Miracles News

April-June, 2023

Joy and Peace

by Rev. Joyce Peebles, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

The text tells us light, joy and peace abide in me. I came to admit that I did not believe these words. To “spiritual people” they sound good and thus I enjoyed saying them. Yet the problem remained that I could not believe them entirely.

Due to my split mind, I am engaged in a daily struggle to see myself as an ego body or as pure spirit.

Jesus has instructed us that this body, the world and our special relationships are all made to conceal the beliefs in sin, guilt and fear. I know this is true from observing my projections. Too often I see my brother as my enemy; conflict, competition and strife are present. Now I understand it is the belief in guilt in my mind that is the cause of my upsets.

A quote from the Song of Prayer says, “Praying for others, if rightly understood, becomes a means for lifting your projections of guilt from your brother, and enabling you to recognize it is not he who is hurting you. The poisonous thought that he is your enemy, your evil counterpart, your nemesis, must be relinquished before you can be saved from guilt.” (-1.3.1:4-5)

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April-June, 2023


by Rev. Paula Richards, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

One of the best things about the used bookstore near me isn’t the books. It isn’t the lovely couple who own it or the warm, welcoming space they’ve created. It’s the puzzles. Row upon row of used jigsaw puzzles that you can rent for a full month.

Not everyone enjoys doing puzzles. I happen to love it if there is a pretty picture and not just some mind-boggling challenge. I don’t feel the need to prove myself in that way. But, as I sat the other evening, pouring out the contents of another 1,000-piece puzzle box, I couldn’t help wondering what the fascination is with cutting a photo into many pieces only to put them back together again. Why would anyone do that? It somehow felt important to have an answer.

I asked Holy Spirit to explore this with me because I suspected that puzzle-making might be a metaphor for life. A Course in Miracles tells us over and over that we are whole, complete, and perfect, that we are One. But we are experiencing ourselves as billions of separate individuals trying to rejoin, to see where we fit into the bigger picture. Again, why would we do that?

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April-June, 2023

The Three R’s: Reset, Renew and Remind

by Rev. Vicki Evans, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

One of the most beautiful lessons that I learned through my journey at Pathways of Light is that I always have the opportunity to choose my path; dwell on the past, or move forward into peace and joy with Holy Spirit. Reset every morning — no need to regret or ruminate yesterday. This has become my mantra.

I want to be the tide that moves forward collecting shells of experience by latching on to activities that contribute to my goals and create waves of purpose. In the past I can think of so many times when I would ruminate on my thoughts over and over in my mind in hopes of grasping a perspective that I could make sense of in my false state of ego. Sometimes that circulating of mind thoughts would take the form of going over my encounters and almost rating them on a scale of 1 to 10. I was thinking from a state of worry instead of self-trust.

Knowing that I have a lifelong partner in Holy Spirit and my own Internal Wisdom, I now live in the joy of awakening when I choose the path of peace. I can always trust myself to be my authentic self in any situation to revitalize myself in a state of Love, not ego.

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April-June, 2023

Learning Through Joy

by Rev. Ashley Rose Legrand, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

I used to think that everything needed to be perfect in order for me to be happy. All my conditions had to be met for me to be at peace and really live. Even with the deepening of my spiritual life over recent years, there was still a small remnant of this old thought system lingering in my mind.

Over the past month though, I have begun to notice a shift. I have even surprised myself in the most delightful way. My ego is very strong in a certain area of my life and I’ve had to work overtime to rein it in and choose, over and over again, to see the situation differently. These last few weeks it seems something has taken over me.

“Hi, Holy Spirit…” has taken my hand and infused me with a greater strength than I’ve yet known and guided me beyond more of my mental blocks to the awareness of Love’s presence within me, regardless of what the outside conditions were presenting at the moment.

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April-June, 2023

A Prayer to Remember Our Unity with God

by Mary Michele, Student of A Course in Miracles

God never leaves His Son.
Welcome, Holy Spirit, trusted Teacher,
Friend and Comforter.
All painful thoughts of separation
are soothed through Your gentle undoing
of what never happened.

