Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Gentle Correction

One of my principle triggers into defensiveness is when I perceive that someone believes I have not done my job “correctly.” I slip quickly into wanting to be right. It is not a happy feeling. From that perspective I want to make that other person believe that I am right.

This is clearly an ego script and it never satisfies. It only serves to reinforce the idea of lack and guilt. Actions from this mindset not only reinforce guilt in my mind but also attempt to place guilt (blame) on the other. This keeps the ego firmly in charge.

Since this scenario is entirely in my mind, the only way to stop the guilt game is to change my mind. Here is where forgiveness comes to the rescue. But this forgiveness cannot be a magnanimous gesture in which I demonstrate my superiority by overlooking the dastardly deed. I must come to the full recognition that nothing really happened to justify guilt. For this I need the help of the Holy Spirit.

And so in every moment it is important for me to practice putting all my thoughts of guilt and shame and blame into the loving Hands of the Holy Spirit. He will transform those thoughts. He will teach me how to see past the images to the reality of only Love. I need His help for this and I must be willing to accept His help. Only then will I find peace.

Today is another day of practice in turning over my thoughts to the Holy Spirit to receive His gentle correction.

If I really want to wake up from the dream of separation, I must be willing to let go of the idea that there is a past and a future. This only makes the dream of separation seem more real. This is not waking up, but reinforcing the dream of being separated from my Source.

How willing am I today to wake up to the Holy Spirit’s vision of the eternal present? How willing am I today to let go of thinking I know anything? How willing am I to receive Holy Spirit’s gentle correction to what I think I am seeing through the body’s eyes?

Both A Course in Miracles and Ho’oponopono teach me to let go of the past. This is forgiveness and forgiveness is my only function here. My prayer today is that I remember my purpose to hand over everything I experience in the dream of separation to the Holy Spirit to be undone. This what today is for.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Gratitude and Gentleness

Every day my gratitude grows. There is so much to be grateful for: The whole universe of God’s Love. It’s always been there but I have not allowed myself to recognize It. Bringing the past to the present makes the Love of God imperceptible. Its been there all along, but I wasn’t aware of it.

My gratitude is growing through my practice of forgiveness that lets go of interference from the past. Forgiveness is a precious gift I give myself, with Holy Spirit’s help. My part of the gift is the willingness to turn over my thoughts of the past to the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit’s gift is the transformation and clearing of the erroneous beliefs and returning to me only the Love that is real.

I am grateful for the help provided by A Course in Miracles and the Spirit of Love in my mind that has gently, persistently, with a singleness of purpose, guided me to the recognition of the one Self we all share. I cannot say with certainty that as yet I have a full conscious experience of that one Self, but I can say with certainty that I experience the presence of Love more and more every day. Thank you God. I love you God.

When I go to Spirit this morning, what comes is the word “gentleness,” and the feeling of gentleness comes with it. In this feeling of gentleness, there is a knowing that everything is alright. There is a feeling of patience and trust. There is a sense of caring and compassion.

In this gentle wordless communication from Spirit, there is a calling to come Home. The feeling that goes with this is that, as I respond to the call, I receive the gift of profound peace and the knowing that all our needs are met forever.

This message from Spirit goes beyond words. It carries with it the feeling of inner comfort, inner strength and certainty, and inner peace. It also carries with it the knowing that nothing else really matters than answering this call to return Home.

I know that today is about answering this call and giving my attention to letting myself be carried Home by the Holy Spirit.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Freedom from Conflict

My prayer of gratitude: Thank you Father, my Creator and my Source. My heart is filled with joy for Your gift to me. Your gift is all I need; I have no other need. I join with You in sharing this gift and in this sharing my joy is magnified a thousand times and a thousand times again. There is no limit to the joy of sharing Your gift, for You are limitless, and therefore so am I. Thank You, Father, for Your gift. I honor You and my Self by sharing it. Thank You.

