A New Way to See

What is Salvation?

As I listened during today’s lesson: “Holding grievances is an attack on God’s plan for salvation.
“What is salvation, Father? Tell me, that I may understand,” this is what I “heard.”

Spirit: Salvation is to be freed from illusions, from insane plans for survival, from investment in false dreams.
Salvation is love. When you accept the Presence of Love, the false falls away. In Love’s Presence, there is no cause (for guilt/fear) and no need for illusion or lies.

Salvation is the healing of a mind made mad. It is accepting the truth and nothing added to the truth. The impossible stories that mind thought up, vanish in the light of Love.

The idols that you have dreamed to protect the body are nothing. The body is nothing for is is not real. Only the eternal is real. As God’s Son you are real, Love created you like Itself. Choose to release the dream you have made. Choose to release the idols that you thought would protect you.
Release the belief that you can be harmed, and have harmed others. Love can never harm. Love only extends, gives Itself. Love gives love to all.

Do not be chained to the past—-the past is gone. It is a fantasy of mind insane with pain of guilt. The past is nothing, for it was “made” from nothing. It has no value, it holds no treasure. It’s purpose in the ego mind is to distort the now, making the future like the past.

To me, Spirit tells ideas so simply. Only the insane mind thinks such ideas are lies, made to trap and kill. Letting go of what is not real cannot be fearful. Holy Spirit is the only one that undoes the false thoughts I have made. He reveals to me what is Real. Holy Spirit is the only one that can shine the light that I may recognize the truth, the love that is in my mind, that I am One with.

© 2006, Pathways of Light. https://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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A Senseless Game

The other morning, I gave myself “time” to be still and listen to my Inner Teacher.  I have made up the story that I do not have enough time to listen every morning when “I have to get the body ready for work.” This is a story that I need to question! I feel great comfort when I do choose to listen, still I will allow the little mind to be in charge and deny the peace and comfort that comes with listening to Spirit. I seem to struggle to let go of “my problems” of the outside world, when it really is no struggle at all. The false mind loves conflict (struggle) for that seems to make it real and it’s world real. I share with you the message that Spirit gave me, to help me remember what is false and what is true.

Dear One, As you deny your feelings, they cannot be given to me for healing.
Is this what you really want? You are playing a senseless game. When you deny some feeling (having judged it as wrong) you are making some illusion real to yourself. You do not really want more illusions. Playing with illusions only adds to your guilt and fear.
In place of analyzing why you feel the way you do, seek help from H.S. That is His function. Give any feeling and thoughts to Him. Remember that it is impossible He would fail in His purpose.

You do not really want to keep illusions. Your insanity will be undone. You do not really want a world of isolation, pain and regret. You do not want a world of fear, attack and guilt. Your hidden belief is that you are not deserving of a happy world; a happy outcome to what you perceive in front of you. The steps you take in releasing blame and attack on your brother, is how you learn that you are sinless. The hidden belief in sin weighs heavy in your dream. You find you either struggle through the day, or you deny your thoughts. When you release a brother from fault, you are releasing your self as well. As you release, so you accept complete forgiveness for yourself. This is your task—your purpose in your dream.

Give every thought of blame to H.S.
Give every feeling of loss to H.S.
Accept His help, His love.
This is all you need “do.”

© 2006, Pathways of Light. https://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Love Is Gentle

I recently was given these words from Spirit.

Love is gentle.
You are Love and nothing else….this is the simple truth. Yet you are caught in deception, by the mistake of listening to an imagined voice.

You judge yourself harshly—and condemn yourself everyday. This is not accepting peace nor your true Will. When you judge, you then believe that you can be judged and think that others are doing so. You think you can attack and be attacked. When you project such thoughts outward, they will bring witnesses to support the false belief. Yet if you are Love and nothing else—how can you attack or be attacked? How could you judge or be judged?

Daughter, the idea that you have sinned against creation, and Creator, has kept you in prison. What you have forgotten is that the prison comes from your separated thoughts. The belief that the separation from Source did transpire, has to be seen as wholly false, completely laughable and ultimately meaningless. You could no more be apart from your Source, then a wave can be separate from the lake or ocean. You are an effect and not the cause. The dream you perceive is the exact opposite of Reality, of Creation, of Heaven. Your dream has not touched the purity of Oneness, nor changed what you are in any way.

Love is gentle—-It will not hurl you into the Light.
Love is gentle, It waits on your welcome.
It cannot enter where It is seen as fearful.
Love is gentle. It holds you safely, while you dream of separation.

Forgive yourself for thinking separation could be real.
Forgive yourself for the idea that you could offend or even destroy God.
Forgive yourself for the imagined loss and exile from Home.
You are forever as Love created you, forever an extension of Love,
forever like and part of Love Itself.
Cherish not your dream, accept instead the truth and simplicity of Love.
Hide not from Love, open your heart and welcome Love.

© 2006, Pathways of Light. https://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Workbook Lesson 22

After reading WB lesson 22, “What I see is a form of vengeance,” these thoughts came to me.

The world of attack comes from my mind. All pictures of despair, poverty, criticism, pain, suffering, and death come from the hidden belief that I am corrupt and not worthy of forgiveness, which is love. If it is my goal to be miserable, I have surely attained it! Yet, this insane dream is not the truth. The sick mind projects and shows me the exact opposite of truth.

It is a relief to recognize that I have made these images of a world. And Jesus asks that I simply choose again. Choose differently then before. Choose with His help. I want to see differently. I no longer want to see a world of fear, attack and vengeance.

I want to accept complete forgiveness. In this acceptance, I free all my brothers with me, from an insane dream. Holy Spirit never fails in His purpose. My forgiveness is complete if I will only accept it. The gift that has been given me, will shine away the false dark beliefs as I am willing.

