Together, We Light the Way

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Study of Manual for Teachers 6-19-12

1 This manual is not intended to answer all questions that both teacher and pupil may raise. In fact, it covers only a few of the more obvious ones, in terms of a brief summary of some of the major concepts in the text and workbook. It is not a substitute for either, but merely a supplement. While it is called a manual for teachers, it must be remembered that only time divides teacher and pupil, so that the difference is temporary by definition. In some cases, it may be helpful for the pupil to read the manual first. Others might do better to begin with the workbook. Still others may need to start at the more abstract level of the text.

When students new to the Course come to me, they inevitably ask where to start. Back in the old days, when I thought I knew something, (not really that long ago, truth be told) I would tell them. What I told them, of course, was what I was guided to do, and what has my guidance to do with them? We each have the Holy Spirit within us to be our guide and no one needs someone else to do that. We each have a specific path to follow and only the Holy Spirit knows what that is.

When I started the Course, luckily, I didn’t have anyone to advice me. I picked up the book and started at the beginning like any good little Virgo would. And that was absolutely perfect for me. I was completely enthralled, and couldn’t have put it down if I wanted to, at least until I got to the part where I didn’t understand anything I was reading, but that was ok, too. At this point there was nowhere to go but to the lessons, and that was perfect, too.

I had a lot more trouble with the lessons. I redid the first two sections over and over again because I would come to my line of resistance. I didn’t see it like that at the time. The ego said I was lazy, I didn’t want it bad enough, I shouldn’t be doing it, I couldn’t do it, I should be ashamed. I believed it all, and would put the book down in guilt and fear, but I could not undo what I already knew, and so would pick it up again. I eventually pushed that line of resistance back further and further, but still did not do the lessons all the way through for a very long time.

It wasn’t until I did get through the lessons that everything began to change and so I highly recommend doing them, but I no longer presume the Holy Spirit’s role and tell anyone how or when. I also no longer look back on my journey and think that there was anything wrong about the way I did it, or even my timing. It was obviously perfect for me, and while I can see from the perspective of time the how and why of a lot of it, that doesn’t matter either. However, I have noticed that it can be helpful to others who are faltering to share my experience of stumbling through it, not to mention it keeps me humble. ~smile~

What helped me to finally get through the lessons was finding Pathways of Light. They had a forum at the time that allowed the opportunity to do the lessons with others and to share our experience. I was so happy to have someone to share this journey that I never wanted to get behind, so I was motivated to stay on course. Another thing I learned through Pathways was that anyone can communicate with the Holy Spirit. So I asked the Holy Spirit to help me go through the lessons again with His help, and I began to journal as I went. Again, everything changed.

Listening to the Holy Spirit, learning to trust that Voice, has helped me to reach the point where I can say with certainty and humility that I am a teacher of God. I am an imperfect teacher, but then, aren’t we all. I also understand and completely accept that this does not make me special. We are all teachers, and eventually we all become teachers of God. It is just a matter of time, and time doesn’t really exist. One person seems to be there while another seems to still be in resistance, and the important word in this sentence is “seems.” The difference is temporary, and as unreal as time itself.

2 Which is for which? Who would profit more from prayers alone? Who needs but a smile, being as yet unready for more? No one should attempt to answer these questions alone. Surely no teacher of God has come this far without realizing that. The curriculum is highly individualized, and all aspects are under the Holy Spirit’s particular care and guidance. Ask and He will answer. The responsibility is His, and He alone is fit to assume it. To do so is His function. To refer the questions to Him is yours. Would you want to be responsible for decisions about which you understand so little. Be glad you have a Teacher Who cannot make a mistake. His answers are always right. Would you say that of yours?

Jesus could not be any clearer. It is not my job to decide what to say or do for anyone. I don’t have any way of knowing what a person needs. My responsibility is to ask the Holy Spirit what I am to do, what I am to say. It is His responsibility to give me direction. From time to time I think I know the answer on my own, or more likely, I am attached to an answer and want it to be right. This never works out.

I always regret taking this responsibility. The ego is never interested in setting its own separate interests aside. It doesn’t believe in unity of purpose because it doesn’t believe in unity. Its only goal is separation so it will always see separate interests, and so its answer will not be foster oneness, but separation. But, oh, how it argues for its answer, insisting that, this time, the answer is obvious. It especially hates silence, so when I am not directed to respond, the ego is very uncomfortable and brings out its most clever responses to tempt me.