The Face of Christ is ours
as we unite as one Self,
united with our Creator now.
And along with this comes the vision
that allows us to remember You, Father,
Whose Identity we share as Love,
the core of Life Itself.  Amen

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April-June, 2023

I Know Just What to Do

by Rev. Bob Thompson, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

When… I’m… looking
for the Peace of God,
I know just what to do.
I bless the babbling in my mind,
and this world fades from view.

I enter my Inner Holy Place,
which is where I long to stay.
But I return with the Holy
Thought, that I have…
“Found another Way.”

Gathering from New York
to California, and all around
the world, we’ve listened to our
many friends, and thought
about their words.

And after years of pondering,
we’d like to share with you, how
easy it is to lose your fears and
find the peace that’s truly You.

Holiness resides inside of you,
so everything has been arranged.
Just shift your point of view, and
you’ll find your life has changed.

You’re a gift from the Creator,
You may live life as you will,
but, if you thirst for the
Peace of God, here’s a chance
to drink your fill!

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April-June, 2023

From Person to Son

by Rev. Robin Singler, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

As part of my morning practice, I turn my day over to the purpose of mind healing, review any workbook lesson I may be working on, and let helpful thoughts and images come into my mind as I focus inwardly and relax. I then ask Spirit (intuition, higher Self, Voice for God) what my mind healing looks like for me that day, and a theme or area of focus will come into my awareness. Over the last few months, a recurring theme has been offered me stated as “We’re moving from person to Son.”

When I first heard this statement, a sense of openness was there as I realized what He was saying, “We are letting go of personal-self identification and moving toward the Oneness that is really true about you. You are the One Son of God, the Creator, not the small self. From personal to Universal. From alone to All-One. From hidden to seen. From separate to unified.”

When this Guidance first came to me, it was very exciting and I was inspired to look up the word “person” and was amazed at what I found. The first recorded use of the word was around the year 1200, and stems from the Latin word “persona” meaning “role,” and is also linked to the Late Latin meaning “member of the Trinity.”

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April-June, 2023

Love Holds No Grievances

by Rev. Christine Anderson, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

As I practice returning to Love each day, every circumstance provides new opportunities to heal my mind and return to the truth that we are all Love and nothing else.

The following quote from ACIM Workbook Lesson 71 helped me with an experience I had recently.

“The ego’s plan for salvation centers around holding grievances. It maintains that, if someone else spoke or acted differently, if some external circumstance or event were changed, you would be saved. Thus, the source of salvation is constantly perceived as outside yourself. Each grievance you hold is a declaration, and an assertion in which you believe, that says, “If this were different, I would be saved.” The change of mind necessary for salvation is thus demanded of everyone and everything except yourself.” (W-pI.71.2)

One morning I woke up, but I was still very sleepy. I was approached in a very hurried manner by an aide who works at the facility where I live. I just wanted her to go away and let me sleep. It was still dark out. Why are they getting me up?

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January-March, 2023

Miracles News, January-March, 2023


Is the

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January-March, 2023

Mind Games and the Miracle I Need Do Nothing

by Rev. Bill Poppa, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

In the song “Mind Games” John Lennon sings “Love is a flower. You gotta’ let it… You gotta’ let it grow.” This simple lyric seems nice, and it works well in the message of the song itself. However, the simplistic truth in the lyric is more powerful than just a first impression of it.

Often times I experience conflict and confusion on the small things I encounter in everyday life. From a practical standpoint, I deal with them in quick fashion and there is no perceptual loss in my peace as I navigate the solution. In fact, any perceived problem always resolves itself, because my mind does not bother to judge the situation in need of a rational solution. For example, a parking spot is inevitably available in a crowded lot; or the slow-moving checkout line does not move to my liking, yet I’m out of the store with time to spare. There are many incidences like this in any given day and my thinking mind does not labor to resolve these minor inconveniences, they simply resolve themselves in the unfolding.

But what about the apparent larger and seeming more consequential problem that arises unexpectedly, one that serves a greater inconvenience with a demonstrable consequence?

Just this kind of unexpected problem presented itself last night. I co-facilitate Pathways of Light’s “Listen and Receive” program. We meet once a week at 6:30 pm local time on a conference call. We have many people who take part regularly, and often, there are first timers at any given time. The call is set up ahead of time and those who wish to take part dial in to attend and share in the lesson and fellowship.