Readiness and willingness—-I have been made ready (for the Creator makes no mistakes). It is only my limited perception that seems to hold me away from complete forgiveness. Do I really want to see a world of vengeance? Or do I want to see a world of Love?

I will decide nothing on my own today—-I will let the meaning be given to me from the
One Who knows.
Thank You God, I love You God…..

© 2006, Pathways of Light. https://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Living Is To Be Happy

As I woke the other morning, these thoughts were given to me:
To live is to be happy. To be happy is to heal, to heal is to forgive, to forgive is your purpose.

Fill your purpose, and you will be happy, free, and open for the truth. When you practice forgiving you give room for the truth, which is all around you. Allowing truth to return to your awareness gives you all that you could want or think you need. You were created as everything, so there is no lack in you, no lack is possible anywhere. Yet in your dream you have chosen to deny what you are, what your brother is, and Who your Father is. This need not be, it can be undone in an instant.

Your only purpose is to be happy—-therefore you let go of all that is unlike Love,
all that is untrue.
You forgive yourself for your dream, and welcome Love where It has always been. Peace is yours; you can always share peace. You take the Light with you, as Love created you, so that you can share the Light to help other minds remember that they are Light with you.

Accept forgiveness for yourself—-this is all that you need do. In practicing forgiveness you learn that you are forgiven. Have no doubt that this is completed. Your journey is over. You are at Home.

Each time that you think that you are unworthy, give that thought to Holy Spirit. If you truly want to heal, then it is for you to give every thought that condemns you to Holy Spirit for His judgment. He knows truly, and undoes all that is not true in your mind. Give up your imaginings, your stories. Never have they been true, and so they never were created. “You are the Son of God, complete and healed and whole, shining in the perfection of His Love.”          Amen.

© 2005, Pathways of Light. https://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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The Movie-Dream

To me, this journal entry reflects the willingness to see things differently, and the gift that is received and given.

Me: Holy Spirit, how can I look at or feel the things that I’ve hidden, so that I can give them to you? The ego feels very threatened in this.
Spirit: “That is the belief that you are not lovable, not accepted as you are right now.” 
Me: I would like to let this belief go, now and forever. Please help me in this. I want to recognize and release those thoughts that block my awareness of Love, I want to remember Love.

Spirit: “When you are the dreamer of the dream but do not realize it, then everything that happens seems to come from"outside” of you. You seem to have no control over the circumstance or others. Yet you are the dreamer. In your mind you have made a world, filled it with bodies and billions of stories. And then you have forgotten that you made up the dream, and all the actors in it.
If you are the dreamer, then nothing can be “done” to you. Nothing can happen without your wish for it to be.

“When you took your journey from one state to another, you had no plan, no idea what would happen, yet you felt loved and guided. It was the choice in your mind that made it seem to be a positive step forward. It was your choice to “see” it as a wholly helpful move, for this was the wish you held. You also thought that by making a physical move, that you could leave your past behind, and the roles that others seemed to have placed you in…..but it was only you that put “you” into certain roles or identities. It is you that have made the world what it seems to be…. and you can learn that it is not so.”

Two days after this dialog with Spirit, I had a sleeping dream in which I was given the idea that I am ALL the actors that I see in my waking dream. I am the projector and dreamer of the movie I seem to be involved in. My delusional mind has made up all other players, and acts out those roles, and instantly forgets that it has done so. All the actors simply show me my hidden thoughts that need correction, or they reflect the Love that I am behind all the masks and denial I have made. Every time I am able to look beyond the mask of an actor, I can choose to forgive the thought that made him/her. I cannot find my way out of the dream/movie without direction from One who sees what is true and what is false. I can depend on this Inner Director to guide me, as He gives me only truth. I let the false go, as easily as dropping a robe from my shoulders. I can let go of the false as I recognize that this movie has never brought me peace, joy or love. When I look with my Director, I see with eyes of Love, that gives me unlimited vision.
I am forever grateful for this Director Who holds the truth for me and helps me see beyond the movie/dream!

© 2005, Pathways of Light. https://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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God’s Will

This is the message that Spirit shared with me this morning.

“A part of the mind pleads to make this world real. It wrangles, negotiates, manipulates, threatens and “dies” to make it’s illusion real. This is what keeps you prisoner; what prevents you from recognizing true Life. This is madness, in the persistence of “seeing” what is not there.

“In fantasy you would destroy the truth in you, and it has never happened in reality. Your holiness remains complete, your perfect purity is undefiled. Your true Self loves It’s Father
as the Father loves His one Creation. You are His Creation and that guarantees your safety, your sanctity, your life.
Your life has never been apart from Him; you are one with your Source—and this alone keeps you safe. But in a deluded mind, this you do not see.”

Me: Later in the day I read in Chapter 7, Sec. VIII, the Unbelievable Belief; about the ego and it’s projection, and the law of extension. And in Sec. X, the Confusion of Pain and Joy. This fit so perfectly for me at this time. These are a few of the sentences that stood out to me in section X:

“You believe that doing the opposite of God’s Will can be better for you. You also believe that it is possible to do the opposite of God’s Will. Therefore, you believe that an impossible choice is open to you, and one which is both fearful and desirable.

“The Holy Spirit is perfectly trustworthy, as you are. God Himself trusts you, and therefore your trustworthiness is beyond question. 
His Will is not an idle wish, and your identification with His Will is not optional, since it is What you are.

“If you are God’s Will and do not accept His Will, you are denying joy. The miracle is therefore a lesson in what joy is. Being a lesson in sharing it is a lesson in love, which is joy.”

If you haven’t read chapter 7 recently I reccomend it or simply take your Course and ask H.S. to direct where it would be most helpful for you to read.

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