Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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A Practice to Awaken to Love

You are one Self, united and secure in light and joy and peace. You are God’s Son, one Self, with one Creator and one goal; to bring awareness of this oneness to all minds, that true creation may extend the allness and the unity of God. You are one Self, complete and healed and whole, with power to lift the veil of darkness from the world, and let the light in you come through to teach the world the truth about yourself.

You are one Self, in perfect harmony with all there is, and all that there will be. You are one Self, the holy Son of God, united with your brothers in that Self; united with your Father in His Will. Feel this one Self in you, and let It shine away all your illusions and your doubts. This is your Self, the Son of God Himself, sinless as Its Creator, with His strength within you and His Love forever yours. You are one Self, and it is given you to feel this Self within you, and to cast all your illusions out of the one Mind that is this Self, the holy truth in you.

To everyone you meet today, be sure to give the promise of today’s idea and tell him this:

You are one Self with me, united with our Creator in this Self. I honor you because of What I am, and What He is, Who loves us both as One. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 95,W-pI.95.12-13;15:2-4. See also ACIM Lesson 95 Insights.)

Our one Self is Love and nothing else, for It is the creation of Love. Our one Self remains united with our Creator and therefore shares all of Its attributes. What is one is the same everywhere, with no differences, shadows or forms that could distinguish one part from another.

To perceive a part is to perceive separation, which cannot be contained in oneness. This uniformity of Love is what makes us whole and complete, invulnerable and in perfect peace. Whenever we experience any disturbance to our peace, perceive anything as different from What we are, we are believing in a false self-image.

The practice, today, of acknowledging that our one Self encompasses every brother and keeps us whole and safe is the way to remember the truth of What we are. It helps us forgive our mistaken self-image and open our minds to the inclusiveness of our one Self, which unites us with every brother and our Creator. It is the path of return to our eternal Home in Love.

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Returning to Our True Home

Can you imagine how beautiful those you forgive will look to you? In no fantasy have you ever seen anything so lovely. Nothing you see here, sleeping or waking, comes near to such loveliness. And nothing will you value like unto this, nor hold so dear. Nothing that you remember that made your heart sing with joy has ever brought you even a little part of the happiness this sight will bring you. For you will see the Son of God. You will behold the beauty the Holy Spirit loves to look upon, and which He thanks the Father for. He was created to see this for you, until you learned to see it for yourself. And all His teaching leads to seeing it and giving thanks with Him.

The real world is attained simply by the complete forgiveness of the old, the world you see without forgiveness. The great Transformer of perception will undertake with you the careful searching of the mind that made this world, and uncover to you the seeming reasons for your making it. In the light of the real reason that He brings, as you follow Him, He will show you that there is no reason here at all. Each spot His reason touches grows alive with beauty, and what seemed ugly in the darkness of your lack of reason is suddenly released to loveliness. Not even what the Son of God made in insanity could be without a hidden spark of beauty that gentleness could release. (A Course in Miracles, T-17.II.1;5. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

It is time to give up seeking happiness in the forms of the world. Happiness is an inside job because it is a gift already given us by our Creator. The world of separation made by the ego stands as a barrier that hides our happiness, peace and our limitless Love from our awareness.

The Holy Spirit, the great Transformer, is ever-present in our mind. If we choose His guidance, He will gently and lovingly guide us out of the chaotic world of images made by the ego as a substitute for the reality of changeless Love. He will help us ferret out the mistaken beliefs that hide the real world from our awareness and help us let them go.

Each time we forgive we take another step toward the bridge of return. At this bridge, where forgiveness is complete, we leave behind the fantasies of the world of separation and are drawn gently Home to the place where our joy and peace are complete and changeless. Today we welcome the Holy Spirit’s guidance, for we desire to return to our true Home.

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Freeing Ourselves to Be Love

In our remembrance of each other lies our remembrance of God. And in this remembrance lies your freedom because your freedom is in Him. Join, then, with me in praise of Him and you whom He created. This is our gift of gratitude to Him, which He will share with all His creations, to whom He gives equally whatever is acceptable to Him. Because it is acceptable to Him it is the gift of freedom, which is His Will for all His Sons. By offering freedom you will be free.

