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4 products found
  • 917: You Are in Heaven Now

    ACIM Practitioner Course in Binder with Mind Healing Partner & Certification

    Practice handing over all your false perceptions to the Holy Spirit to learn you are in Heaven now.

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    • $159.00
  • 917: You Are in Heaven Now Self-Study

    ACIM Practitioner Course in a binder — self-study only
    This course does not qualify for certification as a Mind Healing Partner

    Practice handing over all your false perceptions to the Holy Spirit to learn you are in Heaven now.

    IMPORTANT: If you will be working with a Mind Healing Partner please click here to register for the certified course.

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    • $75.00
  • 917e: You Are in Heaven Now Download

    ACIM Practitioner E-Course Download with Mind Healing Partner & Certification

    In this course we will work with answering the following questions: What is Heaven according to A Course in Miracles? Why do we avoid recognizing that we are in Heaven now? How does belief in time hinder our remembering that we are in Heaven? How do we break the destructive habit of holding on to the belief in a past and future as if it were real? How do we remember we are in Heaven? What are the benefits of remembering that we are in the Kingdom of Heaven now?

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    • $159.00
  • 917e: You Are in Heaven Now—self-study only

    ACIM Practitioner E-Course — self-study only
    This course does not include certification as a Mind Healing Partner

    In this course we will work with answering the following questions: What is Heaven according to A Course in Miracles? Why do we avoid recognizing that we are in Heaven now? How does belief in time hinder our remembering that we are in Heaven? How do we break the destructive habit of holding on to the belief in a past and future as if it were real? How do we remember we are in Heaven? What are the benefits of remembering that we are in the Kingdom of Heaven now?

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    • $75.00