A New Way to See

Accept Your One Function

Several days ago, I found I could not fall easily into sleep. I got up, and went to the living room, and asked what Spirit would like to say to me. The following message was given to me.

“(insert your name), please listen:
You are right now, complete, healed and whole. You are perfect, being part of All Love.
All is perfection around you and anything in this world can be used as a reminder of your perfection, what you are and Who Created you.

“What appears as cruel, unfair, horrible,  vile or degrading—-is simply another chance to forgive and see beyond the illusion. The projection of horrifying hatreds, cruel guilt, or degrading fear will cease when the Son of God accepts himself for the truth of what he is. The projection of anger and hatred will be seen for the illusion it is as you welcome Love and accept your perfect sinlessness.

“If you want to know your innocence, then see innocence shining everywhere. See everything as perfect. Observe the thoughts that cross your mind, do not become attached to them. Those thoughts are not “you”—-they simply represent the confusion in the sleeping mind.

“When you attach to thoughts, you make judgments or decisions based on error. When you attach to errant thoughts, you think you have the truth. You think you can know what is good or bad, beneficial or harmful to you. Yet the thoughts you seem to think—without Love—are meaningless. You can imagine images to validate them, but illusions have no validation. God did not create a meaningless world.

“Accept your one function here: forgiving what you “see”—what you “hear”—what you “think.” Take every thought to H.S. (to the light) and watch it be purified. Letting go of every instant of pain, every granule of guilt; letting go of all that is unlike love. It seems like an unsurmountable mountain to the ego mind—-for the ego mind sees only mountains, only failure.  When it seems overwhelming simply remember Who walks with you—-and Who has not left you comfortless.

“The Holy Spirit is your constant friend, He is IN you and you cannot be alone, not ever!
Instead of denying your part in God’s plan, unite with it wholly—-you will never be lacking when you accept your part.
You CAN come with wholly open hands and receive the Love and joy that only God has for you, and has given you always. You need not make your self “perfect”—-that is not your part. You need not wait for lightening flash, or gong of bells or sounds of horns—-all imagined fantasies.
You need only accept your part—-say: “I will” with sincerity—-and it is done.”

© 2006, Pathways of Light. https://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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A Spiral of Guilt

This came to me awhile ago, and I was not able to post it at that moment. But Spirit is
always right!

Spirit: The go world goes round and round; it seems to have no end in the spiral of time. The ever mounding list of obligations, chores and challenges. This all keeps the ego happy, for it assures you that you will not escape the complications and unhappiness of this fearful world.

Everything that you have taught yourself is now a belief to be undone. Any thought that blocks the Light, is a screen to be lifted up.
Anything that you accepted about this world as true, is not true at all…. only to be forgiven. That is the purpose of this world, to be forgiven. The practice comes to you again and again, of letting go of all you thought you knew, and letting the truth of Love replace the false thoughts from fear.  You are finding it is a relief to let go of what you thought you knew, it is a relief to not know what anything is for.

Even this seeming illness… which is only a resistance to the Love that you are. The ego system does not want you to recognize that you are Love, so it brings in what will make the body seem real. Part of your mind chooses punishment, chooses the pain and confusion of sickness. This is because you want to learn that you are innocent. You do want the peace of God, the Love that you are.

Sara, nothing, absolutely nothing can keep you from the Truth, from the Love that is yours Now. Nothing can prevent you from accepting Love, Peace, Joy or any attribute of Love/God. What is already IN you cannot be denied. What is already your beingness cannot be altered. You remain as God created you… and you are grateful that it is so.

This illness, is nothing in Heaven, and so it can be the same on ‘earth.’ It is but a dream fragment, that would make you guilty. It has no basis in the reality of Love. Yet you must accept that this is the Truth for you, not just a selected few. You ARE God’s Son, not less than any other part. You are an emissary of Love, which makes all things possible for you and through you. If you accept a pain or sickness, you are making an illusion real to yourself, and rejecting the Love that you are. You are trying to replace God’s Will with your own imaginings. You are wanting to be “right.”  This does not make you happy, or peaceful.

Me: Heal my mind my Father, it is sick. It thinks it is two.
Tell me where to go, what to say and to whom. Make me an instrument of Your Peace. Amen.

© 2006, Pathways of Light. https://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Am I Willing?

