Together, We Light the Way

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Some Thought on Relationships

It can be very hard for some of us to let go of the need to fix. I understand this, because it has been a problem for me. What I always ask myself is this; what is my purpose? My salvation, accepting the Atonement for myself is my only purpose. As it happens, doing this for myself, I am doing it for all. I cannot save anyone else. I don’t need to save anyone else. To suggest that someone else needs my efforts on their behalf is to attack them. It is an attack on their invulnerability. If someone thinks they cannot live without me, I understand their pain because being in denial of their Divinity is painful. But I would never think I can restore them to their sanity. To think that someone needs me is to think that I need someone. I don’t want to teach that lie to them or to me.

A special relationship is one in which a trade is made. The two people agree to meet each others needs. When one or the other outgrows their need, or discovers the other person is no longer meeting that need, the relationship usually ends. If one or both of the couple feel that something is missing at that time, they can be sure that it wasn’t a loving relationship, but rather an exchange of needs. I don’t want to teach anyone that they are needy and that I am the one who can supply that need and make them feel whole because that isn’t true. And what I teach them I teach myself.

I always want to do the most loving and helpful thing at all times. This is good as long as I don’t become confused about what is the most helpful thing; what is loving. If I love someone I want them to be strong. I want them to know they are perfect and whole and without needs of any kind. I do not want them to think they are in any way needy. I do not want them to see me as special or different from them. I want all of my special relationships to be transformed by the Holy Spirit into holy relationships. This can be done at any time and under any circumstances. I don’t have to be with the person anymore. They don’t even have to be still in the body for it to happen. In fact healing takes place across all sorts of ego boundaries like time and space.

All that is required of me is to notice the thoughts and beliefs that indicate a special relationship, and to be willing to see it differently. This is the most loving thing I can do for myself, the other person and the Sonship as a whole. More importantly, it is the only loving thing I can do, and everything else is not loving regardless of how I have learned to see it.

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Figure and Ground

Something I picked up from a Kenneth Wapnick book was the terms figure and ground. You may remember them from Psych 101. As I understand it, figure is what you are focused on and ground is the stuff in the background that you are aware of, but not focused on. What I have been doing is shifting my awareness so that I am seeing a different figure. If there is a psychologist out there somewhere reading this he is probably wondering where I studied. I am taking great liberties with the idea, but what it means to me in actual usefulness is that I can use the idea to remind myself where to focus my attention.

Let’s say that I begin my day with my lesson which tells me that it is in my defenselessness that my safety lies. Later that morning I am talking to a customer and realize that he is considering buying from someone else. For me the figure, that is what I am focused on, is trying to convince him to stay with me, and the ground, the program running in the background, is the idea that it is in my defenselessness that my safety lies. The more I focus on the figure, the further the ground fades from my awareness.

In the middle of all this, I notice that I have lost my peace and I start thinking about my lesson, so the ground comes a little into focus. I keep talking to my customer but at the same time, my mind is bringing the thought of defenselessness more into focus. It becomes my figure, and the customer is now my ground. In other words, the lesson becomes the most important thing in my life, and the circumstances surrounding this encounter at work become the background or the playing field or the school room, however I want to think of it.

While the customer interaction was the figure, the lesson was the ground. I chose to see this differently, and the lesson became the figure. What happens then? Well, I regain my peace and maybe through my peaceful approach I am able to say something to keep my customer, or maybe not. But I kept my peace, I practiced my lesson. My peace is a gift I give my customer as well. Anyway, thinking of it as figure and ground is just a clever way to visualize it and to remind me to make that all important shift in vision.

I was thinking about how this has worked in my life.  I started out with the figure being my poor pathetic life and the ground being how everyone seemed to be attacking me. Slowly over time this shifted to where my figure is still my poor pathetic life, the ground was everyone attacking me, but the ground is catching my attention more because I began to study the Course and am learning to think of attack differently.

Then I began to notice that my life and the attack syndrome are related and the ground becomes what I am learning from the Course. I become vaguely aware of the underlying cause of my unhappiness. I get to the point that my life and its dramas are still my focus,
but the ground is more defined as the Holy Spirit’s vision. It is still in the background but my attention is drawn to it more and more.

Now my figure is my life a lot of the time, but it actually shifts quite often to where my figure becomes the expression of the Holy Spirit, and my ground is the drama of the dream. They are more and more changing places. My goal is to always have the Holy Spirit as the figure, and “life” as the ground. I am very grateful for this change.