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January-March, 2023

Driving Home

by Rev. Joyce Peebles, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

Have you ever been driving while thinking about something else and missed an exit or arrived somewhere on autopilot because your mind was elsewhere? As bodies we can live our life like that too. Going through all the motions but not fully present. Unknowingly we choose blindness.

When you realized you have missed the exit you immediately seek to get back on track to your destination. The same occurs with our spiritual development. The Holy Spirit speaks, and we recognize where we are and decide to take another path. There are certain intersections we come to in life and we must make a choice. One of the most important intersections we come to is the recognition that love, compassion and empathy are essential. We can decide not to take this road but avoiding it does not get us where we want to go.

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January-March, 2023

Learning to Welcome Love

by Robert and Mary Stoelting, founders of Pathways of Light

The world we see is a mirror that shows us what we believe is real. The perception of a world outside is a projection of our beliefs. This is an important key that the Holy Spirit uses to show us where our mind needs healing.

If the world we see seems to make us feel unhappy, fearful or unloved, we are being shown a belief that needs healing. If we practice bringing these perceptions to the Holy Spirit for His loving correction, we step forward on our journey of awakening to Love. Love is ever present. It is What we are.

We have induced a dream of lovelessness by identifying with the ego thought system of separation from God’s Love. But the Holy Spirit will gently help us awaken from this dream. He shows us the Love beyond the appearances if we are willing to accept His help. He helps us respond to calls for Love which we may see in others. These calls represent our own calls based on our belief in lack of Love.

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January-March, 2023

Release Judgments and Be Free

by Rev. Dan Strodl, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

Judgments are the ego’s favorite tool for keeping us locked in hell. Not neutral judgments like “what should I wear today, what shall I eat for dinner, who shall I call” but condemnation judgments like “You’re fat. I’m stupid. You’re mad.” These judgments fill our minds with fear, hate, anger and separation. They pop into our minds and thrive in unconsciousness.

But we can escape these judgments, first by being aware of them, and then asking the Holy Spirit to help us see them with our right minds.  The Holy Spirit is always there to lift us up out of the insanity of judgments to love and peace.

“You have no idea of the tremendous release and deep peace that comes from meeting yourself and your brothers totally without judgment.”  (T-3.VI.3:1) 

My mind used to be full of judgments about myself and others, but as I noticed them and gave them to the Holy Spirit for healing, they weakened and disappeared. I still get triggered by the ego’s judgments, but not as often.

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January-March, 2023

The Three Bullet Points

by Rev. Larry Glenz, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

About twelve years ago or so, I took a trip from Long Island down to Ormond Beach, FL to see Robert and Mary at the new Florida home of Pathways of Light. I was leasing a new 2014 Mustang convertible and I was looking forward to taking it on a long trip. I had something on my mind, and I wanted to talk to Robert and Mary and see the new headquarters in Florida.

I was retired from teaching social studies at Lynbrook High School and my son, Kevin had passed a few years earlier at the age of 27. I was being guided to speak to high school kids about Kevin’s struggle as an opioid addict. I wanted to refine my words to meet with what I had learned from my years as a student of A Course in Miracles.

I wanted a final uplifting message after telling the chilling story of the All-American boy who fell into the depths of addiction and died after 7 years of rehabs, recovery, and relapses. I needed to believe that I was inspiring the audience instead of scaring them with the horror of drug addiction.

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January-March, 2023

Remembering Who We Truly Are

by Rev. Derek Dube, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

I’ve been struggling over the past four months about my father’s passing away. Truth be told, he took his own life. For the first couple of weeks, I was in shock and then spent the next several weeks going through the “normal” emotions per the counselors and experts on suicide, (anger, sadness, guilt, happy memories, etc.).

At this time, and all the time since, I kept asking myself “WHY” and I concluded that a person takes their own life when the physical, emotional, mental, and/or spiritual pain becomes too difficult to bear. The question for me is not “WHY” anymore, but why did he/she/they have to get to the point where they decided this was their only option. I had heard many years ago that suicide was the cowards way out, but I DID NOT believe it then and I certainly DO NOT believe that now.

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