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My Role As a Teacher of God

In 916 Teacher of God, we are given a list of twelve ways we can serve the Holy Spirit as a teacher of God. I use these all the time to be sure that I am an effective teacher for Him. I contemplated each of these points with the Holy Spirit and the following is what I received.

1. I love all the Holy Spirit Loves.
I saw someone selling something and they were at the same time pushing their political agenda which is not mine. I felt myself moving away from them. I ask to see as Holy Spirit see and to love as He Loves. My ex-husband told me he stopped watching football in protest of the men taking a knee. My first thought was all about my opinion as opposed to his. Then the Holy Spirit showed me another way to see this. He loves football and looks forward to it every year. And yet, he gave it up to be true to his beliefs. It is so helpful to step out of our stories and see the lesson it holds for us. It is always going to be some form of love as opposed to judgment. I choose to love all the Holy Spirit Loves without regard to anything in their story.

2. I remember that only what is eternal is real.
I remind myself of this all the time. I remind myself that I am not living the life of Myron. I am watching the story of Myron that occurred billions of years ago in the moment we had the thought that separation might be a good idea. I remind myself that nothing that ends is real. It is just imagination projected as if it is something real, seen and felt as if it is real. Nothing physical is real. Nothing felt that is not Love is real. This is so helpful to remember. It allows me to detach from the story and all its emotional impact so that I can use it to awaken.

3. I serve the timeless.
I serve the timeless by not giving credence to the world of time. I use it for awakening without believing in it and thus reinforcing it in the mind we all share.

4. I bring peace to every relationship.
This is an ongoing process. I make every effort to bring peace to whatever relationship I am in whether it is a momentary relationship with someone I pass on the track as I take my daily walk, or a lifetime relationship as the ones with my family. My intention is that each relationship be peaceful and loving regardless of what is happening in the moment. Here is something I wrote about this morning in answer to a question regarding relationships.

Cate was writing about something that helps our understanding here. She was quoting Jesus in the Manual for Teachers. “2. The simplest level of teaching appears to be quite superficial. ²It consists of what seem to be very casual encounters; … a child who is not looking where he is going running into an adult…. ( | M-3.2:1-2)”

She was saying that we can treat each “bump” as a child running into an adult. So if someone cuts you off in traffic or steals everything in your house, you can see it as an assault if listening to the ego’s interpretation of the event. But if you choose to ask the Holy Spirit, you will see it differently. Some brother, acting on his fear, bumped into you. That is how I see that all things are the echo of the Voice for God if we care to hear it. Some fearful brother may be calling for love. Will we give him what he needs or will we condemn him and ourselves at the same time. Will we hear an attack (ego) or the echo for the Voice for God?

5. I look upon my brothers with complete forgiveness.
I do this most of the time and if I fail to do so, I ask for healing until I accept it. Eventually, I see them as they are in truth, perfect and whole and as God created them.

6. I see past mistakes rather than reinforce them.
This is what I do and the reason my mind is almost always at peace. I cannot be at peace if I am attacking the Son of God. I look past my mistakes and the mistakes of others. It is easy to do when I remember who we are and I always eventually remember this.

7. You see past suffering to the truth.
This used to be harder for me. When my children suffer there is still the immediate response of suffering with them. This isn’t helpful for any of us so I ask for another way to see the situation and I accept it as soon as I can. When I am suffering it is easier to remember the truth and I generally get there pretty quickly. I have been healing my mind of guilt because I have had so much pain in my body and I know that guilt drives us to punish the body. I find it easy to move past the feeling of suffering as I work to heal the mind. The ego really enjoys suffering and tries to bring it to my attention over and over but I am not interested.

8. I recognize illusions of separation as just shadows that are mistakes, not to be taken seriously.
This is true. I see myself separated from someone by our politics and I may feel something at first but soon it is just funny. It is funny that I would let some brief opinion that will fade away with the next big thing in the world of constantly shifting ideas keep me from Love.

9. I recognize that God’s Will is my will.
Oh, yes! Sure, I still experience the ego will trying to insert itself in my mind, but I know that is just a temporary aberration. There is no will but God’s Will.

10. As I serve God’s Will willingly, I remember that I am Spirit.
Again, yes! The more I serve God’s Will, the more I recognize that my will is the same as God’s Will and this awakens the memory of Who I Am.

11. As Spirit, I release myself and my brother by recognizing what is of true Value in my brother.
What is of true value in my brother is of true value in me because we are one. Only Love is of true value and we are only Love. I will not recognize it in myself if I refuse to see it in my brother. I will not see it in my brother if I refuse to recognize it in myself. We are inextricably tied to each other in this process because in actuality we are one.

12. As Spirit, I see my brother as my savior. As I see the truth in my brother, I awaken. I bring peace and release to the world.
I do see my brother as my savior. He is either supporting and loving me, or he is asking for the love that he needs. If he needs love and I give it to him, I know that I have love and am love. When I look past his ego words and behavior, I see the light in him and to see that light, I know it must also be in me. Knowing the love and light that is in me, I begin to know my Self and this awakens me. In my awakening, I am peaceful and since I can only give what I have, I give peace and release to the world.

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