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Lesson 139

I will accept Atonement for myself.

What does this lesson mean to me?
This lesson addresses the idea that I think I do not know what I am.
This is clearly impossible. What I am is in my mind. I decided to not
be aware of this and so made two parts of my mind; the part that
knows and the part that doesn’t. The Atonement undoes the part the
doesn’t know who it is. I only need accept the Atonement for myself,
and I will be accepting it for all.

How can I apply this to my life right now?
I will be aware today of when my thoughts are doubtful and fearful.
These thoughts come from the part of my mind that is in denial about
my true self. When I notice these thoughts I will bring them to the
right side of my mind so they can be corrected.

My message from Holy Spirit
Truly Myron, you know who you are. Thinking that you do not is a
decision you made, and then forgetting that you made the decision was
also a decision on your part. That is why Heaven must be a decision
you make. You decided against Heaven and so to have Heaven you must
change your mind and decide for it. The Atonement is the way you do
this. The Atonement is the undoing of your decision against Heaven.
Decide for the Atonement and you decide for Heaven.

To return to an idea from yesterday, this is not about your behavior,
or about changing any part of the illusion. It is not about doing
anything. You are learning to allow correction without experiencing
it as painful. This is another chance to practice this. Yesterday you
practiced relinquishing your need to be in control, and today a
similar process will be useful. Yesterday you visualized opening your
hands and allowing the pages of your Day Timer to gently fly away.
You were left with open and empty hands as you came to Me.

Today allow your hands to open and release the specialness that you
think of as yourself. Think of all the words that you use to describe
yourself. Imagine these self concepts resting on the palms of your
hands and then gently floating away from you. Do not be afraid that
there will be nothing left. These concepts are not who you are. They
are hiding who you are. Not one of them approaches the true glory of
your Self. I will be with you as you do this.

My message to Holy Spirit
I notice that there are some self concepts that I am reluctant to
release. I am willing to see this differently.

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Let Me Remember I am One With God.

Every morning I begin my day with my Daily Lesson. The format I use is from Revs Deb and Paul Phelps book “Illumination Journal” which has been an invaluable tool for me. I have come to love these early morning conversations with the Holy Spirit. I post them on my website: This is one that I found very helpful.

What does this lesson mean to me?
I am truly one with God and this means that I am joyful and peaceful and nothing can change that. It means there is no fear, guilt, pain, loneliness, or death. It is important to note that the lesson says let me remember. I don’t know this is true right now. If I did, I would not need this Course.

In order to remember I am one with God I must look at what I now believe instead and be willing to let it go. I bring the thoughts of anger and other ego thoughts to the truth that I am one with God and allow myself to know the truth. This is the same thing as choosing the Holy Spirit as my teacher instead of the ego.

Jesus lets us know that we are going to have trouble with this lesson but that it is ok. We should not judge how it seems to be going, but just do our part and let Him do His knowing that we will accept what healing we can and the rest will wait for our readiness.

How can I apply this in my life right now?
I have a hard time not judging myself for not doing better. When I do judge myself I am making the ego more real in my mind because I seem to be saying that it is powerful, more powerful than the Holy Spirit. Every time I feel discouraged about failing to meet my expectations I will bring this disappointment to the Holy Spirit and let Him help me see it differently.

My message from Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit, I am getting that feeling of being overwhelmed again. I am working on releasing the idea that I am in control, and allowing you to be in control of every facet of my life rather than choosing where I want you and keeping the rest for myself. Now I am also thinking about how much more practice I need to be aware of errors in my mind that keep me from knowing I am one with God. It all seems like too much and I don’t know where to start.

Start with the fear thoughts in your mind right now. The ego would have you believe this is an impossible task and that you are certain to fail. Would you be willing to release that thought to me?

Yes, but I have to admit that I felt reluctance to do so.

The reluctance is your fear of success. If you give me your thoughts of failure and I correct them, you will be left with the certainty of success. You have been saying for years now that you will one day be free of the ego thought system. It feels safe enough to know that it will happen and it gives you hope. It also guarantees that hope is all you will have because you are keeping it in the future. As long as you keep it ahead of you it is safe; something to look forward to, but nothing you have to worry about because it is never here in the present.

You could wake up from the dream right now, in this instant if that is what you wanted to do. But to do that, you would have to be ok with not existing any more; at least the you that you recognize-the personality, body that you identify with-would no longer exist. This is your goal, and also your greatest fear. This is the source of your reluctance. Look at it without judgment and without fear or guilt. This is the condition of the separated sons.

