Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Step Back and Let the Holy Spirit Lead

Love is simple. Being one, It can see nothing else, being unable to conceive of anything but Love. As Love’s extension into the dream of separation, the Holy Spirit recognizes lovelessness, to which it has only one answer: Love.

Peace and happiness are characteristics of Love. Thus if I am not supremely happy and at peace, I must be denying Love. It is this denial that must be corrected and it is this correction that is Holy Spirit’s function.

When I think it is my job to resolve any perceived problem, I begin to make up plans that I think will help. I have noticed a characteristic feature of planning on my own — It usually brings with it a sense of complication that can lead to a sense of feeling overwhelmed with trying to figure it out.

This feeling is a valuable flag that brings to my attention that I am edging the Holy Spirit out and identifying with the ego thought system. It lets me know that it is time to turn over my plans to the Holy Spirit. It’s time to step back, step aside and let the Holy Spirit guide. This practice brings me back to peace, absolves me of the heavy load of trying to consider all the possible effects of my plans, and opens my mind and heart to the Holy Spirit’s inspiration. I notice my shoulders relax, my breathing is easier and happiness returns. Today I will practice again stepping back to let the Holy Spirit lead.

Once again, today my only goal is the acceptance and extension of peace. In order to be consistent with this, it is helpful to frequently check my level of peace. Remembering that I rest in God helps. Remembering that I am being carried by the Holy Spirit helps. Remembering that I am just watching a movie helps. Remembering that I am still as God created me and that there is nothing my holiness cannot do helps.

Asking myself frequently, “What am I and Where am I in truth?” helps me stay connected with the Holy Spirit. As I am able to practice this with more frequency, the Holy Spirit brings me inspiration in the moment without effort. Thank you, God. I love you, God. All is flowing in perfect order and I give thanks.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Accept His Gift

Holy Spirit to Robert:
In Heaven, where all is one, there is no adversary, no competition, no need to defend or plan for your safety. In Heaven, where all is one, you have no needs because all of Heaven is yours, given you by God. This is your Home. This is your natural state.

Your one problem is that you believe you are not at Home. You believe in a self-made image of yourself, fabricated of nothing and having no effect on What and Where you are in truth. But this self-made image stands between you and your experience of Home. And so you engage in countless plans building edifices to protect your image, not realizing that you remain unchanged in the Heart of Love.

Let this go. It is not worthy of you, God’s holy Son. Accept God’s gift and be free. Do this by joining with your brother, recognizing the Christ in him so that you can see it in yourself. Look past the grim and grizzly images of fear and hate that separation would have you see. They are neither true nor real. They are nothing and therefore can have no effect. You are the holy Son of God himself, safe in His Love, eternally at peace, in quiet joy. Accept His gift.

Holy Spirit to Mary:
Do not take this world too seriously, for it is not where you are in truth. In truth, it is just a false image of separation and has nothing to do with God’s creation of his one united Son.

Practice looking at what you are making so real with Me today. I can lighten your load by helping you not take it so seriously. Everything you see through the body’s eyes is just image making and is not really there. You are still safe at Home in Heaven and have never left.

Learn to laugh with Me today. Learn to be lighthearted. Hand over all your thoughts to Me. Together we will not take it so seriously. Everyone is safe at Home in Heaven, no matter what dreams of doom and gloom appear in the ego thought system. Hold My Hand all through the day and let the veil be lifted to see the Christ in everyone.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Holy Spirit: “What’s Mine Is Yours”

Holy Spirit to Robert:
Step back and let Me lead the way. Remember that you do not perceive your own best interests. As you see yourself now, you cannot know the full effects of your choices and decisions; you cannot know what is truly helpful to all.

But My vision is not limited by how you perceive yourself. That is why it is essential that you step back from your image of yourself and give all your perceptions to Me. Let Me lead you to the full expression of God’s Love in this world you believe in. Only thus will you learn of your freedom. Only thus will you learn how to free your brother along with yourself. Only thus will you learn to see a forgiven world.

Your attempts to plan on your own stand as a barrier against the gift of freedom I offer you. Hand your plans to me. Let them go. I am here in your heart and mind. My only purpose is to guide you to the full recognition of the Self you are. I can use all things in the world you perceive on behalf of leading you to freedom. Rest in My certainty. Rest in My Love. Rest in My peace. What’s Mine is yours.

Holy Spirit to Mary:
You are safe. You are innocent. You are loved. You are Home. Let this awareness sink deeply into every part of your mind.

Just relax and let this awareness in. You are safe. You are innocent. You are Home. This includes everyone you see in the world. There is just one Son and everyone is included. Let your acceptance of this truth grow. God’s one Son has never left Heaven, which means everyone you are currently aware of has never left Heaven. Apply this awareness to everyone you think of.

God’s one Son is still as God created him. Relax and let this awareness return to your holy mind.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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The Blessing of Being Carried

For several months a common theme in the inspiration we have received from Holy Spirit has been to let ourselves be carried. It needs repetition because the ego is the idea of being alone and having to “fend for itself.” Letting myself be carried is really a path that leads to freedom from the ego. Letting myself be carried is how I learn how much I am loved by my Creator, how much help I have, and the strength that is available to me when I am willing to accept that Help.

