Miracles News

January - March, 2021

Miracles News, January - March, 2021


God gives me
only happiness.
Therefore, my
function must be

(ACIM W-pI.274.2:2)

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January-March, 2021

Ask to See Things Differently

by Rev. Larry Glenz, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

“Forgive and you will see things differently. These are the words the Holy Spirit speaks in all your tribulations, all your pain, all suffering regardless of its form.” (W-193.5:1-2)

The timing of this writing is November 2, 2020 — one day before Election Day. Despite my strong personal preferences in voting, I am asking Holy Spirit to help me to suspend my judgment about what I think my government needs to do for the welfare of all. I am asking Spirit in advance to help me let go of the outcome of Election 2020.

The year 2020 has attained an infamous reputation as one of the very worst of the 21st century to date. The COVID-19 pandemic, inflamed racial tension over police killings, historic storm floods and wildfires, all are taking place at a time of intense political divisiveness in an election year.

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January-March, 2021

Healing Is Available Now

by Revs. Mary & Robert Stoelting

Robert and I have been focused on mind healing for many years now and it has paid off in greater ways than we could have imagined. One of the most important practices that has helped us is to stop and remind ourselves and each other to pause for inspiration in how to see this differently. This means that we had to stop and listen… The Course puts it beautifully:

… we need only call to God, and all temptations disappear. Instead of words, we need but feel His Love. Instead of prayers, we need but call His Name. Instead of judging, we need but be still and let all things be healed.” (W-p.II.Intro.10:2-5)

Recently our big color printer stopped working in the middle of printing materials for a course. Instead of getting agitated about the inconvenience, we realized that this was the perfect time to stop and pause to feel God’s peace and ever present Love…

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January-March, 2021

The Present Moment Is the Gateway to Eternity

by Rev. Dan Strodl, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

When your mind is full of thoughts, you are living in the past or future. This is the ego’s domain. Past and future thoughts bring you into a state of fear, anxiety, guilt, separation, judgments, stress and worry. When you’re in the present moment, you feel relaxed, peaceful and joyous. You are receptive to guidance from the Holy Spirit. Your Inner Teacher can’t be heard when your mind is filled with mind chatter. That is the ego’s plan, to keep you locked in your thoughts.

But you can break free. A Course in Miracles is a mind-training program, and learning to quiet your mind and live in the present moment is within your reach. All you need is willingness and diligence. First, watch your state of being … Are you filled with thoughts? What are you feeling – sad, anxious, fearful, worried? … Or are you peaceful and happy? If your mind is filled with anxiety, redirect your attention to what is in front of you now. Experience the now moment. Feel the energy in your body, hear the sounds around you, be absorbed in whatever you are doing right now… washing your hands, walking in nature, reading these words.

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January-March, 2021

Grace in Everyday Moments

by Rev. Peggy Rivera, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

In choosing a topic today I was moved to address how important it is to see grace every day so that we can find comfort from our Creator in knowing that no matter what happens, we are fine. We are loved no matter what happens in the world of dreams because this is not our true reality. Grace is that connection to the remembrance of that.

A Course in Miracles, Lesson 169, begins with “By grace I live. By grace I am released.” I think that is very important to remember because it tells us that we don’t have to do anything. It’s not something we earn nor something we learn. It is something given to us freely. It also says in Lesson 168, “Your grace is given me. I claim it now.” It teaches us how God’s Love is limitless, and even when we sleep, He Loves us still.

We often try to tell ourselves stories that disprove His unconditional Love for us. But through A Course in Miracles we learn that the ego makes up these stories out of fear. The truth is none of those lies are real. How do we find evidence of this truth? We find the evidence through forgiveness. When we accept that all of us are One, we realize that the only constant in life is Love.

It does not matter if we get mad at someone who cuts us off in traffic or gets pushy at the grocery store. When we try to see them through the eyes of Love and accept that they are also doing the best they can. In that moment we find grace.

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January-March, 2021

COVID-19 from the Perspective of A Course in Miracles

by Rev. Jennifer McSween, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

In March of this year, life as we’ve come to know it came to a screeching halt for most of us in the greater part of the world. The sudden worldwide outbreak and rapidly increasing spread of COVID-19 led to a complete lockdown of schools, businesses, and services. All forms of physical and social interaction with each other were asked to be stopped in an attempt to curb the spread of the virus.

Both the onset of COVID-19 and the ensuing lockdown led to massive changes and losses of our livelihood, loved ones, and our basic social freedoms. This brought up feelings of fear, pain, and/or uncertainty for many, if not most of us. I say “us” because I, too, have experienced the effects of COVID and the challenges of the ensuing lockdown, personally and professionally. Let me tell you how.

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January-March, 2021

Pain Is Not Real — Could This Be True?

by Rev. Myron, Jones, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

I am ready to let go of the physical symptoms I have experienced in the body, and like everything else I have done with the Course, I am taking it one step at a time. I have an ongoing conversation with Jesus about this and have had some helpful thoughts given to me.

For instance, once he told me I was paying way too much attention to the body. I knew immediately he was right. I would have pain and have this inner conversation about what it meant and what I would maybe tell the doctor and what he would say. It was ridiculous. I would have inner conversations about what I should eat or not eat, worried conversations about weight gain.

