Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Let the Light In

Holy Spirit to Mary:  As you watch the dream, let the Light in. Focus your mind on allowing the Light of peace to flow through your mind, healing all the thoughts of limitation and lack.

Your job is to let the Light in. It will heal all the insane ideas. It will return you to a state of peace, a state of trust, a state of openness to what is real. In this state of mind you remember that you are safe and everyone is safe, no matter what fear thoughts come up. Open to the Light. Open to peace. Healing follows from this willingness. Focus only on this. Nothing else matters.

Holy Spirit to Robert:
  Avoid distracting yourself with futurizing. Not only are thoughts about the future pure fantasy, they are made up from memories and beliefs of the past, which is not here now. This does not serve you and it does not serve the Sonship. It merely keeps your attention focused on what is not real as if it were real. This is self-imprisonment.

You will do much for the healing of your mind with the practice of asking in each moment, “What would you have me do? Where would you have me go, what would you have me say and to whom?” These questions asked without attachment to past beliefs and memories will lead you on a path of freedom and of joy. It places the future in God’s Hands, Whose will for you is perfect happiness. When asked with an open mind, the answer you receive to these questions will always be truly helpful for you and the entire Sonship. This is the practice of forgiveness, for by not bringing the past with you when you ask these questions, you are forgiving.

As you practice this, you may observe that you are holding beliefs and attitudes from the past in your mind. Bring these shadows to the Holy Spirit in your mind. Give them to Him and ask Him to shed His Light upon them. He will help you to recognize that they are merely shadows, easily dissipated by the Light. The Light He shines upon them is the Light of truth. On your own you cannot bring this Light to these shadows, which are the effect of believing you are on your own. But the Light of truth is beyond that thought of being alone. As you open to It, you free yourself to receive the blessing that Love holds out to you eternally. Walk this path today in gratitude and be you blessed.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Let Love Guide Your Way

Holy Spirit to Robert:  A Course in Miracles asks you to ask of everything, “What is this for?” It also tells you that only Love is real. Thus only what serves Love has value. Let Love guide your way in every moment today. This is what gives meaning to every moment. Value lies only in Love, for nothing else is real.

While you believe you are in the world of form, Love will use form for Its expression. But do not confuse the form with the content. Ultimately all form will fade away and only Love will remain, because only Love is eternal.

As you go through the day, hold the thought, “How can I serve Love in this moment?” and you will have a day so joyous that your heart will overflow with gratitude.

Holy Spirit to Mary:
  Choose peace and all the rest will follow. Choose peace and happiness will fill your heart.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Open Your Heart and Welcome Peace

Holy Spirit to Mary:  Holy Spirit waits on welcome. Open your heart and welcome peace. Give welcome to the Love you are. Give welcome to your true Self. Let the Light of Truth into your mind.

Willingness is the key. Relax, take a deep breath and allow an open space for the Light to enter. Welcome it in. The Light will do the rest. It will change how you feel and how you think. It will change the orientation of your perceptions of a world that seems outside you. The Light you are will help you recognize that there is no world outside. Be open, listen and receive. It will make all the difference in how your experience your day today.

Holy Spirit to Robert:
  Every moment offers you the opportunity to experience the joy of joining. You need only be willing to lift the veil and see the Love that is all about you and in you. It is there always. Love is experienced in the now moment, but you cannot experience it if you bring the past with you and overlay it on the present. This is why forgiveness is the way Home. Forgiveness is the means to return to Love.

It does not help to tell yourself, “I need to forgive.” On your own you cannot forgive. The very fact that you believe you are on your own is what needs to be forgiven. Whenever you feel a disturbance of any kind, take this disturbance to the Spirit of Love in your mind. Turn it over freely and completely. You do not want it. And remind yourself, “I want the peace of God and nothing else.” Hold this thought in your mind. Remind yourself of it often.