These thoughts came to mind last week, I gladly share with you!

When I am willing, I can look past my brother’s rage, to see the fear and guilt he thinks is real. When I am willing, I know that his anger and accusatory words don’t hurt me. Those words are his defense against being mistreated.

My past scenario plays out when I fail to speak about my feelings and thoughts.
I hide my words for fear of being told that I’m wrong, that I shouldn’t “feel” that way. I work with H.S. ....do I want to be “right” or happy? The fear I think I perceive in his mind, is only a reflection of my own. The fear of making the wrong choice and then being stuck with that choice “forever.” That’s the ego system at work; make a choice (decision) and you can never go back! You can’t change your mind—-that’s not allowed in any shape, way, or form.
If I do not like the way I feel, then I must have chosen wrongly. But I can choose again, and again, until I surrender the insane, meaningless choice to H.S. I want Him to choose for me. His choice is always love, always the memory of God for me.

Spirit comments: “You ask: what do you want? Yet it is written in your heart.
“You hold still, a “secret” wish, which you think remains hidden—-but I have asked that you give every thought over to healing. You secretly wish for death, and this is why you cannot be wholly joyous, wholly free.
    “You still think that there is a part of you that cannot merit the complete love of Your Father, your Source. The dark and nasty “thing” cannot be purified because it is tainted so deeply.
I tell you, Sara, this little thought, this tiny shadow has no power over your choice. When you choose to take this thought to the light, to the truth, it will be released, and only Love remains. This tiniest sliver, will be undone the moment you no longer give it value. For you to know it has no value, you must take it to the light. You need not be wholly willing in this, for the little willingness will be magnified by H.S.‘s wholeness. You are never alone in this.”

© 2006, Pathways of Light. https://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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No Fear to Hide In

Dear Companions,

I have been remiss on putting enties in my journal. The latest fly in the honey, was that the password for the DSL got corrupted, so the system would not recoginze our computer. This entry comes from my journal of 2001. Thank you for your patience, and I thank H.S. for miracles!

In my dream experience the ego mind wanted a different house, a newer house; it wanted the clutter and collections of papers gone, the kitchen kept neat and clean. The ego mind wanted to ‘know’ that it would be taken care of, since I did not ever totally support myself. (Is there some thing that prevents me from learning this now?) The “payoff” to being weak is that someone will take care of me—-at what cost? I feel guilty (because I’m using them) I feel worthless, less than. I feel hopeless, that I’ll never change.
Dear Jesus, why am I so afraid of being happy? With being successful? With joining the oneness of Christ? Why do I seem to choose depression, poverty, uncertainty and anger, resentment and pain? Is it really all from identifying with my ego mind??

Spirit: Yes Sara, it is that simple, that direct. Pain always comes from the separated self. It is the belief that you are weak, vulnerable, without support, without love. It instills those thoughts so you will not abandon its premise, though its premise is totally false.
Why keep giving energy to what is false? Because it also holds the solid belief that if you have the pain, then the rage of God will be lessened; if you “pay now” for your defiance against God, then you’ll have leniency later on….... Don’t buy this either, Sara! God can never punish—nor condemn. He knows only of Oneness, that you are part of Him and never have left.

Your part is to accept mind healing, which means taking all fear thoughts to Love for correct interpretation. You have been mistaken all of your life, be glad this is so. It is not an insult,
just fact. And you can now choose to learn the truth of what you are. That is accepting correction for all your interpretations. They have missed the mark in every circumstance. (Even your interpretation that you have broken your computer thru negligence is mistaken.) That is the ego using guilt to keep you immersed in the dream of lack and separation.

You are a loving Spirit of God. When you give all thoughts and all events over to Love,
only love is the certain outcome. There is no need at any point or place or event,
to accept self punishment, or lack. There is no sacrifice or deprivation in Love.
Keep practicing on giving everything over to Love. That is all I ask: keep practicing, reminding yourself that you have no answers, and you do not know. When you do not know, you accept help, and correct direction from Love, to help you remain aware of Love.
You will find it very natural. This is your vocation—-working on changing your mind is the most important work you can do, it is the most meaningful work for you.
You are blessed, Child of God—-you are blessed each instant that you return to Love.

