January-March, 2025
January-March, 2025
Recently, I had given an interview with Robin Singler representing Pathways of Light for a video program entitled “Holy Spirit, Take the Wheel.”
I was honored to be asked to be interviewed. Then I started to think about some of the difficult times that I allowed Holy Spirit to do the driving. And I also thought about those times I had difficulty letting go.
I picked up the Course 30 years ago during my divorce with my first wife — the mother of my two sons. At that time, 1994, I believed I felt no connection to a Higher Power. But I was shaken by this severe change in my life. I was looking for something to give me the strength and confidence that seemed to have escaped me.
It was then that A Course in Miracles came into my life. I found it so inspiring. I started with the Workbook and have been a devoted student ever since.
My thinking started to change. I was practicing the instructions of handing my problems and my thinking over to Holy Spirit. I started keeping a journal and communicating with Holy Spirit through my writing.
January-March, 2025
Holy Father,
I turn to you
in this moment.
But I desire
Your presence
moment to moment
without end.
My love for You
has no end
and no beginning.
It is as eternal as is
our Unity
as One.
January-March, 2025
On Sunday afternoons, I attend a zoom call where we are presently studying the lessons in the workbook. Lesson 66, “My happiness and my function are one.” Was helpful. My function is to practice forgiveness, it is not to understand anything in the world. It is not to try to change anyone in this life. I have this one function only.
A few days prior to this zoom call I went on a road trip to a workshop for back pain. It was created by Esther Gokhale who wrote “ 8 steps to a Pain-Free Back.”
I took Gary Renard’s Advanced Forgiveness CDs with me. We were asked to think of someone or a situation we think it hard to forgive.
The following is a summary of a meditation on that CD: “Visualize a beautiful, pristine, white, comforting Light. It’s very soothing, very healing and wonderful. The Light expands and is everywhere. There is no place where the Light is not….
All of a sudden just before we disappear into this Light, an altar appears, and on this altar, we are asked to put everything we think needs to happen in this world in order for us to be happy. We put all our dreams, our hopes, and our ambitions and our relationships upon the altar.
Those are our gifts to God because they tell Him we have no other gods before Him, that we need no love but His… then the altar disappears. For just a split second we felt that maybe we were giving something up because we are so attached to the idea of being a body. Now as we become One with God, we realize that we haven’t given up anything and instead we have been given everything. We feel whole and complete. There’s no feeling of lack or scarcity in wholeness. What is more, everybody is there too in our awareness, because nobody can be left out in perfect Oneness.”
January-March, 2025
“The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence, which is your natural inheritance.” (T-in.1:6-7)
We have many things in our lives that give us blocks. The world is an ego construct, to keep us from returning to who we really are… the Son of God. The ego will try everything to trigger us: fears, judgments, grievances, separation thoughts. They are all showing us where there is unconscious guilt in our minds that needs healing.
When we notice these blocks and give them to Holy Spirit for healing, they are dissolved and the light in our minds comes shining through, and the blocks become gifts.
January-March, 2025
I’m studying 924: Miracles Practitioner, Part IV, which is a study of the Psychotherapy Section of A Course in Miracles. I had not been very interested in this section of the Course at first because I am not a therapist, so I didn’t see how that applied to me. But as it turns out, the Holy Spirit is the Psychotherapist, and as we allow Him to work through us, we are His psychotherapists.
We play this role each time someone asks for help, whether we realize it or not. The only question is, do we let the Holy Spirit work through us so that we can be truly helpful? Once I understood this, I became very interested in this section of A Course in Miracles, and I have enjoyed the two courses from Pathways of Light that cover it. In fact, these are now two of my favorite courses.
This morning, I read something in Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process and Practice that caught my attention.
January-March, 2025
We had another powerful reading today on the Sunday call. As always, the message for me was timely and perfect. Chapter 8, Section VIII in the ACIM text is The Body as Means or End.
The sharing in the group was powerful and I was reminded of the real purpose of the body. It is a communication device. We are often told this in the Course. I have often interpreted that to mean that I am to share the teachings of the Course when I have the opportunity. However, I am also prone to defining what that opportunity should be in my experience. Specifically, to use my voice to share the principles and Truth of what I experience as A Course in Miracles. Also, to demonstrate a mindfulness of peace and joy amid the chaos of daily living. Today, I was able to see beyond this limited view.
In my physical journey, I have often reacted to body illness or disease as a lesson to be learned. What is this teaching me? What am I doing wrong for this to happen? Is this another wake up call to focus more on my mind healing? Is good health the reward for living “right?”
January-March, 2025
I had a wonderful example of the Holy Spirit working through me a few days ago. It was regarding using the wisdom of ACIM in my interactions with one of my closest relationships. I’ve begun a process where I write down my “clouds” in my relationships that may be blocking the “sun,” or God.
Peace is always my goal but I’d been noticing that unhealed parts of me can bubble up to the surface and get in the way of harmony from time to time and I wanted to resolve it. So, one morning, I diligently went to my journal and wrote all the limiting beliefs, dislikes, fears and ideas I have about a particular person in my life who seems to be able to push my buttons and where I did not always feel peaceful (my clouds).