Holy Spirit, I see what you mean. When you said I could wake up in this very instant, I felt paralyzed. I thought about not seeing my son graduate and missing my grandchildren growing up. I see how attached I am to story of my life. I cannot imagine anything else except as a vague abstract thought.

Yes, Myron, you cannot imagine unending bliss. The closest you have come to happiness is temporary lack of pain.

Holy Spirit, I have to tell you that you are not making me feel any better.

Myron, this may not feel like progress to you, but I assure you that it is important that you look at this. It is important that you recognize your fear of God and that you do so with Me so that you will not be afraid to look. Myron, the truth is, you are not reluctant to wake up; you are terrified to wake up. You are determined not to wake up. You do not believe me when I tell you that God does not want your sacrifice. And it is a great step forward that you are willing to see this is so.

Let me remind you not to judge your progress by your behavior. Do not become discouraged because you do not see a difference in yourself. Nothing that happens in the dream matters. When you see someone else making what seem to be errors, remember that it doesn’t matter. What you see in the dream are just reflections of errors in your mind. The world is useful only in that it helps you become aware of those errors and offers you the opportunity to have them corrected.

Continue to do what you are doing, Myron. Think often of God today and let me remind you of how much He loves you. If you feel discouraged, tell Me and I will dissolve the thought of discouragement with the light of God’s love in your mind. While you do not see yourself as ready to wake up in this moment, you are ready to see that you are resisting your own good. You are very close to being ready. What you do not know for yourself, I know for you. Give me your trust.

My message to Holy Spirit
Thank you so much for giving me Your thoughts this morning.

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A Special Uncaring Relationship

There is a man who comes by my house every so often asking for money. The first time he asked, he gave me a sad story which I took to be part of his scam to get a handout, but he seemed to need the money so I gave him some. Of course he came back. He had another story for me, and each time he showed up I got a different story. Sometimes I was amused by the whole thing, and sometimes I regretted ever giving him anything. I figured it was a lot like feeding a stray dog. After awhile you find the dog has adopted you and you�re stuck with him.

Our relationship started out like this, but it began to change. At some point he had been by so many times that he got curious about me. He asked me what I do. I never know what to say when asked this question. Do they want to know what I do for a living? I am in sales. Or do they want to know what I DO? I do God. I�m a minister and I minister in everything I do, and my weekends are dedicated to ministering. But most people don�t want the long answer so I try to decide which answer they want before I tell them.

I went for the shortest and truest answer with Fred. I told him I am a minister. He was delighted to hear it and started telling me about his struggle with religion. Suddenly, Fred was not the guy who comes around for a handout. He was a real person to me. I looked at him differently and so our relationship began to change. Now when he came by with his story, I listened more carefully. I began to see that he was not making this stuff up. I was getting the story of his life, one problem at a time. And now that he was looking to me as a spiritual link, I was getting more of the details, and not just why he needed financial help.

Around Thanksgiving Fred got an opportunity to work out of town and needed help getting there so I gave him enough money for a bus ticket out of town. He did not intend to come back, but then he had said that before. Still, I found myself wondering about him. Then he showed up again. He got a job here in town but needed enough money to stay to hold him over until payday. He wanted to assure me that he really had prospects and showed me his work voucher.

Each time he came by we had a little spiritual pep talk, but only as he initiated it. I did not want to be the kind of person who gives with strings. I was not going to make him pay for his money by listening to me talk about God. He seemed to want to talk, though, and so we did. I won�t say that I thought of him as a friend, or even that I was glad he came by. In fact, I was never glad to see Fred, but I had started taking him more seriously and I quit worrying about whether he was taking advantage of me and if I should quit encouraging him by giving him money. I just accepted him as part of my life.

Then one night he shows up telling me the next chapter in his life. He desperately needed money, and the reason why is not important. I had spent too much money at Christmas and didn�t have a lot extra, but I gave him some of what I had. I knew it wasn�t enough, and thought briefly that since he needs the money to leave town I should give it to him. Maybe this would be the last time. But, I didn�t do it. He seemed to want to talk about what was happening, but I had my grandkids and did not encourage him.

He asked for a drink of water or a coke and mentioned how bad his feet hurt. Looking at him I thought he really did look exhausted. I gave him a coke and watched him hobble off, obviously in pain. I thought that maybe I should offer him a ride, but I really didn�t want to get any more involved with him than I was. I didn�t want to leave my grand kids either, so I let the moment pass.