So, when I catch myself doing that now, I put an immediate stop to it. I look at the thoughts with the Holy Spirit and release them. I ask Him to correct my thinking and heal my mind. I surrender the body and all its problems and needs to the Holy Spirit. I do this as often as I need to and the inner conversations about the body are becoming rarer. I have learned to trust His promises. “Father, I thank You that Your promises will never fail in my experience, if I but test them out.” (W-pII.327.2)

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January-March, 2021

One in Forgiveness

by Rev. Michael Atkins, Ordained Ministrial Counselor

“You’re out of your mind, Michael. Lay down on the floor, you hippie, take your Ritalin — and call 911.”

My Father frequently enjoyed telling me I was going to hell, mostly because I didn’t see eye-to-eye with him and Jonathan Edwards on the subject of “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.” The quote above was his canned response to me whenever I would attempt to share the thought of God’s perfection making it impossible for Him to create something He would want to destroy.

When I was younger, his mockery of my beliefs simply served as more evidence that my strategy of seeking for the truth on my own was correct. I felt that I had to defend myself from those who would twist God’s words to serve their own purposes, establishing themselves as my superiors; the chosen ones, keepers of a higher knowledge who had every right to tell an ignorant, low-life spiritual peasant like myself how I should interpret His messages and what I should believe.

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January-March, 2021

ACIM Practitioner Course 905

by Rev. Joyce Peebles, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

Reading A Course in Miracles is worthless unless I actually apply it to my life. It repeatedly tells of the need to practice looking beyond the body to see the Christ in everyone.

I just completed Pathways ACIM Practitioner course 905. We were asked to do a process with our mind healing partner on seeing the Christ in someone. Reference was made to Lesson 161 8:1-2 “Who sees a brother as a body sees him as fear’s symbol. And he will attack because what he beholds is his own fear external to himself, poised to attack, and howling to unite with him again.” I have a much clearer understanding of these words now.

The process with a partner was to read paragraphs 11 and 12 on Workbook pages 305 and 306. Then share our experience. My experience was that I had failed. My partner helped me to see I failed because I was attempting to use my ego thinking brain to figure the process out. She also reminded me that vision is a gift, and I must ask for it if I really want it.

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January-March, 2021

Soul Nectar

by Rev. Mary Lenihan, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

Ever since a hummingbird and I had a mutual exchange of souls as I stood praying in the meditation garden outside St. Mary’s while my mom’s soul was moving towards full transparency; ever since, I have been communicating with my soul. Two weeks after the fluttering wings of the hummingbird danced Infinity upon my forehead, I received the meaning of this encounter and clear direction in these words, “to companion souls.” That answered an eternal question I had asked over many days and many of nights. Pouring myself out to the Holy Spirit, waiting upon Spirit to pour upon me.

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January-March, 2021

Our Power Is in Our Willingness

by Rev. Maria Kingsley, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

When we are willing, we are in the Now.

Through our willingness, we can remember that what we are experiencing is our choice. Does it feel good or bad? When we don’t like it, we have the power of choice to change it.

Of course, sometimes we don’t want to change. We want to be right, be angry, feel justified and want others to feel the pain we are feeling. That is the moment when it is really important to ask for help

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January-March, 2021

There Is and Old Ego That Lives in My Head

by Rev. Barbara Adams, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

There is an old ego that lives
in my head, has multiple voices.
I often feel dread.

Been trying to tame her and
drag her on down. “I got you,”
I scolded. She screeched
like a clown.

“Shut up!” I would tell her.
“Stop screaming at me.”
“Your voice is so loud.
I’ll never be free!”

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January-March, 2021

Pathways of Light Minister: Action Required

by Revs. Colleen and Deb Fee

Hello Beautiful Lights!

Please help us help you and your ministry. We are performing much needed updates on our Minister Services files. Recent improvements on the Pathwaysoflight.org website have increased significantly the number of catalog and information requests. As we always include a Minister profile flier (selected by nearest zip code), it is imperative that our Minister Profile fliers be current and up to date.

Additionally, Minister Profiles online need to be updated and email delivery confirmed. Current Pathways of Light membership assures your online profile will remain available for those seeking guidance in your area and state. Also, Pathways of Light membership is required in order to legally officiate wedding ceremonies.

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January-March, 2021

ACIM Text Questions and Answers

Excerpts from Text Made Simple

Below is in reference to Text Chapter 1, Section V on pages 12-13.

In the first paragraph, the miracle and the body are both described as learning aids, which are used only as long as they are needed. As we return to the awareness of our original state as Love, direct communication replaces the miracle and the body. Because we did not create ourselves, we cannot change our innate ability to create (which means extend Love) as our Creator does. We can imagine that we have destroyed our communication with our Source, but we cannot make it true.

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ACIM Spiritual Counselor Training

Inspired by the principles presented in A Course in Miracles, this ministry training focuses on accepting the mind healing that is guided by the Teacher within, the Holy Spirit. As our minds are healed, we become Holy Spirit’s instruments of healing. For more information click here.

ACIM Practitioner Courses

If you would like a deeper understanding of key principles of A Course in Miracles, the 24 Pathways of Light ACIM Practitioner courses provide a complete, multimedia package to help you make ACIM principles a ready resource to call upon in your mind throughout your day. Click here for more information.

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