Why would you choose not to listen to H.S.? Because you might “learn” that you are Love, you might remember truth. If you remembered that you are Love and nothing else, the ego mind would be no more. No more important, self-made, part of God yet separate from God.
The illusion would cease to have foundation if you accepted the words that the Voice for Love offers you.

You can choose to hide from God, yet it will only be in your imagination.
For there is no place where God/Love is not and there is no fear to hide in.

© 2006, Pathways of Light. https://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Sins Are Mistakes (WB lesson 134)

Today’s lesson was: Let me perceive forgiveness as it is.

The first sentence in ¶ 4 stood out to me:
“Because you think your sins are real, you look on pardon as deception.”

Then Spirit continued with:
Your “sins” are only mistakes—-mistakes are illusions. Mistaken thoughts make a world that in itself is meaningless. Accept only that there have been mistakes, poor choices, unguided thinking, and wrong perception—-they are all the same. There is no sin! There is no sin because you have not left your Source. The idea of separation was corrected the instant it was made. The dream of separation is only a dream. It is the dream you can wake from. Is it not more fearful to remain in a nightmare than to wake from it?

Forgiveness is real only in the sense that it undoes all false perceptions; it undoes illusion.
Thus will it undo the idea of separation. Hide no thought from the gift of forgiveness.
Forgiveness can be “done” any where and any moment. It is your choice for real or unreal.
Your choice to be happy (real) or right (unreal). Surely you have noticed by now how being right has never brought peace, happiness or love to you or anyone.

Forgiveness undoes the belief that your definition or meaning of anything has truth.
Forgiveness is the way to truth.
Forgiveness brings the experience of love to your awareness.
Forgiveness releases the false.
Forgiveness offers everything you want.

Accept this gift—-the means by which you are released.
It is the means by which you wake from the dream.

Me: Thank you Holy Spirit!

© 2006, Pathways of Light. https://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Peace and Joy

I received these words after reading WB lesson 105…..(Spirit calls my name as Sara).

God’s peace and joy are mine.

Gods gifts are eternal. They are given without compromise, without limit, without end. When you give peace and joy to a brother it gives you recognition of what is his inheritance. God gives equally to all. By giving peace and joy you recognize that His gifts are yours as well as your brothers.

Sara, if God’s peace and joy are yours, what does this tell you?
The little mind denies that these gifts are yours NOW. It uses the world it has made to witness the “fact” that you do not have God’s gifts.
Yet you can choose to deny the false idea. Because God’s peace and joy are yours, this must mean you are innocent, guiltless; are not a body, not an ego, not a separated self.

You need only accept the fact that you are as Love created you, and all else
is seen with true Vision, that reveals the truth in everything. It reveals the living behind the veils of fantasy. To know the truth, you must want truth above all the fantasies that were made to take the place of truth. That does take willingness. H.S. is ever present with you, to hold your hand, whisper gently in your mind, and supply the strength that only Love gives, to walk away from dreams and fantasies that no longer serve you.

© 2006, Pathways of Light. https://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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With Spirit

The little mind believes that it has attacked its Source, has made a world and life apart from All That Is. This is a fabrication built on the mistaken idea that it could be possible to be split from its Creator, from Love. The little mind has forgotten the truth—and that only truth is true. Its belief in its sad little story has covered over the beauty and light of the real mind, that remains forever with its Source.

The little mind identifies so strongly with all the is unlike Love. It believes that to identify with Love, is to lose “everything” even its little life. Though it sees a fearful story wherever it goes,
it tries to paint loveliness over the dark and hateful scenes. It tries to mask fear with a picture of happiness. It tries to make worldly goals the epitome of worth and happiness. Yet in never understands why it remains fearful and unsure, feeling isolated and obscure, unloved and unwanted. It tries to hide its guilt in a dream filled with values that are meaningless to Love.

As you choose, so will you “see.” When you choose a hallucination, so will it appear to you, seemly solid or real. When you choose for Love, so will It becomes evident in your “world.”
Love is never gone, nor dispersed. When you choose for Love, you are willing to drop the barriers to awareness of Love. You are Willing with Love, and you are being your natural state. Love is your natural state of being. When you try to be anything other than Love, you find yourself in conflict, pain and despair. Therefore, be kind, be loving and you will be happy, in peace, in Love, whole and complete.

© 2006, Pathways of Light. https://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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