The practice of stepping back and letting the Holy Spirit do the planning, guide my steps and inspire my thoughts leads me to the experience of freedom from limitation. Ultimately it absolves me from guilt because the Holy Spirit’s guidance always blesses all, excluding none. Guilt comes from exclusion. Peace and joy come with inclusion of all my brothers.

And so today is a another blessed day in which I get to practice letting myself be carried by the Love of God.

Holy Spirit to Mary:
Let yourself remember today that in truth, all is well. Let yourself remember today that you are still safe in the Mind of God and that you have never left. Like the prodigal son story, you are learning that everyone is innocent, along with you. God loves His Son as one. God knows He is one with His Son.

Let today be a day of quiet remembering of the truth. Give your time to God today to hear the truth. That is what time is for.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Take Timeouts

Holy Spirit to Robert:
Remember always, you are being carried because, no matter what you imagine, you remain safe in the Heart of God. God has given you all of Himself. You need nothing else. While you believe you are in a world of need, you will be given in form all the things you need that will carry you toward your full awakening to your freedom.

Because the Holy Spirit always has your best interests in mind, He will not bring you what would keep you bound to the world of separation. But with your willingness, He will use all things in this world on behalf of your awakening. Your only job is to be vigilant for God, which means to be vigilant to recognize the barriers you have made against Him and offer them to the Holy Spirit to be undone.

Of yourself you cannot undo them because you made them and believe in them. But the Light of the Holy Spirit will shine on them, dissolving the illusion and returning your mind to the truth. You need only welcome the Holy Spirit’s Light, rather than defend against it. When you make plans on your own, you are defending against the Light. When you are willing to be carried, you accept the Light and the Light will set you free.

Holy Spirit to Mary:
All is one. All has been one, and all will always be one. In truth there has been no change in What always IS. God is. Love is. There is nothing else.

As you go through your day today, take little timeouts from your activities and let yourself be reminded again and again of this truth. It will be like a mind clearing that helps eliminate the clutter. It helps you remember God and that is what your purpose is — to return to God and remember you have never left. Your mind is part of God’s. You are very holy. Let your barriers to accepting Love as It is be laid down today. That is what time is for.

God is. Love is. There is nothing else. Let your awareness of Love’s Presence return to your mind. You are returning to your Self. This is what “let go and let God” means. Let go and let God today.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Rest in the Stillness

Holy Spirit to Mary:
Be patient. Hand over your mind to the Holy Spirit’s healing Light. Let the Holy Spirit shine the Light on all your concerns. Give time to letting go and letting God. Relax deeply receive the Holy Spirit’s gift of peace. Your inner Comforter is there in your mind waiting to bring you a deep feeling of rest and the remembrance that all is well. All is still as God created it.

Give yourself time to rest in the stillness. Let God’s peace fill every corner of your mind. Being open to receiving the Holy Spirit’s gift of peace is your job. The Holy Spirit then can take it from there. Let yourself be led be receiving God’s peace today.

Holy Spirit to Robert:
Pay attention to how you feel in every moment. Do you feel a sense of quiet certainty of your safety and your strength? Then you are letting peace lead the way. Do you feel any sense of concern? Are you thinking about what may come in the future or what has happened in the past? Then you are following the ego thought system that blinds you to the gifts of God that are already yours.

Step back. Let the Holy Spirit shine away the shadows of loneliness and separation, of fear and guilt. Let His Comfort return you to the peace that is yours. In peace all your concerns are resolved. In peace each moment is a demonstration that you are safe, that you are innocent, that you are loved. And by your experience you demonstrate it to all your brothers. As you teach yourself, you teach the world that the strength and peace of God are shining in you now.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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The Paper Bag

Holy Spirit to Mary:
Remember that in truth you rest in God today. Remember that in truth everyone rests in God eternally.

Allowing this truth to return to your mind changes the way you think and your behavior always comes from the way you think, rather than the other way around. Practice being open to receive the truth today. Ask the Holy Spirit often for the truth. You are learning to develop a new habit. You are practicing becoming as a little child and receiving the truth from the Holy Spirit. When you think you already know, the truth is not known to you. Hold Holy Spirit’s hand all through the day and follow.

The ego could not fight its way out of a paper bag because it wants the bag to be an invincible barrier. It sees the bag as its protection and safety and does not want to recognize its flimsiness. Rather, it tries to make believe that this thin paper is a stone wall that could never be breached.

I’m grateful that A Course in Miracles teaches that we have a Guide in our minds given us by God that is there to help us recognize that not only is that barrier not made of stone, it is made of nothing. It is not really a barrier at all. It is only a mistaken belief to be corrected. In Love and tenderness this Guide leads us to let go of the mistaken beliefs that bind us. It leads us to the freedom and peace given us by our Creator.

Seeing a problem, a financial barrier, a difficult relationship, a health issue or any other seeming disturbance as difficult to resolve is simply a reflection of the ego’s need to make it real in its defense against the truth. By the grace of God, the Holy Spirit does not believe in these mistaken ideas. Yet it can and does help us to let these ideas go so that we can return to the Home where we belong and have never truly left.

So whatever I perceive in front of me in the world is an opportunity for me to open my mind to the Holy Spirit’s interpretation and inspiration. With the Holy Spirit it becomes a learning opportunity in which I can learn what is real and what is not. So all the things that seem to be in front of me are simply a means for awakening. I open my mind and heart today to the Holy Spirit’s loving lessons.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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