Miracles News

July-September, 2012

I Have Not Betrayed God

by Rev. Vicki Rostant, O.M.C.

Rev. Vicki RostantThere had been an ongoing situation where I felt deeply hurt by a perceived behavior. In my deluded perception, this behavior inflicted me with the deepest, most personal kind of pain. At first, there were all the usual suspects in attendance: Why are you doing this to me? How could you do this to me? In what universe could you think that that is okay? How can you hurt me like this?

Despite repeated assurances from my “tormentor” that I was wrong about the situation, and despite the fact that in my saner moments I had no reason to doubt the veracity of that statement, from time to time I continued to experience the agony of what I perceived to be a total transgression against what I believed to be appropriate. Over time, when it was clear that I could not go on this way, and through the grace of a little willingness to practice ACIM principles, whenever I felt caught in the maelstrom of my feelings about this behavior, I would offer these feelings to Holy Spirit and ask for help.

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July-September, 2012

Biting the Hand that Feeds Me

by Rev. Sharyn Zenz, O.M.C.

Rev. Sharyn ZenzI was recently bitten by a dog on the right hand. After being in quite a bit of pain with it, I asked my Self “ Why was I bitten in my hand and have to go through so much pain?” As I sat quietly I heard,  “Sharyn, why are you biting the hand that feeds you?” WOW. I thought about that for a minute and asked Holy Spirit to please give me an explanation of this and how would He see it. This is what I received from Holy Spirit:

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July-September, 2012

The One About Employees

by Rev. Stephan Mead, O.M.C.

Rev. Stephan MeadI didn’t see this one coming…

For the past six months, the project I am working on has been a 10-12 hour a day commitment. In addition to work, I am involved in several Pathway’s 900 courses, have two teaching/learning slots on ACIM Gather Radio per week, and regularly meet with another 5 or 6 people for an hour at a time, and meditate every morning. My life seems full!

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July-September, 2012

Our Body Reflects Our Beliefs

by Rev. Peggy Rivera, O.M.C.

Rev. Peggy RiveraA friend of mine told me she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She was devastated because she said, “I did everything right. I eat right, I exercise, and I take supplements. And now I have cancer.” She told me she was so bewildered that she is having a difficult time leading her weight management group. I felt really bad for her.

We talked for a while and then I told her I would be there for her no matter what. I went home and read in the Text of A Course in Miracles, hoping to find some comforting words. It is sometimes difficult to approach a non-Course student about words of wisdom from the Course when it may not be something that they can grasp. But I read in the Text on page 187, “All magic is an attempt to reconcile the irreconcilable. If God created you perfect then you are perfect. If you believe you can be sick, you have placed other gods before him.” ….

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July-September, 2012

Call to Truth

by Rev. Mary Manke, O.M.C.

Rev. Mary MankeThe insane mind tries to keep its illusions. It defends against the Truth with intensity, ferocity and with guile. It will “do” anything to keep truth from entering its abode, and makes the false appear to take the place of Truth.

We are learning that the insane mind is only foolishness, not to be taken seriously. The insane mind is the desire to see special wishes come true. The faith or belief in these wishes makes this world appear very solid and real. The insane mind does not want to wake, yet beneath all its noise and magic, its grandiosity and pride, there is the Truth. And the Truth calls to you again and again to be Itself.

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July-September, 2012

Listen to One Voice

by Rev. Larry Pueppka, O.M.C.

Rev. Larry PueppkaI am always amazed at the myriad ways Spirit finds to communicate with us. As I was passing by the television set recently, a commercial that was playing caught my eye. The image on the screen was of a young woman’s face looking straight into the camera. Then you began to hear the inner dialogue that was going on in her mind, which went something like this. “What happens if I fail again; what if I’m not strong enough; what if I give into temptation; what makes you think you’ll be successful this time?”

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July-September, 2012

Defeated by A Course in Miracles

by Rev. Ken Gorman, O.M.C.

Rev. Ken GormanMy meaningless thoughts are showing me a meaningless world. (W-pI.11)

This is one of the most important aspects of ACIM training yet one of the most difficult to accept, especially for ego that builds our image as individual life forms, separate from everything else with an entire universe constructed of and by thoughts. This concept is found in many other traditions such as Ramana Maharshi who said… “the degree of the absence of thoughts is your measure of progress on the spiritual path.” It has been said that Krishna Murti teachings can be summarized in two words… “Don’t Think,” despite producing reams of material on spirituality. Even the Buddhist canon could fill several libraries. This is also similar to the ACIM material many of us have studied for years which consists of words and more words, pages and more pages of text… why?