At first it may seem that you are only half-hearted in this statement, but offering this commitment to yourself will help bring to your attention the hidden beliefs that would deny this dedication. These are gifts you give yourself. For as you recognize the hidden and treasured beliefs that you have preferred in place of God’s peace, you can release them to the Spirit of Love. Love will shine on these dark thoughts and beliefs. The darkness will disappear and the Light of Love will bring Its blessing. In the joy of Its blessing, you will spontaneously extend Love, for that is what Love does.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Practice Stepping Back

Holy Spirit to Robert:  Practice looking with Me at all your brothers and at the world and seeing the Love that is there. There is really nothing else to see. The appearance of limitation, lack and loss is a misinterpretation of a false image. Because you have identified with an erroneous thought system, you cannot see truly without My help. But remember, I am always here to help you truly see. You need only be willing to step back from your misidentification and open your heart to Me. Join with Me dear brother. I am the Self you truly Love and are. I am your joy and your peace. I have not forgotten the unity of Love. Join with Me and we will remember together and walk in gratitude.

Holy Spirit to Mary:
  Today consistently remember to soften and follow My lead. Practice relaxing into the gentleness and Love that comes with following My lead. Look through My eyes. Allow the feelings of peace to sooth your conflicted thoughts. Practice being open to the Light of your true Self. Let the Light fill every corner of your mind. Do it as many times as is needed throughout the day. Practice stepping back and welcoming the Light of Love.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Let the Eternal Present Be Your Guide

Holy Spirit to Mary:  Have the courage to remember that you are in Heaven now. Have the willingness to remember your true Self. Have the openness to receive the Love you are. Open your heart and mind to let it in. Let peace bring rest to your weary mind.

Let the truth return that time is an illusion. There is no future. There is no past. The world was over long ago. Let these thoughts lighten all the dark corners of your mind that want to make the illusion of separation real. Rest in the truth today. Let the eternal present be the guide of your thoughts. Let peace and a strong sense of well being return to your awareness. Let yourself remember that you are in Heaven now in truth.

Holy Spirit to Robert:
  We walk together, you and I. We can never be apart, for I am your Self. Lift the veil that seems to make you unaware of My presence. To do this, practice in each moment remembering that of yourself you do not know what anything means.

Each situation you seem to be in, in any moment, we can look at together. When you are willing to share My vision and see as I see, every situation becomes an opportunity to bless and be blessed. I see only Love and opportunities to extend Love. When you share My vision, you see the same. Each moment then becomes a blessing and you rest in peace, knowing that you are safe. In Love we walk together in gratitude.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Your Personal Consultant

Holy Spirit to Robert:  Hold My hand in all your doing. Let Me be your personal consultant. I am dedicated to leading you to your highest good. Hold Me in your heart as your constant Companion. Through the practice of consulting with Me in all things, I will teach you what is truly helpful and what is not, what is meaningful and what is not.

Through your willingness to follow My lead, you are My expression in the world. This is not consistently true for you because you are not consistently willing. This is why practice is needed. Each experience of following My lead, and the joy and happiness it brings, increases your willingness.

Ultimately you will and must release all your personal treasures for they block you from the experience of Love’s Presence. I will gently guide you along the way so that each release is not a sacrifice but a relief. The release will bring joy with no sense of loss. This is why I am here for you — to bring you to the perfect happiness God wills for you and you truly will for yourself. Let us walk together on the journey to joy.

Holy Spirit to Mary:
  Step back and listen. Relax, breathe deeply and take it one step at a time. Let yourself be guided one step at a time. Stay in the present moment. Be open to Love in the present moment.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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A Day of Rest

Mary:  Let me remember that I rest in God today. With this remembering I will feel the gentleness of God’s peace. I will feel the comfort that comes with willingness to let the veil be lifted. I will feel the happiness of gratitude as I give thanks that the truth of Love is true and nothing else is true. Today I let myself remember the Light of Oneness. As I am willing to do this, the false ideas based on separation gently fall away. Let me celebrate the truth today.

  When I remember that no matter what appears to be happening in my worldly experience, I remain safe in Love, then every moment is a moment of rest. There is no conflict in Love — only perfect safety and perfect peace. Today I would remember that I remain safe in Love. In that remembering this will be a day of rest, no matter what I seem to be doing in the world. I rest in God today.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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