Miracles News

July-September, 2018

You Are the Light

by Rev. Jim Peterson, O.M.C.

Jim PetersonThe Day has come.
It is a time of rejoicing.
It is a time of healing.

As the Oak
strives for the Light
so too have you.

Be not afraid for
Light surrounds you.

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July-September, 2018

Using God’s Gifts

by Rev. Larry Glenz, O.M.C.

Larry GlenzIn today’s Pathways of Light Sunday service teleconference, we read from Workbook Lesson 166: “I am entrusted with the gifts of God.”

Sometimes a lesson just lights me up and feels so personal to me. Such was the case this morning. Although I did not feel prompted to share my feelings during the teleconference, I believe I am guided to do so now in this forum.

Anytime I feel the Course remind me that I serve as a teacher of God, my heart quickens its pace. The last three paragraphs of Lesson 166 specify the way I can teach my brothers at this stage of my life.

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July-September, 2018

Holy Spirit, Who Are You?

by Rev. Peggy Rivera, O.M.C.

Peggy RiveraThe Holy Spirit is something that has always fascinated me. Who is the Holy Spirit, What is the Holy Spirit and how does the Holy Spirit relate to me? This is one of those topics that always gets me thinking.

On the one hand I have read that the Holy Spirit is the Entity that reminds us of God’s Love for us, the bridge of communication between God and His separated Sons. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit we find answers to life’s questions. We learn to see differently and forgive more easily. We learn to follow His lead in all situations. All we have to do is ask for guidance and be willing to hear his call.

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July-September, 2018

How Do You See Your Life? How Does Your Helpful Self See Your Life?

by Rev. Mary Gerard Lenihan, O.M.C.

Mary LenihanDo you ever notice those thoughts in your mind telling you all the things wrong with you and your life? I do. As a Pause for Inspiration Mentor, I run across a lot of people who do, too! We tend to think we are alone in having these thoughts; we’re not. Thoughts telling you that there is no hope for you, you’ve made too many wrong turns, why bother, it’s too late for me, etc., are favorite one-liners of this me-jokester. But we don’t have to believe the words of this confounded joker.

Yesterday, I was about to do some simple movements to help calm my mind and wring out accumulated stress. I always begin with a Pause for Inspiration, and in this one pause, I received the following suggestion from My Helpful Self, “Let go of your perceptions and judgments of you and your life.” WOW! This was a direct solution to a problem so many of us roll over again and again in our minds.

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July-September, 2018

True Gratitude

by Rev. Dan Strodl, O.M.C.

Dan StrodlTen years ago I went to a talk by Sarah Breathnach where she shared about the value of doing gratitudes. She suggested doing five gratitudes every day and see what happens. I started doing them that night, and noticed I was appreciating things in my life I used to take for granted. And a list of gratitudes kept growing.

Then a few years ago a new kind of gratitude came in to my life. As upsetting, fearful, or judgmental thoughts came up, I stepped back, quieted my mind, and invited Holy Spirit to show me a new way of seeing the situation.

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July-September, 2018

The Chronic & Critical Illness Support Group

by Rev. Maria Kingsley, O.M.C.

Maria KingsleyHave you ever thought: How on earth am I ever going to change my mind about this illness when it is so painful, so debilitating, so strongly impacting my life? How can I say that this is not real, it does not exist, it is just illusion?

In The Chronic and Critical Illness Group we talk about these topics and offer ways to see things from a different perspective.
For example, last month (we meet by teleconference once a month on the first Sunday) we talked about “How can I accept that I have decided to have this illness?”

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July-September, 2018

What I Hear My Brother Say Is Up to Me

by Rev. Myron Jones, O.M.C.

Myron JonesIt is, therefore, your choice whether they support the ego or the Holy Spirit in you. And you will recognize which you have chosen by their reactions. (T-15:II.4:5)

I asked the Holy Spirit for an example of this so that I could understand it better. How can it be my choice whether my brother witnesses to the ego or the Holy Spirit? He immediately brought to mind someone I used to work for. I didn’t like or trust this man. Everything he said or did reflected my dislike for him. His words to me, and his actions toward me, seemed to be an attack and I did not feel safe around him. I always expected him to fire me at any moment, and each attack seemed like a preamble to that.

What I did not see at that time is that I had an ego-driven attitude toward him and he was reflecting this back to me. My ego and his ego seemed to be in a pitched battle all the time.

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July-September, 2018

Are You Holy Spirit’s Assistant?

by Rev. Barbara Goodman Siegel, O.M.C.

