Pathways of Light Ministers

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Rev Rosemarie Tropf, Safety Harbor, FL

I have been involved in spiritual pursuits since 1969 approximately. I have a Masters degree in Religious Studies and I have an eclectic background in various spiritual studies so I can discuss and educate how they intertwine their philosophical truths with ACIM.

I am almost entirely focused on ACIM now but I love to facilitate students who have the desire to grow spiritually at their own pace.

I have been an ACIM Pathways of Light Minister since 2015 and enjoyed every minute of it. I am a mother of two, grandmother of 4, who I adore and whom I love, so I am always learning from those life experiences as well. Together we will walk hand in hand the path to God.

I am also a Pathways of Light Spiritual Relationship Counselor and am available for the 12-week Spiritual Relationship Counseling program.

Call Rev. Rosemarie at 727-415-6606. (Please leave a message.)

To email Rev, Click Here.

Rev Rosemarie Tropf offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev Rosemarie Tropf offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:

901 905 906 907 908 909 911 912 913 914 915 916 918 920


Rev. Aracelly Torres-Champagne, Winter Park, FL

As a Pathways of Light ordained minister, it is Aracelly’s goal to inspire spiritual awakening in others by providing one-on-one coaching and classes based on A Course in Miracles. It is her true belief that students can access their inner spiritual healing to heal their minds with these sessions.

Rev. Aracelly was born and raised in Colombia, South America and has been living in the United States for over 30 years; She has an extensive background and experience in international business and is an entrepreneur with powerful leadership coaching expertise. She is currently living in Texas where she provides Sunday services in the area and leads students seeking to learn more about A Course In Miracles class.

Personal Statement:
As an Ordained Ministerial Counselor and avid student of A Course in Miracles, I want to offer the opportunity of spiritual awakening through Pathways of Light courses in both English and Spanish by conducting workshops and facilitating groups in both Spanish and English. I have decided to devote my life to following Holy Spirit’s lead and helping others heal their minds through spiritual teaching.

Call Aracelly at 954-557-7209.

To email Aracelly, Click Here.

Rev. Aracelly Torres-Champagne offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Aracelly Torres-Champagne offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:

901 902 903 904 905 906 907


Rev. Billy Colón, Vero Beach, FL

Would you like to experience more peace and joy in your life? Studying A Course in Miracles and related courses from Pathways of Light have helped me on my own journey. Over many years I have maintained a spiritual practice with the purpose of healing my life. I have emphasized working with forgiveness and releasing guilt through putting the Holy Spirit in charge of every aspect of my life. As a facilitator of Pathways of Light courses and groups I offer others the opportunity of awakening spiritually by phone, Internet voice, in person or group teleconference. I also offer one-on-one Accessing Inner Wisdom counseling.

I am also available for customized wedding ceremonies and holy unions. Whatever the setting, I am open to creating a warm, open nurturing atmosphere where you feel comfortable exploring and sharing your feelings and insights. My emphasis is always on helping you quiet your mind to access your own Inner Wisdom that knows the truth.

Call Billy at 954-232-5777.

To email Billy, Click Here.

Rev. Billy Colón offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Billy Colón offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:



Rev. Cathy Silva, Punta Gorda, FL

As a Spiritual Life Coach since 2001, Relationship Enhancement Counselor, Certified Discover Your Sacred Gifts Guide, A Course in Miracles Student/Teacher/Author, Rev. Cathy has served people from various walks of life and all around the United States and internationally.

With her powerfully loving, insightful and honest style of facilitating and spiritual counseling she will inspire and guide you to greater heights in your relationships, career and life. Cathy’s Gifts of Encouragement, Facilitation and Wise Insight especially, equip her to help anyone who has even a little willingness to grow and transform.

“Through my work and life I came to realize we all share the same basic desire for Peace and Happiness; but there seems to be much happening in our world that can create blocks to achieving that. We are hearing a collective wake up call and searching for a better way.”

Rev. Cathy is ordained and certified with Pathways of Light and facilitates Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling, ACIM-based courses, 8-week programs, and Creating Spiritual Relationship Course.