That night as I fell asleep I experienced some regret that I had not given Fred a ride. He really had needed it. The next morning, after I had been doing my lesson for the day, I thought about Fred again. I thought about how tired he had been. I thought about his feet hurting him so badly he could hardly walk. I thought about how I could have done so much more to help him. Why didn�t I?

I had a special relationship with Fred. I had never realized it before. I know I have special love relationships with my children. I form special hate relationships from time to time. But Fred didn�t fit into either category. That is why I didn�t recognize it as a special relationship. I had a special uncaring relationship with him. I didn�t care enough about Fred to love him or hate him.

Opening my mind to the Holy Spirit I was able to see clearly for the first time, how I was maintaining a sense of separation by failing to see Fred as a holy Son of God.  Would I have turned a Son of God away from my door if I had recognized him as such? Yes I gave him $20.00, but that was just pay off money. I paid him to go away is what I did. In my mind I saw once again his sadness, and his pain. I saw him as God�s precious child and part of my One Self. I sat and cried.

I cried first out of sorrow for missed opportunities. Then I cried out of shame for my thoughts and my behavior. Some minister I am. Then I cried out of gratitude and relief that I opened my mind and allowed the Holy Spirit to show me a different way to see this. I am grateful to the Holy Spirit for never giving up on me, and I am so full of gratitude to Fred, my �special� teacher.

I gave the Holy Spirit the guilt that the ego wanted to attach to this healing and I am left with joy to be so blessed through this lesson. It is now my intention to look, first, for the Christ in everyone. That is why they are in my life. That is what they are for. I don�t ever want to form another special uncaring relationship.

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On Being Falsely Accused

Someone I know accused me of something I didn?t do. In the ego, being falsely accused brings up so much fear. First, if it is a false accusation there is nothing for me to fix. I can?t make it right. I can try to argue the point, but even the ego knows that too much arguing just makes it more real. ?Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.? So it just sits there, unresolved and seeming to taunt me.

I find it hard to look away, and the more I look the worse I feel. I feel that I have been attacked and since I can find no other way to defend myself, I return the attack. There must be something wrong with this person. If his accusation is so patently false, he must be projecting. He is showing his true colors. He said about me what he really feels about himself. Oh, fool that he is, he just tells the world his secrets when accuses me!

Strangely, though I feel completely justified in my attack, I do not feel better. I do not understand this. It makes perfect sense. I took the high road in not pointing out his error to him. I saw what was really happening. Why don?t I feel better? Why don?t I feel vindicated? Why is his accusation still just sitting there taunting me? And why is my justification sitting beside it?

Now not only do I feel diminished by his attack, I feel guilty because I found my brother wrong. Not voicing my judgment doesn?t lessen the attack as I thought it would. This is all his fault. If he had not made that totally unnecessary and untrue remark, I wouldn?t feel so bad. Oh my gosh! Did I just say that? Did I just give my power to him? Did I just make myself his victim? Cancel, cancel, I take it all back!

Oh lord, this is so confusing. I hate that man. I wish I didn?t know him and had never met him. It just gets worse and worse the more I think about it. OK, Holy Spirit, I need help. How do I get out of this? I hate this conflict. I don?t want conflict in my life. Please help me to unravel this.

?Myron, when you feel diminished it is because you think you can be diminished. You feel that the Son of God can be chipped away a little at a time by stray words flung about carelessly by others. I want to gently remind you that your wholeness is protected by God and has been so protected since your creation. Nothing can be taken from it. You are free, however, to experience yourself as less than if you so choose, but it doesn?t make it true. It is only a thought. You are equally free to change your mind about that thought, and choose to feel your wholeness instead. Then you will be experiencing the truth of who you are.?

?If you choose to experience your wholeness, you will be teaching your brother his wholeness without ever uttering a word. If he does not choose to look at your wholeness now, and he does not choose to experience his wholeness now, it does not matter. The gift was given and will wait for him. All gifts given through Me are given to all, and so the truth about you has been reinforced. As you continue to use all of the circumstances in your story to practice this, the truth will become more real to you than the ego stories you have written.?

?Holy Spirit, this feels so good. I feel much lighter and freer without the conflict. I don?t understand how I could have been so confused. It is really very simple. But what I have seen is that I am easily tempted back into the drama of the ego. Sometimes I hold onto the drama for a long time before I become willing to let it go. I feel very guilty about this, and a little scared, too. I feel that I can?t trust myself not to self-destruct. What if I get so far into the drama I can?t find my way out? What if I refuse to see the truth??

