always me, alone, independently making decisions. I have treasured that independence, that separate, special self.

What I have discovered is that it is all a farce. I have never been separate and never been independent. There is no world in which I play out this fantasy. There is only an imagined world seeming to appear in the gap I pretend exists between all things. And even that was dreamed up long ago and is only an ancient memory.

This world of separation was a thought in the mind that existed hardly an instant. I pretend to bring it to life by remembering it and I fool myself into believing I am living in it, all so that I can act as if I am a separate self, making plans and deciding on my own and making things happen. What a goof I am. I used to think this was my super power. Now I think my superpower is my ability to awaken from this soured dream of separation and to live from this awakened state, to live a life of gratitude and happiness.

The only way I will ever be perfectly happy and perfectly peaceful is if I unite my will with God’s Will. The way I accomplish this is to notice what I want instead of God’s Will and then ask the Holy Spirit to heal my mind, that is to accept the Atonement for that error in thinking. This is the Holy Spirit’s job, and only what I learn from Him will release my will.

When the Atonement has been accomplished there will be no experience except joy and peace. The only thing that blocks this is the wish for some other experience. What experience could I want that is more important to me than uninterrupted peace and perfect joy? The perplexity that I feel when I think about that occurs because I am confused about what makes me happy.

Here are ideas that used to block me. I would think that if I were thinner and never had to worry about how what I eat affects my body, then I would be happy. I used to think I needed the experience of being loved and respected by my children. Being loved and respected is not the problem. Believing that this is an experience I must have to be happy is the problem.

I used to believe I had to have money and good health in order to be happy. As it turns out, neither is important to my happiness. I prefer to have both, but I can be happy regardless. I used to think my kids had to be ok for me to be happy. I discovered that I can be happy for their challenges just as I am happy for their successes. I can be happy that I am part of their story even when it is a challenging story. I can be happy for the miracle the challenge offers.

What I discovered is that the belief I needed certain things in the world to happen, and that I could somehow accomplish these things on my own, are the very things that were blocking my joy and happiness. These beliefs represent my willfulness, my belief that I want the experience of a personal will rather than that I share the Will of God.

I don’t know what I need or how to get it. The Holy Spirit does know and will teach me if I ask, and if I let go of the belief I already know the answer.

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Listen & Receive 30-Day Home Study Listen & Receive 30-Day Home Study Learn to receive insight for your life in a form that is perfect for you …heal fears, find joy & peace. Learn more.

Hey, Holy Spirit, It's Me Again by Rev. Myron Jones. An indispensible guide for anyone on the path of ACIM with insights on the 1st 90 lessons. More…

True Forgiveness True Forgiveness by Rev. Jennifer McSween. The Proven Path from Pain to Power and personal happiness in 5 Simple Steps. Learn more.

From the Christ Mind From the Christ Mind scribed by Darrell Morley Price. A simple, yet profound message that you can immediately apply to current circumstances. More….

Eternal Life and A Course in Miracles Eternal Life and A Course in Miracles by Jon Mundy, Phd. A Path to Eternity in the Essential Text. Sale, 32% discount. Learn more.

Forgiving KevinForgiving Kevin Audio book by Rev. Larry Glenz. A moving and inspiring true story of a father/son relationship that withstood seven years of addiction, recovery, and relapse. More….

Healing Family RelationshipsHealing Family Relationships Applying the Principles of A Course in Miracles 6 CD audio book by Rev. Myron Jones. Learn how family relationships offer fertile grounds for forgiveness and healing your judgments of the world. More.