It is not hard to get an answer from the Holy Spirit because He wants you to have it. I thought for the longest time that I couldn’t find the key to that secret. I accepted that He was answering me, but I couldn’t figure out how to hear Him. I knew it was possible because I knew so many people with Pathways of Light that heard the Voice all the time and took it for granted everyone could hear it.

It was very frustrating and upsetting to me. The ego insisted that I wasn’t worthy and at the same time, that I was guilty for not being able to hear the Voice for God. But I trusted the Voice was there and, in spite of my doubts and fears, I kept trying.

The Holy Spirit brought me exactly what I needed as I became willing to accept it. The Holy Spirit will meet us exactly where we are, wherever that might be. One morning as I tried once again to become meditative and to hear that small quiet Voice in my mind, and once again heard nothing, I just sat and cried and cried. I felt desolate and alone and so afraid that I alone would never know God’s Will for me.

I had a lovely crystal pendulum. I didn’t know much about pendulums, but I had seen someone do remarkable things with one so I had been I had been playing with it from time to time, and found it responsive. When I finally stopped crying, I reached for the pendulum. I asked a question or two, then without thinking about it, I said, “God, I love You.” The pendulum began to swing in a large emphatic circle. I knew in my heart that it was God saying He loved me, too. I cried again, more than ever, but in happiness. I could hear the Holy Spirit, and God did love me!

I tried using the pendulum again for that purpose but it didn’t work for me. The Holy Spirit didn’t want our communication to be limited in that way. So I asked for more help and that very day I got a call from a man who said his name was DavidPaul Doyle and that he and his wife, Candace, had written a book, The Journey That Never Was, about hearing the Holy Spirit. He asked if I would like to have a copy.

Their book was instrumental in helping me to gain confidence in myself and their matter of fact acceptance of that Voice and their trust that everyone could easily hear it, helped bolster my confidence as well. I think I identified with DavidPaul because, like me, he struggled with it, but he did succeed and so I took that to be a message from Holy Spirit to take heart, that it would be ok.

I found that Voice in me through writing. I would ask questions and then begin to write and the answers I got did not come from anything I knew or would have said. Writing was a very helpful tool for me because my very active ego thinking mind would not be still long enough for me to get an answer if I just sat there waiting for it. It would wander off in the middle of a thought. Writing helped me to hold my focus. The more I did this the better I became at listening, and at being able to differentiate between the ego and Holy Spirit.

I still use this method when I am having trouble accepting an answer and want to get the ego out of the way. I still ask Holy Spirit to guide my words when I do my writing for my posts and when I write a book. But now I also ask for His guidance when speaking to others, and often during the day for whatever decisions I make, even the little ones that seem unimportant.

Regina said one time that there are only two voices so I am always either asking the ego or Holy Spirit. That makes perfect sense and I want to get into the habit of calling on only that One real Voice. I want to learn to step aside from the ego and allow my entire life to be lived by God, not by ego.

Looking back on the whole process I see that I don’t have to learn to hear His Voice, I just need to want that Voice more than I want to hear the ego. I must trust that His Voice wants to be heard and so it is possible. Then it’s just a matter of practice as I become more proficient at doing so.

It got easier as I let go of the idea I had to be careful or I would listen to the wrong voice, that I would make a mistake, that I would become confused. I just ask for guidance and expect it. If I get it wrong sometimes, that’s ok. I got it wrong most of my life prior to this so that’s nothing new. ~smile~  I have built more perfect trust as I practiced and now I simply expect His answer and so I receive it.

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Study of Manual for Teachers 6-18-12

6 These things await us all, but we are not prepared as yet to welcome them with joy. As long as any mind remains possessed of evil dreams, the thought of hell is real. God’s teachers have the goal of wakening the minds of those asleep, and seeing there the vision of Christ’s face to take the place of what they dream. The thought of murder is replaced with blessing. Judgment is laid by, and given Him Whose function judgment is. And in His Final Judgment is restored the truth about the holy Son of God. He is redeemed, for he has heard God’s Word and understood its meaning. He is free because he let God’s Voice proclaim the truth. And all he sought before to crucify are resurrected with him, by his side, as he prepares with them to meet his God.

I noted that Jesus said that as long as any mind remains possessed of evil dreams, the thought of hell is real. The reason that each and every person must be free is that we share the same mind, and so all thoughts belong to all of us. It’s the reason it is so silly to judge anyone or anything, because we are actually judging the visual representation of what is in our mind.