?Holy child of God, you are completely untouched by the play of your mind. You can only pretend to be hurt. Play all you want for as long as you like. Pain is self-limiting. You will always stop when the pain becomes unbearable. You have already spent too much time in joy to tolerate much pain, and now you stop yourself soon after you have begun. Continue to come to me with your errant thoughts and I will correct them for you. I will not hold your ?evil? deeds against you because God does not. You need not hold anything against yourself either.?

?There is nothing to be afraid of, precious one. If you become afraid of what you make with your thoughts, invite Me to join you in the experience. This is the same as exposing them to the light and the light will dispel the darkness of your thoughts. Do not be discouraged that you must repeat the process. That is what the world is for, to give you many opportunities to practice moving from darkness to light so that, slowly, you may become accustomed to the light, and learn that it is really the light you want.?

?Thank you, Holy Spirit.?


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You can only see within another that which you see in your self. This holds true for what you see in God. If you see an angry, vengeful God, then it is because there is anger and a desire for vengeance within you. There is a phrase from the bible that says ??vengeance is mine, saith the Lord.? When you hear those words, does some person come to mind? Do you see a picture of the one who wronged you? Do you get a little thrill of righteous indignation, and just punishment when you think of God avenging you?

I have experienced this. It is not something I am interested in now, but in the past, I certainly have seen a God of vengeance and was elated in the thought that all these sinners were going to get theirs. They weren?t going to get away with anything. Some were obvious sinners; the Hitlers, the Ben Ladens, the murderers of the world. Others were on my own personal hit list. The ones who insulted me, hurt my feelings, got the job I wanted, the man I wanted, offended me in any way. And I saw God as my own personal hit-man. They were wrong, and they were going to pay for it.

Does it sound funny to think of it that way? Think about your own life. Has someone sinned against you? Has someone been unfair, or hurt someone you love? Do you see them suffering for their sin? Do you feel that it is unfair that they should get away with this, and do you see the scales of justice being balanced by God? God as hit-man, making the wrong-doers suffer for their sins, and we get to make a list for him to consider. Good grief, what a vision of God!

I decided that vengeance is truly God?s and so I gave it to Him. He thanked me for my gift of trust that He knew what to do with vengeance, and then He taught me to love instead. I began to see my brother differently. For instance, instead of seeing an ex-husband as the cause of my distress, I saw him as my dear brother in Christ. Instead of seeing him as a selfish, self-centered person intent on ruining my life, I saw his inner wounded child begging to be loved.

When I gave my thoughts of vengeance to God, He gave me the gift of vision. I gave Him my thoughts of being attacked by others, and He showed me their true self. I gave Him my fear of being attacked and He showed me the love and support I receive from many every day of my life. I gave Him my rage against those who threaten me, and He gave me the peace of God.

I am not entirely free of the need for vengeance, though I am not so overt in my attacks as I used to be. Now it is more subtle. I have learned to cover my attack with softer words. Someone says something harsh to me, and I think to myself, ?They just don?t know any better.? That is an attack and attack calls for vengeance. I tell myself that I am not angry. I understand. In truth, if I see this person as less than me, I have attacked him.

I say instead, ?Ok, he hurt me, but I will forgive him.? This is an attack. If I see my brother as wrong, I have attacked him. I have, in my mind at least, lowered this person from the perfection in which he was created, and made him less. That is an attack. This is a vengeful act.

It may seem to you that as long as you keep your dark secret to yourself, then it hurts no one, but this is not at all true. Our minds are connected. We can feel from another what remains unsaid. We may not be conscious of the details, but we feel the judgment, and the lack of love.

Another thing that happens is that when we see another as less than, we see ourselves that way. Just as I cannot see in another what I don?t see in myself, I make true for myself what I believe about another. In our deepest hearts, we know that we are connected in a way that we don?t see with our eyes. When we believe that someone is awful, we have opened the possibility of awfulness in ourselves.

As we teach, we learn. This is the reason I have become vigilant of my thoughts. I want for my brother only what I want for myself. I will not believe about you anything I would not embrace fully as my own. And, it is not necessary that I believe evil of anyone.

