Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Let Love Lead the Way

There is a path of Light that goes before all of us. It cannot be seen by the body’s eyes. It is seen through forgiving eyes that have let go of the barriers to Love, for this path of Light is the path of Love. Love excludes no one, for it extends equally and eternally to all. In the changelessness of Love is perfect peace. The joy of being in the eternal extension of Love is beyond any experience in the world. This is our natural state.

Today I ask with an open heart to be shown how to look past my judgments so that I can let them go and see the path of Light that leads me Home.

When I want to see through the eyes of Love, I will see Love. My practice today is to let go and let Love lead the way. This is what brings me happiness and peace.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Hear Heaven’s Song

Holy Spirit to Mary:
Step back and let yourself hear Heaven’s song right now… Practice letting yourself hear Heaven’s song all through the day today… It is worth the vigilance. Your one true Self is there… Let yourself receive the blessing of the truth about you and every brother… Let yourself receive the truth that only Love is real… Let yourself receive the truth that Go is… Love is… There is nothing else.

Here there is no conflict… Here there is only peace… This is Heaven’s song… Let Heaven’s song carry you through your day today… Let yourself remember that you rest in God all through the day…

Holy Spirit to Robert:
Here is a way to plan your day: Think of your day as a pathway extending out before you… See that pathway lighted by Love… You may see people entering this pathway lit by Love, then leaving it as they go about their way… But your path remains unchanged, shining in the radiance of Love… Events seem to occur, but the radiance of your pathway remains constant… This is your path laid out for you by your Self… Hold your attention on this and let Me take care of the details… Hold to the Light of Love today.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Accepting God’s Gift of Peace

When I allow myself to settle into peace, I feel safe and I recognize the truth in everyone as my Friend. I am comforted by the confidence that I am carried in God’s Love. There is no concern about the future and the past is a faded image in my mind. I feel the steadfastness of God’s Love.

This state of mind is available to me in every moment. I receive it when I am willing to join with my true Self — the extension of God’s Love. Disturbance of any kind is simply a signal to step back and return to peace. Today is another day to practice this.

The practice of stepping back and accepting God’s gift of peace opens the door to the awareness of Love’s presence. Receiving peace is the catalyst that lifts the veil of the ego’s false ideas and clears the air of fear thoughts. Peace is all I want and all I need. This simplifies everything.

The statement from A Course in Miracles, “I could choose peace instead of this,” is a very helpful reminder when I get lost in believing in differences. This habit is so helpful and returns my mind to sanity. In truth there is nothing but Love and accepting peace is the path by which the Holy Spirit once again returns me to the truth.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Relax and Let the Truth Return

My heart is filled with gratitude. I am grateful that my inner Teacher has infinite patience and will never give up on me. I’m grateful that there is a part of my mind that does not buy any of the dream that seems so engaging. I am grateful that I always have a loving Friend ready to help when I am willing to accept it. I am grateful that I have the help I need to let go of the images that have seemed so real, so threatening and so immovable.

I am grateful that my Self will always provide a plan that leads to my release from the sense of separation that makes loss and lack seem real. I always have within me the means to loose the world from all I thought it was and awaken to the certainty, peace and joy of the eternal Love that is my Home. My heart is filled with gratitude.

The stories of the world are so complex and filled with guilt and suffering. I am grateful that I have the means right in my mind that releases me from these stories. These stories seem endless if I grab on to them and hold them dear. The good news is that I have a Teacher That resides right in my mind that lifts me up and frees me from these complex and sorry stories.

The way to connect with this powerful inner Teacher is to be willing to relax my hold on the stories. If I think I already know what’s what, I will not be open to the thought reversal that my inner Teacher brings. To let go of thinking that I know anything, I have learned that taking time to relax deeply is very important. The Holy Spirit is always waiting to heal my mistaken thoughts.

I open the door to the Holy Spirit’s insight when I am willing to relax and let go of the ego’s constant chatter. I have found that the practice of relaxing all the muscles in my body helps. I also focus on accepting the healing peace that Holy Spirit brings to my conflicted mind. Taking the time to accept Holy Spirit’s gift of peace is the key to letting my mind be healed. The inner transformation that comes frees my mind from believing in the stories.

What I thought was a problem before is seen as meaningless. The mountain becomes a mole hill and is easily passed by. Grievances disappear in the the powerful Light of the Holy Spirit’s peace. I am able to see past time to the eternal truth. The veil is lifted so that I can see past the stories to the truth. The saying in the introduction to A Course in Miracles, “Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.” becomes a powerful experience rather than just words.