Her emphasis is always in meeting you where you are to help you find the way that works best for you in hearing your own Inner Wisdom; to find the answers that are right for you.

Cathy has a natural way of creating a safe, open and comfortable space for you to explore and share.

She is also available for your customized weddings ceremonies, memorial services, and other ceremonies of life transition.

Click here to view Cathy’s video about healing relationships.

Click here to visit my website.

You can call me at 941-626-5551. (Please leave a message.)

To email Cathy, Click Here.

Rev. Cathy Silva offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Cathy Silva offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:

901 905 908 909 922 923 924


Rev. David Richardson, Daytona Beach, FL

Rev. David Richardson, O.M.C., is an Ordained Ministerial Counselor and student of A Course in Miracles.

Forgiveness means much to an ACIM facilitator/teacher/student, which, I am.

I look to Workbook Lesson 332:
“Fear binds the world. Forgiveness sets it free.”

Workbook Lesson 333:
“Forgiveness ends the dream of conflict here.”

Then, Workbook Lesson 334:
“Today I claim the gifts forgiveness gives.”

“I will not wait another day to find the treasures that my Father offers me..”

I am so in awe of the One that I call God/Higher Source, that all I can do, is fall on my face to Him and state, “He is God!”

To email David, Click Here.

Rev. David Richardson offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:


Rev. Donna Marie Kasmer, Boca Raton, FL

Donna Kasmer, O.M.C. is an ordained Ministerial Counselor and student of A Course in Miracles. Donna offers opportunities to experience your own inner makeover in a gentle, loving journey supported by peace, unconditional love and harmony. The transformation from fear to love, the relinquishment of the ego and the gaining of your true authentic self is most miraculous. As we learn to let go and just be, the Truth is revealed, the reality of Heaven appears and “just like that” we start to live and breath the beauty and awe of heaven on earth in every moment. If you have ever wondered, “Is there a better way?” the answer to that is YES. Forget what the world has to offer, journey inward and harvest the treasures of enlivenment. Donna also offers correspondence courses in group teleconference.

Call Donna at 561-213-0730.

To email Donna, Click Here.

Rev. Donna Marie Kasmer offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:


Rev. Gina Lucia, Bradenton, FL

Rev. Gina Lucia is an Ordained Ministerial Counselor (OMC), ordained through Pathways of Light, and an avid student of A Course in Miracles. Gina knows there is a path, through spiritual awakening, which leads to peace, and happiness. There is no mistake you are here, right now! Pathways of Light spiritual college courses are designed to take you on an experience to meet your Self, to heal beyond your body’s self-imagery. Gina’s commitment and passion runs deep to facilitate your journey together, whether one on one or in a group setting. Gina offer’s to you, along with the assistance of Spirit, a bridge to access to your Inner Guidance, to heal your mind through one-on-one Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling sessions, or with many of the Pathways of Light courses. Gina is available in person, or by phone.

A little about my journey. I have been a hairstylist for 37 years & have owned my salon for 13 years in Sacramento, CA. I have also traveled to China for study in Eastern Philosophy, Feng Shui, Tuina Massage, and TCM. Since my teen years I have always been engaged in some sort of spiritual study or practice. I always knew there was something beyond perception of the physical. I am not someone who believed in religion, I’m a free spirit and the indoctrination and dogma that comes along with it, just didn’t work for me.

While going through a very dark night in my life, “You were lost in the darkness of the world until you asked for light” (ACIM) I was guided to A Course in Miracles. After 5 years of being a devoted student, I had another calling. While in a deep prayer/meditation one morning, I was hearing, become a minister. This was a surprising bit of insight to receive, for I never considered myself a “religious” person, but spiritual, yes. I started researching schools, I kept getting redirected back to Pathways of Light website. I saw they offered a full curriculum for ministry. I wasn’t even really sure what I was getting myself into, I just surrendered & went with it.