January-March, 2025
“This day my mind is quiet, to receive the Thoughts You offer me.” (W-pI.291.2:1)
As they usually do, this lesson came at the perfect time. I soaked up every word as I drank my black coffee with my trusty journal nearby.
I love starting my day like this, in quiet solitude, before the sun comes up and the day kicks off. For me, it’s a time for self-reflection and pondering the previous day, the daily workbook lesson, and other spiritual texts. When I’m not able to spend mornings like this, I feel it all day.
Like you, some lessons resonate more than others. This was one such lesson, given the state of the world right now. Political upheaval, social divide, violence in schools, and other assorted atrocities, leave us feeling hollow, hopeless, and extremely powerless.
Remembering that we have the tools to make every day a day of stillness and peace, despite external events is comforting, though far from easy. It begins with self-awareness and compassion, for ourselves as well as others. Even those who are lashing out in violent ways, all of which are completely out of our control. All we can do is send Love, knowing that our divine energy is powerful enough to be received, even though it may not be welcomed. We do it anyway, for our spiritual well-being and because it’s in our nature to forgive and to LOVE.
January-March, 2025
The ego is dreaming a dream of darkness. The world I see offers me nothing that I want, because it is a dream of darkness being projected by an insane mind.
All of the surface experience of the mind has an enormous ego undercurrent. The ego’s game is to see itself unfairly treated that it may justify its attacks. This can only occur between two separate things. So the ego goes about making up stories about a (dark) dream character named “Lee.” She’s tossed about and missed-treated, she is indeed a victim of the world. That is the whole entire purpose of her “existence.” The ego has savage rage and anger and it is looking to experience being attacked in order that it may savagely attack back.
January-March, 2025
In this fast-paced world of hopping from one activity to another and just not stopping or slowing down from morning to night, it’s easy to lose sight of the Light and be less than pleasant with those closest to us — those “special” relationships in our lives of significant others and immediate family, close friends, etc. Geeze, I have been guilty of doing so time after time in my journey.
It was a long process to elevate from blaming others, to eventually seeing and realizing that I am, quite literally, the cause of my own problems and not a one have anything at all to do with anyone else. I simply need to unplug and practice some realignment and self-love. Keep in mind that there is no guilt in having special relationships — this world is made as the playground for them. I have felt that in this realm, here, I am always training in forgiveness. At first it was torturous, but as time goes on, it is much less so…though ‘it” can only occur in an instant! Ha! Go figure.
January-March, 2025
When I awakened this week, I realized I needed to take a step back and be re-awakened to the observation that I feel like some of the peace I am striving to maintain has taken flight and been replaced by some irritation. I find that I am slipping back into needing to be right more than choosing peace! My identity sometimes gets caught up in needing to prove my point, but I want to live my true self and go back to my true Identity as Love and Light.
This fact had me running back to my Pathways of Light teachings in the course 905: Special Relationships vs. Holy Relationships. When I opened my notebook, I was led to page 3, paragraph 2 where it stated: “Either we come from oneness of Love as an extension of Love, or we come from the belief in separation – the ego. Specialness is not the real truth.”
January-March, 2025
Before I started applying A Course in Miracles to my life, I thought that I was right. Right about my opinions, right about my judgments, right in what I thought should or should not happen. I bet you have heard the phrase, “Do you want to be happy or do you want to be right?” I believed they were the same thing for a very long time. It was almost like my “rightness” proved that I was alright, like I was arguing for my right to exist.
Even the most inconsequential topic was fodder for an argument, a proving I was right and defending myself. Any little time I could say “you’re wrong, I’m right,” I was ready to pounce on it.
January-March, 2025
What if the things that we thought made us strange, different, outcasts or “weird,” were really the things that make us fascinatingly beautiful and incredible? The things that give us our wings, allowing us to soar to new levels — a celestial, Heavenly level where there is only good, only mercy, only truth; an infinite creation of Love; an infinite field of beauty beyond time and space, where there is no guilt, no pain, no turmoil, only radical, unending, soul-penetrating, Love.
A fiery adoration of our own divine muse, moving us to a higher dimension of infinite possibility and wisdom. A land where nothing is impossible. Where no good thing is withheld. Where complete fulfillment is not only possible but an inevitability. A natural result of developing and using our God-given gifts and talents in the most useful and loving way, to serve the highest good. Here happiness is not just a choice but a given, as natural and as ‘right’ as breathing.
January-March, 2025
In this seeming world of chaos and uncertainty, we always seem to reach out to the Father, our Guides, the Angels, each other, seeking connection and support, especially when duality shadows our perceptions. Let us be reminded of the simple fact that God is with us wherever we go. “There is no time, no place, no state where God is absent. There is nothing to be feared.” (T-29.I.1:1-2)
Ego is always chattering, pulling us back. Illusions reign in such a shadowy landscape. How do we find our truth? Is there truth in some illusions? Dreams are dreams. But does it mean some dreams are kept, and others, wakened from? “The choice is not between which dreams to keep, but only if you want to live in dreams, or to awaken from them.” (T-29. IV.1:5)
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