Miracles News

October-December, 2022

Under the Radar

by Rev. Dan Strodl, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

When I first started studying A Course in Miracles many years ago, I understood forgiveness is the key to undoing the ego thought system and healing our minds. I identified six people I had grievances with and needed to forgive, and over time I was able to let go of my grievances with the Holy Spirit’s help. I felt such a wonderful freedom from the ego’s chains and I thought I was done.

Haha… no way.

As I became more vigilant of my thoughts, I discovered that I had many small grievances and fears that got under the radar, and were taking away my peace. As I became more conscious of these little blocks to love and giving them to the Holy Spirit for healing, my practice expanded. I would catch 20 or 30 every day. And as the little blocks were healed, I was lifted further up out of the ego darkness in my mind, and my peace and happiness were growing.

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October-December, 2022

A Mother’s Trust

by Jessica Joy McNeil, Ministerial Candidate

I found A Course in Miracles about four years ago, soon after Jesus himself came to me in a life-changing vision. Finding the Course felt like coming home, as it was seemingly teaching me the things that I had already been shown by Jesus himself, while giving me the tools to dive deeper into these beautiful teachings.

Not long after discovering this miracle of a book, I was led to the Pathways of Light ministerial training. This training for me has been slower than for most, as I’ve made a lot of life changes within this time. But taking my time with it has allowed me to really connect everything that I’m learning to the experiences that I’m living, and this integration has led to an incredibly powerful and transformative practice.

I write these words as I look out my bedroom window upon another magical Florida sunset after a powerful thunderstorm. It seems perfectly fitting to be what my body’s eyes look upon as I tell this story.

A couple of weeks ago I had an experience that was the scariest experience I’ve had thus far as a mother. It would have been completely different if it happened to me before finding the Course. The craziest thing about it was that it was really a miracle in disguise.

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October-December, 2022

Love Created Me Like Itself

by Rev. Lee Catalano, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

“Arrogance makes an image of yourself that is not real.” (W-186)

The narcissistic ego identity is not the truth of anyone. We must first see how we have functioned in the world before we can let it go.

As a child, we came into the world ego-identified, looking to be unfairly treated. The ego, which is at war with God, created this whole entire physical world in order to play out that war. It’s all unconscious, but if you draw back and look, you can see it is true.

As we begin to see that something other than perfect Love is living out its need for suffering through us, we slowly awaken.

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October-December, 2022

I Can Be Kind to Myself

by Rev. Greg Hesch, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

I can be kind to myself
  when I am kind to another.

I can be kind to myself
when I think kindly of another.

I can be kind to myself
when I am kind to myself.

I can be kind to myself when
I am cooking or doing the dishes.

I can be kind to myself
when I am doing any chore.

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October-December, 2022


by Rev. Paula Richards, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

Skimming through a book of writing prompts, this one stood out, “Break your life (up to this point) into three chapters and give each chapter a title.” Instantly, these three headings came to mind:

1. Following the Rules  
2. Breaking the Rules
3. No Rules

Having already lived seventy years, those were broad generalizations to be sure, but it didn’t take me long to clearly see the dividing points.

Basically, I spent my first fifty years following the rules. There was a lot to love about that first chapter of my life, and I would make many of the same choices again, but it was a safe, predictable, conforming lifestyle. I rarely rocked the boat.

In chapter two, as I became more spiritually aware and inner-directed, I began acting in less traditionally accepted ways. I believe my decisions were divinely guided, but many of them rocked the boat. I would likely make those choices again too, but since I was still navigating the journey of learning which voice to trust, they weren’t easy to make. The end of those twenty years found me as a retired, single woman moving across the country for an adventure in Arizona.

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October-December, 2022

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Many options are available to you on the Pathways of Light website to help you work with A Course in Miracles and stay connected with Holy Spirit.

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You may have ACIM Workbook Lesson Healing Perspectives and/or Daily Inspiration emailed to you daily. Also available to you are questions and answers on the Text of A Course in Miracles.

Also, many Pathways ministers share their healing process through Inner Healing Journals and sharing audio/video’s.

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October-December, 2022

A Memo from God

by Rev. Barbara Adams, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

Based on W:32, “I have invented the world I see.”

To: All of God’s Creations

Date: Eternity

Time: Doesn’t exist
Re: Love, Light, Wholeness, Unity, Forgiveness, Truth

My Dearest Beloved,       

When I created you, I extended My Spirit and formed your essence. You were neither separate from Me nor removed from Me. You were, are, and will always be an extension of Me, as I am of you. We are one.

The pain that you have been carrying around with you, although it has felt very real, does not exist except within your mind. For as long as you nurture the pain, in pain you shall remain. However, when you choose to release your perception of the world, Spirit will hear your call and will remove any shred of doubt of your oneness with Me.