Again, I am reminded that salvation is not personal. It only seems that way because that is my focus, but we are one and so salvation is one, or it is not complete. When I am in my right mind I see each suffering person as representing my own suffering (because they are) and I want healing for that person. When I am in my wrong mind, I want to point the finger and make that person wrong instead of me.

When I hear someone say, “There but for the grace of God, goes me,” I think, “there I go” and ask the Holy Spirit to heal both the mind that thinks it suffers, and the mind that thinks that it is someone else who suffers. The resurrection occurs only as each and everyone of us, each part of the one mind, is awakened from the dream of separation. It is only when there is no separation thought in all of the mind that it is in perfect peace.

This understanding changes everything about the way I see others and my response to them. The word “others” doesn’t even make sense, but its hard to speak absolute truth in the world of shifting symbols so I’m not going to try. When I see someone tormented by their unquestioned thoughts I will not be able to see him as bad, or feel sorry for him, or think he needs to do something to get better. I will think that I need to heal that belief in the mind.

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Study of Manual for Teachers 6-17-12

5 Now there are no distinctions. Differences have disappeared and Love looks on Itself. What further sight is needed? What remains that vision could accomplish? We have seen the face of Christ, His sinlessness, His Love behind all forms, beyond all purposes. Holy are we because His Holiness has set us free indeed! And we accept His Holiness as ours; as it is. As God created us so will we be forever and forever, and we wish for nothing but His Will to be our own. Illusions of another will are lost, for unity of purpose has been found.

I remember those hidden pictures that used to be so popular. I had one that was poster sized. I would look and look at it and all I saw was a lot of colored dots. Slowly as I held my head this way and that, squinted my eyes just right, a picture began to take form. Then suddenly I could see a dolphin jumping out of the water. Once I saw it, it was obvious and I had no trouble seeing it from then on.

I envision the resurrection like this, only the opposite way. There is a picture of all these different forms, people and trees and houses, clouds and mountains and on and on. I see stories of anger, fear, guilt, rage, depression.  Each of these pictures within the picture seems separate and distinct.

Slowly, as I do my practices and let go of my usual way of seeing things, the different forms dissolve into each other and there is only light, many lights blending into each other to form a single, pure and blazing light. For awhile I can shift back and forth, first seeing forms and then easily seeing that the forms are really a single light.

In my blindness, I love this one because he fills a perceived need. I love to hate that one because he is the one I project my rage onto. This place symbolizes stability for me. That place seems to be my own personal hell, the punishment I so deserve for my many sins. Each of the forms within my story are discrete, and each serves a different purpose for me.

As I forgive this picture of the world, and my vision clears, I see only Christ, innocent and One. With only one purpose I have no need to shatter the Son into millions of pieces. I see the light behind the forms as I accept the innocence, the sameness, the holiness that is each thing, and I let go of my many purposes I have for them and accept there is only one purpose.

Today, I look at time. I have given it the purpose of proving I am victim. Time seems to chase me, barking and snapping at my heels, a constant threat as I try to stuff too many things into a day. I am willing to see this differently. I am willing to that time is innocent and so am I, and so is the day.

I give it all to the Holy Spirit and trust that as I release my will to have things a certain way, that time will be made for all that matters. I have given time the purpose of binding and limiting me. But in His hands time is elastic and malleable as it serves His single purpose. We made time to imprison God’s Son, but the Holy Spirit uses time to help us awaken.

It’s the same with all my miscreations. As soon as I become willing to acknowledge that I see amiss, I am given Vision. I let go of my own perceived purpose for a thing, and I see a single purpose and with that single purpose comes clarity and peace.

© 2012, Pathways of Light.
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Study of Manual for Teachers 6-16-12

4 All living hearts are tranquil with a stir of deep anticipation, for the time of everlasting things is now at hand. There is no death. The Son of God is free. And in his freedom is the end of fear. No hidden places now remain on earth to shelter sick illusions, dreams of fear and misperceptions of the universe. All things are seen in light, and in the light their purpose is transformed and understood. And we, God’s children, rise up from the dust and look upon our perfect sinlessness. The song of Heaven sounds around the world, as it is lifted up and brought to truth.