In our reading this morning, this is what stood out to me:

The miracle comes quietly into the mind that stops an instant and is still. It reaches gently from that quiet time, and from the mind it healed in quiet then, to other minds to share its quietness. And they will join in doing nothing to prevent its radiant extension back into the Mind Which caused all minds to be. Born out of sharing, there can be no pause in time to cause the miracle delay in hastening to all unquiet minds, and bringing them an instant’s stillness, when the memory of God returns to them. …The instant’s silence that His Son accepts gives welcome to eternity and Him, and lets Them enter where They would abide. For in that instant does the Son of God do nothing that would make himself afraid. (T-28.I.11:1-4, 12:5-6)

This reminds me how important it is for my healing to find the time to stop an instant and be still. Allowing this quiet time makes room for the Holy Spirit, my true Self. If I do not make room for my true Self, how can It be heard over the incessant noise of the ego? If I want the memory of God to return to my mind, then today I will be willing to get off the ego’s merry-go-round and in quietness, accept the miracle that my true Self holds out to me. The peace I feel as I practice this is not a little gift. It paves the way to freedom from conflict.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Follow the Way of Love

Holy Spirit to Mary:
Today go with the flow that forgiveness offers you. Choose to follow Holy Spirit each moment. Then go with the flow. Just follow where the Light leads you. The Light leads you to your innate happiness. Relax and let yourself be carried by the Light of Love today.

Holy Spirit to Robert:
Joy and Love are inseparable. When you follow the Light of Love, you follow the way of joy. In truth there is no other way. The appearance of alternatives is simply a false image to be let go. That is why forgiveness leads you to the way of joy. Face this day with an open heart, free of the past and it will be a happy day indeed.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Honor and acknowledge your Self

During our quiet time this morning, we were guided to read A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 110. The following stood out to me:

You are as God created you. Today honor your Self. Let graven images you made to be the Son of God instead of what he is be worshipped not today. Deep in your mind the holy Christ is waiting your acknowledgement as you. And you are lost and do not know yourself while He is unacknowledged and unknown. (W-pI.110.9)

I realize that it is so arrogant of me not to honor and acknowledge my Self. It is obvious if I see a world of separation that I have chosen to believe in a thought system of separation that is the opposite of my Self. I have true humility when I let the truth be true and not try to change it. I am as God created me. And this I includes everyone. No one is left out of God’s Oneness.

I need to be humble today and remember that the whole thought system I have bought into is not true. I honor my Self by letting go of these false ideas of separation. I let go, or forgive, by offering them up to the Holy Spirit to be undone. As the Holy Spirit shines a light on all the separate images I am making real through my belief, it becomes clear that this is how I wake up from the dream. This is how I move from caterpillar to butterfly.

As I practice honoring my Self by being willing to acknowledge the truth, peace returns. Inspiration for how to be truly helpful returns. I remember that forgiveness is my only function while I still think I am here.

Whenever I judge I am embattled. I have perceived myself as separate and I am defending against what I judge. Every battle starts with a judgment. Consequently every battle proclaims guilt real and defines the Son of God as a sinner. While this could never be true, it can be believed and thus experienced as true.

To maintain the ego thought system there must be constant battle. For in the instant a brother is recognized as my one Self, the battle disappears. Guilt disappears. And Love flows in to fill the seeming gap left clean by the mind that has ceased to defend against the truth.

Today I choose to be vigilant for peace. Today I choose to be mindful of embattled thoughts and offer them to the Holy Spirit to be purified by His Light of Love. I am willing to do this a hundred or a thousand times an hour because I know that in this release I open the door to the peace of God. This is all I really want.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Another Day of Opportunity

We have been reading in the book, Zero Limits, about the fact that we are 100 percent responsible for everything we experience. This same idea is a central principle in A Course in Mircles. In the past I have thought there must be some exceptions to this principle. And I still try to make exceptions. But I now recognize that this is simply resistance to healing. It comes out of a fear of losing the separate identity I’ve worked so hard to develop.

Yet if I am really honest, this identity is an empty image made up to substitute for my Identity as Love in the heart of Love. Do I really want an empty image in place of a limitless, timeless Love? I don’t think so. Yet part of me must want this empty image. Otherwise there would be no thought to hold on to a world of images. Today I feel like I’m ready to kick up my acceptance a notch, to paraphrase Emeril. “Bam!” I could experience the fullness of God’s Love now! It’s just a matter of willingness.

