Miracles News

January-March, 2025

Butterfly Wings

by Rev. Deb Fee, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

We had another powerful reading today on the Sunday call. As always, the message for me was timely and perfect. Chapter 8, Section VIII in the ACIM text is The Body as Means or End.

The sharing in the group was powerful and I was reminded of the real purpose of the body. It is a communication device. We are often told this in the Course. I have often interpreted that to mean that I am to share the teachings of the Course when I have the opportunity. However, I am also prone to defining what that opportunity should be in my experience. Specifically, to use my voice to share the principles and Truth of what I experience as A Course in Miracles. Also, to demonstrate a mindfulness of peace and joy amid the chaos of daily living. Today, I was able to see beyond this limited view.

In my physical journey, I have often reacted to body illness or disease as a lesson to be learned. What is this teaching me? What am I doing wrong for this to happen? Is this another wake up call to focus more on my mind healing? Is good health the reward for living “right?”

And what about disease? Does the seriousness of it speak to the magnitude of the lesson I need to learn? Is it all about ME? So today I took a step back. The body is a tool. It is not a punishment or a measuring device for my spiritual progress. It is a tool. What am I doing with it?

As I have been going to medical appointments for my body, I am always given the opportunity to choose peace in a potentially “serious” situation of diagnosis and prognosis. All about me. But what if it isn’t? There are no “big hairy deals” to the Holy Spirit about our lives in this illusion.

I am not a body. So I make the effort to remove my identification with the Deb body going through this experience and take a look at what other opportunities are being presented. They all involve my interaction with other people.

At every appointment or test I am communicating with someone. I make it a priority to be in gratitude and express that gratitude and appreciation to each person. It comes from the sincerity in my heart and it is not possible to be in gratitude and fear at the same time, so I am always receiving a blessing in that sharing. I do not know what anything is for.

It is really none of my business WHY I am in the position to have a medical condition requiring testing or care. Holy Spirit is in charge. I do know that the reaction I get from these angels in the medical profession is often one of surprise or is at least unexpected, given the circumstances.

One technician in particular seemed to be having a pretty bad day. I waited for her to return before leaving at the end of my appointment so I could thank her before I left. When I told her I really appreciated all of her help she said she “needed to hear that today.” So I said for her to remember that Deb says you are AWESOME and that it is the truth!

Every interaction I have in this physical world has reverberations that go far beyond the moment in which they occur.

There is a chaos theory called “the butterfly effect” that is simply stated as the flapping of a butterfly’s wings in one part of the world can change the air around it so that the result several weeks later could be a hurricane in another part of the world.

Something so seemingly small and insignificant would ultimately create a change in the landscape of the world.

So, what effect do my words of appreciation have on another person? What if that moment on that day really changed something for them? I do not know. I do not need to know.

But it is quite a shift in perspective to think that instead of illness being a lesson for me to learn something, it could be that exact communication opportunity to flap my butterfly wings in the life of my fellow traveler in this experience.

Rev. Deb Fee is a Pathways of Light minister living in Greeley, Colorado. Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Phone: 970-685-9391.

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