As I continue my day-to-day practice of mind watching, and giving my willingness to be corrected, I am actually hastening the resurrection. My focus seems to be on my own personal resurrection, but there is nothing personal. There is nothing that is just Myron’s. When I say “my” body, I simply mean it is the body that is my focus at this time. “My” mind is the part of the mind that I am aware of at this time. We are one appearing as many. The idea of personal, ownership, and every other concept of separation is what is being undone to bring us to the resurrection, the day we rise from the idea of death to embrace Life.

Here is a simple example of how I am learning that I don’t want to cling to the idea of death. I have a large yard and on three sides I have thick hedges. I step out into my yard and enjoy the illusion of being in my own little kingdom. Recently, the hedges have been overrun with vines that were killing them, and my friend, Mary, who does my yard work, began the laborious job of pulling out the vines so the bushes can breathe.

I’m usually gone when this happens and when I got home the other day I was dismayed to see that there were huge gaps in my hedges. It seems that some of the bushes did not survive and had to be removed. Mary planted some new bushes in their place, but they are small and will take awhile to fill in the empty places.  I really hate looking at the hedges now. I look over and I see my neighbor’s yards. I feel exposed.

This has been an interesting experience for me because that feeling of being exposed is a perfect reflection of an inward fear. I seem to be very transparent as I write about my personal journal, but I pick and choose what it is I share. There are still things I do not write about, there are things about myself that I do not want to expose. I keep myself separate from my brothers and sisters with my secrets, just as I try to keep myself separate from my neighbors with my hedges.

There is still an expanse of hedge that Mary has not cleared. A part of me wants to say “Stop, leave me some cover at least!” Its too late though, because we have gone too far on this project and to leave this bit undone would just look weird. Again it reflects an inward condition. Sometimes when I post something I wrote and it is not accepted by someone, I feel exposed and vulnerable in the same way I do when I look at my bare hedges.

This feeling of needing to hide is a form of death. The need to be separate, the fear of being judged, these are death. Holy Spirit, I ask you to look at this with me and heal my mind from the belief that death is salvation.  I have lived with this sick illusion for as long as I care to, and am ready to release the fearful thought that sourced it. I am ready to be free. I am ready to live.

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Study of Manual for Teachers 6-15-12

3 Here the curriculum ends. From here on, no directions are needed. Vision is wholly corrected and all mistakes undone. Attack is meaningless and peace has come. The goal of the curriculum has been achieved. Thoughts turn to Heaven and away from hell. All longings are satisfied, for what remains unanswered or incomplete? The last illusion spreads across the world, forgiving all things and replacing all attack. The whole reversal is accomplished. Nothing is left to contradict the Word of God. There is no opposition to the truth. And now the truth can come at last. How quickly will it come as it is asked to enter and envelop such a world!

Obviously, we need a curriculum of some sort at this time. It can be A Course in Miracles, or something else, but we do need help right now to guide us from the confusion of our own thoughts. We are ancient and in all that time we have, with only a few exceptions, failed to find our way free. With the help of the Holy Spirit and those very few who have gone before us, we are beginning to awaken in greater numbers.

We are standing on the verge of a great awakening. Now we study and practice and enjoy the process of allowing the mind to heal, but it will come that all of this effort is no longer needed. We will reach the end of it and each of us within the Sonship will be ready to accept the miracle of healing.

We will see truly with Christ’s Vision. No more individual perceptions of a person or situation, but true vision that does not change person to person, or with the circumstances. That is hard to imagine. I can sit now with a group of like-minded friends to discuss a single thing and we each see it from a different perspective. Our perspectives may be more closely aligned than if the discussion took place with a random selection of people, but there will be differences.

A Course in Miracles is a curriculum designed to help us let go of differences through aligning our minds with the One Will of God, and yet within any community of Course students there will be differences in the way even the Course is interpreted and understood. These different perspectives lead to opinions and arguments, and even if nothing is said, there is thought of right or wrong interpretation. When there is only one will and all vision is corrected, it will be as if we all see through one clear, unwavering eye.

Our curiosity will be satisfied. We will have experienced the idea of separation, all possibilities will have been explored, and the time will have come to turn as one from the separation idea to Truth. We will have forgiven all the crazy ideas that emerged from this innocent questioning of possibilities.

Fear and guilt will fall away, and with them all idea of attack and defense will be left behind as the toys of youth are abandoned when the child has outgrown them. With the coming of knowledge perception will have no place in the mind, and without conflicting perception there will be no basis for comparison, competition, anger, or war of any sort. Because we have allowed the Holy Spirit to reinterpret our experience, peace spreads across the world and our dreams become a single happy dream.