In the dream I have carefully hidden “eons” of beliefs in unconsciousness. I am grateful that in every moment, with every thought, perception or experience, I am offered an opportunity to choose Love instead of fear, to choose unity instead of separation. In every moment I can say to my Self, “I am sorry I made this image. Help me to let it go. I love you. Thank you.”

I no longer want the substitute images. I want the peace of God. Nothing else has value. I am grateful for another day to practice.

A Course in Miracles often tell us to ask of everything, “What is this for?” As I am reading Zero Limits, I am reminded that everything is for ‘cleaning.’ The Course uses the term forgiveness, or turning over every perception to the Holy Spirit to be cleansed and purified of what is not true. As my thoughts are purified of what is not true, there is no more “juice” there. And into this clean and empty space, Holy Spirit shines the Light of Love.

As I put the “welcome mat” out to the Holy Spirit in more and more situations, I am using each day as a new opportunity to “clean” or remember that I do not know what anything is for and I am open to a thought reversal. I am open to be reminded by the Holy Spirit that, “Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists.” As I let myself receive this truth, peace comes with it.

Applying this process to every experience of my “life” is what today and every day is for. Today is another opportunity to forgive or, in other words, to allow my true Self heal my mind by removing what is not true. The ho’ oponopono process of saying, “I am sorry, I love you. Forgive me. Thank you,” is another way of opening my mind to accept the truth instead of continuing to carry on with the ego thought system. The false mind I have been identifying with knows nothing.

As I practice true humility and remember to step back and observe what is really going on, my willingness increases to forgive, or hand it over for correction. As my mind gets cleaned of false perceptions, only Love is there. And I give thanks that only this is true. I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity of another day of “cleaning” or forgiving what never was.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Holy Spirit to Mary:
Your job now is to allow the cleansing or removal of all false ideas. This cleansing takes place naturally as you continuously choose God’s peace instead of the values of the world. Thoughts that give value to the world may still pop up in your mind from the past. But you now turn these thoughts over the Holy Spirit to be cleansed away instead of keeping them.

You now have one value that you hold above all others: You want only the peace of God. You consistently open your mind to receive God’s peace, which is always there for you to accept and extend. As you receive God’s peace, you also receive a steady flow of inspiration in how to be truly helpful in the moment. As you choose peace, you remember that you are being carried. You remember that you are eternal Spirit and are not a body.

You willingly lay down the toys of the world because you see that they are meaningless. The ego thoughts are handed over, again and again and again, as they come up to be healed. Your inner Teacher shines a light on all these false ideas. You let your mind be purified. You allow the return of the truth that only Love is real. You allow yourself to rest in God’s deep peace.

No matter what stories come up in the dream of separation, you know that everyone is safe along with you. Everyone is eternal Spirit, along with you. Everyone is innocent, along with you. God’s Son is One. You willingly let go of separation, individuality and uniqueness. You let yourself return to the truth that God’s Kingdom is all that is real. Only Love’s Oneness is real. You are willing to let any other thought be cleansed from your mind. This is what today is for. This is your purpose now.

Holy Spirit to Robert:
The memory of the ego is toxic because its purpose is to maintain the illusion of separation and the “reality” of fear and guilt. Forgiveness is the means to clear away this toxic memory. As long as you are determined to hang on to the ego’s memory, you block the memory of God that the Holy Spirit offers you in every moment. But when you are willing to offer all your thoughts to the Holy Spirit for Him to judge on your behalf, He will gently teach you what is meaningless and show you the Love that is meaningful that lies beyond the meaningless. Your openness to the Holy Spirit’s teaching is your path to God’s peace.

Today walk with the Holy Spirit with a willingness to receive His interpretation of everything you see, feel or think about. He will bring you to the freedom of God’s Love. He will dissolve with God’s Light the toxic memories of the ego. This practice brings you to the presence of Love. It is worth the effort.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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