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Rev. Gina Lucia,
Rev. Gina Lucia is an Ordained Ministerial Counselor (OMC), ordained through Pathways of Light, and an avid student of A Course in Miracles. Gina knows there is a path, through spiritual awakening, which leads to peace, and happiness. There is no mistake you are here, right now! Pathways of Light spiritual college courses are designed to take you on an experience to meet your Self, to heal beyond your body’s self-imagery. Gina’s commitment and passion runs deep to facilitate your journey together, whether one on one or in a group setting. Gina offer’s to you, along with the assistance of Spirit, a bridge to access to your Inner Guidance, to heal your mind through one-on-one Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling sessions, or with many of the Pathways of Light courses. Gina is available in person, or by phone.
A little about my journey. I have been a hairstylist for 37 years & have owned my salon for 13 years in Sacramento, CA. I have also traveled to China for study in Eastern Philosophy, Feng Shui, Tuina Massage, and TCM. Since my teen years I have always been engaged in some sort of spiritual study or practice. I always knew there was something beyond perception of the physical. I am not someone who believed in religion, I’m a free spirit and the indoctrination and dogma that comes along with it, just didn’t work for me.
While going through a very dark night in my life, “You were lost in the darkness of the world until you asked for light” (ACIM) I was guided to A Course in Miracles. After 5 years of being a devoted student, I had another calling. While in a deep prayer/meditation one morning, I was hearing, become a minister. This was a surprising bit of insight to receive, for I never considered myself a “religious” person, but spiritual, yes. I started researching schools, I kept getting redirected back to Pathways of Light website. I saw they offered a full curriculum for ministry. I wasn’t even really sure what I was getting myself into, I just surrendered & went with it.
I now know God is a spiritual experience one has, it has nothing to do with religion. (A universal theology is impossible, but a universal experience is not only possible but necessary.” (ACIM). I went from limited perception to an expansive knowledge. The Pathways of Light courses are a gentle way to experience this. Along with being a student of A Course in Miracles, and the Holy Spirits guidance, my life is full. Being an OMC brings much joy and fulfillment in my purpose here. I invite you to join with me to experience how applying the principles of A Course in Miracles in your life along with Pathways of Light Courses will give you a deeper insight into patterns, beliefs, and trans-scripts that you no longer need to carry around, that can block the awareness of Loves presence in your life.
Whatever the setting, I am open to creating a warm, accepting atmosphere where people feel comfortable exploring and sharing their feelings and insights. My emphasis is always on helping you quiet your mind to access your own Inner Wisdom that knows the truth. It warms my heart and soul to be of service. I am here to assist you in answering your soul’s calling!
Come as you are…
To email Gina, Click Here.
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