Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Seeing as Love Sees

To be determined to see the world differently I must give precedence to my inner seeing with the Holy Spirit rather than the body’s image making. Being an illusion itself, the body can only make images of more illusions. This is hallucinating, not seeing. The world I seem to see through the body’s eyes is nothing more than an hallucination.

When I am disturbed by anything I see through the body’s eyes, I am clearly not recognizing that I am seeing hallucinations. I have given precedence to the body’s image making and I am believing the images are real. When I step back and give precedence to inner seeing with the Holy Spirit, the image making of the body recedes from my attention and the vision of Love comes forward. The Holy Spirit knows there is nothing to see but Love.

If I am not supremely happy and at peace, I must be believing that illusionary images are real and giving them precedence in my mind. This disturbance is a signal that it’s time to step back, relax and return my attention to the inner vision of my true Self. My true Self will always show me what is real. As I practice seeing reality in place of illusion, I am forgiving the world and I am forgiving myself. Today I will ask frequently to see as Love sees.

This practice of asking to see as Love sees lifts the veil so that I can see the truth behind illusions. Asking myself frequently today, “How does Love see this?” will jog my mind and help me remember to step back from what I am seeing and return to being willing to remember that we are all immersed in God’s ocean of peace and Love forever.

I can relax now. I can receive Holy Spirit’s gift of peace right now. It only takes my willingness to receive peace and extend peace to let the veil be lifted. And I give thanks.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Learning True Perception

This morning we were guided to read A Course in Miracles Text, Chapter 11, Section VIII. The Problem and the Answer. Paragraph 10 stood out to me:

In the real world there is no sickness, for there is no separation and no division. Only loving thoughts are recognized, and because no one is without your help, the Help of God goes with you everywhere. As you become willing to accept this Help by asking for It, you will give It because you want It. Nothing will be beyond your healing power, because nothing will be denied your simple request. What problems will not disappear in the presence of God’s Answer? Ask, then, to learn of the reality of your brother, because this is what you will perceive in him, and you will see your beauty reflected in his.

My practice for today is to accept the Help of God by asking for It. I need this constant reminder to step back and ask for the real solution, instead of thinking I know on my own. I must not think that I understand what I perceive, because if I do I will forget that I do not know. My practice today is to step back and let Him interpret everything I see. And I give thanks.

A key idea for me from today’s reading is that anything I interpret on my own is a self-deception. This is because believing that I am on my own is a self-deception. I have taught myself to believe this and I have taught myself wrongly. It is time to turn to the Teacher within, Who teaches the truth. The more I am willing to let the Holy Spirit be my interpreter of every perception, the happier I will be.

Because the Holy Spirit knows that only Love is real, He will teach me to not value the valueless forms of the world. As I let go of what I have valued in the world, the sense of incompletion and lack in the world will be replaced by the joy of wholeness and Love. This is all I really want. Through the practice of stepping back and being willing to be taught true perception, I will learn where true value lies. This is my practice today.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Choosing Changeless Love

The Self, created by Love, shares Its limitlessness and changelessness with all. Any form is by definition a limit. Forms have a beginning and an end and so they cannot contain Love, Which is limitless. To value any form is to choose an empty form in place of the reality of Love. This choice is inevitably depressing because an empty shell is unworthy of the Self Love created. Choosing nothing thus devalues the Self.

To return to the full joy of being Love, receiving and extending Love, I need to let go of giving any value to any form in the world. There is no form in the world that offers the completion that Love offers. Today I ask the Holy Spirit to help me see the Love beyond all forms in the world. The body’s eyes will still show me images of form, but the inner vision I receive from Holy Spirit will show me the Love that completes me in the oneness of God’s Love. As I choose this inner seeing, I become a channel of that Love to everyone I see or think of as well as those I am unaware of in the world. As that Love flows through me, I am blessed, for It reminds me that I remain in the oneness of changeless Love.

Today is a day to relax and listen to the Holy Spirit. Today is a day to practice stepping back often and open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. This is my practice for today.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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God, being Love, is also happiness.

This morning we were guided to read “The Two Pictures” in A Course in Miracles Text, Chapter 17. The first paragraph stood out to me:

God established His relationship with you to make you happy, and nothing you do that does not share His purpose can be real. The purpose God ascribed to anything is its only function. Because of His reason for creating His relationship with you, the function of relationships became forever ‘to make happy.’ And nothing else. To fulfill this function [to make happy] you relate to your creations as God to His. Nothing God created is apart from happiness, and nothing God created but would extend happiness as its Creator did. Whatever does not fulfill this function cannot be real. (17.IV.1)

In Lesson 103, Jesus reminds us that happiness is an attribute of Love. If I am not happy, it is a reminder to me that I have put up a barrier against awareness of Love’s Presence in my mind — I have joined with an ego thought that is afraid of Love.