The Holy Spirit can then show me the unsubstantial nature of the clouds that reflect the ego’s meaningless stories of separation. What is meaningless is not a threat. What is meaningful is everything. And only God’s eternal oneness as Love is meaningful. And for this healing thought reversal, I give thanks.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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You Are Safe in God

Holy Spirit to Mary:
Remember you are safe in God and be happy. Let peace envelop all your thoughts. Let My gentleness and patience take over your mind. Let Me drive the bus. Let Me return your mind to the truth that you are still Love in the Mind of Love eternally. Let Me dissolve all fear thoughts of lack or loss. Let your mind return to God all through the day and you will know that happiness and peace are yours forever.

Holy Spirit to Robert:
Since the truth in you is changeless Love, harm or loss of any kind is impossible. You remain as Love created you eternally. Join with Me today as we remember the Love you are. Remember It by joining My vision to see the Love in all your brothers.

With this vision you will be certain of your safety and your harmlessness. Remember that I am your best Friend forever because I will never forget that you are changeless, eternal Love. Together we walk in perfect certainty, remembering that only Love is real.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Letting My Mind Quiet

Today we read in the Text of A Course in Miracles that the memory of God comes to the quiet mind because there is no conflict in God. It is interesting to observe how many of my thoughts are based in conflict — conflicting ideas, conflicting motives, conflicting images, conflicting beliefs and more. Any perception of form is inherently a thought of conflict. All forms are distinguished by differences between them.

Love, being formless, is conflict free. What is one cannot conflict with itself. When I see with the eyes of Love, I see everyone as one with me and so there is no conflict. When I identify anyone with a body, including myself, conflict is inevitable. I am seeing the limitless, formless Son of God as limited to a body.

The Course tells us not to mistake the body for the Son of God. If I am not in peace, then I must be believing that conflict is possible, which means that I am believing in an illusion of the Son of God, not in the reality of Love’s oneness. So today is another day to practice monitoring my level of peace. When I observe any disturbance, it is time to step back and ask the Holy Spirit to help me see with Love’s vision. This is how I forgive the past and accept Love as my reality now.

I am seeing that letting my mind quiet is the key to happiness. My mind quiets only when I am willing to step back from the ego’s constant perception of differences. Taking time out from focusing on what the body’s eyes see and joining with the Holy Spirit, I am once again returned to the peaceful awareness that only Love is real. I need a lot of practice because it still seems far to easy to get lost in the images of separate bodies with separate interests.

Because of this, I recognize that I need to monitor all through the day where my mind is. Have I joined with the ego or the Holy Spirit in this moment? When I see that I have joined with the ego, my job is not to blame myself or make myself guilty, but rather to hand these ego thoughts over to the Holy Spirit to be transformed by the Light into true perception. Because I need the constant practice, today is another opportunity to let my mind be healed and brought to the quietness and peace of the Holy Spirit. As I let my mind quiet, I am returned to a sense of well being and happiness. And I give thanks.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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The Peace of God Is All I Want

A Course in Miracles tells us that in quietness is every problem quietly resolved. It also tells us that the Holy Spirit’s solution is always one in which everyone gains and no one loses. However, if I want the solution to appear in a particular form, my judgment will keep me from recognizing the gain that is given me. I will not see the problem as resolved and will perceive gain as loss. Only the ego can perceive loss since the ego is the idea that separation and loss are possible.

If I am dissatisfied with the situation, the first step for me is to relax and open to the quiet peace of God within. In this quiet peace my mind is then open to see as Holy Spirit sees. This is how I let Holy Spirit lead the way. This is how I let my perception be transformed to see the real world instead of the dream of separation. The only judgment I need to accept is the Holy Spirit’s judgment that only Love is real.

Today I will practice keeping my attention on Holy Spirit’s vision. This is how I loose the world from all I thought it was.

My practice for today is, “Right now, this very minute, I open to the peace of God.” To do this consistently, I must be willing to be open to recognizing what is real and what is unreal. I must be willing to let go of the belief in a world of separate bodies and separate minds. I must be willing to let go of the ego’s framework for making separation appear to be real. I must be willing to relax my hold on what I think the world is for.

Opening to the peace of God undoes all belief in the world. Opening to the peace of God erases the idea of a past and a future. It brings me to the truth that there is only changeless Love right now. The peace of God is all I want and all I need. And I give thanks.

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