Freedom is the only gift you can offer to God’s Sons, being an acknowledgment of what they are and what He is. Freedom is creation, because it is love. Whom you seek to imprison you do not love. Therefore, when you seek to imprison anyone, including yourself, you do not love him and you cannot identify with him. When you imprison yourself you are losing sight of your true identification with me and with the Father. Your identification is with the Father and with the Son. It cannot be with One and not the Other. If you are part of One you must be part of the Other, because They are One. The Holy Trinity is holy because It is One. If you exclude yourself from this union, you are perceiving the Holy Trinity as separated. You must be included in It, because It is everything. Unless you take your place in It and fulfill your function as part of It, the Holy Trinity is as bereft as you are. No part of It can be imprisoned if Its truth is to be known. (A Course in Miracles, T-8.IV.7:6-8:13. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

We imprison ourselves and our brothers by believing we are separate identities. What is one cannot encompass separate identities because if separate identities were true, oneness would no longer exist. The most repeated Workbook lesson (201-220) asks us to remind ourselves, “I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.” Disconnecting our identification from the body sets us free to accept our Identity in the oneness of Love. It is letting go of limitation and accepting the limitlessness of the eternal universe of Love.

The Holy Spirit is one with the universe of Love, which encompasses God and all of His Creation. It is also the bridge between God and the split mind that dreams of separation and limitation. It is this Bridge which we must call upon to help us see past our mistaken beliefs and let them go. The ego is the idea of limitation and is incapable of guiding us to the recognition of oneness.

Today we call upon the Holy Spirit in our minds to help us see past our mistaken beliefs and see the truth of Love that is eternally present beyond all forms.

© 2018, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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All We Really Want Is the Peace of God

The mind which means that all it wants is peace must join with other minds, for that is how peace is obtained. And when the wish for peace is genuine, the means for finding it is given, in a form each mind that seeks for it in honesty can understand.

Today devote your practice periods to careful searching of your mind, to find the dreams you cherish still. What do you ask for in your heart? Forget the words you use in making your requests. Consider but what you believe will comfort you, and bring you happiness. But be you not dismayed by lingering illusions, for their form is not what matters now. Let not some dreams be more acceptable, reserving shame and secrecy for others. They are one. And being one, one question should be asked of all of them, “Is this what I would have, in place of Heaven and the peace of God?”

This is the choice you make. Be not deceived that it is otherwise. No compromise is possible in this. You choose God’s peace, or you have asked for dreams. And dreams will come as you requested them. Yet will God’s peace come just as certainly, and to remain with you forever. It will not be gone with every twist and turning of the road, to reappear, unrecognized, in forms which shift and change with every step you take.

You want the peace of God. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 185,W-pI.185.6:1-2;8:1-10.1. See also ACIM Lesson 185 Insights.)

It is helpful to know that if we seek for any form in the dream with the belief that the form will bring us comfort, happiness or safety, we are choosing against the peace of God. We are choosing a substitute for God’s Love that will never bring us lasting peace. Peace is found in the changelessness of Love.

Everything in the dream of separation changes and therefore is not a substitute for God’s peace. Because of the unreliability of the dream, the peace of God cannot be found there. This is why it is important for us to search our minds to identify the ways that we seek for comfort or happiness in the world.

To find the peace of God, we need to set aside these mistaken wishes and choose only to follow the Holy Spirit’s lead in all things. His guidance will always direct us to the remembrance that only Love is real and in God’s Love we have His peace. This is why all we really want is the peace of God.

© 2018, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Accepting the Love We Are

You are entitled to miracles because of what you are. You will receive miracles because of what God is. And you will offer miracles because you are one with God. Again, how simple is salvation! It is merely a statement of your true Identity. It is this that we will celebrate today.

Your claim to miracles does not lie in your illusions about yourself. …It is inherent in the truth of what you are. It is implicit in what God your Father is. It was ensured in your creation, and guaranteed by the laws of God.

Today we will claim the miracles which are your right, since they belong to you. You have been promised full release from the world you made. You have been assured that the Kingdom of God is within you, and can never be lost. We ask no more than what belongs to us in truth. Today, however, we will also make sure that we will not content ourselves with less.

Miracles do not obey the laws of this world. They merely follow from the laws of God. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 77,W-pI.77.1;2:1,3-5;3;4:4-5. See also ACIM Lesson 77 Insights.)

Miracles are extensions of Love. Love (God) created us like Itself by extending Love. The nature of Love is to eternally extend Love without limit. This is what our true Self is and does.

