Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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You Are Safe In the Mind of God

What Mary received: Now is the time to remember that you are safe in the Mind of God. Now is the time to remember that you have never left your holy Home in Heaven. Now is the time to remember that fearful dreams may come and go, but that you are not the dream. Now is the time to remember that you have an inner Teacher Who will lead you out of the fearful dream if you will only be quiet and listen.

In quietness is every problem quietly resolved. Put out the “welcome mat” to your true Self. Let your mind be opened and the false ideas be removed. Let the healing waters of peace and joy wash through your mind.

This is the way you can be truly helpful in a world that still clings to the fearful dreams of separation and lack. You can be helpful today by sticking to the truth. You help every brother in the dream by stepping back and letting the Holy Spirit lead the way. In this way you are doing your part in helping the Sonship awaken from the dream of separation.

What Robert received:
Nothing in the world will bring you peace nor lasting happiness. But you can experience peace and happiness while you perceive yourself to be in the world. You need only focus your attention on your true Self, which is what God created you to be. It has not changed, though you dream of deprivation and fear.

Your true Self is eternal Love. Being Love, It is one with all Love. There is nothing else that is real. That is why Love is always at peace. Love is eternally giving Love, which is eternal joy. No matter what the appearance in the world, you remain Love as you were created. You remain in perfect peace.

As you go through this day, ask frequently to be shown the Light of Love that shines beyond appearances. It is always there. Open your mind and heart to see It. You will see the Love that is your brother and thus remember the Love you are.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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What Is My Focus In This Present Moment?

What Mary received:  The miracle is happening right now. Changes of mind are happening right now. Willingness is expanding. Willingness to be led to the truth is opening. It is a gradual process and it is happening now. It is helpful to be alert to the broadness of the opening to our one Spirit that is occuring right now.

Being alert means being open to the focus you have in the present moment. What is your intent in the present moment? Is your focus and intent joined with the Holy Spirit or is it joined with the ego’s intent? Right now, what am I joined with? Right now what am I allowing to come into my awareness? Right now, what is happening in my mind?

One clue as to what is happening is to be aware of the feelings that are present. Am filled with a sense of joy and well being? Or am I filled with a sense of frustration and lack? That will give me clues as to which thought system I am joined with right now. Right now, where is my focus, intent and allowing? Right now, am I letting the Holy Spirit into my mind? Am I letting peace be the source of my thoughts? I am the decision maker. It is my choice and what I experience will show me which I have chosen.

I begin by choosing peace. And from this simple, quiet, gentle choice, I am quietly led down Holy Spirit’s path to the truth.

What Annie received:
  The truth in you is immovable. It has been placed in the core of your being. You are the truth and the truth speaks of who you are. Let the truth make you free of the illusions you hold about yourself. It has the power to do so. Let it take you back to where you really are.

What Sharyn recieved:
  Your motto for today is let go, let go, and let God. Letting go of the illusions of the world are not hard as some think it is. To really want the truth you must let go of your own thoughts and what you think is real. The truth is we are all one. Therefore what you see in another is really what you see in yourself. See the Love in another and you will se the Love in your Self. Loving yourself is all that matters because as you let go and let go and let go some more, you will see that all that is left is Love. Letting go and letting God is true forgiveness. That is all Holy Spirit needs is your little willingness to let go so He can show you forgiveness. Forgiving is really for giving to the one Self, for there is only One. Blessed be God forever.

What Robert received:
  If you would be savior to the world, you need only accept your Self. You are Love. Nothing else. Since Love is one, there is no other. When you accept your Self, the perception of ‘others’ fades away. The practice of seeing the Love beyond the form, beyond the behavior, beyond the apparent situation or circumstance is the way you free yourself from the mistaken idea that you are separate and alone.  You are loveable because you are Love. When you accept your Self, you cannot help but offer Love everywhere, always. This is Heaven.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Walk in Trust

Holy Spirit through Annie:  Don’t be afraid of changes and of new happenings. In truth, the stillness of the Self has never moved. It is from this quiet peaceful place you must look at everything around you. And you will know without any doubt what your next step must be. Walk fearlessly and trust that always all is well, no matter what it seems. Walk in trust, for when you follow your heart, there are no possible mistakes. And you will know you have arrived safely to your place of destination. Apply this to all your “moves,” big or small, and happily move on.