I now know God is a spiritual experience one has, it has nothing to do with religion. (A universal theology is impossible, but a universal experience is not only possible but necessary.” (ACIM). I went from limited perception to an expansive knowledge. The Pathways of Light courses are a gentle way to experience this. Along with being a student of A Course in Miracles, and the Holy Spirits guidance, my life is full. Being an OMC brings much joy and fulfillment in my purpose here. I invite you to join with me to experience how applying the principles of A Course in Miracles in your life along with Pathways of Light Courses will give you a deeper insight into patterns, beliefs, and trans-scripts that you no longer need to carry around, that can block the awareness of Loves presence in your life.

Whatever the setting, I am open to creating a warm, accepting atmosphere where people feel comfortable exploring and sharing their feelings and insights. My emphasis is always on helping you quiet your mind to access your own Inner Wisdom that knows the truth. It warms my heart and soul to be of service. I am here to assist you in answering your soul’s calling!
Come as you are…

To email Gina, Click Here.

Rev. Gina Lucia offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Gina Lucia offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:

901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 917


Rev. Jessica Joy McNeil, Cape Canaveral, FL

Reverend Jessica Joy McNeil, O.M.C. Jessica’s pathway to God is fully realized by embracing and extending joy. Jesus came to her about five years ago in a vision and opened her heart to the Light within. She was shown how to use this Light to heal false perceptions of the past and shine this Light into the collective. Not long after this, Jessica was brought to A Course in Miracles, and ultimately felt called to become a Pathways of Light Ministerial Counselor. Her wish is to help others rekindle the light within by connecting them with their own inner wisdom and joy, especially through a remembrance of the childlike wonder that many have lost along the way. As a kidnapping survivor and PTSD eradicator (through Jesus and the Course), she deeply desires to facilitate other women in releasing their fear and embracing the love that is our birthright.

Jessica is also a homeschooling mom to three wonderful souls and has a strong desire to help heal the collective by facilitating the rebuilding of connections and unconditional love between parents and their children through the Holy Spirit, adventure, teamwork, and play.

Rev. Jessica also offers Spiritual Relationship Counseling.

Call Jessica at 321-468-0051. (Please leave a message.)

To email Jessica, Click Here.

Rev. Jessica Joy McNeil offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Jessica Joy McNeil offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:

901 905


Rev. Maria Felipe, Naples, FL

Rev. Maria Felipe, O.M.C., is an Ordained Ministerial Counselor and student of A Course in Miracles, which is the centerpiece of her life. She extends to others the opportunity of awakening spiritually through Pathways of Light Courses, both in person, by phone or via Skype. She is also available to help people access their Inner Guidance to heal their mind through the Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling in person or by phone.

Maria is a frequent speaker at the Unity Burbank English services and she is the creator and minister of the Unity Burbank Spanish services. She inspires with her joyous spirit and delightful sense of humor. Maria enthuses, “It is a wonderful gift to me to be able to share a message of loving Light to guide my brothers and sisters to achieve inner peace.”

As a Pathways of Light minister, Maria emphasizes the practice of helping people quiet their mind to better hear their Inner Guidance, and in the process, strengthen their connection with God. As a facilitator of mind healing, she creates a warm, supportive, open atmosphere where participants can feel comfortable to explore and share insights. Maria is also available for customized weddings, holy unions, baptisms, memorial services and other ceremonies of life transition.

Call Maria at 305-282-5012.

To email Maria, Click Here.

Rev. Maria Felipe offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Maria Felipe offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:

901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 918


Rev. Mary Lu Buie, Vero Beach, FL

Mary Lu is a minister, facilitator, and counselor of Pathways of Light courses and groups, as well as Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling Sessions.

 She has also worked with the 12 step program for ACA (Adult Children of Alcoholics).

As a student of A Course In Miracles, Mary Lu is dedicated to listening to Holy Spirit and following her inner guidance. She is looking forward to being in service with you on your path to awakening.

Call Mary Lu at 727-433-3816. (Please leave a message.)

Visit Mary Lu’s website HERE

To email Mary, Click Here.

Rev. Mary Lu Buie offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Mary Lu Buie offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:

901 902 905 916 917


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