Miracles News

January-March, 2006

Seeming Injustices

by Rev. Nancy Schilli

imageI’m struggling lately with things that are going on at work. The circumstances I am referring to are typical corporate ways to handle problems. See a problem, and then figure out the quickest way to make it go away, since we don’t have time to fix the root problem because it involves way too many business functions and processes.

Okay, so now that the ego has spoken, I know I cannot respond in the ego fashion. I realize that retaliation does not work and doesn’t even feel right. I know that any message I convey needs to be for the good of all concerned. Which means I can state my concerns and not wish harm on anyone else.

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January-March, 2006

Complete Surrender Prayer

by Rev. CiCi Caravello

imageIn the state of complete surrender you will have put Me in charge. Everything you say or do from that point will be in accordance with our Father’s will.

Here will you find true joy, here will you find peace, here will you find Love. Here will you find the Kingdom of Heaven.

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January-March, 2006

Choose Joy

by Rev. Maria Kingsley

imageCan you think of a better way to spend a day than to be in joy? Joy overcomes all heavy thoughts, all worries and all fears. It is very easy for me to choose joy because I like to be in joy. Joy is an attribute of our loving nature, and when I allow joy to spread through me it elevates my entire being. I cannot, really, at the same time be fearful and be in joy, or be worried and be joyous, or even experience pain at the same time as joy.

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January-March, 2006

Prayer of Gratitude

by Rev. Cheryl Ford

imageBeloved Heavenly Father, Thank you for all of the blessings in my life. Thank you for sending me Your Holy Spirit that teaches me to love and forgive myself daily for the mistakes that I think I’ve made, and to provide me with loving guidance. Thank you for healing my mind through Your gentle love and kindness, and for using me as a vessel to expand that Love.

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January-March, 2006

Love Consciousness

Rev. Colleen Mc Nally

imageI know what I want
I know how I want to be
I know that
I want thoughts of Love
Surrounding me.

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October - December, 2005

Learning to Hear Holy Spirit’s Voice

by Rev. Linda Ledbeter

image When I ask for wisdom, guidance and clarity, Holy Spirit comes to me in different forms. Sometimes it is through another’s words or actions; often it is many people carrying the same message. Then at those unhurried, uncluttered thinking and ‘doing’ moments, I hear a quiet Voice penetrating my thoughts with wisdom. A sense of peace fills my heart center, spilling over into my entire body like a fountain of cascading warm water. While in prayer I have also felt the arms of Jesus fold around me. The “light bulb” moments are the most exhilarating and may occur at any given moment. The clarity is so brilliant with wisdom, followed with a Voice implanting a “knowing” of His words deep in the core of my heart. At these moments I laugh to myself, for the answer was so simple.

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October - December, 2005

Trial and Correction

by Rev. Marie Hanson

imageDo you know anyone that does not make mistakes? I sure don’t. In fact, Russell Baker, a multiple Pulitzer Prize winner and author of the nationally syndicated “Observer” column for the New York Times from 1962 to 1998, admitted to making the average number of mistakes, “...maybe 150 or so on a busy day.”  What a relief to know I am not the only one!

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October - December, 2005

I No Longer Just “Get It”

by Rev. Robert B. Mills

image Accepting the Reality as put forth by “J” and his plan for a gentle awakening has become very refreshing and inspiring. I am not just talking about getting my own mind opened by accepting guidance from the Divine Spark in my mind. That in itself is beyond what I ever dreamed. I am taking about extending and accepting the Divine Spark from the rest of my true Self — my Brother. It is through this experience I find the full richness of bliss and Love.

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October - December, 2005

The Truth Will Correct All Errors in My Mind

by Rev. Ana Maria Peñate

image One day I touched my external ear and I felt that in the lower part of it there was a tiny little lump the size of a lentil. After a couple of years it had grown to be the size of a chick-pea.

My dentist advised me to have a biopsy done and the surgeon I visited suggested I have the lump removed. My son-in-law, who works in that hospital, told me that the result of the test showed the presence of some cancerous cells and for that I would be called by the oncology department.

A few days later, I was called by the oncology department of Dr. Negrin Hospital to set an appointment.

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October - December, 2005

My Most Important Awareness

by Rev. Bob Thompson

image  Dear reader: Charlie is my inner Friend and Companion, Who brings me helpful answers, when I am willing to ask. Charlie is the same as the Holy Spirit to me.

Hi “Charlie,” Thanks for the questions, you clever little Thought Promoter for God. And thanks for your gentle toss of my eternal Light Ball back to me from your Pitcher’s Mound of Eternity.

And now, one of your questions: What do I, little Bobby Thompson, take back with me into my life on earth?

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October - December, 2005

Unnecessary Thoughts

by Rev. Mary Manke

image After reading the Introduction to part II of ACIM Workbook, I had these thoughts come to me. “We have found the way He chose for us, and made the choice to follow it as He would Have us go. His Hand has held us up. His thoughts have lit the darkness of our minds. His Love has called to us unceasingly since time began.” (W-pII.Intro.8:2-5)

—His Love heals all unnecessary thoughts.—I have many unnecessary thoughts. Their only “purpose” is to keep the ego “alive.” Unnecessary thoughts are meaningless; they bring delusion and deceit. Yet part of my mind declares that it is this I want. Why choose to let this part rule my world when it only brings me conflict, confusion and pain? Why choose pain when I can have peace and joy? Only the belief that “I” deserve punishment and nothing else, brings the illusion of punishment.

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October - December, 2005

Receiving Holy Spirit’s Psychotherapy

by Rev. Colleen Mc Nally

image  Holy Spirit is gently reminding me to do this work. “Notice that as you continue to practice stepping back and observing your thoughts with Holy Spirit, you are receiving psychotherapy or mind healing.” (923: Miracles Practitioner, Part III, p. 19)

In early morning hours, Spirit was telling me and guiding me to find the right place to begin my work. For me, now, stepping back is requiring me to create space for myself, space where the conditions are right for me to quiet myself and do my inner work. I am receiving many lessons on a continual basis and it seems to begin on waking and getting up in the morning. My ego would immediately begin to get caught up in the unreal story of my living environment. When I came upon the following passage from the process of psychotherapy, it helped me to understand my experience in a new way.

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October - December, 2005

The Oldest Renewable Energy

by Rev. Phil Manke

imageFor a while, now, I have been drawn to considering the oldest renewable energy and had thought it surely must be Love.

If I am believing that this world is my reality, is there any use for understanding or studying the ego thought of separation that made it seem possible?

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October - December, 2005

Our Thoughts Are Prayers

by Rev. Deb Phelps

image  At the Pathways of Light ordination ceremony on August 6, 2005, as with each ordination ceremony, we sing a song titled, “Our Thoughts Are Prayers.”

The lyrics are: Our thoughts are prayers, And we are always praying. Our thoughts are prayers, Be aware of what you’re saying. Keep a higher consciousness, A state of peacefulness, And know that Love is always here, And every thought… remains a prayer.

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October - December, 2005

The Prison

by Rev. Veronika Wilcox

image  I had sat down to have an open and honest talk with my husband. Then came the old grievance — he can’t understand why we are now having this difficulty when the first few years we got on exceptionally well. I accuse him for not letting go of the past and for not liking me as I am now but always comparing me to how I used to be in the beginning.

I went to my room because I was beginning to feel upset. The inner pain poured out in bitter tears. With it came the hurt voice of the ego feeling bitter resentment. But I knew I was not alone and everything was in His Presence.

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