Holy Spirit through Sharyn:
Ego loves it when he can dance on your thoughts and bring up questions like how, who, what if, where and when. This is where TRUST is needed in Me. I do not ask questions of you. I give answers to you. I only want what is for your highest good and nothing more. Please believe Me when I say, “You are limitless.” Do not put limits on yourself or others. There are no limits when I am consulted and when I am paving the way for great things to happen.

When you are doing something to serve, do you believe I would ever let you down? So let go of any fears you may have and give them to Me on my platter. I will gladly heal them back to you tenfold. You are my pride. You are my joy. You are the salvation to many. Never be concerned that I would let you down. Only be concerned if the ego starts asking you questions to keep you stuck. I would not do that as I love you all and My Love is great. Amen

Holy Spirit through Mary:
There is no hurry. You are safe. Continue opening all your inner windows and doors to the truth. And the way will be shown with peace and certainty. Amen

Holy Spirit through Robert:
God’s Will for you is perfect peace. It is already yours. You need only accept it. The choice to believe in a world of differences, of form, of separate people and separate things is the choice to not accept peace.

You are now on a carefully planned curriculum to undo this belief in false ideas and return you to your natural state of peace. The situation and events in the world you perceive offer you the opportunity to look at them with Me. When you choose to let Me guide you through each moment, all situations and events become stepping stones to the experience of deeper and deeper levels of peace.

To be vigilant only for God’s Kingdom is to be dedicated to looking at all things with Me. You accept the gift each moment offers you when you allow Me to show you what is meaningful and what is not. Without My guidance in this world, each moment is used to guard against the peace and happiness that are your birthright. Walk with Me. Hold My hand and I will guide you to perfect peace.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Peace Through Releasing Judgment

  I want peace. The Course tells me I only need to do one thing to have what I want: I need to relinquish all judgment. That is the means for me to remove the barriers to the presence of peace. Peace is always present. If I am not experiencing peace, I am in some way using judgment to defend against it.

This is why the early lesson “I do not know what anything means” is the lynch pin for the entire thought system of A Course in Miracles. This one thought, which teaches me that I have no basis for judgment and must therefore let it go, frees me from the burden of attempting to do what I cannot do. In that freedom I experience the peace of What I am.

Today I dedicate to the practice of releasing all judgment and opening my mind to the Teacher within, Whose judgment is all I want. This judgment is always: God’s Son is innocent.

  I need to ask myself all through the day, “Right now, how I can I be truly helpful?” When I remember to do this and follow through by listening to Holy Spirit’s answer, I can be certain that I will led to having a happy day. As I am willing to allow the Holy Spirit to be in my mind and lead me moment by moment, I am naturally filled with a sense of well being, peace and happiness.

I don’t have to worry about the future. I don’t have to worry about the past. Right now, I have all I need right within me to be truly helpful right this minute. This takes the burden off me. This makes everything very simple. As I do this, I remember that I am being carried to be of service in the best way possible right now. That’s all I need to have a happy day.

  Walk in gratitude for the wisdom that is yours. Walk in gratitude for the truth that has remained intact and pure in your mind throughout all your dreams. Walk in gratitude for the ever present Wisdom that has blessed every mind and will forever remain luminous and powerful in all.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Choose Peace First

Holy Spirit through Mary:
  No matter what, go to peace. Choose peace first. The effect of choosing peace is allowing yourself to be carried. When you choose peace, you are opening your mind to the flow of Love and gentleness that is inherent in the Holy Spirit. Mountains become mole hills. What seemed difficult becomes simple. Just remember one thing today—choose peace. Once you feel the fullness of God’s peace, you will know exactly how to proceed.

Keep it simple. Keep it easy. And all conflict will dissolve. When you remember to choose peace, you are remembering to let the Holy Spirit guide your thoughts and actions. Do this one thing—choose peace—and everything will unfold as God would have it be. Amen.

  The Course says that this world is a dream, an illusion of being separate. The body’s eyes were made to show us images. While we identify with the body, we will seem to see images. We are not asked to deny that we see images. We are asked to deny that these images have any meaning of their own. As we learn to withdraw the meaning we give to what we see, we are able to open our awareness to what lies beyond images, beyond perception.

With practice, we can learn not to deny that we see images, but to disregard the images we see. That is how we open our hearts and minds to the vision of Christ, the Holy Spirit’s vision. That is how we learn to see Love everywhere, innocence everywhere. Today I will practice disregarding the meaning I give images and opening to the Holy Spirit’s vision. As I do this, it is inevitable that I will have a happy day because what remains to be “seen” is only Love. With Love comes joy and peace.