Barbara SiegelReflecting on a spiritual counseling session I had done with a client earlier in the day, I felt that somehow I had missed the boat in my advice to her. This client has been feeling extremely overwhelmed with the duties of being a caretaker for her very ill partner as well as having the responsibilities for their home and pets. I have felt that she is doing far more than she needs to (baking bread, caring for a fish tank that she would gladly give away, not being willing to hire someone to clean the yard of dog poop, etc.), but she is in such a habit of doing these things that she is reluctant to let anything go. (I suspect that it also gives her a false sense of control in a situation over which she feels she has no control.) I have suggested that she ask Holy Spirit to help her write a schedule of what needs to be done and what she can release, but this suggestion has been met with great reluctance.

This client is a long-time A Course in Miracles student. Intellectually she knows (as we all do) that she should ask Holy Spirit what to do, but seems afraid she won’t “hear” Holy Spirit’s direction or that it won’t help her find peace and may make things even worse. I did want her to feel she had Holy Spirit’s help so I told her that she has a full time assistant, Holy Spirit, and that Holy Spirit is there all the time and is completely free of charge.

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July-September, 2018

The Benefits of Participating in an ACIM Study Group

by Rev. Tanya Ince, Ph.D, O.M.C.

Tanya InceHave you ever been a part of A Course in Miracles study group? It could have been a local in-person meeting or a remote group that meets over the phone or Internet. What did you enjoy the most about this experience? If you have never participated in a study group, would you consider joining one in the future? Hopefully, this article will help you decide if attending a study group is right for you now. And if you are already a member of a study group, my experience may sound familiar to you.

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July-September, 2018

Healing Happens

by Rev. Cathy Silva, O.M.C.

Cathy SilvaSome months ago I accepted an invitation to join in a group healing transmission from my friend Lorraine who facilitates a powerful healing energy from Source (Love).  Though Lorraine informed me the transmission lasted for just ten minutes, I felt prompted to lie down for about 30 minutes.

I didn’t know what to expect but was mindful to be open and receptive, trusting in my friend and the Source of the healing that was being brought in.

The energy that came through to me felt so gentle and loving.

My intention for the session was to have any conscious or unconscious blocks removed which seem to have me at a stand still in writing the relationship book I’ve committed to write and publish. It’s my deepest desire to have a loving helpful message come through honestly and clearly. I also would love for the writing to be effortless. Yes, I want writing and publishing my book to feel effortless!

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July-September, 2018

You’ve Got What It Takes

by Rev. Mary Gerard Lenihan, O.M.C.

Mary LenihanSo, do you have what it takes? Sometimes we may find ourselves in certain jobs, volunteer positions, trainings, programs or a path of study etc. and may ask, “Why am I doing this? What am I doing here?”

This morning in my practice of Pause for Inspiration in the midst of everyday life, I recognized the direction of my Helpful Self. I had to pause and step back though because my Helpful Self had really gotten my attention. How? By shifting my focus from using my energy and time in an area which is not quite on target with my gifts to an area which is. For example, someone could be studying culinary arts, but notice an inner shift towards restaurant management.

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July-September, 2018

Daily Inspiration for Living ACIM

by Revs. Robert and Mary Stoelting

Robert & Mary StoeltingBelow is one the Daily Inspirations posted on the Pathways of Light website at this link:

The Answer to All Our Problems

“If you are willing to recognize your problems, you will recognize that you have no problems. Your one central problem [belief in separation] has been answered, and you have no other. Therefore, you must be at peace. Salvation thus depends on recognizing this one problem [separation], and understanding that it has been solved. One problem, one solution. Salvation is accomplished. Freedom from conflict has been given you. Accept that fact, and you are ready to take your rightful place in God’s plan for salvation.

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July-September, 2018



There is only one way fear is created — when you believe not that you are Love. That you could ever be separate from the Love you are is inconceivable in truth.

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April-June, 2018

Miracles News, April-June, 2018


Forgiveness takes
us up the ladder
to our Home in
the Light

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April-June, 2018

We Can All Channel

by Rev. Dan Strodl, O.M.C.

Rev. Dan StrodlA couple of years ago I asked Robert Holden if he had a daily spiritual practice. He said, “Yes, l ask the ‘Holy Spirit what would you have me know?’ and then I write whatever comes up. It could be one word, a few words, or more.”

So I started doing this practice the next day, and was totally surprised that words not of me poured out of my pen. And, they were exactly what I needed for the day. I’ve made it a daily spiritual practice ever since.

It’s so simple. I just quiet my mind for a few minutes, and then I ask, “Holy Spirit, what would you have me know today?” and I write down whatever comes up. I have no idea what will appear. I just write and what comes out of my pen is exactly what I need.

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