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July-September, 2012

Turn It Over

by Rev. Georgeann Medved, O.M.C.

Rev. Georgeann MedvedMy husband, Joe went for a routine cardiac stress test in late April. The results showed that he needed two stints and he was scheduled to go to Flint two days later for that procedure. That night I called neighbors and asked them to watch our house as we would be gone approximately five days. We traveled to Flint the next day and stayed in a hotel. He was told he would be able to drive three days after the procedure so he would be able to drive us home. That night we offered prayers for a successful procedure and turned our will and our lives over to the care of God.

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July-September, 2012

The Purpose of My To Do List

by Rev. Mary Gerard Lenihan, O.M.C.

Rev. Mary LenihanToday I started feeling overwhelmed with my to do list and I asked for help. First, Holy Spirit revealed to me a bit about self-hatred and how the ego goes to great lengths to preserve self-hatred, for it keeps the ego in charge. I wrote a whole article on that experience!

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July-September, 2012

Divine Mother and Divine Father as Symbols for Transformation

by Rev. Dennis Gaither, M.D., O.M.C.

Rev. Dennis Gaither, M.D.Symbols can be so helpful as bridges that can help us reach from the world of form we find ourselves in to the formlessness of our true Reality, but they can also become an obstacle when they become an end in themselves. Symbols can help us focus, help us quiet our inner chatter and remind us of the sacredness that is within us.

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July-September, 2012

The Mirror

by Rev. Melissa Ketchum, O.M.C.

Rev. Melissa KetchumHoly Spirit finds a way to speak to us and guide us even if we have tied a blindfold over our eyes and have shoved wads of cotton in our ears. Over the past few weeks since my ordination on May 20th, I have been in a frantic panic to start my ministry-based business — get my website on search engines, find every inexpensive advertising source available, check my email fifty times a day for wedding leads …or any leads. I was consumed. Obsessed. Being an unemployed single mother with a mortgage and two kids, I felt panicked to “make money.”

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July-September, 2012

Teacher and the Learner: Serving as a Pathways Facilitator

by Rev. Larry Glenz, O.M.C.

Rev. Larry GlenzI have learned from my study of A Course in Miracles “that to teach is to learn, so that teacher and learner are the same.”

I have been having a powerful experience from serving as a facilitator in the Ministerial Curriculum. Five years ago while studying these courses for ordination as a Pathways minister, I was consumed with the peril of my son Kevin’s drug addiction. Now I am reading my answers from that time and sharing them with my “student” Mike. More than two years after Kevin’s death, I realize how clearly I was being guided by Spirit and was being prepared to see the tragic results with a different vision. I was learning the power of true forgiveness.

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April-June, 2012

Ghosts, Monsters, Dragons and Police Officers

by Joanne Kraenzle Schneider, Ph.D., O.M.C. and Don Carver, Ph.D.

Joanne SchneiderJust one and one-half miles from my home, there is a parking lot where I meet my running buddies. I drive this street nearly every day. A couple of days ago I was on my way to meet two of my running buddies. The sun was shining bright and the temperature was moderate. I was singing Neil Young’s “old man take a look at my life…” with the radio. Life was good and then when I was just about at the lot, out of the corner of my eye, a police car pulled out of its parking spot. Yup, busted! I pulled into the lot as usual as he pulled in behind me with his lights flashing and my running buddies standing there in their florescent yellow jackets with big grins on their faces. Busted again!

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April-June, 2012

The Planner

by Rev. Veronika Wilcox, O.M.C.

Rev. Veronika WilcoxI have a planner
that is full of my plans.
Plans for this and plans for that.

I am fond of my planner.
It keeps me secure in the knowledge
That all is well in the future for me.

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April-June, 2012

Moving Our of the Darkness into the Light: It’s Called Awakening

by Rev. Linda Wisniewski, O.M.C.

Rev. Linda WisniewskiI don’t know if you ever experience this, but after faithfully practicing ACIM lessons, giving my willingness to Holy Spirit to look at everything that didn’t bring me peace, I suddenly went into a deep funk. Call it disillusionment, despondency, crashing. It felt horrible, lonely, scarey and disorienting to say the least. I went into a panic. What if all that I am learning is not the truth? What if God isn’t real? What am I to do?

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