Holy Spirit through Sharyn:
The joy of feeling the Oneness with your Father is truly a feeling to behold. When these feelings come closer and closer together, your joy cannot help but be contagious to others. Be aware today of feeling One with your Father and the Holy Spirit and watch the joy that it brings to you and others around you. This truly is a step to be taken by a teacher of God. Amen.

Holy Spirit through Annie:
  Love is the way, the only way, the eternal way, the peaceful way. Walk in Love and you will have the answer to all questions that may arise in your mind. Love is always the answer. There are no mistakes in Love. There are no levels in Love. Love is maximal. Love transforms and heals. Love will enlighten you. Amen.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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What Is Our Role as a Teacher of God?

Robert:  The news is dominated by tomorrow’s election day and the choice we need to make when we vote. This is a time for us to remember what is our role as a teacher of God. A teacher of God is not perfect, but he teaches perfection over and over until he learns it. Perfection is given us all by God. Perfection is Love. That is what we are. In the world of dreams, we have identified with a false image of ourselves that stands as a barrier to the awareness of the perfect Love that we are.

So as we make our decision about who to vote for, we need to remember that only Love is real. We need to be aware of whether our decision is based on fear, lack and separation or on forgiveness, Love, joining and helpfulness. As we make our decision, it is the purpose we give that matters. We have no basis to judge on our own. But as we let the Oneness of Love be our Guide, we will decide based on the Love we see, on joining in oneness, on seeing wholeness in our brothers.

The voting decision is simply another form of decision we make in every instant. In every instant we choose the purpose we give our brother. If we align with the ego, we give our brother the purpose of demonstrating that we are separate. When we align with Holy Spirit, the purpose is to join and remember the holiness in everyone. Today I will practice keeping my mind open to the Holy Spirit’s vision that shows me the holiness in everyone, thereby reminding me of my own. Thus will I bless and be blessed.

Holy Spirit through Mary:
Today choose peace. Practice choosing peace again and again as you go through your day. Choosing peace means putting the welcome mat out for the Holy Spirit. Peace is the Holy Spirit’s gift. Choosing peace means that you are willing to accept the gifts of the Holy Spirit. As you accept peace, peace fills your heart and mind. Understanding comes with it. In the Course you are told that peace and understanding go together and are never found alone.

So today, keep it very simple by consistently choosing peace. Choosing peace means allowing the feeling of peace to fill you and guide you. Because you always get what you truly want in your heart of hearts, when choose peace and accept peace, you will receive peace, because of the power of your willingness. Enjoy a peaceful day, brought to you because you want it and are willing to accept it.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Returning to Peace

Robert:  In this time, when the world appears to be in turmoil, I can be most helpful by choosing peace. If anything disturbs my peace, I heal the world by returning to peace. When I allow peace to return to my awareness, the clear vision of Christ comes with it. I am able to see past appearances to the Love that is there everywhere. In clarity, I am guided in all my doing. And this doing will always be helpful to the whole. That’s my job.

  What I am learning is, with every concern, to step back and take the time to breathe in peace and extend peace. As I practice this daily with each situation that I am concerned with, I am brought to a new awareness of what is really important. I am brought to the awareness of the insignificance of the body. I am brought to a state of mind where nothing matters but Love. I am brought to a place where I realize that I need do nothing on my own. I am being carried. My only true function is the one God gave me and that is given without my even asking. I am brought to the awareness that in truth all is well and that each minute brings me to a place of deeper healing if I allow it. I allow myself to be led now. This is my practice today.

  I heard, “Go in peace. Stay in peace and be peace and the joy will come. When you constantly remind yourself to go to peace, you are really going to the One Who has only your best interests in mind. Do not ever be concerned that you need to learn lessons all by yourself, for He will send the perfect person, situation or circumstance to you for your highest good. Be not afraid because He is with you always and knows what is perfectly suited for you. When your awareness of a situation lets you know that changes are needed, Spirit is the only one that can help with that to make your transition easier for you.”

Isn’t it funny how sometimes without His help we choose to hang on to pain? Who in their right mind would choose that?

I heard, “Do not come down on yourself for that, but rejoice that there is a lesson to be learned now and you have been given the perfect Teacher to walk through that with. He will help you let go of your end of the tug of war that has been going on with others or with yourself in your own mind. Drop your end of the rope and allow Me to carry you to the place of peace, where all gifts from your Father are received.”

When Love cuts the rope that we have allowed, each end of the rope is filled with the light of true freedom. This freedom brings growth, it brings peace and it brings awareness of God to all the minds that are learning their own lessons in freedom.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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