This gives me an important clue that I need to once again step back and remember that my meaningless thoughts are showing me a meaningless world. Separation could never replace Love’s oneness. If I truly want to be happy, I need to let go of the ego’s defense against the truth. I can once again open to letting my mind be healed by the Holy Spirit. I can let the Holy Spirit show me the difference between the real and the unreal. I can once again be as a little child that is open to my Father. I can let go and let God. I can let my mind be returned to happiness.

This is my practice for today. “God, being Love, is also happiness.” I can pay attention to when I am joining with unhappy thoughts and let them be replaced with the help of the Holy Spirit in my mind. Oh happy day!

Accepting that my function is to make happy does not mean that my job is to behave in a way that will make someone be happy with me. This is a mistake of focusing on form instead of content. Happiness cannot be found in form because form is the ego’s substitute for reality. Form is not real and can never be real.

Since happiness is an attribute of Love, to make happy is to Love. I make happy by joining with my brother in Love beyond all form. It is as I accept the oneness of Love that I make way for happiness. The nature of Love is to extend Itself and therefore to extend happiness. As I let go of focusing on form (separation) the joy of Love rushes in to fill the “space” that had stood as a barrier against Love. Forgiveness makes way for happiness.

Today I ask the Holy Spirit to help me recognize the barriers I have put up against Love and let them go.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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I Rest in God

I rest in God. These words remind me of my true Home. “I rest in God” brings peace to my mind, for it reminds me that the strength and safety of God surround me.

When I remember “I rest in God,” the world I see reflects back to me the Love and peace of God. I recognize all brothers as one with me, for we are all together in God. There is no conflict in God, so when I remember that I rest in God, nothing disturbs my peace.

The body’s eyes may show me conflicting images, but they do not affect me when I remember I rest in God. Today I will remind myself frequently that I rest in God.

The thought, “I rest in God,” brings with it the feeling of being immersed in God’s ocean of peace, being immersed in the changeless peace of God’s everlasting Love. This is What I am and Where I am.

Remembering this frequently today keeps the door open to Holy Spirit’s continuous flow of inspiration. This is how I can be truly helpful today. We all rest in God eternally, and for this I give thanks.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Right Now… Receive Peace

Holy Spirit to Mary:
Pay attention to this now moment… Be willing to receive peace in this now moment… Practice letting go of all you think you know… Practice letting go of the ego’s belief in differences… Practice allowing the Light of Truth to shine through the clouds… See the unsubstantial nature of the ego’s clouds… Let yourself be led past the clouds to the Light of Truth within…

Right now you are at Home in the Mind of God… Right now, God’s Thoughts are your real thoughts… Relax and let the peace of your true Nature return to your awareness… All is well right now… All is God right now…

Holy Spirit to Robert:
All there really is to “see” is the Light of Love, because only Love is real. This Light is seen through forgiving eyes that have let go of the past and see only the present moment. In the present instant, there is nothing to see but Love.

Today as your body’s eyes show you images of forms, let your Self remind you that these forms have no substance. They are like passing clouds that dissipate in the Light of Love. Let your Self show you the Light beyond the images that the body’s eyes show you. The body’s eyes cannot show you this Light. This Light is seen through inner vision that is willing to see the truth, that remembers you remain as Love created you.

Raise your inner vision to prominence today and what you will see will make your heart sing with the gratitude that comes with being at Home in Love.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Robert and Mary:
When we really want to relax deeply and open to Holy Spirit’s inspiration, here is a process we find helpful:

Let yourself relax…
Let go of your grip on your body…
Let the tension melt away…
You can relax now… simply relax…

Let the muscles in your scalp relax… around your ears… and forehead…
Let the muscles in your cheeks relax… the muscles around your eyes…
Let your jaw relax… your neck…

Let that relaxation move down your neck into your shoulders…
Let your arms and hands relax…
Let that relaxation move to your chest and stomach…
Let it move down your back and down your legs…

You relax deeply…
You feel safe and secure in this deep rest…
You let your mind quiet…
You feel safe in God’s arms…
Just let go and relax deeply…

Let the Holy Spirit bring you peace…
Let that peace flow through you… bringing you to a deep place of rest…
You can let go even more now…

You allow the Holy Spirit, your true one Self, to do Its healing work in your mind…
You know the Spirit of oneness is always there with you… helping you let go and relax deeply…
You receive waves and waves of peace…
It is such a relief to let go…

Your true Self carries you to a deeper place of rest… and quiet…
You find peace in this quiet…
You find God in this quiet…
You find all Goodness in this quiet…

In quiet is every problem solved…
You let go and receive God’s peace and Love…
You receive your true Self’s sense of wellness…
You know that everything is all right… everything is in perfect order…

In the place of rest, you receive the Holy Spirit’s inspiration, Holy Spirit’s insight…

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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