The thought system of belief in separation is an attempt to limit Love, which is impossible. Only illusions can make it seem that Love is limited by our belief in it. Reminding ourselves that we are entitled to miracles is a way to undo our belief that Love could be limited or withheld. We are entitled to extensions of Love because God has never stopped extending His Love to us, the one Self He created one with Himself. Proclaiming that we are entitled to miracles is proclaiming our true Identity.

In every moment everyone is entitled to Love because of What we all are. As we let Christ vision show us the Love beyond the images of the world, we learn that we remain as Love created us.

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The Path to Lasting Peace and Happiness

When you have learned to accept what you are [Love’s extension], you will make no more gifts to offer to yourself, for you will know you are complete, in need of nothing, and unable to accept anything for yourself [alone]. But you will gladly give, having received. The host of God need not seek to find anything.

If you are wholly willing to leave salvation to the plan of God and unwilling to attempt to grasp for peace yourself, salvation will be given you. Yet think not you can substitute your plan for His. Rather, join with me in His, that we may release all those who would be bound, proclaiming together that the Son of God is host to Him. Thus will we let no one forget what you would remember. And thus will you remember it.

Call forth in everyone only the remembrance of God, and of the Heaven that is in him [everyone]. For where you would have your brother be, there will you think you are. Hear not his appeal to hell and littleness [separation], but only his call for Heaven and greatness [call for Love]. Forget not that his call is yours, and answer him with me. (A Course in Miracles, T-15.III.10:7-12:4. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

Our true Self is Love, united with all in Love’s oneness. Our true Self is eternally complete, having all Love and needing nothing else because only Love is real. It is this Self we need to remember is What we are. God’s plan for our salvation, given us through the Holy Spirit, is simply to lead us out of the self-made limitations that come with belief in separation.

As we are willing to accept the Holy Spirit’s guidance, we learn that no form in the world will ever bring us lasting peace and happiness. No form in the world is permanent because it is an illusion. It can seem to make us happy in the present and a moment later seem to be lost. We have given every form in the world its meaning to us. Forms have no meaning of their own.

Holy Spirit will gently, patiently and lovingly teach us to recognize that all forms have no value, no true meaning and cannot content us. As we let go of the meaning we give forms, we make way for changeless Love to fill our hearts and bring us Home to Heaven.

© 2018, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Choosing the Strength of Christ in Us

Temptation has one lesson it would teach, in all its forms, wherever it occurs. [Temptation] would persuade the holy Son of God he is a body, born in what must die, unable to escape its frailty, and bound by what [the body] orders him to feel. It sets the limits on what he can do; its power is the only strength he has; his grasp cannot exceed its tiny reach. Would you be this, if Christ appeared to you in all His glory, asking you but this:

Choose once again if you would take your place among the saviors of the world, or would remain in hell, and hold your brothers there. [Thinking we and our brothers are separate bodies with separate minds.]

For He has come, and He is asking this.

How do you make the choice? How easily is this explained! You always choose between your weakness and the strength of Christ in you. And what you choose is what you think is real. Simply by never using weakness to direct your actions, you have given [weakness] no power. And the light of Christ in you is given charge of everything you do. For you have brought your weakness unto Him, and He has given you His strength instead.

Learn, then, the happy habit of response to all temptation to perceive yourself as weak and miserable with these words:

I am as God created me. His Son can suffer nothing. And I am His Son.

Thus is Christ’s strength invited to prevail, replacing all your weakness with the strength that comes from God and that can never fail. (A Course in Miracles, T-31.VIII.1-2;5:1-5. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

The source of all our fear, guilt, sense of inadequacy and unworthiness comes from believing we are a body. This belief is the choice for separation instead of accepting our eternal unity with Love. Fortunately this choice is reversible. We have not lost our connection with our Source. For the moment we chose separation over God’s unity, He gave us the means to reverse the choice.

In our mind remains Christ, our unbreakable Link to our Creator. Because the light of Christ is in our mind, we can choose to let the Him direct all our choices instead of the split mind of the ego. This is the choice for the strength of God instead of the weakness of the empty image of a body that has no meaning of its own. Christ leads us away from the temptation to perceive ourselves as a body and deliver us from from the thought system of separation.

Today let us together choose to put Christ, our true Self, in charge of all our doing and thus choose His strength instead of the ego’s weakness.

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