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October-December, 2022


by Rev. Joyce Peebles, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

Recently I saw a poster on someone’s wall. It read, “Life has many variations, the Truth none.”

In desperation years ago I asked God what was my purpose? I got an answer I did not understand or accept at the time, but I am positive what I heard. It was to relax and be calm! This did not seem possible with what I experienced in life. I had yet to accept who I truly am, that there is nothing I need do, nowhere to go and nothing needed changing — except the voice I most often listened to. I was unaware I practiced self-deception.

“Pain is a wrong perspective. When it is experienced in any form, it is a proof of self-deception. It is not a fact at all. There is no form it takes that will not disappear if seen aright.” (W-190.1:1-4)

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October-December, 2022

Take One for Humanity

by Rev. Vicki Evans, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

Take one for humanity: This lifestyle choice became a mantra to me when I saw myself getting competitive or anxious if I didn’t get the ideal parking space or found myself making negative assumptions if a person jumped in front of me to get in a line. I had to ask myself: Why is this “winning” more important than peace and connection to humanity?

I started to make it a habit to let another driver take a parking space if it was a toss-up as to who was there first. Or joyfully opt to let a car get on the freeway when merging instead of blocking them out just so I am ahead on the road. I even found myself mentally extending a gesture of “please go first” while driving and then I self-talked myself through the thought that I can give this gift to humanity and reap the benefits of calm and peace.

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October-December, 2022

I Thought It Was Going to be Difficult and Guess What: It Was!

by Nicole Witt, Ministerial Candidate

My husband yelled from the bedroom, “I think this receiver is dead.” “Great.” I thought. Another hour down the drain on instant chat with AT&T while they want me to re-run every test we have already run to order to convince them we need a new one.

I knew this was ‘my job’ to get fixed. But I hoped that if I put it off long enough, someone else would take care of it.

Nope, if I didn’t want to end up paying every month for a broken box, I was going to have to follow through.

Days went by and I finally sat down at the computer to start the long, arduous process.

About a half-hour in, I was about to blow my top! I was not being the light of the world in that moment!

All of a sudden, it happened.

The Divine Alarm clock went off. I realized I was no longer at peace — what master am I serving in this moment? It certainly wasn’t God.

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October-December, 2022

The Dark Cannot Hold You

by Rev. Gina Lucia, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

“By deciding against your reality, you have made yourself vigilant against God and His Kingdom.” (T-10.II.6:5)

Every moment of every waking day we have the choice to recognize the Love that surrounds us, the Love that we share, and the Love that connects all of life in this universe.

Or we can choose to view through the body’s eyes, the constantly changing script the ego puts forth in our “life’s” experience with the mind’s trickery. Thoughts, feelings, memories, emotions, all just recycling based on the collective data from our life’s past, projecting onto the future.

“Would you be hostage to the ego or host to God? You will accept only whom you invite.” (T-11.II.7:1-2)

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October-December, 2022

The Peace of God… a New Thing Entirely!

by Rev. Maria Kingsley, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

In the Teacher’s Manual (M-20 pg. 51) we learn what is the Peace of God. Jesus itemizes the questions and steps we take to obtain it. It is a very useful look at what it means. We all know that we should want and join the Peace of God, but we often don’t find the connection or don’t know what it is supposed to feel like.

What is the peace of God?

“It has been said that there is a kind of peace that is not of this world. How is it recognized? How is it found? And being found, how can it be retained? Let us consider each of these questions separately, for each reflects a different step along the way.” (M.20.1)

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October-December, 2022

Anywhere But Here

by Rev. Ashley Rose Legrand, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

I’ve always been enamored with travel. Jetting off to exotic, beautiful destinations, exploring a new landscape, discovering exciting things that reaffirm my belief in the goodness of humanity and the wonder that is life. For as long as I can remember I have held images in my mind of far away lands, where all is “perfect,” all is well, all is in order. There is no worry or lack. Just happiness, ease, calm. There’s only space for the good stuff. These far away lands know nothing of my troubles.

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October-December, 2022

My Salvation Comes from Me

by Jane Faust

My salvation comes from me,
A concept full of liberty.
Guilt is what my mind invents,
While guilt, my Higher Mind prevents.

Guilt and salvation live side by side.
Which one to choose? Which one to decide?
My mind can choose which one to let in.
Let salvation override any concept of sin.

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July-September, 2022

Miracles News, July-September, 2022


Whatever troubles you, be certain
that He has the answer, and will
gladly give it to you, if you simply
turn to Him and ask it of Him. ACIM W-ep.1:5

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