From where I am right now I can imagine this happening, but I cannot imagine it happening any time soon. My mind is still deeply embroiled in separation thoughts. It is clearer than when I started this Myron story, but it has not awakened yet, and I still see separation everywhere I look. So I continue to do my part to bring us closer to a complete awakening as I watch my thoughts, give my willingness to the Holy Spirit, and accept healing as I can.

My effort is directed toward forgiving what is in front of me, to allowing all opposition to truth within my own mind to fall away. This is my part and the only part I am to do. I trust that my part is essential to the whole and even though I cannot imagine how the end will be accomplished, I also trust that the Atonement is being perfectly directed from a perspective I cannot imagine. 


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Study of Manual for Teachers 6-14-12

2 The resurrection is the denial of death, being the assertion of life. Thus is all the thinking of the world reversed entirely. Life is now recognized as salvation, and pain and misery of any kind perceived as hell. Love is no longer feared, but gladly welcomed. Idols have disappeared, and the remembrance of God shines unimpeded across the world. Christ’s face is seen in every living thing, and nothing is held in darkness, apart from the light of forgiveness. There is no sorrow still upon the earth. The joy of Heaven has come upon it.

The resurrection as described here refers to the awakening of the mind from its long dream. Jesus talks about the thinking of the world being reversed, and the remembrance of God shining across the world. It says that there is no sorrow upon the earth. My part in bringing this transformation about is to becoming entirely willing for my heart to be transformed.

When I want this and nothing else, it will be done, and my transformation will bring light into other minds, and theirs will be transformed as well, and spread light to others. A strong chain of Atonement will be welded as we each follow our inner guidance as we heal. We will be led unerringly to those who are ready for our gift, and will be guided to say or do whatever will be most helpful to that person.

What I have discovered is that it seems easy to let go of the belief in death as a concept, but harder to let go of specific beliefs and desires that represent death. For instance, attack thoughts, judgments, guilt, fear, and depression are all thoughts of death. The desire for anything the world has to offer is a desire for death. The belief that letting these thoughts and desires go is a sacrifice, is the belief in death.

If someone judges me and I accept their judgment as true and respond by attacking myself or them, I have chosen death over life. If I realize what I have done and feel guilty for my error, I have chosen death. If I project the guilt and feel it is their fault that I feel guilty or feel bad about myself, I have chosen death.

These feelings are so pervasive in the mind that it seems impossible to be free of them, and yet, Jesus did, and he says that we can too. Others have accomplished what Jesus accomplished, and so proven that Jesus is not special, but simply the first to do this. He is the way-shower and we are meant to follow, and therefore can.

I don’t worry about the end result and how hard it is or how long it takes. I have been given all the help I need and simple processes to use to strengthen my willingness and my state of readiness. I am told that the actual healing will be done for me and that has been my experience.

One moment I am suffering because of my beliefs, I realize that I don’t want these beliefs anymore and that they hold no value for me, and the next moment my mind is free. The only thing I did was to desire healing more than I did the drama of the moment, desire healing more than the belief I had held to for so long.

Sometimes it feels really hard to let go. I used to be plagued with doubts when this happened. I thought maybe this whole Course was wrong. I thought maybe I was the exception to the rule that everyone can do this and no one can fail. I was afraid that my sins were unforgivable. Or I would think that while everyone could and would do this, maybe I just wasn’t ready.

Because I continued in spite of my fears, I watched my mind be healed over and over in ways I could not have done on my own, and so my faith grew with each miracle. Now, I still experience great resistance to letting go of some beliefs, but I never doubt it will be done.

I just keep handing it over to the Holy Spirit. I am nothing if not persistent and my persistence always pays off. If I let go sooner, I suffer less, but regardless of the timing, I always eventually, let go, and allow the miracle of healing to occur. This is my part in bringing time to an end and resurrection to the world.

© 2012, Pathways of Light.
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Study of Manual for Teachers 6-13-12


1 Very simply, the resurrection is the overcoming or surmounting of death. It is a re-awakening or a rebirth; a change of mind about the meaning of the world. It is the acceptance of the Holy Spirit’s interpretation of the world’s purpose; the acceptance of the Atonement for oneself. It is the end of dreams of misery, and the glad awareness of the Holy Spirit’s final dream. It is the recognition of the gifts of God. It is the dream in which the body functions perfectly, having no function except communication. It is the lesson in which learning ends, for it is consummated and surpassed with this. It is the invitation to God to take His final step. It is the relinquishment of all other purposes, all other interests, all other wishes and all other concerns. It is the single desire of the Son for the Father.