When I look at what they do, it may seem to be very compelling evidence that my brother is wrong, but in our creation God called us good, and what proves God wrong must be a lie. I have done many things in my life I am not proud of, but I don?t condemn myself for them. I made errors, but I accept God?s judgment of me. He judged me good, and God does not change his mind. If I act less than good, that is just an error and easily undone. I am still good.

This is the way I look at my brother. He may do things that are not good, but that does not change creation. He has simply made errors. When I find myself in judgment, which Jesus was very adamant that I am not qualified to do, I ask the Holy Spirit to correct my thinking about this.

All judgment, even the most benign, is attack, and all attack is a form of vengeance. I am, in effect, saying that I judge you as falling short, and I condemn you for it. Who am I to judge a child of God? To judge God?s creation, is to judge God as a creator. Now, not only have I made of God a vengeful God, but I have made of Him a faulty Creator. I have seen in my brother faults, and so I see in myself the potential for faults, and what I see in myself, I see in God. I have now created God in my own image.

To put God back on His throne, and to see Him as Love, which He is, I must experience correction of my thinking. Correction must come from the Holy Spirit. Left to myself, I am going to be blinded by what my eyes seem to tell me. I will see only everyone?s mistakes, and will attempt to forgive through the ego, which will only compound the error. I will try to change my behavior, try to act like I believe the best of them, or that I do not hold their evil deeds against them. This will not work. True healing comes only from the Holy Spirit, through my willingness to be corrected.

It can be amazingly hard to give up my judgments, my attacks, my vengeance. They bring me nothing but unhappiness, and yet I cling to them as if they were salvation itself. And that is the cause of my reluctance. I do believe that through judgment and attack, my vengeance saves me. I believe that if I truly forgave, if I really believed that my brother is completely innocent of any wrong doing, I would be stripped of my armor.

Where is my protection then? If my brother acts badly, and I don?t acknowledge his sin, then am I somehow open to harm? And if I recognize his sin, and condemn him for it, am I somehow protected from that sin? Or perhaps I feel the need to use my brother as the screen where I project my own sins. If my brother is innocent, does that leave only me to carry the guilt?

This is only the ego?s insane and convoluted thinking. In truth, I am completely innocent. You are completely innocent. This is God?s judgment of us, and it will not change. You, precious child of a most perfect and holy God, cannot be wrong. No matter what you do, you have the promise of God?s absolute and total love, because God is Love. Love can only be itself; it cannot be anything else. It cannot be condemnation, or vengeance.

Because I am created in the image of God, I can be only love. I am free to imagine I am something else and to act out my imagination. But my creation is held untouched and protected by my creator, and my imagination may cause me untold misery, but it does not change me. Because I am tired of playing like I am less than God created me, and am tired of the pain this brings me, I am vigilant for the truth. I may have some resistance to releasing judgment, but I will eventually do so because I trust God to offer me something better.

Vengeance is truly God?s. Give it to Him. He knows what to do with it. If only you release those thoughts to Him He will transform them. He will not wrest them from you, or in anyway coerce you into giving them up. His love for you and His faith in you is great. You are free to live in any way you please. If you want the dark and depressing life of a vengeful and angry person, God will allow you to have that. But always He stands ready to take it from you and give you, instead, a life of light and joy.

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Spiritual Counselor Training — based on principles of A Course in Miracles, including ordination. More….

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Listen & Receive 30-Day Home Study Listen & Receive 30-Day Home Study Learn to receive insight for your life in a form that is perfect for you …heal fears, find joy & peace. Learn more.

Hey, Holy Spirit, It's Me Again by Rev. Myron Jones. An indispensible guide for anyone on the path of ACIM with insights on the 1st 90 lessons. More…

True Forgiveness True Forgiveness by Rev. Jennifer McSween. The Proven Path from Pain to Power and personal happiness in 5 Simple Steps. Learn more.

From the Christ Mind From the Christ Mind scribed by Darrell Morley Price. A simple, yet profound message that you can immediately apply to current circumstances. More….

Eternal Life and A Course in Miracles Eternal Life and A Course in Miracles by Jon Mundy, Phd. A Path to Eternity in the Essential Text. Sale, 32% discount. Learn more.

Forgiving KevinForgiving Kevin Audio book by Rev. Larry Glenz. A moving and inspiring true story of a father/son relationship that withstood seven years of addiction, recovery, and relapse. More….

Healing Family RelationshipsHealing Family Relationships Applying the Principles of A Course in Miracles 6 CD audio book by Rev. Myron Jones. Learn how family relationships offer fertile grounds for forgiveness and healing your judgments of the world. More.