It seems that the resurrection is still part of the dream, but is a happier dream, one in which the ego belief system has been looked at, forgiven, and set aside. It is in this phase that all striving is done, all confusion about purpose is over. There is one desire and that is to know God. It is the invitation to God to take His final step.

We will all reach this phase in our awakening. It is inevitable. But each step must be taken in turn. The step itself may be protracted, or it may take only a moment, but it must be done. When A Course in Miracles says that we “need do nothing,” it is referring to the healing of the mind. That is done for us. In fact, you could say it is already done because nothing changed when we fell asleep other than our dream. So there really is nothing for us to do to be the Son of God we were created.

There is, however, much to undo. It was for a purpose that we were given that big blue book, with its many words and 365 lessons. My experience with it has been that all the words, all the lessons, all the practices have been absolutely essential for me, and all have been to bring me to the point that I want to remember what I have obscured in my mind.

I can only speak from my own experience, so here is the story of Myron waking up. ~smile~ These are the steps I have gone through. First I had to notice something was wrong, and conceive of the idea that there might be a better way. Then I had to give a little willingness to change my mind. This was a very protracted state for me as I had to make this decision repeatedly until the decision became stronger.

Contrast was a very helpful teaching aid during this phase. Many times I made a decision for God and felt peace, only to slip back into the ego for long periods where I again sampled the drama and confusion until it became too painful to bear. Then I would choose God again.

Next came vigilance and for me this felt like hard work, but the previous step, though it seemed over long to me, paid off. My determination was much stronger. I knew that what I had for so long accepted as “normal” was actually just a form of hell, and more importantly, I had a had a taste of happiness and peace, so I knew there was something else and that I wanted it.

During all of this I have been examining my thoughts and asking for healing. I have been given many tools to work with; practices, teachers, books and more. There were a lot of times when I doubted and then became afraid. There were many times when I chose the ego’s defenses and then realizing that his has never worked, returned to choosing God. I have gone back and forth many, many times until my certainty grew stronger and my desire for awakening more single minded.

From where I stand now it is easy to look back and see the patterns and be aware of all this. Trying to describe where I am now is harder. It’s like standing in the middle of the forest and trying to describe the parameters. I can only see what I have walked through and what is in my line of vision, but without the perspective of how each piece fits into the whole pattern it is hard for me to really understand and describe, even to myself.

I know that I am not what I seem and I know that I am ready to set aside all that I have believed. I also know that there is still some resistance to some of this, some bits that I seem attached to, but I know that it is just a matter of time. I never lose site of the truth. I might choose against if briefly, but even then I am aware of what I am doing, and I just return to my practice. Also I don’t get upset about my temporary set-backs, nor do I judge myself for them and that makes everything easier.

I’ve learned that I am not in charge of my awakening. I don’t decide what to work on next or how to do it. I wait for guidance in this and do my best to follow it. I have let go of the “need” to know or the “need” to be there. That is a lot more comfortable, too. I am noticing some of the things Jesus talks about. Even my body is functioning better as I less often use it for attack and defense and other forms of non-communication. I am happier and more peaceful and I have so much gratitude.

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True Forgiveness True Forgiveness by Rev. Jennifer McSween. The Proven Path from Pain to Power and personal happiness in 5 Simple Steps. Learn more.

From the Christ Mind From the Christ Mind scribed by Darrell Morley Price. A simple, yet profound message that you can immediately apply to current circumstances. More….

Eternal Life and A Course in Miracles Eternal Life and A Course in Miracles by Jon Mundy, Phd. A Path to Eternity in the Essential Text. Sale, 32% discount. Learn more.

Forgiving KevinForgiving Kevin Audio book by Rev. Larry Glenz. A moving and inspiring true story of a father/son relationship that withstood seven years of addiction, recovery, and relapse. More….

Healing Family RelationshipsHealing Family Relationships Applying the Principles of A Course in Miracles 6 CD audio book by Rev. Myron Jones. Learn how family relationships offer fertile grounds for forgiveness and healing your judgments of the world. More.